Warship of Great Power

Chapter 1115 Progress of 096

Wang Wei stepped onto the 003 aircraft carrier.

In the past, he had also thought that he could fly a J-8 fighter jet and take off from an aircraft carrier produced in the motherland. However, it was just a thought at that time. After all, a maritime giant like an aircraft carrier is very expensive. The navy can only maintain air-to-submarine speed, but it has no ability to maintain aircraft carrier formations.

However, when the Mingzhou Group emerged, everything changed.

Wang Wei will never forget the scene when he landed on the 001 aircraft carrier for the first time. The navy finally had its first aircraft carrier. Although it was a ski jump, it was still an aircraft carrier, and the one that took off was a heavy-duty J-15 aircraft. fighter!

I originally thought that the J-15 would be enough, but soon, the Navy had a second carrier-based aircraft, and it was also a stealth model! At that time, I thought these two were enough. Later, there were heavy stealth fighters!

What more can be said? Be proud of the strength of the motherland and the strength of the navy!

The unique sound of a crane came from above his head. He looked up and saw a large flat plate being slowly approached by the crane. He held his breath. This was the main radar on the 003 aircraft carrier!

"Captain Wang, what are you looking at? Can't you walk? This is the main radar of our latest 346B radar. All of them are gallium nitride components. The search distance is increased by 10% compared to 346A. According to Mr. Qin, Our idea is that our radar has a burn-through function. If the enemy's jammer is discovered, we will send the radar beam back and directly burn the opponent's jammer antenna." At this moment, a voice came from behind.

Wang Wei turned around and saw a familiar person: Xing Wenge. Over the years, he has been responsible for the development of shipborne radar antennas, from the initial bipolar silicon to gallium nitride, from air cooling to liquid cooling, shipboard radar Its performance continues to improve, and when it comes to the 003 aircraft carrier, it is naturally stronger.

"Yes, we have made rapid progress in this area over the years. I heard that many foreign customers are purchasing our phased array components." Wang Wei said.

"Yes, foreign countries are also purchasing. However, what we use for our own use is definitely better than what foreign customers get. Good things must be used here first. By the way, now that the navy has decided on the crew, you should learn about aircraft carriers in advance. Let’s operate the radar.”

"Of course. We came here during the construction phase just to learn. Where are your materials?"

Xing Wenge opened his briefcase and took out two USB flash drives.

"One of them is 4GB of learning materials, and the other is an encrypted disk. It can only be used in conjunction with the two. You can use the computer line in the shipyard to study."

"Electronic version? Can't your information be compiled into a volume?" Wang Wei frowned.

"That's your business, it has nothing to do with us. We are a design unit, not a user. You write the training outline according to the information in it. By the way, you must also pay attention to confidentiality when writing, and write different levels for warriors of different levels. data of."

Those responsible for operating radars and those responsible for repairing radars must need different information, and the information they have access to are also different. As for the level, Xing Wenge didn't want to worry about it, so he just left it to the navy to figure out.

"Okay, we promise to complete the task."

"By the way, for the Navy, as long as you can use it, forget about the mountain of codes. You probably won't be able to understand it and you won't be able to master it."

Eighteen pieces of phased array radars are all integrated and used together, and the amount of programming is greatly increased. Even in the 14th institute, not one person can master them all.


Wang Wei carefully stuffed the USB flash drive into his pocket, and then shouted to the people behind him: "First officer, pay attention, gather the electronic system testers, let's go to the computer room to study!"

After saying that, Wang Wei looked around again and felt more curious. Where were the other leaders? After the launching ceremony, the other leaders disappeared! Don't they want to come up and have a look? Even if I watched it before the launching ceremony, it was before, not now.

Those high-end cars were still there, which meant that the other leaders had not left. This made him even more curious, where did they go?

Of course it was in the submarine production workshop in the distance.

Other ships are produced in the open air, but submarines are an exception. Submarines are almost always produced in huge factories. Even if they are producing submarines of 10,000 to 20,000 tons, they will not be exposed to the outside.

The submarine production plant of the Mingzhou Group is also so huge that two nuclear submarines can be built inside it at the same time!

One of them is relatively short. It is the 095 nuclear submarine that has already produced one. Since it is the second production, it is very fast. The entire nuclear submarine has almost completed the work of closing it. It only needs to lay down the silencer tiles and finish the work before it can be launched into the water. .

But the speed of the other ship is a bit slower. The front section has been built and the command tower has been welded. However, from the command tower to the back, there are only a few sections.

These segments are very special. They are rings, but two holes are poked in the ring, and two cylinders are poked in, just like a lollipop with two sticks stuck in it.

At this time, Qin Tao was introducing everyone.

"Dear leaders, if you come a few days later, you should be able to catch up with the launch of the second boat of the 095 nuclear submarine. There were no setbacks in the construction of this nuclear submarine. As for the 096, the delay in progress cannot be blamed on us, but on the brother units. The missile launchers arrived too late."

We really can't blame the Mingzhou Group for this. Their speed is very fast, but they are only the final assembly unit, and their construction also depends on the cooperation of their brother units.

