After bathing, before going to bed, Woolley went to Helen's room to sit for a while as usual, chatting, and being intimate, but every time it was to the point, after all, he had made a promise to Helen, and before he became Helen's hero, Woolley was not willing to do those things that were in vain.

"You surprised me, I thought you weren't good at fighting, you know, before, in the academy, you had some bad rumors. Helen said with a smile.

"You said it was a rumor, and it was deliberately slandered by people who were dissatisfied with me, and I never took it to heart. Woolley snorted.

"I blame me today, if I don't go to the center square to ride a bicycle, I won't get you into a predicament. Helen said, and her face suddenly became a little bad.

Woolley smiled and shook his head: "You, you, don't want to think about it, who am I, can I watch you being surrounded and harassed by them?"

"However, the other party's background is too ......" Helen bit her lip and didn't say anything further.

"And how did you fall in love with me in the first place?" Woolley quipped.

Helen pushed away Woolley's outstretched hand: "Don't make a fuss, put this matter aside, I still have to copy notes for you tonight."

"Yes, I almost forgot, so, kiss one, I'll go back to my room and rest peacefully, otherwise, my body is sore, maybe I have to ask Hippo and El to massage to be comfortable." Woolly said with a smile.

"Then you're not going to hurry up?" Helen pouted, suddenly wrapping her arms around Woolley's neck.

"You're actually playing stealing ......," Woolley had barely said half of his words when his lips were gagged ......

The next day, the first day of school.

Early in the morning, Woolley arranged for a carriage to take Helen, Nightblade Dance, and their luggage to the Assyrian Civic College, and he himself got into Foss's carriage and went in the opposite direction.

Although Rini didn't help with the fabric, Woolley knew that his teacher really didn't have anything to say to him, and the book he lent out yesterday recorded many of the top five families in Assyria, from the structure of the family's descendants, the personality traits of the main members, their merits and demerits, and the secrets of personal relationships.

Lini's leather book will not only record this, in fact, the content of the five major families only occupies a small space, the content of the Assyrian army, generals, and defense accounts for most of it, and a small part is the top three officials of each city-state, judging from the recorded situation, every year or so, Lini will revise and add it, fortunately, the classification is still good, otherwise Helen will have to spend more energy if she wants to copy the whole five families last night.

According to the records in the leather book, the Duncan family became the first family of Assyria fifteen or six years ago, and in that year, Qiyuan Duncan replaced his predecessor and became the chief of the Senate.

But it's not just the Duncan family that's hot, it's a reason why the Duncan family can't befriend all the big Assyrian families, for example, the Duncan's family is very bad with the second-ranked Gerald family.

What Woolley was looking for now was Leyter, the other big man in Assyria, who was two years older than Khufu.

Virtuously speaking, Wright is less powerful than Khufu, the same absurdity, the same penchant for drinking, the same moodiness, and the reason why he can attract Woolley's attention is that in Rinney's leather notebook, two things related to Wright are recorded.

In the first case, Wright bought a hundred slaves at once, and after granting them freedom, he gave each of them two gold coins for the passage and a bag of food, and then personally oversaw the horseback and "drove" the hundred Hulites out of the Assyrian land.

Rini made a special note about this - the 100 slaves were all descendants of Hurlett prisoners of war, including nearly 40 children, and none of them were left to starve, starve, or abused during the time they regained their freedom and returned to the Hurlett border.

The second happened last spring, when Wright went to Duncan's house single-handedly to make a fuss because he was jealous of Khufu, and after beating Khufu, he retreated.

The first shows that Wright has his good side, and the second thing not only confirms Wright's audacity, but also corroborates the rumors that the Duncan family is unwilling to provoke the Gerald family.

There was only one reason why he didn't want to provoke, and before the High Priest changed his name to St. Lean, his full name was Leyan Gerard - he was the younger brother of Wright's grandfather.

Assyria's three powers are separated, although the chief of the Senate is powerful, but in terms of status, it can be compared with the chief of the Grand Priest and the Supreme Council of Nobles, in these three positions, the Grand Priest vaguely overwhelms the other two, if it were not for the Gerald family and no other figures, the name of the first Assyrian family would not fall on the head of the Duncan family.

It wasn't hard to find Wright, and during this time, he was either at home or in the backyard of the most luxurious tavern in Assyrian City, sleeping with a tender and lovely girl in his arms - these were what Nightblade Dance told Woolley, collecting these miscellaneous materials, but Nightblade Dance was a hobby.

Woolley plans to go straight to the tavern, as Nightblade Dance says that Wright spends most of the year in the tavern called the Golden Cup, which is Wright's private property, and the only way to stay here is to avoid being talked about by his father or grandfather.

The car was in the wind, and while Helen and Nightblade Dance's carriage were still visible only from the walls of the Civic College, Woolley had stopped in front of the Golden Cup Tavern, and then jumped off.

After a short moment, Woolley saw Wright's unruly eyes, and, of course, his disgust and impatience.

"Are you here to die?" Wright asked, glancing at Woolley.

