Gray-black dark clouds were still hanging over the sky, and the torrential rain made the whole world immersed in water. The sky is water, and the earth is also water.

In the sky, the lead-gray cumulonimbus clouds seem to have no end, and the entire world's soil has turned into mud ponds and swamps in the sudden rain that lasted for several months.

Unlike the clouds, which have no end in sight to mortals, if you could escape the gravity of the surface and observe the planet from an orbital perspective.

You will find that these endless clouds are ultimately part of a cantilever that forms a huge swirling cloud.

And this huge swirling typhoon group is the initiator of this heavy rain.

At the moment, on the cantilever on the edge of this huge vortex covering hundreds of kilometers nearby, there are four inconspicuous "meteors" pulling down the white smoke caused by the evaporation of rainwater.

"How much height is there?" Calvin asked Gavins in the communicator that came with the Terminator.

"8500-8000-7500...Still landing!"

"Find a higher point! The view below is not good!" Calvin said to Gavins.

"Roger! Trajectory correction, others follow!" Gavins said in the communication channel, while starting the rocket injection device in the airdrop cabin to start the second trajectory correction.

From the perspective of the sky, the four airdrop pods ejected white wakes almost in no particular order, forming an equilateral triangle formation with Calvin's cabin as the core, and began the last adjustment before landing.

"Tum! Tum! Tum! Tum!" Four heavy airdrop pods carrying the Gray Knights landed on a slightly higher flat ground about 10 kilometers away from the hive.

There is still a long distance from the nest capital, but this is already the limit of their operation after penetrating the edge of the clouds and adjusting their trajectory again to shorten the distance to the nest capital as much as possible.

With the air pressure valve activated, the hatch was quickly lowered. The Gray Knights, led by Calvin, also quickly conducted a vigilant exploration of the surroundings.

After the cabin door opened, Calvin also picked up the sword in his hand and walked out of the cabin.

Against the gray background, his armor did not appear dim at all. The force field shields on both sides of his shoulders had automatically opened, allowing the rain to flow around his head. The golden halo of the steel halo on the scripture stand above the energy backpack intersects with the silver light of the blue psychic ring on his head.

Such a sacred scene made the surrounding Gray Knights look even more excited. Especially the Terminators who knew Calvin's identity were grateful for the Emperor's generosity and kindness.

In this kind of battlefield with no outsiders and consisting of Gray Knights alone, if they had not seen the enemy yet, these excited Terminators would really like to shout out the war cry that has been discussed for a long time:

"For the Emperor! With the Holy Titan Lord!"

Calvin could detect the mood swings of these Terminators, but he didn't know the reason.

He was currently looking at the screen on his left arm armor, checking his position, and using his peripheral vision to check the surrounding terrain features and the information on the screen one by one.

"Here, um, here, um, it's right..."

Gavins and Tariq stood on either side of him, guarding him and waiting for his orders.

The two captains of the two interceptor teams not far away also broke away from their formations after arranging the security mission and walked towards Calvin.

Calvin didn't let them wait any longer. After confirming his position, he quickly picked out the path that seemed the most undefeable from the nearest route.

He raised his voice slightly to attract the attention of the two paladins standing around him and the interceptor team leader who had just arrived:

"Here, 3 kilometers further ahead, is the suburban area of ​​the hive capital. There is the hive capital's own small agricultural area there. We will enter from here. And here, right behind us, are the surface settlements nearby. , let’s be careful…”

Before he finished speaking, the sounds of footsteps in the forest in the distance and the warning reminder from the Gray Knight responsible for this direction made Calvin raise his head and look in that direction:

At the end of the sight, about 500 meters in the distance through these black dead trees without branches and leaves. A group of at least hundreds of rotting corpses that could barely discern human form were walking towards the Gray Knights, driven by some larger corpses and stitch monsters.

Calvin just finished speaking. He looked at these unexpected uninvited guests, put down his left arm, lifted the big sword stuck on the ground and shook it slightly. The aqua blue spiritual energy with silver light followed the spiritual energy pathway on the spine of the sword and ignited it. The entire sword body.

Looking at these rotting corpses that were polluted and imprisoned in their own rotting bodies, unable to be released after death, Calvin said softly:

"Well, let's do this here first, we have work to do."

Following Calvin's words, the Gray Knights efficiently followed the previous combat formations. They silently divided according to their functions and stood ready for this encounter.

Different from the imminent situation here, in the towering hive in the distance, in the auditorium on the top floor. It's another absurd and sad sight.

In the same gloomy environment, a huge figure that was no different from before was wandering painfully in the hall of the chapel with a pile of "precious waste" on its head.

This monster, whose former name was Hailan and whose identity was the governor of the empire, was trapped in his own memories and could not escape. His consciousness, which was sometimes awake and sometimes chaotic, made him completely unable to control himself.

And the pain caused by the memories of himself whenever he was awake made him howl with an anger that was inhumane: "Son of malice... Son of malice! Son of malice!!!"

He swung the copper pillar in his hand and knocked away the body of an Astartes warrior lying on the side wall at the back of the auditorium.

Still unable to understand his hatred, he chased after him with staggering steps. Angrily, he grabbed the heavy lamppost with both hands and flattened and smashed the dark yellow power armor on the lifeless corpse on the ground.

"This time, it's for my comrades-in-arms; this time, it's for my relatives and friends; this time, it's for the people at the top; this time, it's for the workers at the bottom..."

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang..." In the empty hall, the sound of the collision between the heavy lamppost and the ceramic steel echoed continuously. Correspondingly, the entire room, the entire auditorium, and even the entire hive were deathly quiet.

In contrast to the dead silence that represented absolute silence, in the room behind the auditorium, where a fountain should have been, a tall shrub that should not have existed was growing lushly.

The fine lines and tiny hairs on the green branches and leaves prove its health. There seems to be freshly condensed dew on the pink flowers at the top and the green branches below.

Shine a light source at the top of the room and it's so vibrant and beautiful.

It makes people feel happy at first sight and gives people a new understanding of life. People can't help but wonder if this is some kind of revelation from the God of Life, and people can't help but wonder how many nutrients it has absorbed to grow so vigorously...

Well, it will be on the shelves tomorrow. The author does not ask for votes, rewards, or subscriptions. (Laughing! With this output, we don’t have the shame to ask for permission?)

I just want to express my feelings here.

This book has come so far thanks to everyone’s love and tolerance.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for me, a newcomer who writes more than 800 words of composition for the first time, to get to the point of putting it on the shelves.

From the time I applied for the book title and even before signing the contract, some book friends have already found my book through keywords.

When I didn’t sign a contract, when I didn’t have any traffic, it was you who gave me the initial data that made it possible for me to be signed by an editor.

It can be said that I grew up under the special care of book friends in the Hammer Circle.

The first to follow, the first to collect, the first to be encouraged in the book review area. I remember it vividly. And every first time makes me, a middle-aged man in the worldly sense, as happy as a child.

Well, maybe it’s like Stephen Chow’s line: He looks like a dog^-^

I know how many authors there are at Qidian and how difficult it is to sign a contract with Qidian.

As a complete newcomer who knows nothing, if I hadn’t written my first book on this subject by chance, and if it hadn’t been for your support, I would have been one of the thousands of street kids who couldn’t sign a contract. Probably there will be no more...

So to the book friends in the Hammer Circle, I am deeply grateful! Without you, this book would never have been born, and without you, it would be even less possible to have this book today. How could I, at the age of 35, have a part in my short life that can be remembered by others? of wealth. And this is what you gave me!

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