Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 2042: Edward, who couldn't adapt to life in the Tang Dynasty

The longer I stayed in Datang, the wider the personal connections I established in Datang, especially the closer the relationship with the diplomatic officials of Datang, and the deeper I knew about Datang, Then, even if the Kingdom of England wants to replace him, it has to be considered.

Viscount Norris prides himself on being the person who knows the Tang Dynasty the most in the Kingdom of England. He doesn't need to be a diplomat stationed in Tang Dynasty in China, who else can he use?

This is his confidence!

However, many of his friends did not have such good luck.

Now that everyone is gone, Viscount Norris can only sigh and do his own thing.

The next day, Viscount Norris, the deputy minister of the Kingdom of England to Tang, was about to visit the Songjiang Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Tang Dynasty and handed in his official appointment letter.

On this day, Viscount Norris took care of himself very decently. He didn't even wear expensive fine cashmere business clothes like when he was on the boat yesterday. Instead, he was wearing a silk flowing Hanfu, a square scarf, and a folding fan. Boarded the four-wheeled carriage.

And his coachman and entourage is Edward, the son of the earl, who he brought over yesterday. Edward is the second son, so don't count on the title, but the old earl still loves him very much. Let him become a diplomatic entourage and be able to follow Viscount Norris to the Tang Dynasty.

When he was still in England, the old earl repeatedly asked Norris to help him with one or two. It is best to let this kid continue to live and work in Datang. For this, the old earl also offered a face value. Two hundred Tang Yuan of the Royal Bank's bearer promissory note.

Although two hundred Tang Yuan is nothing to Norris, no one thinks it is too much money, and the so-called support is just a little effort for him, so he should come down.

So on the first day out, he brought Edward with him, intending to let him see the world and get in touch with the diplomatic officials of the Tang Dynasty.

After taking out the entry and exit permit, Viscount Norris' carriage left the embassy area all the way. He sat in this Datang four-wheeled carriage and walked on the concrete road without feeling the slightest bump. This made Norris satisfied, and he returned to Datang. Well, even a carriage is very comfortable.

When he returned to China before, it was extremely uncomfortable for him to go in and out of the carriage. The carriage had no shock absorption at all, and even the roads were sandy roads with potholes.

How can the carriages of the Tang Dynasty be comfortable, and how can the roads of the Tang Dynasty be smooth!

The Songjiang Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is actually next door to the embassy area. After all, this office is dealing with the indigenous diplomats in the embassy area, and it is inconvenient to be far away.

So Norris and the others actually arrived in a short while, and the distance was actually about 20 minutes on foot, and a lot of the time was within the embassy area.

However, when a decent Tang gentleman goes out formally, he must dress neatly and ride a car or a horse at the same time. This has nothing to do with distance, but only with the occasion.

Although Norris is not from the Tang Dynasty, he considers himself a decent gentleman even in the Tang Dynasty.

After all, people can earn hundreds of Tang Yuan a year by relying on the copyright fees of various books.

So, when their carriage stopped soon, Norris heard Edward's voice: "Sir, it's here!"

However, at this time, Norris' face swayed, and he immediately said in pure Tang Dynasty words: "Since we have all arrived in Tang Dynasty, we must pay attention to all aspects. The dignity of the kingdom needs me and other diplomats to maintain it!"

Edward was taken aback for a moment, he didn't know why Norris said that all of a sudden.

Norris continued at this time: "Have you heard other people speak their native dialect since yesterday? Not only our England, but also diplomats from other countries. Have you ever seen them speak their native dialect?"

It was at this moment that Edward came to his senses. He immediately showed a look of embarrassment and said in a slightly awkward Tang language: "It was my fault, and I will definitely pay attention in the future!"

Norris nodded slightly, and then said to Edward: "You are from a noble family, so you naturally understand the importance of etiquette, and the Tang Dynasty is a state of etiquette, and pays more attention to etiquette."

After that, he took a deep breath and said, "If you don't want to be treated as a savage, don't do something like a savage!"

After saying this, he just got out of the car, and then skillfully opened the fan with one hand. After a few fanning, he slowly stepped forward and entered the door of the Songjiang House Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

After entering the gate, Norris nodded slightly towards Edward, and Edward immediately stepped forward and handed over his thorn to the door.

The people in the concierge also saw a lot of barbarian diplomats, and Norris and the others had met many times, so they simply looked at the famous thorns, and then told them to go to the side room later.

At the same time, they sent another person to notify the relevant officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

After arriving at the side room, Norris smiled, sat down under the guidance of the concierge, and tapped the folding fan lightly.

However, a second later, Norris showed an extremely embarrassed look, and he actually took the initiative to say to the doorman who poured the tea: "Sorry, this entourage has just come from England and doesn't understand the rules!"

He also reached out and shook the hand of the concierge's messenger. During this process, a Tang Yuan note with a face value of one dime was quietly transferred to the concierge's hand.

The concierge was someone who had seen the world, so he sighed after accepting the note generously: "Li Shiyan is serious, and the rules are very different in different parts of the world, so that's okay!"

After the concierge went out, Edward on the side was still stunned!

On the other hand, Norris' face was not very good-looking, he turned to look at his Edward, and finally said: "Don't you have any etiquette courses in China?"

Edward said: "Yes, my teacher is a temporary resident of the Tang Dynasty!"

Norris listened even more upset, and immediately said: "Since you have learned, why didn't you tip the messenger just now?"

Edward was puzzled, and immediately asked tentatively, "Didn't you say that you only need to tip when you go to a high-end restaurant?"

"Fart!" Norris has a feeling that iron is not steel: "How do you think the habit of tipping in restaurants and other places started, it was spread from the gentleman's family."

"Remember, no one will give you a free service!"

After talking, Norris suddenly didn't want to talk!

Edward grew up in Even though he has studied the etiquette education of the Tang Dynasty, many of the daily concepts in life are still out of tune with the Tang society. solved.

For example, tipping is a very common thing in the Tang Dynasty, and it is very different from the so-called reward money in the early years of big families.

Today’s tipping has actually evolved into a service fee in Datang society. Now, service personnel in many industries do not rely on wages to live on, but on tips, such as staff in high-end restaurants and shops. Or elevator operators in office buildings, etc., basically rely on tips to live.

This is a social ethos that has been gradually formed over the years. It does not appear temporarily, nor is it compulsory.


The decency of Datang people does not allow them to enjoy the services of others without paying the service fee!

Datang people want face!

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