Warship of Great Power

Chapter 1109: Force Intel to Death

The first to use 64-bit processors was not personal computers, but servers. After all, servers require more powerful processors.

After entering the 1990s, various chip manufacturers have entered the 64-bit processor market. The first one to take advantage was MIPS. Later, DEC, Intel, Sun, HP, and IBM successively launched corresponding products and architectures. plan.

Most of these companies are unknown because they mainly engage in servers and rarely enter the personal computer market. Even Intel's 64-bit processors are first used in servers.

In 1994, Intel decided to develop a 64-bit processor. Considering the difficulty of research and development, they cooperated with Hewlett-Packard. In 2001, they finally came up with it and named it Itanium, which translates to Itanium.

To be fair, the performance of this processor is still acceptable. It is designed for top-level, enterprise-level servers and workstations. It is mainly used in fields such as electronic transaction security processing, ultra-large databases, computer-aided mechanical engines, and cutting-edge scientific computing.

However, this is a specially researched processor, and it is not compatible with existing 32-bit processors. After it has made great strides in the server field, Intel is trying to use this processor in personal computers.

After all, in the conventional field, Intel cannot compete with Loongson. Even for servers, the performance of servers using multiple Loongson processors far exceeds that of their Itanium. Now that they can't catch up through conventional channels, they decided Take a shortcut.

However, this is a point of no return.

"Currently, Intel plans to transplant the Itanium processor technology to the Pentium processor, turning the Pentium processor into a 64-bit processor. They have also designed a new IA64 architecture, which is completely incompatible with the original architecture." Mr. Ni said: "We think this method is inappropriate. The best way is to design an expansion mode and introduce some 64-bit expansion modes based on the existing 32-bit processors, so that we can On the basis of compatibility with the original program, we will continue to update computer technology and make a smooth transition to 64-bit."

There has been such a situation in operating systems. Although Microsoft has come up with more advanced win2000 or even winXP, game users just like win98 because this system has the best support for games. The same situation also occurs in XP During the transition to win10, in short, once customers get used to it, they are unwilling to change it, and software changes also take a long time.

Historically, Intel's IA64 is a failed technology. Like the RDR memory they admire, it is not compatible with past technologies and the price is still high. Of course, no one will care about it in the end.

Now, VIA wants to continue to develop, not only to launch a new generation of C7 processors, but also to march into 64-bit. In this process, it must follow the right technical route!

Both Wang Xue and Chen Wen opened their eyes wide. It was right to come to Dongfang, and cooperating with Dongfang was the best choice. Now that they cooperate with Dongfang, their gains far exceed their imagination!

"Gong Ni, can you give us more details?" Chen Wen asked.

"When there is a 64-bit processor, 64-bit programs will definitely be used, including the operating system. The 64-bit version will have to be used. The key is how to put 32-bit programs on the 64-bit processor II. This At that time, we can use the dynamic binary compiler to reorganize the 32-bit data types into 64-bit, and then automatically encapsulate them. In other words, based on the original X86zhilingj, we can develop a special 64-bit extended instruction set. In this way, no matter how many bits the program has, it will complete the interaction with the kernel by calling the same NTDLL, ensuring that the interaction with the kernel and the device can be carried out at the speed of the local hardware."

A layman would not understand what was being said, but an expert would be full of excitement.

This is the best technical solution for 64-bit processors!

"Excuse me, do you also plan to use this method to transition to 64-bit processors?" Chen Wen asked.

Mr. Ni nodded: "Yes, this is the safest route we think. At the same time, not only us, but other companies also plan to use this method."

other companies?

Wang Xue said: "Is it AMD?"

"It's not convenient for us to say this. You just need to do research. Of course, you can also contact AMD to jointly launch related technologies. When the time comes, when Intel wants to come to you for authorization, you don't have to authorize it at all. Give it to them and stop them completely.”

You don't have to rely on Loongson to force Intel to death, you can also rely on X86 allies. Anyway, both VIA and AMD are definitely willing to see Intel go bankrupt, so that they can carve up the remaining X86 market.

As for Intel itself? Dead Intel is the best.

Historically, Intel introduced a new architecture that was not compatible with 32-bit He screamed, probably because he felt embarrassed.

At that time, AMD did not pursue anything. Now, it is different. Intel must be pursued for infringement.

Wang Xue and Chen Wen were very satisfied. They had gained a lot from their visit this time. Not only did they obtain advanced equipment, but they also had a clearer understanding of how to proceed in the future.

Their future is bright!

The people at TSMC were very anxious. They didn't know what the VIA people were doing when they went to the East. They just knew that it was definitely not good for them. However, they didn't let them wait long. VIA held a press conference in Huating.

Countless reporters heard the news and rushed over. They knew that what was going to be announced next would definitely be a big event.

