Port, salvage ship docked on the shore.

A two-meter-tall female captain caught a glimpse of the Black Swan not far away and said to the hook-nosed man next to her.

"Little Fried, the Black Swan has returned to port. I remember... you were a sailor on that ship before, right?"

"If nothing else happens, that ship will be merged into the Duke's fleet today."

Upon hearing this, Fried, who was wiping his sailor's knife, paused, and then said as if he didn't care.

"Yes, so what?"

"Oh, little Fried, you are really not candid."

The female captain said with a smile: "Who was that person who was mumbling about the Black Swan and the old captain when he was drunk?"

Freed's expression froze, and then he sighed and said: "I follow the respectable old captain, not the young and reckless current captain."

"So, the current Black Swan has nothing to do with me."

"That's really sad."

The female captain said: "It is the captain's loss that he failed to retain an excellent sailor like you."

At this moment, a sailor just walked back to the deck from the shore and winked at Fried.

"Hey, Freed! You took over as captain, but you made big news on the island!"

"What news?"

"Does Blood Wolf Hansen know? His bounty was taken by Xia En!"


After hearing the news, Fried was stunned and hesitated: "You mean, Blood Wolf Hansen and his Blood Wolf were killed by Shane?"

"I don't know if he killed him or not, but Shane did bring back Blood Wolf Hansen's head, along with a boat full of loot!"

The sailor's face was full of amazement: "You don't know, it took three or four trips just to transport the loot on the ship."

"Now Xia En has become rich. Not to mention paying off the debt, it is enough to buy a house on the island!"

The envy in his tone almost overflowed.

For sailors like them who are making a living at sea, the biggest wish is to buy a house of their own on the island, so that they no longer have to risk their lives at sea.


Freed was silent.

It was really difficult for him to connect the incident of "annihilating the Blood Wolf Pirate Group" with the cowardly and weak Xia En in his memory.

Could it be that just one trip to sea was enough to make such a big change in a person?

Fried looked at the familiar Black Swan not far away. He was speechless for a long time and his mood was extremely complicated.

On the deck of a fishing boat.

Jani also heard the news from the sailor, and his expression immediately darkened.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

The sailor defended: "It's true, Mr. Hoover sent the bounty to the Black Swan!"

"Mr. Hoover..."

Hearing this name, Jani felt no more lucky, and his face turned pale.

On Duke Island, each ship is bound by the laws of the Seven Seas Federation and maintains a certain degree of order.

But the law's binding force on the strong has always been limited.

In the Seven Seas Federation, there is even a saying that "punishment cannot be carried out in secret ways".

Moreover, even if everything is fine on the island, what if we encounter the Black Swan at sea?

Xia En even sank the Blood Wolf. Wouldn't it be easy to deal with a small fishing boat like his?

Thinking of this, Jani felt regretful.

What did you say you were mean-mouthed?

I just want to tease him a few words!

What if Xia En takes revenge on him in the future?

On the other side, Renate looked dazed, still not recovered from the shock of the news.

Only then did he understand why Xia En had such a nonchalant attitude before.

In the face of this record, his previous performance was undoubtedly as ridiculous as a clown.

"If I were still on the Black Swan, maybe I would still have a share of those rich trophies, right?"


Renate sighed inwardly, feeling the slightest regret about leaving the Black Swan for the first time.

Of course, Xia En knew nothing about the thoughts and moods of these "old crew members".

To be precise, he didn't care at all.

From the day these crew members left the Black Swan, they were destined to be strangers to each other.

At this time, Xia En was busy putting the finishing touches on the sale of the trophies.

"Captain Xia En, there are 3 gold dragon coins and 20 silver snake coins in total. Please count them."

With a greasy smile on her face, Becas handed the money bag to Shane.

Xia En opened the purse and saw three golden dragon coins lying peacefully inside.

The silver snake coins next to them suddenly looked dim compared to them.

Bekas's purchase price was actually slightly lower than the market price. He would probably make a profit if he resold it, but only the merchants of the Apocalypse Chamber of Commerce could eat so many goods in one go.

Moreover, based on Xia En's previous life experience, if you want to maintain a good cooperative relationship, everyone must have something to eat.

For this reason, a slight loss is acceptable.

Even so, 320 silver snake coins are already a huge amount of money.

Coupled with the cash and bounties collected previously, not only can the debt be paid off, but also about 300 silver snake coins can be saved.

Just one trip to sea turned him from being heavily in debt to having a small amount of assets.

Make money, have fun!

Shane was in a happy mood and said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Bekas."

"It's not hard, it's not hard."

Becas showed his true nature as a businessman and said: "Captain Shane, if there is a similar business in the future, don't forget me."

"Definitely, happy cooperation."

“A pleasure to work with.”

After shaking hands and congratulating each other, Bekas quickly said goodbye and left.

Xia En thought for a while, took out 30 silver snake coins from another purse and handed it to Joey beside him.

Joey was stunned: "Mr. Captain, what is this?"

Xia En said gently: "Take it, this is the reward you deserve."

Although Joey had boarded his boat for personal reasons, these days of getting along with her had made Xia En recognize her.

Joey also played a big role when facing the pursuit of the Blood Wolf.

Shane was the captain, not the slave owner who captured Parlu, so it was still important to reward him based on his merits.

Looking at the white silver snake coins in front of him, Joey was speechless for a moment.

This was the first time she saw so many silver snake coins belonging to her.

In the past, whether he was working in a restaurant or as a sailor on a ship, being deducted from his wages was a common occurrence for Joey.

She was deeply moved: "Mr. Captain, thank you."

At the same time, Joey was also a little curious. Captain Xia En was obviously so capable and so generous.

What did the previous sailor think that he took the initiative to leave the Black Swan?

Could it be that... my brain is broken?

Xia En didn't know what she was thinking, so he skillfully drew a pie: "As long as you work hard on the Black Swan, you will only earn more in the future!"

"With money, you will be one step closer to your goal of returning home."

Joey's eyes were full of expectation: "I will try my best!"

Shane grinned.

This little girl is much easier to coax than those old social beasts.

He continued: "Now, you can use the money to spend. I suggest you change your outfit and buy some equipment."

"After all, you are also a crew member of the Black Swan, and you represent the face of the entire ship and the captain."

"The captain's face..."

Joey hesitated for a moment, then nodded heavily as if he had made some determination.

"Okay, I understand!"

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