Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 61 First Battle

The outskirts of the hive city, the highlands. The battle is about to break out.

When the carrion and trolls in sight dragged their rotten, swollen bodies through the woods to the open space in front of the Gray Knights.

Without orders from Calvin, the ten Gray Knights from the two Interceptor teams took the lead in raising their left-hand storm bolters and launched precise fire strikes at the enemies in front of them.

The interceptors skillfully maintained the established firepower density according to the echelon to ensure that when the comrades who fired first within the predetermined cycle entered the reloading state, there would be no fatal firepower vacuum on the front line.

Their killing efficiency is extremely high, because the weapons they are equipped with - specially modified storm bolters equipped with psychic channels, can hit the enemy far more than just the physical body.

When the firearms in the hands of the Gray Knights shoot, the psionic bombs fired after being blessed by their own psionic energy can not only hit the opponent's body, but also directly hit the target's soul regardless of the opponent's armor.

By bypassing these tough or corrupt bodies and directly targeting the opponent's soul with an effective and fatal blow, these subspace creatures can effectively make these subspace creatures quickly lose their anchor point in the real world and roll back to their hometown.

Such firearms may indeed sacrifice part of the power of physical destruction, but when they are facing a large number of low-level servants created by the pollution of Chaos, this efficient point-to-point killing of souls will make the Gray Knights' firearms extremely effective. Excellent cost-effectiveness ratio.

Even larger demons or higher-level demons will fall under the short-term, high-density psychic attack when faced with the saturation blow of this kind of firearm.

The rotting corpses were easily wiped out by the Gray Knights' precise shots, and a small number of trolls also died in the middle of the charge due to concentrated fire strikes.

This low-intensity battle, which was comparable to shooting training, lasted only a few minutes and came to an end.

Just when the Gray Knights were about to put down their guns, a new enemy appeared.

"For the Lord of Corruption!" With a howl from the distant woods, more carrion corpses and trolls appeared at the edge of their sight. The leader was a behemoth over 4 meters tall. The huge fat body is covered with transparent skin that has been stretched to the limit. Maggots can even be seen swimming in the green muscles and yellow-brown fat that have rotted and suppurated under the skin.

As it walked towards the high ground where the Gray Knights were, it raised the croissant in its hand and chanted the holy name of Father Nurgle in an indistinct voice. To pray for power from evil gods.

At the same time, in the originally empty swamps and mud ponds around the high ground where the Gray Knights stood, densely packed corpses stood up in response to the demon's call.

There are no eyeballs in their mud-filled eye sockets, and their mouths are so rotten that teeth can be seen through their cheeks, and they also scream blasphemous words "For...the Lord of Corruption!"

The Gray Knights on the high ground began to shrink their formation. Calvin, who was standing in the center of the interceptor's formation, reached out and clicked on the communication device, and said to the two interceptor arbiter brothers:

"We can't fight like this. Our time is limited. We can't drag it out like this! From now on, you have to save ammunition and protect our flanks. As for the front, leave it to us."

The two arbiters obviously saw this situation. After receiving Calvin's order, they immediately issued instructions on the communication channel. The interceptor team smoothly moved away from the front line of fire and focused on protecting the two wings.

After all the frontal firepower was out of the way, Calvin took a deep breath. He looked around at the Terminators on the left and right and said:

"Then, it's time for us to play..."

Calvin began to fully mobilize his psychic powers and released his authority over the powers of order.

The originally quiet flame representing order in the core of his soul finally no longer suppressed the anger that he had deliberately suppressed since he arrived on this planet because he smelled the stench from chaos after getting permission from Calvin!

The moment the flame was allowed to shine, its light increased greatly, and the color representing its temperature quickly changed from dim to hot!

The soft silver light used to disguise it in the past was instantly torn off, and the dazzling white-gold light that represented judgment and end began to shine.

This light is so sacred, yet so cruel and cold.

All pollution and filth in front of it will be invisible. It is so irrefutable and irrefutable. There is only one outcome waiting for them, and that is to be completely purified.

What was reflected externally was that Calvin's eyes began to radiate white-gold light, and the originally blue leaves on the dharma ring between his forehead were dyed into sacred gold under the fluctuations of spiritual energy.

At this moment, Calvin briefly gave up his human side, and his human characteristics were also completely wiped out. This is when he will embrace his mission wholeheartedly. He will no longer have human emotions before giving final judgment to these blasphemous things before him.

No mercy! Only anger! And it’s not the anger of mortals! After his soul completely embraced order at this moment, all that remained was the cold anger that belonged to order!

Calvin raised his right hand, pointed it gently at the sky, and then clenched it into a fist. A wave of psychic energy centered on him instantly swept through all the Terminators present.

The anchor points left in the minds of comrades who have been training together all year round, like data protocols, instantly communicate with each other's minds, and the psychic thinking channels are linked to all Terminators.

"Link completed, first state, activated." Calvin muttered softly.

Twelve pairs of eyes, twelve brains, twelve weapons, twelve angels of judgment from the Emperor, merged into one at this moment.

The rotting corpses and monsters from Chaos are already close at hand, but these Gray Knights seem to be missing.

The interceptor teams on both sides also had absolute trust in the Terminators and continued to focus on guarding the two wings of the Terminators.

The twelve Terminators stationed their weapons with both hands in unison, knelt on one knee, and lowered their heads. A pre-battle prayer to the God-Emperor on Terra.

Their uniform movements may, in the eyes of mortals, be no different from the tacit understanding cultivated by other Astartes after years of rituals.

But in the eyes of the Gray Knight interceptors who are also Astartes, their dynamic vision far beyond that of ordinary people allows them to capture more amazing details outside of combat.

Especially in the eyes of the two arbiters of the team commander, this kind of millisecond-level synchronization cannot be achieved through training.

There must be some equipment that they don't know about and they have started to install it experimentally.

And this higher-secret team that they had never heard of was obviously an experimental unit with this kind of equipment.

The silent prayer process is quick. After the short prayer was completed, Calvin, the tallest gray knight at the front of the team, took the lead and stood up.

He looked at the monsters down the slope that were so close that he could smell the putrid smell. He raised his sword and turned around and shouted loudly to his comrades behind him:

"I am, the Emperor's Holy Hammer! (we are hammer!)" Then he jumped down and started his first killing.

And the Terminators behind him who were of the same body and mind as him at this time also followed Calvin's spiritual guidance and call.

While holding onto their weapons and following Calvin to charge towards the enemy, they simultaneously shouted war cries that had the same meaning but different content:

"For the Emperor! With the Holy Titan Lord!"

Hi! On the shelves! Small money! happy! Thank you brother for your support! I'll try my best to write another chapter tonight!

By the way, is there really a more embarrassing author at Qidian than me, who only has 2 updates on the shelves?

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