"Dear reporter friends, I am Wang Xue." Wang Xue, as a woman, has her own advantages and is the most suitable to be the spokesperson this time. She smiled and looked at the reporters below: "We VIA, SMIC and Loongson has always had a cooperative relationship, and this time we came to the East to discuss more cooperation. We believe that cooperation here can better achieve a win-win situation and provide better chips for the world."

"We will purchase 90-nanometer photolithography machines and etching machines from SMIC to improve our chip manufacturing level. After this upgrade, we will achieve the ability to produce advanced 90-nanometer chips. We will use these equipment to produce our VIA C7 processors."

"In terms of performance, our processor is still far behind Loongson. However, the performance of our VIA C7 is on par with Intel's, and it relies on advanced technology and design solutions. , our processor will also have outstanding power consumption, its maximum energy consumption does not exceed 20 watts, which means that there is no need for a fan, only a heat sink can meet the needs."

The performance of Intel processors is advanced, but at the same time, this processor also has terrible power. In order to compete with Loongson, they have to increase the power. High-frequency processors even have more than 100 watts of thermal power, so that the wind A cold radiator cannot hold it down at all, so a water-cooled radiator is required.

VIA is taking the low-power route. The previous product C3 was like this. Because of its low power consumption, it was chosen by many mobile computers. When mobile PCs became popular a few years ago, almost all of them were of the VIA C3 level. processor.

Now, they continue to play to their strengths.

"When the production equipment is debugged, this processor can be officially put into production. We will seize the Loongson market. We will both cooperate and compete with Loongson, so that the entire industry can develop healthily."

The focus of this press conference is to elaborate on this point. An open East will promote the chip industry. Loongson has never suppressed competitors, relying on upright competition! Don't be full of hostility and misunderstanding towards Dongfang because of recent events. What happened at TSMC is also due to TSMC's own reasons. They were the first to provoke Dongfang!

At TSMC, Zhang Mou clenched his fists as he watched Wang Xue speak.

"Damn it, VIA is simply collaborating with the enemy. Don't they even know who is the enemy and who is the friend?"

"Yes, they are seeking death like this. I suggest that we ask the government to suppress them!" Jiang Yi said.

Zhang Mou was about to nod, then shook his head: "We will discuss this later. The most important thing now is to solve the problem of our production line. Have you thought of a plan to restart the production line?"

Jiang Yi shook his head, this was simply unsolvable.

"If our production line cannot be restarted, then our capital chain will be completely broken." Zhang Mou said: "At that time, our entire TSMC will be finished. Don't think about other things now. Solve this big thing first. !”

"Currently, there is only one solution." Hu Ming said.


"Find Zhang Rujin and we can reconcile privately."

Reconcile privately? How could the other party agree to settle? Unless... Thinking of this, Zhang Mou immediately shook his head: "No, absolutely not! We will never pay even one dollar to them! This is a matter of attitude, this is a matter of principle!"

"Then we may have to wait until it goes bankrupt."

The infringement fees and compensation awarded by the court are very large, and they will definitely not be able to pay them. However, they can settle out of court. Relying on their relationship with Zhang Rujin, the fees they need to pay will be very small. As long as you reach a settlement privately, you can continue to use these software and continue to maintain production.

If you persist, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Hu Ming, you are a traitor. Are you an undercover agent sent by Zhang Rujin?" Jiang Yi took advantage of the situation and launched an attack.

"You are talking nonsense, you are the traitor." Hu Ming was very angry: "At this time, you are still deliberately provoking!"

The two have been fighting, but now, Jiang Yi is still attacking him, which makes him very annoyed.

"Okay, stop talking. If it still doesn't work, then we will go to the International Court of Justice to sue them for monopoly. In short, we will never let them bow." Zhang Mou's eyes were cold. How could he bow to Zhang Rujin, even if TSMC Even if he goes bankrupt, he will never bow to the Orientals!

"I discovered something strange." Jiang Yi continued.

"What's up?"

"Our production lines have been closed, which means that the production of memory is much less. However, currently, the shipment volume of memory in the international market is still increasing rapidly, and the price of memory continues to fall." Jiang Yi said: "This what's going on?"

There are the most basic laws in economics. If the supply is large, the price will decrease. If the merchants are unprofitable, they will reduce production. If the output is low and the supply is small, the price will rise. It just goes up and down like this, and it can develop healthily without external interference.

Of course, this is just an idealization. The actual relationship will be restricted by many factors. This is the most abnormal in the field of memory. The lower the price, the more production is required, until the peers are squeezed out. With fewer manufacturers, development will be easier. Went down.

The Kimchi people like to play this trick the most, but now, the Mingzhou Group is using this trick to deal with them, leaving them helpless.

