Don't say that he was stunned, the people around him who were squirming and watching were a little confused, and said that this young man was afraid that he had eaten the bear's heart and leopard's gall.

"Do you say it again?!" Khufu was furious, the other party was a slap in the face in public, and it was the kind of slap that made a crackle.

"Looks like you chose to get beaten?" Woolley asked rhetorically.

"You know my father......" Khufu laughed angrily, and was about to report to his house when he was interrupted again.

"Are you scared?" asked Woolley.

"How could I be afraid of you?" Khufu replied smoothly.

"Okay, let's talk about it, do you choose to get beaten alone, or do you want to take your group of fox friends and dogs with you?" asked Woolley with a slight smile.

"Woolley. Helen's tone was implicitly worried.

"It's fine. Woolley turned around and smiled at Helen, "I'm measured. "

We are good brothers with Khufu, and beating people is always together!" exclaimed a certain gentleman.

Woolly glanced at him: "Okay, I'll take special care of you later, you wait for me." "

Stop talking nonsense, let's get started. Khufu rolled up his sleeves.

"Woolley, count me in. Nightblade Dance said.

"Fighting is a man's business, and it has nothing to do with you. Woolley laughed and said, "Stay put."

Nightblade Dance was stunned for a moment, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and she involuntarily bit her lower lip.

Woolly Greendo is really domineering...... Nightblade said in her heart.

"Come on, come on!" The crowd didn't say much, they rubbed their fists and sharpened their palms, eager to try, more than a dozen to fight one, no matter how you look at it, it is a 100% winning rate.

"Let's fight here, change places, go over there, and if you dare, come along." Woolley waved his sleeves, ignored the ticket, and walked to the southwest corner of the square, where there was an open hall, which was more than enough to accommodate dozens of people.

"Let's go, beat him all over the ground in a moment!" Hufu waved his arm and followed behind Woolley.

The people who watched the excitement hurriedly followed in a swarm.

Helen was in a hurry, and was about to move, but the handlebar was already pulled, and when she looked at it, it was actually Lori.

"Don't go to join in the fun, if you want to save trouble for Woolly, you two will go back with me. Lori said very seriously, seeing Helen and Nightblade Dance hesitating, she quickly added, "This is what Woolley said." "

Well, then. Helen hesitated again and nodded.

Lori dragged Helen and Nightblade Dance out of the central square at a trot, and helped Helen hang the bicycle behind the carriage driven by her and Woolley, and then got into the car with the second daughter, shook the reins, and ran to the Green Building.

"Stop, I can't leave Woolley alone. A few steps into the car, Helen said urgently.

"I'd better go. Nightblade said in a consultative tone.

Lori Gege smiled and said, "You two underestimate Woolly too much, just those few people will not be his opponents." "

Really?" Helen and Nightblade looked at each other, they had never heard of Woolley fighting, and they had never seen this guy work out once.

"Don't worry, you two can't help anyway, the possibility of causing chaos is quite high, do you know who the other party is?" Lori glanced at the two, "Khufu, the biological son of the commander of the First Legion, and the grandson of the chief of the Senate." "

The Duncan family?!" Helen frowned, hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "Then why didn't you tell Woolley?"

Lori shrugged, "It's not because of Sister Helen, Sister Nightblade, incidentally." "

Then you should stop him, can the Duncan family be provoked by Woolley?" Helen couldn't help but grumble.

Lori glanced at Helen a few times, with an expression of why would you think so, and said: "Who is Woolley? He said that if he can handle it well, then he can naturally handle it, why are you worried about so much? Don't you know Woolley?


over a third of the way back to the Green Building, Woolley's fight was over.

Seeing the fox friends lying on the ground humming around him, the unscathed Khufu looked at the crowd crowded in the front and back doors of the open hall and looked at Woolley, who was arranging his hair

, and asked, "You, you, do you know who I am?" "Who do I care who you are?" Woolley glanced at him, put his sleeves down, and

asked rhetorically, "Do you know who I am?" "I don't know, who are you?" Khufu subconsciously asked rhetorically.

Wu Lai laughed, walked up to Khufu and patted him on the shoulder: "You are a bastard, when your friends were beaten up just now, you were almost scared to pee, don't you know who I am? If you don't know, you don't know, you don't deserve to know anyway."

Khufu was stunned, and before he could come to his senses, Woolley had already squeezed out the door and walked away.

"Who the hell are you?" Khuffle shouted at the door where Woolley was leaving, which naturally drew a burst of laughter.

Hmph, idiot, Duncan's family raised such a bag, I'm afraid there will be no successor soon. Woolley thought as he walked briskly out of the central plaza. Just now he and Lori just walked into the central square and saw a large group of people around, originally thought everyone was greedy for bicycles, ran closer to see, it was actually Helen and Nightblade Dance was surrounded by a group of gentlemen, just wanted to rush forward was dragged back by Lori, then I knew that the fat pig-like thing at the head was actually a descendant of the Duncan family, but I couldn't watch Helen suffer, after a little thought, the idea was also there.

"What about Duncan's house? he doesn't know who I am anyway, as long as he stops him from revealing his identity, I can take the word 'reason' first, and I'll lead them aside in a moment, and you'll take Helen and Nightblade Dance away. Before he could get out of the circle and stop Khufu, Woolley said this to Lori.

