Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 411: Sun Yawei, messy in the wind

Captain Song is about the same age as Sun Yawei, but his body is very sturdy, and Sun Yawei's fat and bloated are like the sky and the ground.

However, Sun Yawei didn't care at all about the huge difference between the two people's stature. After walking in, he shouted enthusiastically: "Brother Song, it's like three autumns if you don't see each other for a day. It's only been a few days, and you will be promoted to the head of the regiment. It's gone!"

The character of the head of Song may be a little dull. In the face of Sun Yawei's compliment, there is no appropriate sentence: "Don't dare to be, Master Sun, you have also been promoted to the first official of the Tang Dynasty!"

He just nodded slightly, then said, "It's okay!"

Seeing this person's character is a bit dull, I don't know how to change it, and the greeting is just a hello. I don't know the importance of everyone carrying a sedan chair in the official circle. I don't flatter you, you don't flatter me, what do you want me to do next? It's embarrassing to chat with you happily!

However, Colonel Song only spoke a few words to Sun Yawei, and regardless of the many rules in the officialdom, he directly asked Sun Yawei about Liping Palace City and the front of the Ming Army.

In this regard, Sun Yawei scolded decisively in his heart. As expected, most of the military are rude warriors. This is a lieutenant colonel, and he doesn't understand the same rules as those big-headed soldiers.

When you see Lao Tzu, the first official of the Tang Dynasty, can't you be more polite, more polite, more polite?

You will die for touting this official two sentences?

But Lord Liu, the chief assistant, is right. Most of these warriors are rude. I, such as scholars, should keep a broad mind and do not have the same knowledge as these vulgar people.

Immediately, he took a deep breath and hid the contempt in his heart. Although there are differences in civil and military affairs, they are both officials of the same dynasty. It would be better if there were no conflicts. Besides, I am a prefect. , how can I have the general knowledge with these warriors.

The officer bears it!

But if you let him know that the head of Song in front of him is actually a scholar, and his grades in the imperial examination were better than him. How do people who have never passed the county exam in their entire lives feel?

Since the new army of the Tang Dynasty has held the martial arts school and the imperial school, it has vigorously recruited scholars to join the army.

And after it is stipulated that officers must be able to read and write, in fact, most of the officers in the current Datang New Army, especially the middle and senior officers, are actually from the Imperial Academy, and the officers who graduated from the Imperial Academy are basically scholars before.

Even a low-level officer who was promoted from an ordinary soldier actually needs to enter the Imperial Academy to study and learn basic cultural knowledge, not to mention the four books and five classics, but the basic family letters can still be written reluctantly, but they are not very literary.

Therefore, in terms of overall quality, in fact, the officer class of the Datang New Army is to kill the civilian class in the Datang Dynasty. Most of the officers of the Datang New Army are literate, and the education level of middle and senior officers is not low, but the civilian class is actually a lot. All are not good.

This has led to a fact that many people will ignore. In fact, the overall quality of the officers of the Datang New Army, especially the overall quality of the middle and senior officers and even the level of the imperial examination, has already surpassed that of the civilian officials.

At this time, if the Tang Dynasty held an imperial examination and asked civil and military officials to take the test together, there would definitely be more military officers in the test than civil officers.

There is no way to do this. Who will make the officers in the new army of the Tang Dynasty have high treatment and broad prospects, and the current title of the Tang Dynasty is based on military merit.

Except for a few old civil servants who started from Long, such as Liu Bagou, Wang Wenhua, Qian Mengjiu, Ma Wei, etc., it is actually very difficult for other civil servants to be awarded titles.

Now there will be a lot of scholars who take the initiative to vote, no matter what the reason is, but many people dream of being a hero of the founding of the country, and finally to be a nobleman for a hundred years, so many people choose to join the army .

In addition, the Imperial Academy and the Martial Arts Academy both have cultural courses. It can be said that these officers have not heard of learning since the day they joined the army. This knowledge level has continued to grow, so that it is common sense that the overall quality exceeds that of the civilian class.

Of course, Captain Song didn't know Sun Yawei's heart. Now he is not in the mood to care about Sun Yawei's psychological feelings. He is more concerned about the situation of Liping City and the related Ming army.

Fortunately, although Sun Yawei felt a little thorn in his heart, he still detailed the situation of Liping City and the Ming army, and said everything he knew.

After listening to Sun Yawei's words, Colonel Song and Sun Yawei said a few more words, then took out the military map they had with them, and then started to look at the officers and staff around them.

Sun Yawei saw that these Qiu Ba were no longer paying attention to him, and immediately became annoyed again, thinking silently in his heart: I will endure, this official will endure, this lord will endure...

Paralyzed, I can't bear it anymore, I'm leaving!

"That, Captain Song, this official is busy with official business, and there are still a lot of things waiting to be dealt with, so let's say goodbye first!"