Now, TSMC can no longer continue to produce memory modules. It is said that a large amount of production capacity will be lost in this field. Under this situation, the supply of memory modules is still increasing and the price is further falling. What is going on?

"Is it because Dongfang has huge production capacity?" Zhang Mou's face became even more ugly when he thought of this. If Dongfang's production capacity can supply the whole world, how can others play?

The same question also appears in the minds of people from South Kimchi.

Zheng Shengying has already started meditating, and Zheng Yishan has also started meditating. The two people are not far from each other, and they can occasionally exchange a few words with each other.

"I heard that TSMC has stopped production."

"Yes, I originally thought that TSMC could attract some firepower to us, but I didn't expect them to fall down so quickly. This shows that the Orientals are so powerful. They have many hidden tricks. Fortunately, they did not use this trick to deal with us, otherwise All our production lines have to be stopped."

"It's true of you that you still use it even though you know it's risky to use someone else's."

"Aren't you? If the Mingzhou Group really turns around to deal with you, do you think your design department can still work normally? Can you still design aircraft carriers for the navy? Those computers of yours will definitely become scrap metal." Zheng Shengying said: " Now you know how powerful the chip industry is, right? We must first support our development, and we must have our own processors, otherwise we will always be restricted by the Mingzhou Group. Their strength is the strength of their chips, if not There is a chip industry that has been sanctioned a long time ago.”

Zheng Shengying said this again, and Zheng Yishan shook his head repeatedly. He didn't care about the chip industry. He only knew that the shipbuilding industry must not be given up. If he gave up, it would be completely over.

The entire conspiracy is aimed at their shipbuilding industry, and other industries are incidental, such as chips and automobiles.

By the way, the automobile industry has also been hit. How did the automobile industry deal with it?

Where is Zheng Yijiu?

When thinking of this, Zheng Shengying suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"Hey, Zheng Yishan, do you know what Zheng Yijiu is doing?"

Zheng Yishan shook his head, how do I know? After the last quarrel, we separated and did our own things.


Zheng Yishan suddenly thought of that terrible possibility, and instantly felt himself breaking out in cold sweat.

"Quick, go and inquire immediately and see what Zheng Yijiu is doing."

Zheng Yishanhe Zheng Shengying's men all went to inquire about it. After half an hour, they came back with pale faces.

"Zheng Yijiu has persuaded the higher authorities to allocate funds to them to repay the fines imposed by the United States."

The snipe and the clam competed for the fisherman's profit. Just when the two of them were strangled with each other, Zheng Yijiu actually ran to ask for help first!

The two were completely dumbfounded. After a moment of silence, they immediately reached a consensus: go find Zheng Yijiu together!

Zheng Yijiu, this guy, is too much. Their line-generation cars are not broken. As long as they raise part of the funds themselves, they can alleviate the situation. They actually asked for an allocation from above. This money will be given to us regardless of whether it is given to us electronics or not. Shipbuilding is better than cars!

In the past few years, Line Generation Group has been fighting among themselves. The final result of the internal fighting is that they are separated. Each of them does their own thing. They build ships, electronics, and cars. They are all separated, which greatly reduces their ability to resist risks. In the past, if there was a shortage of money in electronics, they could be drawn from automobiles and shipbuilding. But now, they cannot help each other, but can undermine each other.

Zheng Yijiu watched the two people sitting here silently, ignored them, and ran to complain to the superiors. Our line-generation cars are also short of money and need national support. Moreover, our line-generation cars were fined in the United States. This fine must be paid and cannot be paid. If you delay and give it to one of them, the other will be dissatisfied, so give it to me.

The superiors were also helpless by the sit-in between the two giants. Now that they saw this situation, they simply had no choice. They just listened to Zheng Yijiu and gave the money to Liandai Automobile.

As for Line Generation Electronics and Line Generation Heavy Industries, they can always find a way. They can't rely on the state for everything, right?

Just like that, Zheng Yijiu took the lead and tricked the two of them. Then, of course, he disappeared.

When Zheng Yishan and Zheng Shengying ran to find Zheng Yijiu, he didn't order the car online at all, but went out to inspect it! Where did you go? The men don't know.

As a result, Zheng Yishan and Zheng Shengying were dumbfounded. There was no point in continuing to meditate. How could they solve the imminent problem?

Especially for Line Generation Heavy Industry, the delivery time of the first SCA liquefied gas ship is coming soon. As soon as that time comes, Belgian shipowners will start the claim process. What should they do then?

Is it really going to go bankrupt?

Thinking of that terrible ending, Zheng Yishan trembled all over. This is not scary, but angry. Zheng Yijiu, what you did this time was too unethical. You actually cut the bottom of the fire and made us completely lose hope. Do you still remember that we were once a group?

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