So, there was the later one.

After noon, Wu Lai slowly returned to the Green Building, not that he deliberately delayed so much to make everyone worry, but that he knew that it was not a trivial matter to provoke Khufu, so he simply went to the Civic Academy to tell Lini, and the result was naturally reprimanded by Lini.

After the training, Rini was silent for a while, sighed heavily, and said: "Woolley, I'm angry, not because you provoked Khufu, but I think that with your wisdom, there will definitely be a more appropriate way to deal with this matter, Khufu is a mad dog, so, Woolley, you really don't need to entangle with a mad dog, the problem is, he will definitely entangle you now." "

Teacher, you said that Khufu was a mad dog, and I was very angry at the scene, and they surrounded Helen and Nightblade Dance with bad intentions. Woolley frowned and said, "I don't regret doing that now, he wants to entangle, so I will find another way to deal with him." "

What can you do to deal with him? Beat him up to the point where he doesn't dare to say anything? Woolley, I told you when I was in Seneca that you can study with peace of mind, you only need to pass the compulsory courses and get a good ranking in several major competitions in the academy, and in a year's time, you will be able to get a position in a certain city-state smoothly. Lini couldn't help but raise his voice, "Look, how young you are, with your capital and wisdom, after more than ten years, you may be able to become a city-state consul, think about it, the youngest city-state consul in the Assyrian territory and even the entire continent, Woolley, you will be recorded in history, but you provoked Khufu, this is unwise, if you don't handle this matter well, you will definitely be affected, and it will definitely not be small." "

Teacher, can't you solve it?" asked Wu Lai tentatively.

"With my reputation, the Assyrian legions will give me some face, but there is only one exception, and that is Khufu's father, Kui Huo, do you know why?" Speaking of this, Rini suddenly smiled slightly, "We were rivals in love back then, and he lost to me twice, twice, twice, and that old fellow is still haunted by me.

The smile only appeared for a moment, and Rini's face sank again, and said: "Kui Huo is well known in Assyria City, not only him, but also Khufu's grandfather, Qiyuan Duncan, can become the chief of the Senate, naturally it is rare and difficult, and you should also know that these things, I should not come forward, even if I come forward, I am not completely sure, the main thing, it depends on how the other party views this matter, the initiative is in the hands of others, so it is very tricky."

Wu Lai's face was a little heavier, he only wanted to be happy for a while, although he knew that the other party had a prominent background, but he thought that with Lini to carry it, it shouldn't be a big problem, but he didn't think that even Lini would find it tricky.

Isn't it just a bear child fighting, as for it? Wu Lai thought about it, and couldn't help but shake his hand.

"Did you think of anything on your own?" asked Rini.

Woolley shook his head: "Teacher, I haven't thought about it yet.

"Then think again. Riney opened the desk drawer, took out a parchment cover book, and handed it to Woolley.

"Many of the things in this book are useful to you, take them back and copy a copy of them, and tomorrow, this book will have to be brought back to me, and don't let anyone else see the contents of the book, you know?" asked Rini.

"Of course. Wu Lai's heart moved, and he asked while taking the notebook, "Teacher, is your notebook a map

of the distribution of forces in the Assyrian territory?" "Map of the distribution of forces?" "


As soon as they entered the gate, Helen and Lori, who had been waiting in the courtyard for a long time, greeted them.

"Woolley, are you alright?" Helen grabbed Woolley's hand without hesitation, full of concern.

Lori, who was half a step slower than her, made a blank face, and said before Woolley could answer: "What can Woolley do? You don't have eyes yourself?"

"I'm fine." Woolley replied with a smile, and said to Helen in a low voice, "Ignore Lori, go, go to my room, and help me copy something."

Helen nodded.

The two were about to take a step, and Lori stopped in front of Woolly: "Woolley, you don't have long eyes, do you, I'm still here." "

Lori, don't mess around!" Guru walked out of the building with a straight face.

"You're already there? I thought you'd have to arrive tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Woolley had a look of surprise on his face.

"Thanks to you, the carriage with the God-given equipment is not so tiring to sit on, so I sped up a little. Gruul said as he greeted him, "But as soon as I heard that you were in trouble, you seem to be in trouble.

"It's a little, it's powerful, it's almost the first family of Assyria. Wu Lai laughed and said, "Originally, I wanted to play a little trick and leave a way out, but after beating that group, I found out that Quake and Boti, the two Xiuman families, were watching the excitement in the crowd, with a bad look on their faces, so they had to run to find Teacher Rini." "

What did Vice Dean Rini say?" Guru hurriedly asked, and Lori quickly leaned over when she heard it.

"With his status and level, how can he come forward for me to settle these things? Woolley replied with a smile.

"Woolley, making enemies is not like your style. Gruul heard that Woolley was reluctant to talk deeply, so he also diverted the subject.

"Oh, no, Gruul, do you think I'm afraid of making enemies?" Woolley asked rhetorically.

"So what now?" asked Gruul.

Woolley gently squeezed Helen's hand and replied, "There is a saying that the soldiers will block, and the water will cover the earth. "

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