Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 670 This is a fool

The energy water polo hung above it motionless, Jiang Yixin said in a stern tone: "If I find out that you pour water on the baby beast again, I will not spare you."

After the threat was spoken, everyone stared at it, wondering what to do with the weird energy ball. The energy water polo was probably having a temper with Jiang Yixin, and spit water dots in a "puff puff", some very small water dots, some of which sprayed onto Jiang Yixin's face.

Jiang Yixin wiped his face, raised his head and looked at the energy water polo, he couldn't believe that this little thing couldn't be restrained.

Qin Yilang made eye contact with He Yun and the others. This energy water polo seemed a little arrogant, but he was still not convinced after being told. But this is not their energy ball, no matter how arrogant their temper is, they don't care about their business, and none of them spoke.

Li Feng has a good relationship with Jiang Yixin, so he persuaded him at this time: "It's okay, it doesn't have to be him."

Jiang Yixin's temper also came up: "He must have done it."

I don't know which string of the energy water polo was touched by this sentence, the saliva stopped immediately, and I stood still for a moment and ran away. Robbie is very curious, where is this going? After following a few steps, he didn't go anywhere, but hid in a corner and leaned against the glass cover to pretend to be dead.

They all pretended to be dead and there was nothing to see, Robbie looked away.

After watching the excitement, what should the others do! He Yun continued to cook, Wen Xiao and Li Feng returned to the incubator, Feng Ling and Qin Yilang had something to ask Leng Lie, and the three of them sat together and talked.

Zhan Di brushed the fur of his baby beast in pinch by pinch. When will this fuzzy curly hair grow straight! Fortunately, he didn't have a handkerchief ball. If he had a handkerchief ball, he wouldn't bully the baby beast to death.

The more Jiang Yixin thought about it, the more angry she took off the communicator on her wrist to call Consul Pei Jing. Consul Pei Jing had one more energy ball than him, two energy balls, and a baby beast. I don't know what will happen.

It's fine if he doesn't ask, but Pei Jing gets angry when he asks, who is he? How could the little tricks under his nose be hidden from him, he already knew about the energy ball bullying the baby beast.

It's just that Pei Jing's training several times didn't work. As long as he is not paying attention, the baby beast will definitely be hung on a high place by the energy wooden ball to swing.

Once or twice is okay, but if there are too many times, it is necessary to strictly control it. Pei Jing has long been concerned about this matter, so he hung up the communication and went out to look for it. Sure enough, the baby beast was hung up again.

Don't bother to check, this must be done by the energy wooden ball again, the difficult action of hanging the baby beast with the energy golden ball is simply impossible. Pei Jing's face turned cold, and he summoned an energy wooden ball for a good reprimand. The energy wooden ball was still sprouting at first, and then ran away with a whoosh.

Pei Jing didn't bother to talk about it. The so-called killing one to warn others, the energy wooden ball ran away, so he summoned the energy golden ball to beat it. The energy golden ball hung in the air from the beginning to the end without moving, neither running nor bursting buds for Pei Jing to see like the energy wooden ball.

Pei Jing shook his head, no matter how spiritual it is, it is still an iron ball, and the energy wooden ball is not easy to manage, this one is a fool. He hugged the baby beast and walked away, the energy golden ball was still hanging in that position firmly, never moving.

The energy ball doesn't care about Luo Bi's business, several people came to eat in a row. She was worried that the ingredients were not enough, so she asked He Yun to take some ingredients from the refrigerator and add them. After eleven o'clock, Luo Jie came to rush to eat up.

No way, Luo Bi went to call Hu Li again, and there was a lot of people eating and bustling.

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