The Beautiful Swordsman Came with a Barbecue

Chapter 55 Leader: Let me just say a few words

"Next, I invite Vice Admiral Polusalino to take the stage!"

Two days later, the assessment ushered in the opening ceremony. Following the presiding by a school officer, the naval recruits in the two phalanxes applauded in unison, welcoming Polusalino with applause.

Although they belonged to two phalanxes and the seating arrangements were clearly distinct, the naval recruits in the Sakalski phalanx did not show any hostility.

After all, the competition between the two phalanxes is a matter between the two phalanxes, and the commander of the phalanx is still a lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters worthy of their respect.

With the sound of applause, Polusalino's video began to play on the huge curtain. Skyler didn't feel any excitement watching the video clips edited by himself.

She just felt embarrassed, even the applause and cheers around proved that she actually edited it pretty well.

But it's like when others praise my singing voice, but when I listen to it, I always feel that what I sing is called? Why does this voice sound so strange?

The video is not long, just to show Polusalino's "heroic posture". After the video is played, according to the pre-design, Polusalino should appear on the stage at this time.

It's just one second. The two-second video freezes on the last frame, but Polusalino hasn't appeared yet, which makes Skyler a little strange.

Not only Skyler, but also some discussions began to sound around, especially Skyler's own phalanx. Some people actually speculated whether Polusalino was too lazy to even come to the assessment.

However, Schuyler felt that this was unlikely. After all, if Polusalino hadn't come, he wouldn't have arranged so much work and made so many preparations. If he didn't come, wouldn't his work be in vain?

This is not Polusalino's style at all!

Finally, when the scene was a little restless and the colonel in charge was a little embarrassed, a light appeared in the center of the podium.

The podium is very big. After all, there are 10,000 naval recruits and many navies, so the podium is also very grand.

This ray of light couldn't even attract everyone's attention, after all, everyone in the audience didn't always focus on the stage.

But with the expansion of this ray of light, the gradually dazzling light attracted everyone's attention.

Skyler frowned. The ball of light seemed a little too big, and it had swelled to five or six meters at the moment. Looking at the situation, there was no intention of stopping.

It wasn't until the ball of light rose to a full thirty meters that the progress of its expansion suddenly dropped, and then stopped.

In the next second, the ball of light shrank, revealing the figure inside, which may not be called a figure, after all, it is also formed by the gathering of light.

With a golden body and a golden coat, it was like a glorious sun, like the sun god descending, but that golden face was extraordinarily obscene.

Seeing this scene, Skyler rubbed her forehead, and she suddenly thought of a possibility, that is the Giant of Light that she inadvertently mentioned the night before.

In front of Skyler, in the first row, the row where the marshals, generals, and important naval officers sit, the eyes of several people gradually shifted.

Kong, Zefa, Karp, and He cast their eyes on the unnatural Sengoku, who was also very confused. Could it be that his fruit also has a sister called a big wretched person?

At this time, the podium finally stopped changing, and the half body of the Vice Admiral Polusalino appeared on it in a way of condensing light, smiling obscenely, and reaching out his hand to say hello.

The freeze of this scene made all the people in Skyler's phalanx fall into silence. This is their chief. It's really frustrating. It's hard to keep your eyes open~

On the other hand, the recruits of the Naval Academy in the Sakalski phalanx, who originally had a heart of reverence for Polusalino, couldn't help but laughed at this time, after all, they were not their officers.

"Yo~hey~ It looks like everyone welcomes me~"

A voice came, and Polusalino slowly walked out of the giant of light. He was skinless and shameless, and he directly regarded the laughter as a welcome to himself.

"Then let me just say a few words~"

The opening remark was exactly the same as that of Sakalski just now, but... there was no power at all. Skyler lowered his head, unable to bear to look at his chief.


Polusalino cleared his throat and said, "The annual recruit assessment is here, so I'll just say two things."

Polusalino licked his lips, smiled, and said, "The first point is to be safe~

The second point is to strive for good results, thank you everyone~"

After finishing speaking, Polusalino and the giant of light behind him disappeared, and the next moment, Sakaski, who was almost crying from laughing, found that there was an extra person in the empty seat beside him.

His laughter stopped abruptly, and the sound of the entire venue also stopped abruptly.

"Two points are two points. As expected of you, Polusalino."

Drago on the other side of Polusalino also sighed bitterly.

Drago thought that when Kong, Sengoku, Zefa, and Sakaski came to power just now, they also said "I will say a few words", and then they talked for dozens of minutes.

Even Sakalski said, "I'm just emphasizing one point," and then yelled around this point for nearly twenty minutes.

As for Polusalino, it took less than one minute from his appearance to the opening speech-the beginning of the speech-the end of the speech, which was not as long as the special effects of the Giant of Light that he had.

Polusalino showed a wicked smile and said, "Marshal Kong said, isn't it just right for me to be on stage for at least three minutes?"


Kong coughed, and there were only three seats between the two of them. He could hear what Polusalino said clearly.

But it is not good for him to say anything about Polusalino at this time. First, the scene is inappropriate, and second, he did say that Polusalino should be on stage for at least three minutes.

On the stage, the colonel was completely stupid. When Polusalino stepped off the stage, he was stunned for a few seconds before he realized that it would be absolutely cool to mess with the host world with his on-the-spot reflexes.

But fortunately, in the Navy, he opened his mouth to speak for Polusalino. Words such as "short as an order" and "military efficiency" spit out from his mouth, and then announced the end of the opening ceremony.

At the end of the opening ceremony, the navy recruits began to leave the arena. Garp asked in a daze, "When can I beat them?"

Karp's voice was so loud that many navy recruits heard it. Sengoku, who was sitting next to him, directly pushed him to the ground, and then waved awkwardly at the future of the navy, showing a smile of "I am optimistic about you" .

But for some reason, after hearing Karp's words and seeing Sengoku's smile, these navy recruits couldn't help but tremble.

"It seems that this assessment is not that simple!"

This was their heartfelt voice, but Skyler, who had already learned from Polusalino that he was going to accept the actual combat assessment of the Warring States Period, had a calm face at this moment.

It's not quite accurate to say it's calm, it should be said to be a pool of stagnant water.

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