This is the first time they have built a ballistic missile nuclear submarine, but with the excellent designer Kvasa and a group of old guys helping, there would have been no problems. Who would have thought that the launch tube would fall off.

There are 24 launch tubes on the submarine, all of which were produced by brother units and sent to them. They were responsible for welding them to the segments of the submarine. Originally, the brother units delivered them on time, but during the inspection, they found that among them Some actually have quality problems!

The Navy became anxious upon hearing this and decided to destroy all the problematic launch tubes and re-produce them! If something goes wrong during testing in the sea, the nuclear submarine may sink, which is definitely a big problem.

At this time, after hearing Qin Tao's words, Wu Shengli nodded: "Yes, you can't be blamed for the delay in progress this time, but you must also learn from it in the future. Parts sent by brother units must be tested as soon as possible, and do not wait until installation If you don’t test again when the time comes, you will waste time.”

Qin Tao didn't say anything. He didn't blame himself for this, but he had to blame it on himself.

Party A’s dad is the biggest, so just say whatever you want.

"Although we haven't assembled the middle part yet, we are making good progress later." Qin Tao led everyone to continue walking forward and came to the innermost part of the workshop. This part of the submarine structure is in the shape of half a date core, with a tail at the end. The X-shaped rudder surface is the engine room section behind the submarine.

The 095 next to it only uses one nuclear reactor, but here it uses two nuclear reactors, so it looks larger. At the same time, because the diameter of 096 is large enough, the two nuclear reactor boilers are installed directly side by side.

The boiler of a nuclear reactor is similar to an ordinary pressure cooker. It is a cylindrical structure. The installation of two nuclear reactors side by side is not the first of its kind in 096. Many nuclear submarines are installed in this way.

"On the Type 671 attack nuclear submarine, the plan of placing two pressurized water reactors side by side was used. Although our submarine is the first time to use two nuclear reactors, we did not develop other plans. We just used this plan of placing them in parallel. Not only the nuclear reactor, but the steam turbine and generator set at the back are also in the same cabin, which can make the overall structure more compact. At the same time, for safety reasons, a layer of lead plate is used outside the cabin as a shield."

Many people talk about nuclear discoloration. In fact, as long as you can correctly understand radiation and take various protections, there will be no problem. The nuclear reactor of the nuclear submarine is at the back. Except for the engineer soldiers, other sailors rarely enter this kind of In this place, the entire engine room is shielded with lead plates. This is the safest. At the same time, this is another reason why the nuclear reactor compartment is as compact as possible.

Wu Shengli and others looked at this section and could see the two nuclear reactors from the opening. However, there was no nuclear material stuffed inside. This nuclear material would not be installed until the final assembly.

"In the back part are auxiliary diesel generators, two of which are installed in total, as well as some lead-acid batteries for emergency use." Qin Tao continued to introduce to everyone.

"Since we are using a shaftless pump, we removed the main shaft from the tail, which reduces the possibility of main shaft leakage." Qin Tao took everyone to the end. The pump jet propeller at the tail has not been installed yet, but the tail has been It's sealed, and you can't see any drive shaft.

In previous submarines, a main shaft was needed to drive the propeller or pump propeller at the back. Only this shaftless pump propeller does not need to be used. This advanced technology has made Eastern submarines the most powerful existence. Not even Americans can compare.

This is of course also because Dongfang has an advanced comprehensive power system. Not only submarines, but also surface ships will gradually transition to the era of electric propulsion, and big things like propellers that vibrate can be removed.

The front part has been built, and the back part will soon be completed, leaving only the middle section. There is nothing we can do about it, we can only continue to wait.

Everyone walked around and saw something very fresh.

"By the way, how many toilets are there on this submarine?"

"Three. The space on our submarine is large enough, so even if we recruit female submariners in the future, we can prepare sufficient personal space for them. Some of the living cabins are specially prepared for female soldiers and are equipped separately for them. There is a toilet where you can also take a shower.”

"Is there a dry toilet?"

Qin Tao was stunned: "What is an aqua toilet?"

Although Qin Tao is a shipbuilder, before he was reborn, he built surface ships. After his rebirth, he came into contact with submarines. They were all handled by others. He only had to control the general direction, so he really didn't know that there were dry toilets on submarines. ?

"It's on the command tower. Everyone likes to go there. They would rather wait for the submarine to surface. After all, there is no need to flush. After entering the water, the sea water will be flushed..."

"Ahem, let me tell you, leader, can you please stop talking, it's disgusting. We'll have to eat after the tour!" Qin Tao quickly interrupted him. This guy seems to be an old submarine soldier. I am very familiar with all this, what age is this!

The toilet on a submarine is divided into above water and underwater. On water, it is very simple. The sea can help. If it is underwater, it is more complicated. To flush the things in the toilet, the pressure must be higher than the pressure outside. If the wrong valve is opened, , which can spray all over the body, or sink the submarine. During World War II, the Germans actually had a submarine that sank because they opened the wrong valve when going to the toilet.

