Warhammer 40k: Shattered Steel Soul

Chapter 90 Magnus and the Library

It was already getting late, and the brilliant light that erupted through the glass curtain wall in the Tizka Library was like a stroke of mocking oil paint, painting a magnificent color that penetrated the darkness on the sky.

Standing in the golden corridor leading to the interior of the Great Library and observing the library, excess spiritual energies of different uses were fanatically devouring each other, erupting into countless terrifying collisions. Even Magnus was confused when he saw this scene. Slightly groggy, one needs to analyze with extra concentration in order to deduce how many changing sources of chaos are involved in the uncontrolled annihilation phenomenon trapped in the pyramid-shaped glass library.

The Source of Chaos is a collection hall that contains countless rare objects collected by Magnus and Tizka from countless wild ruins and decaying temples throughout the planet.

Magnus stabilized his mind, forced himself to use his indispensable spiritual energy, supported an invisible shield to protect himself, and broke into the Great Library.

The entire internal space of the library has been distorted and deformed. The originally bright and clean corridors and aisles are filled with strange criss-cross crystal tubes, like clusters of thorns and iron hooks determined to hurt people's lives, criss-crossing to prevent his progress. Countless psychedelic and weird pictures appear on the white interior walls and transparent glass exterior walls, spreading gaudy and ugly light into every dark corner. The books turned into flying shreds of paper, each fragment carrying countless runes of change, dedicated to leading everyone who came here astray through spells.

More than ten years, or in other words, more than a thousand years of Tizka's collection, most of it was destroyed today. The carrier of knowledge and wisdom was destroyed in the dispute caused by an unknown person, and scattered like dust.

Magnus still had a way to reorganize and repair ordinary books through spiritual energy, but in such a chaotic ether environment, Magnus had to watch them turn into passing smoke.

His heart was tightly grasped, and the pain lurked in his bone marrow, waiting only for this incident to occur. As for now, Magnus can only jump and run in the chaotic space, maintaining a shield against danger, and trying not to let any evil and weirdness attract too much of his peripheral vision.

He hoped that the unknown perpetrator had not caused too much harm, although the destruction of the library had made it difficult for Magnus to breathe.

The passage leads into the hall. Because a crystal lamp above has broken in an unknown place, leaving only a string of broken crystal chains swinging around, the light in the hall is particularly unstable. Combined with countless destroyed psychic instruments, this place has almost become a huge arcane furnace, continuously transporting chaotic and dirty demonic energy to the outside.

Vision was completely useless in the changes in the mysterious evil light here, and Magnus completely resisted opening the scope of his psychic perception too wide.

He held on to the booth and groped forward like a blind man, enduring the strong nausea to guide and sort out the vortex of energy, trying to control the highly concentrated ether layer by layer from the periphery, which would be enough to kill any mortal once leaked.

This work is not going particularly smoothly. Even if you don't take into account that Magnus is still unable to fully adjust his mentality when facing the ether, the psychic conditions here are too harsh.

Too many ancient relics have produced many strange phenomena that cannot be analyzed. Each psychic thread is closely related to other related energies. One improper operation, one wrong extraction or truncation is enough to make the entire complex ether structure directly Collapse, the shock wave generated in this way is enough to wash away the protective runes on the outer wall of the Great Library, and even drag the entire Tizca into the abyss of destruction.

Magnus had a headache and concentrated on solving the psychic mystery here, like a blind locksmith who was extremely tired, dealing with the nine hundred and ninety-nine increasingly complex door locks in front of him.

Suddenly, the toe of his shoe hit something that was neither cold nor hard to the touch, and Magnus' heartbeat suddenly missed a beat.

The red giant squatted down his tall body and reached out to touch the things he touched. He touched a raised young arm. The skin had the unique smoothness of the Bright Feather School. The palm was nailed high to the edge of the booth by a psychic crossbow arrow.

Going down the arm, Magnus came across some prickly hair, the monk's neck was still warm, and the pulse under the gold jewelry had long since calmed down.

His fingers began to tremble slightly, and an unreasonable stubbornness forced him to continue facing the problem he already knew the outcome of.

Going up the cold neck, he came across a pair of lips that were open in pain, and the tense muscles preserved the last scream of the deceased.

He hit the stiff zygomaticus minor, then the orbicularis oculi. The wet ball was as small as a child's marble under his huge fingers, but the color and shape of the soft crystal emerged naturally from Magnus's memories, along with various vivid expressions and former smiles.

Magnus trembled as he covered the deceased's eyelids, but his overly large fingers were trembling and unable to complete such a precise operation. He put down Hastur and smashed his fist angrily on the stand next to him, causing large cracks to spread from under his fist.

He stood up straight and exited the chaotic area.

The previous attempt had proved that dealing with this mess was not something that Magnus could easily accomplish now. He decided to first find the group of people who were causing trouble.

It's better they didn't get a second dead person.

Those chaotic footsteps and shouts came faintly from uncertain directions in the ever-changing space. Apart from proving that the intruder seemed to be chasing someone, Magnus knew nothing.

From the dead Hastar, he already had an idea of ​​the identity of the people who caused trouble today, and he sincerely hoped it wouldn't be them.

Away from the exhibition hall, color no longer affects Magnus’ vision. The marble floor, which was originally clean and bright and cleaned every day, has turned into several old tree branches that intertwined and meandered in the dark, intersecting each other and making it difficult to identify.

He managed to approach the source of the chaos faster on the twisting and changing road, and the sound of a bookshelf collapsing gave him some guidance.

Magnus cheered up and approached the sound. In the gap between the flying paper scraps, he saw a familiar little figure, and his heart immediately filled with joy and peace.

From the first time the two met in this big library, Magnus had been very fond of this brother who, although serious, also had unique views on literature, art, science and technology; and many things that happened later proved it many times. Perturabo's reliability and generosity hidden under the steel exterior.

Perturabo's conversation with him a few days ago was still echoing in his mind. It was his guidance and urging that made Magnus determined to face his problems honestly and successfully solve his problems.

He had too many things to say to Perturabo, such as a formal and sincere thank you to this venerable brother, the restoration work of the Great Library of Tizca, and the cleaning and restoration of the ruins outside Tizca. reconstruction……

This library, which symbolizes the first meeting with Perturabo, can completely integrate the style of Olympia, and the numerous temples and dangerous places in the outside ruins also need Magnus to share with Perturabo one by one...

The unknown magic attached to a few rows of obstructive bookshelves stopped Magnus for a moment. With overflowing motivation, he cleared the obstacles, pushed aside the falling papers, and called Perturabo happily, but received no response.

Magnus poked his head out of the aisle in confusion, finding no one behind the collapsed bookshelf.

He explored forward, looking past the collapsed white wooden frame, and finally saw a small half-burnt cloth robe and a handful of charred embers quietly falling on the ground.

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