After the opening ceremony in the morning, the theoretical exam will be in the afternoon, the actual combat assessment and ordnance equipment assessment will be tomorrow, and the team assessment will begin on the third day.

Thanks to Polusalino, his "speaking a few sentences" created more time for the recruits to cram, even if it was one-on-one teaching, and Skyler, who had been approved by Tsuru and Gion, was also hurrying Time to read books and notes.

Skyler knows very well that you think you have learned, but you don’t really learn. After all, you just store knowledge in your brain.

The brain is the most trustworthy organ of a person, and at the same time the organ that should be guarded against the most. When you are in a desperate situation, it will help you turn the tables, but when you feel that everything is in your hands, it may turn against you.

For example, you think you have learned a certain knowledge or a certain skill, but when you want to use it, you may suddenly lose your memory.

Therefore, even though the "past" has learned and remembered this knowledge, Schuyler is still hurrying up and doing the final review.

The theory exam for naval training camp was different from what Skyler remembered. A normal examination is to extract some questions from a course and organize them into examination papers.

But the naval theory test is different. He made all the knowledge in the book into questions, and there is no key content. After all, those knowledge may be related to life and death.

However, in order to solve the problem of time, most of the theoretical exams are multiple-choice questions or judgment questions, and there is no need to answer complicated answers. As long as you know how to answer, you can answer quickly.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Skyler sat in the examination room and got the test paper. It was really a roll, spread out, and stacked one by one, which was half a finger thick.

Skyler looked up at the time. The countdown to 04:00:00 hadn't started yet, and the navy invigilator also looked at the recruits, paying attention to whether they answered in advance.

Skyler's test experience is richer than those of the recruits present here and even the invigilator of the navy. Although he can't answer the questions before the time has started, he can still read the questions.

Skyler kept scanning these questions like sorting out the test papers, answering quickly in his mind.

"Ding Ling Ling Ling~"

The moment the bell rang, Skyler's eyes froze, and the pen in his hand was drawn out of its sheath like a knife. Without any fancy extra movements, he filled in his name and navy number, and Skyler quickly answered.

Under the stunned gaze of the invigilating navy, Skyler's hands fluttered rapidly on the test paper, as if he didn't even need to look at the questions to fill in the answers.

One page...two pages, three pages, and five or six pages later, Skyler's speed slowed down. After all, the little preparation time just now was only enough for her to read so much.

But even if the normal speed is restored, Skyler's answering speed is more than faster than other recruits who even guessed.

Gion's one-on-one teaching made Skyler unable to paddle. She has learned all the knowledge points. As long as her brain can live up to her, then the theory test for Skyler is like re-studying the question bank after the subject. .

Filling out the answer in her hand, her eyes and thoughts had already drifted to the next question. In an hour, she had already answered more than half of it.

That was nearly 2,000 questions, almost at the speed of finding the answer at a glance. Others were still reading the questions, and Skyler had already completed the answers.

The first half is full of judgment questions. As long as you have the exact answer in your mind, you don't need to think at all. At most, you can stand on the standpoint of "justice" and know right from wrong.

The second half is multiple-choice questions, and the different options have created many traps, many of which are still the kind of questions that stick to words.

When Skyler answered, his lips kept touching, and he answered while silently reciting the contents of the book.

With one and a half hours left in the countdown, all the multiple-choice questions had been finished, Skyler put down his pen and moved his fingers a little.

The amount of writing is not much, but holding the pen for a long time makes her fingers feel a little uncomfortable, and she needs to let the blood circulate fully.

At the same time, she also looked at the last essay question. If the previous questions were about mastering textbook knowledge, then the last essay question was about understanding and thinking about knowledge.

However, knowledge can only allow you to get a passing grade. Essay questions require your own arguments and evidence. On the premise that the general direction is correct, brilliant arguments and descriptions can get you a high score for this question.

Skyler looked at the topic, and the content of the topic can be summed up as "When a ruined country is taken over by pirates and becomes prosperous, what would you do as a navy?"

After reading the questions, Skyler also felt a little emotional. This kind of topic, that is, talks within the Navy Headquarters, will definitely not be discussed publicly.

This question is difficult to answer, not only on the subject matter, but also on the organization of the text. Simply put, if that sentence or even that word expresses the recognition of pirates, it is an unqualified answer.

As for the question itself, Skyler thought about it for a while, and she decided to use her ass to determine her head. She didn't want to surprise the world's opinions. After all, she also understood that her little political IQ didn't work at all over the past year.

Then keep it simple and rude, and keep the high score. As for the full score, Skyler doesn't care about things that he hasn't gotten since elementary school.

Based on Alabasta and Dressrosa in her memory, Skyler talked about conspiracy theories from the perspective that pirates are "evil".

Defining the "prosperity" in the material as "whitewashing", the pen tip stops and stops on the paper, Skyler carefully thinks about every word, not seeking merit but seeking no fault.

Half an hour later, when there were only two or three lines left on the paper, and the entire volume was not filled, I read it through myself, and put away the pen only after making sure that there were no typos or wrong words.

There was an hour left, and after simply reviewing the previous questions twice, there were only a few minutes left.

Skyler looked at the recruits around him out of the corner of his eye, and found that most of them still looked solemn, and some of them were still scratching their heads, and their pens hadn't been put down yet, obviously they hadn't finished answering.

A smile appeared on Skyler's face. According to the probability, she was at least in the top ranks. After all, she had completed the answers. Those judgment questions and multiple-choice questions were almost impossible to make mistakes unless they read the questions carelessly.

When you are in a good mood, the flow of time will also speed up unconsciously. Before Skyler even finished admiring himself, the bell rang again.

Although the recruits around were very unwilling, they still put down their pens.

The invigilator put away the test papers, and after emphasizing the matter of the ordnance assessment tomorrow morning, he pushed the hilly test papers away with a small cart.

Skyler, who was originally in a good mood, also restrained his smile after hearing the news of the ordnance assessment.

That may be her weakest part. After all, Skyler has been practicing swordsmanship, physical skills, and domineering for nearly a year.

There is almost no knowledge about the guns and ships of the ordnance. At most, it can be judged what type of ordnance it is, and it has never been really touched.

Gion can only teach her theoretical knowledge, and there is no way for Skyler to learn the use of guns, cannons and ships and warships out of thin air.

"Forget it, let's take a partial course, it shouldn't be difficult to get a pass."

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