However, those are all things of the past.

"Our submarine uses a vacuum flush toilet. Only a small amount of water can be used to suck things into a special storage space, and then collect, evolve and decompose them. The whole process does not need to be discharged to the outside world." Qin Tao introduced: " It’s the same regardless of whether it’s on the water or underwater. Besides, our nuclear submarines will almost never appear on the water.”

Nuclear power is used to facilitate submarines to sail underwater for a long time and basically will not surface. However, if you use the previous device, it will make a sound when emptying, which may be detected by sonar. It will be much more convenient to use this improved technology.

"Really? It seems that our technology is much more advanced." The leader continued.

"This is not specially developed for us. It is used on high-speed trains and passenger planes. We also purchase related supporting products directly." Qin Tao said, "Okay, let's change the topic."

This interesting topic has been skipped. The living facilities on the submarine are complete. Although there is no swimming pool like the Typhoon class, there is a lot of space for activities. The submariner's life at sea will be richer.

But after turning around, the big guy returned to his original position and looked at the missile launchers again.

After all, this is a weapon, and the means by which it works is these giant ballistic missiles!

The diameter of the launch tube is 2.4 meters and the length is 14 meters. It is very huge. Now the launch tube is placed horizontally. A person can't touch the top if he stands in it. It is just like a room. If it is placed vertically, you must be careful. If it happens If you fall in, you will be seriously injured even if you don't die.

There are circles of reinforcing ribs on the outside of the launch tube. It looks rough and rough, and the eyes of the big guys are full of expectation.

"When the 096 submarine enters service, we will have more powerful weapons. Even if it is cruising in the South China Sea, it can directly hit the land of potential enemies. This will prevent them from doing anything wrong when facing us. Realistic fantasy comes.”

"Yes, if necessary, we should show it off and show off our strength. However, in the future, we can also stuff cruise missiles into it and use it as a cruise missile submarine."

The Yankees have a large number of Ohio-class nuclear submarines. After the end of the Cold War, they were bored and modified some of them, replacing submarine-launched ballistic missiles with cruise missiles, and began to use ground attacks.

If they can do this, of course we can do the same, after all...

Before Qin Tao finished speaking, Wu Shengli rolled his eyes at him.

"What on earth? What are you thinking about?" Wu Shengli said dissatisfiedly: "The navy only has such a small amount of property, and it still needs to modify cruise missiles. Don't our surface ships have enough launchers? There are also a number of launchers on land. , why use our precious strategic nuclear submarines? Isn’t this a prodigal son?”

The navy is weak, especially nuclear submarines.

Lao Maozi attaches great importance to nuclear submarines. At his peak, he owned hundreds of nuclear submarines and could even build dozens of nuclear submarines in a few years. Even if the Red Empire collapsed and Mao's strength weakened, he still did not relax on nuclear submarines. Even if he had no money to maintain the aircraft carrier fleet, he had to continue to raise money to build nuclear submarines. This shows how much Lao Maozi attaches importance to nuclear submarines.

On the other hand, the Americans also have very strong nuclear submarines. They may not be as good as Lao Maozi in terms of quantity, but they are definitely the best in terms of quality. Now the Americans have a total of 18 Ohio-class nuclear submarines, of which the first four have been converted into cruise missile nuclear submarines. There are still fourteen ships available, one carrying 24 nuclear bombs, which together are enough to destroy the whole world.

The Americans have this strength, so they modified four ships.

What about your own side?

There is only one 096 and only one 092. Do you want to modify a cruise missile nuclear submarine?

The number of 092s is a mystery to the outside world. After all, there is only one hull number 406, but there will be no more than three ships at most. It is difficult to maintain normal combat readiness for these ships, let alone modify them.

After all, nuclear submarines will not sail underwater all the time. They have to drive under the water before going on duty and return after going on duty. The crew has to rest and the submarine has to be maintained. Three submarines is the minimum.

"Dad, I didn't say that now, in the future, we will build six or seven 096s, and then replace the 092s and convert them into cruise missile nuclear submarines. Is this okay?" Qin Tao said.

Six or seven ships? Wu Shengli subconsciously wanted to ask, how much would six or seven ships cost? But before the words came out, he suddenly thought of aircraft carriers. Did he ever think that aircraft carriers would be built one after another? Now the 003 aircraft carrier has been launched.

This is true for aircraft carriers, and it must also be true for submarines. Ballistic missile nuclear submarines are the cornerstone of the country's nuclear power, and they must continue to be built. In the future, there will really be six or seven ships. If that time comes...

"At that time, our 092 should also be retired." Wu Shengli said: "We have to think about how to deal with the retired and scrapped submarines. This is another expense, and what modifications should be made."

The first 092 submarine was put into service in 1987, and the subsequent ones were ominous, but not far apart. They have been in service for more than ten years now. Although it is still in the mid-term for a submarine, due to the availability of better nuclear submarines , so there should be no need to upgrade and improve. When the nuclear fuel needs to be replaced, decommissioning will be no problem.

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