Warhammer 40k: Shattered Steel Soul

Chapter 91 Magnus and the Bird-Headed Man

Perturabo would not die like this.

That was the emperor's heir, not to mention that what came to Prospero today was just a section in Perturabo's consciousness, a branch that had nothing to do with the subject. The sophisticated body crafted by Morse will not allow the death of branches to overly affect the survival of the main body.

Magnus knew all this.

But an empty, terrifying silence still spread in Magnus's heart, like a sudden nightmare that suddenly enveloped and captured the unprepared Magnus.

Everything around him became crowded and blurry. The pages that fell on the broken robes whirled and collided with each other, and the words on them were distorted and blurred, as hard to read as ink drops falling into the water. Only the first moment after each hard blink, Only Magnus could confirm that the words had not been altered at all.

The thoughts in his mind were mixed and indistinguishable, and several pictures flashed through his consciousness. The fragments of time came to his face like broken glass reflecting the pictures, all the conversations, walks, ruins, golden deserts, old books, serious faces, and glaciers. eyes flashed in front of him one after another.

Then there were sounds, the sound of pages being turned, the slight movement of sandal soles scraping against the marble floor, the sound of the boy's breath passing through the air as he scolded him, the sound of the poetry book being placed back on the table, Magnus' own heartbeat at that moment, and his A hollow scream of disgust and pain in the consciousness.

He opened his eyes and carefully looked at the ashes held in his palm - the burned residue had been put into his palm at some point, and his body was already half-kneeling on the crystal-shaped ground.

The moment he touched the remaining ashes, he already understood that these were the scorch marks left by the crystal-like material on the ground that was ignited. However, this only meant that Perturabo's body did not even fly. No ashes remain.

Magnus grabbed the Tizka-style robe next to him, and the hem of the garment was forcibly torn off. There were holes and traces of flames on the edges and many parts of the entire robe.

The original body's brain immediately imagined for Magnus the scene of Perturabo running among the bookshelves. The flames - he smelled the etheric fluctuations of the Fire Phoenix School - easily burned through the light clothing of ordinary materials, directly burning Burning the body of his first brother, was it the fire that consumed the boy?

He believed that Perturabo was still alive and could still wake up on the other side of the galaxy, but did his death really have no impact on the intact Perturabo?

Did he feel pain when his brother died?

They burned his brother to death once.

Magnus felt a downward fall, as the chaotic illusions torn apart by fire rushed towards him, pushing him off the solid ground and straight into the bottom of the valley of despair.

He taught the psykers of Tizca the laws of fire, and was it not his crime that the fire that had once killed the Devouring Bee now killed his brother?

Then Magnus slipped into yet another possibility that made him tremble.

Magnus had been so close to his scholars, and yet when they hunted his brother, he was still slow, too late, due to his own psychology, to the evil he should have stopped long ago.

Would Perturabo regard this as indulgence and acquiescence on his part? Would he think it was his brother, Magnus, who wanted him dead?

No, this is not important anymore. If he had arrived here even a moment earlier, Hastal, who had just died, could have been saved, and Perturabo would not have had to experience this pain.

Magnus's pain faded away, because he seemed to have lost the ability to feel himself. The whole world was shaking in his heart. He seemed to be holding on to the edge of a high-altitude cliff with one finger. The lack of oxygen and suffocation made him feel The capacity for pain drifts away.

The remaining piece of fabric slipped from his nervously trembling palms, and Magnus loosened his fingers as well, falling irresistibly from the cliff.

"Don't think too much," he heard Perturabo's voice echoing in his ears, "Admit your mistakes and accept your responsibility. That's all you have to do."

He remembered every word, every sentence, and the warmth of Perturabo's hand on his shoulder.

This would be the last mistake he ever made in a single thought, and he would remember this day forever, remembering the pain and shattering of his brother.

The red Magnus stood up and waited for the arrival of the perpetrator. Soon, a group of familiar and unfamiliar people appeared in front of him. The wisdom and sharp thinking of the past have disappeared from them. Mason, Thothmus, Zahn, Walton... Have they ever had such ferocious expressions immersed in darkness and violence?