Fart's official business is busy, and now he has even lost Liping Mansion City, and now he is just fleeing with a group of remnant soldiers and defeated generals. The most important thing is to find Li Xuan and explain it, and his future is not guaranteed.

Captain Song was probably too involved, he didn't turn around, but just said, "Sir Song, walk slowly!".

Sun Yawei didn't stop immediately, and walked away directly, looking back while walking. Unfortunately, Colonel Song and a group of officers still didn't look up at them. An angry Sun Yawei had the urge to vomit blood, and he was depressed. The next big foot flew out, trying to kick a pebble on the ground.

But where I can think of it, the small stones on the ground are buried deep in the ground. It is estimated that this is only a small part of the exposed. This kick flew over, naturally it couldn't kick it, but Sun Yawei screamed in pain. , then cover your feet.

At this time, Head Song and the others turned around. Head Song asked, "Master Sun, are you alright?"

Sun Yawei hopped on one foot and covered the other foot at the same time. Hearing this, he turned around and squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying and said, "It's okay, it's okay!"

"Oh, it's fine!" After that, Colonel Song turned around and continued to discuss the military situation with his subordinates.

Leave Sun Yawei alone in the wind!


To be honest, Song Tianbiao is really not in the mood to care about Sun Yawei's mood now, and he has a heavy responsibility now.

After the main force of the new army of the Tang Dynasty moved south from Tonggu Weicheng, Li Xuan dispatched Fang Xitong's second brigade as the front army, and Fang Xitong let his subordinate third infantry regiment walk in the front, paving the way for the army of more than 10,000 people.

As the vanguard of the entire army, the pressure on the 3rd Infantry Regiment is naturally not small, and he, Song Tianbiao, the new head of the 3rd Infantry Regiment, is also under a lot of pressure.

A few days ago, Emperor Li Xuan set up the first brigade and the second brigade, so that the new army of the Tang Dynasty produced two real generals, and also led to the promotion of a group of generals.

With such a huge victory in the Battle of the Bronze Drum Acropolis, Li Xuan naturally wanted to be promoted to inspire all the soldiers.

As the so-called promotion to make a fortune, this wealth is due to the shyness of the Tang Dynasty. Although the officers have a lot of salary in name, but in fact they have not paid much. The current Datang New Army only pays ordinary soldiers, and most of them are also paid. Discounted in kind, cash is rarely issued.

There is no way, who made Datang poor? All the gold and silver from this search have been used to buy various strategic materials. Gold and silver are also increasing.

Sun Laotou, an old friend of the Datang Dynasty, is rumored to have skyrocketed several times since he did business with the Datang Dynasty. This is all the hard-earned money that the Datang Dynasty has worked so hard to collect. When the tax officials saw Old Man Sun, they could not wait to eat his flesh and drink his blood!

Profitable businessmen like Sun Laotou just lie on the body of the Tang Dynasty and **** up every drop of blood from the Tang Dynasty. Now, let alone embezzlement and making a fortune, he can't even get his mother's salary. 10,008 is really hard to dispel the hatred in my heart!

The Tang Dynasty is poor, and they can’t pay out their daily salaries. Naturally, they don’t have much money to reward them for meritorious soldiers. Except for the rewards for non-commissioned officers and soldiers, they need to fulfill their promises. The promotion of officers and fortunes is limited to promotion. To make a fortune, at most, it is to give out a little silver in a symbolic way, and then give a command knife given by Li Xuan himself.

There is no difference between this commanding knife and the ordinary commanding knife. They are all the same style, and they are not gilded. The only difference is that a line of words is engraved: "Xuanping, a certain year, a certain month, a certain day, the royal gift to such and such"

Well, it's an honorable mention!

However, although he doesn't pay, Li Xuan is still very generous when it comes to promotion!

After the war, many officers were promoted to military rank. For example, Zeng Ziwen of the Department of Operations was promoted from lieutenant colonel to colonel.

And several new regiments and battalion leaders have been promoted!

Song Tianbiao was one of them, replacing Fang Xitong as the head of the 3rd Infantry Regiment. At the same time, Chen Keqiao in the 2nd Infantry Battalion was promoted two levels in a row, from the battalion commander of the infantry battalion to the lieutenant colonel. , over the transition period of the deputy head.

And more importantly, he is also the head of the First Infantry Regiment, the core and main force of the new army of the Tang Dynasty!

This position is the most prominent position of colonel in the new army of the Tang Dynasty. As long as he is not stupid, he can be promoted to colonel after a transition period of one or two months, and he will have a great opportunity to compete for the next major general brigade in the future. long job.

Compared with him, Song Tianbiao is also the head of the junior lieutenant colonel, but the weight is very different!

But it is precisely because of this that Song Tianbiao wants to make more achievements. Who doesn't want to be the same as Hao Bainian and Fang Xi and become a high-ranking general in the new army of the Tang Dynasty, and be called a general!

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