Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1936: The Tang Dynasty with advanced theory

Prof. Lin continued: "This shooting scheme can greatly reduce the volume and weight of the gasoline engine compared to the gas engine, and the safety is much better than the gas engine because of the gasoline used."

"Of course, there are still difficulties in trial production, and even mass production is impossible, and there are defects such as short lifespan and failure, but this is an inevitable stage that new firms need to go through."

"In the future, we will conduct more tests on this solution, and we will manufacture multiple test samples with different focuses for simultaneous testing to shorten the development time. If nothing else happens, we will be able to complete the preliminary tests within half a year. Then determine the research route.”

Song Tao heard that the research route could only be determined after half a year of the experiment, so I don't know how long it will take to come up with an engineering prototype.

But he didn't come to urge the development progress of the internal combustion engine project, he just came to understand and report it to the Son of Heaven.

So he doesn't say anything that shouldn't be said.

He just inquired about the development progress of the internal combustion engine project in detail, not only gasoline engines, but also diesel engines and kerosene engines.

It's just that Professor Lin is only in charge of the gasoline engine. He is not in charge of the diesel engine project and the kerosene engine project, so the leaders of the other two projects will explain.

Song Tao spent an entire afternoon in the internal combustion engine laboratory before leaving with a thick book of notes.

Although it was relatively late, he still returned to the Hanlin Academy and led a few people under his staff to work overtime to sort out the collected information.

The next day, he received a telegram from his subordinates who were dispatched to Hangzhou to learn about the gas engine project, but the telegram didn't say anything too detailed, but said that they had collected information overnight and would take the train back to Jinling today.

That night, Song Tao waited for the materials brought back by his subordinates who went to Hangzhou, then led a group of subordinates to work overtime, and finally produced a report on the research and development of internal combustion engines.

This report appeared on Li Xuan's desk early the next morning.

Li Xuan didn't know that his secretaries had been busy for two days collecting information. This was not what he needed to know. He only needed to know the progress of the research and development of internal combustion engines.

I took a quick look at it. The first is the gas machine. The research on this thing is mainly from Hangzhou Power Machinery Company. The company was a pure private enterprise at first. Later, the Royal Assets Division invested in the company and obtained some shares.

The company's emergence is to develop a gas engine chariot for the Navy, but the gas engine chariot is really unreliable. This project was killed by Lin Ziran himself. Later, the company turned its target to industrial gas engines and gas engines. on the tractor.

Among them, the gas tractor project was a complete failure, and no one purchased the products that were withdrawn. People would rather continue to use the cumbersome steam engine tractor rather than the troublesome and very unsafe gas engine tractor.

But their industrial gas engine was a great success!

It didn't take long, but it has already received orders for thousands of units, and Hangzhou Power Machinery Co., Ltd. has also successively launched a variety of improved models.

Because this thing is small in size and weight, and more importantly, it has high thermal efficiency.

Today, the thermal efficiency of the industrial gas generators of Hangzhou Power Machinery Company can reach 18%, which is quite a terrifying figure.

Its stand-alone power has also increased from more than ten horsepower at the beginning to more than one hundred horsepower now.

This kind of gas generator is very suitable for many factories, not only because of its high thermal efficiency, which leads to lower fuel cost, but also because of its small size, more stable operation and easier maintenance.

It will not be the same as the huge and cumbersome steam engine, not to mention the high fuel cost and complicated maintenance.

In Lin Ziran's view, the gas engine does not have much future. Although it will have a place in the industry in the future, it is definitely not as big as gasoline and diesel engines.

Even a kerosene engine is useless for a short period of time. He doesn't engage in aerospace these days, so what kind of kerosene engine does he want?

As for the diesel engine, this thing is useful, but according to the report, the research and development is more difficult than the gasoline engine, and there are many defects that are difficult to solve, such as large vibration, and higher requirements for the body manufacturing.

After all, this thing burns and works purely by means of a high degree of compression, allowing the temperature to exceed the auto-ignition temperature of the fuel.

This puts forward higher requirements for the manufacture of cylinders and many other components.

From a purely technical point of view, diesel engines are more difficult than gasoline engines.

This is also the reason why gasoline engines have already started prototype testing, while diesel engines have not even a prototype yet.

In the short term, the only internal combustion engine that can be practical on a large scale is the gasoline engine.

If the overall scientific and technological level of Datang is compared with that of the nearly industrial countries on the earth, the development is actually very unbalanced.

In some disciplines, especially theoretical disciplines, the scientific level of Datang can even be said to have reached the level of the early 20th century. Yes, but it's all theoretical research, and it's still a theoretical research that stands on the shoulders of the giant, Li Xuan, the Son of Heaven.

For this reason, Professor Wei Qingxin, who is arrogant and arrogant, has raised funds to conduct experiments in the past two years. step direction.

After all, it's not enough to know the theory, you have to come up with practical things to prove it.

For this, a lot of funds have been spent in the Department of Physics of the Royal Institute of Technology, and there are complaints within the Department of Physics of the Royal Institute of Technology, but Wei Qingxin turned around and went directly to the Army to ask for funds. Those stupid generals in the Army I don't know what's wrong, I was stunned for a moment by others, and finally took out a large amount of money to make Wei Qingxin toss...

The various theoretical researches represented by Wei Qingxin have exceeded too much, but in other aspects, especially basic disciplines and manufacturing fields, they are far behind.

Especially the basic materials are far behind.

Many theoretical studies of the Tang Dynasty can even reach the level of the early 20th century, but the manufacturing industry, especially the basic materials, is at most the level of the mid-19th century.

No way, a genius in theoretical research had a flash of inspiration, and he went up immediately.

As for things like materials, you have to toss slowly, and you need to constantly carry out various tests and selections, and choose one that can be used from countless possibilities.

These all take time and huge experimental funds to accumulate slowly, so there is no rush.



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