Woolley smiled faintly, and asked instead of answering: "The Golden Cup Tavern is a first-class tavern in Assyria, but that's all there is to it at the moment, if I say that I have a way to make its business five times better, and at the same time, it can also make those who are at odds with you greedy but helpless, do you

believe it?" "I don't believe it. Wright replied dryly.

"After being under the protection of the Grand Priest of St. Leon for a long time, he is really short-sighted and timid. Woolley shook his head and sighed pretentiously.

A little anger in Wright's heart immediately ignited, and a cold light appeared in Woolley's eyes, and he said word by word: "Boy, you are really here to find death." "

Yesterday, I beat eleven of his friends in front of Khufu and beat them all down. Woolley said calmly, "I plan to find a time in the next few days to beat him up in front of his eleven friends."

Wright was stunned, and a smile slowly appeared on his face: "I heard about yesterday's incident, it turned out that you did it

, you came to me, do you want me to support you?" "Support? Oh, no, in my opinion, you don't have the confidence to support me." Woolley shrugged, "I only came to you because I heard that you beat Khufu, and it just so happens that you opened another tavern, and you just happened to use some of my secret wine recipes, so I really want to support it, I think the Hughman family may be more reliable, I happen to know the Hughman family's Eddie and Quake, and I studied with them in the Civic Academy." "

The Xiuman family?" a hint of contempt appeared at the corner of Wright's mouth, "You want them to support you?" are you dreaming, the Xiuman family is old, where can the new generation of the Xiuman family you said have the courage and ability to fight against Khufu.

Woolley smiled: "It seems that I didn't come here in vain, you are indeed the first person in the new generation of Assyria City, bold enough, but a little less heroic."

Wright frowned and ......


In the afternoon, Woolley walked into the dormitory with a relaxed face, and seeing him like this, Guru, who was arranging his clothes, stopped with a smile and asked, "How is it going?"

"Waiting to count the money." "Also, wait to see the play."

"I haven't heard back from my side yet, but I think there should be no problem. Gruul smiled.

Wu Lai nodded, reached out and patted Gruul on the shoulder, and asked, "Gruul, with you, I am so worry-free, I almost forgot that your sister was also in the Green Building."

"I can't help you with Lori's business, if it's possible, I really like you to be my brother-in-law." Gruul said very seriously, "My sister, except for being a little rude, is a good housekeeper, with such internal help, you can save too much worry."

"No matter what the future holds, we are both brothers. Woolley thought it was better to remind the Gruul that although there was usually no shortage of women among the heads of the families in the Assyrian realm, there could only be one wife on the surface.

"If you say that, Lori probably has no hope at all. Guru said half-jokingly, half-seriously.

"Gruul, my good brother, can we not talk about this? You know, I'm annoyed right now, that Khufu might come in at some point, he's Duncan's house. Woolley pretended to sigh and said, ......

While Woolley and Gruul were laughing and laughing, in another dormitory of the Academy, Eddie, Quake, Boti, and Gokuredon were chatting with each other.

"Messing with Khufu, Woolleglindo is almost gone. Quake added with a smile after talking about yesterday's experience.

"I can't tell, Khufu is greedy for money, and I've heard that Woolley is very wealthy, maybe he's willing to spend money to eliminate disasters?" said Eddie, pouting.

"No way. Quake smiled and waved his hand, "Yesterday I reminded Khufu that Helen is the first beauty of the Assyrian Civic Academy, and it is hard to find money. "

Helen Quake, do you mean Helen Angelina, who rarely shows up?" Guku on the side couldn't help but interject.

"Yes, that's her. Bo Ti looked proud, "Although Helen is indeed a beauty, but the family is gone, it is an empty shell, I also heard that the tuition fees are made up by selling the old house, it is estimated that I found Wu Lai because of money, and Wu Lai still treats her as a baby, and her head must be kicked by a horse." "

I can't say that, Vice Dean Rini takes care of her, maybe, maybe, ......" Gu Ku suddenly sighed.

Eddie glared at him with disdain: "Guku, you must be fascinated by that Helen, look at your little talent." "

It's far away, I'm talking about Woolley, wait, Khufu will come to find Woolley's bad luck in the next few days." Quake said with a grin, "Woolley Green is afraid that he will have a great deal of suffering, he can't fight, Khufu said, to call all his father's honor guards, good boys, that's a full sixty-four armor soldiers." "

But they won't be able to get in?" Woolley won't be able to go out when the time comes, what can Khufu do?" asked Boti, stunned.

"You're so stupid, the honor guard armor can enter and exit the Civic Academy. Eddie glanced at Boti and said, "The honor guard of the commander of the First Legion is actually General Kui Huo's private soldier, in addition to serving as the honor guard, he is also responsible for executions, so it seems that Khufu really wants to make a big fuss."

Quake nodded in agreement: "Of course, Woolleglindo can offend Khufu this time."

"A hillbilly from Seneca, he's really out of his own power, this matter must be kept secret, if this guy knows, maybe he will run away, how boring it is." Edigeg smiled and said.

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