Everyone's hands were empty, leaving Magnus confused as to why they had come to the Great Library. However, this confusion quickly dissolved into his disgust and anger at treating himself and others the same.

Magnus's cheeks burned so hard, as if he had been slapped in the face by this irritating world, and his hands lit up with fire. The reason why he did not fight them on the spot was simply because he decided to know about these scholars first. The reason for coming here today.

"Thothmus," he looked at the old psyker with whom he was once particularly close, and vaguely felt that the other person's face was undergoing an uncomfortable deformation. "What did you do!"

"You need help, Mag..." Before he could finish these words, he was caught in the palm of Magnus. The red giant held him with one hand, which was no more difficult than holding a poultry.

The other party's excuse immediately wiped away Magnus's hesitation and weakness, and an unprecedented desire for revenge rose in Magnus' empty heart. The chains of psychic energy bound everyone he saw immobile, and just a little bit of power could suffocate them to death.

When they burned down the library, betrayed his will, killed their companions, and burned the body of his brother, years of emotional ties were broken between the two parties.

Magnus's other hand covered the psyker's head in his palm, and his mental energy suddenly penetrated the opponent's mental defenses, combining the psykers' discussions over the past few days, the slander and slander against his respected brother. The arrogance of self-importance is on full display.

Never before had Magnus realized so clearly that while the psykers were speculating, plotting, he was huddled in his cell, blind and listening, letting everything get worse.

Magnus browsed the memories of Thothmus and made up his mind to hand these people over to Perturabo and let the brothers who had been truly harmed decide their fate, and then he added himself to this sentence. of that share.

Without warning, he saw the hands of the scholars in Thothmus' memory replaced by bone-white claws. At the same time, the psyker he held hostage began to scream heart-rendingly, and the bones all over Totmus' body began to crack and break, and his skin was damaged and twisted.

Magnus watched in horror as his face was stretched and deformed strangely. The human skull began to elongate in an incomprehensible form, and the teeth and upper and lower jaws protruded outward at the same time, turning into an extremely ugly bird. beak. He immediately ended the life of the psychic before the other party's transformation was completed. However, during this period of time, several others sprouted silver-blue bird feathers all over their bodies.

Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine strange laughs came towards Magnus from all directions. The loudest one came from the top floor of the pyramid-shaped library. A trace of Alma's name could still be discerned in the strange laughter. Remains of Zbek.

"Magnus, the light of the veil has been introduced from the nine-layered golden tower, and the fire of transformation is the truth of eternal change-"

The Great Library of Tizca transformed into its own form in the waves of spiritual energy, the weird gold and silver tower reappeared in the world, and the most well-preserved colorful bird temple in Prospero reappeared in the world. Formed from the fusion of countless broken psychic instruments and the souls of sacrificed psykers, the furnace continuously feeds aether upwards.

Peeled off from a corner of the crystal maze, the sextant-shaped temple sacred ritual vessel shines brightly on the top of the golden tower, together with the other eight temple golden towers scattered in various ruins on the entire planet's surface. Together they opened a corner of the curtain of reality high in the sky.

When all the temples operate at full capacity under the call of the main tower at the core of Tizca, the scene of the vast ocean will directly replace Prospero's canopy, and all living creatures will witness the waves of the highest sky with their own eyes, even an ignorant person Mortals will clearly see the magnificent and mysterious true appearance of Aether at close range.

At the same time, the spiritual fluctuations in the temples and ruins instantly catalyzed the hatching of countless Prospero Devouring Bees, completely resurrecting this dying race.

The beast that once almost destroyed the planet has returned, rushing from every corner of the planet to the core of the etheric reaction, the city of light, Tizca.

"The Holy Saint Tzeentch will protect our souls," the devil laughed enthusiastically, "the lost sentient beings will be guided, and a new kingdom will come in Tizca!"

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