Transmigrated As A Delicate Bundle Of Luck For A Farming Family

Chapter 26 The Rabbit Gives Birth to the Baby Rabbit

Chapter 26 The Rabbit Gives Birth to the Baby Rabbit

Su Sanlang put down his hoe and said, "Brother Chong, Brother Hua, today's work is done, let's go home and cook."

Su Chong and Su Hua's eyes lit up immediately, they looked in the direction of Xia's house, and immediately ran down.

They have already smelled the smell of stewed chicken, it is delicious.

Looking at his innocent and lively son, Su Sanlang smiled, as if his exhaustion had been wiped away, he also went home with a hoe on his shoulder.

With Su Sanmei helping to cook the fire, Su Sanlang was not tired at all.

He went to have a look at the rabbit, and the rabbit that was suspected to be giving birth hadn't moved yet, but it had pulled out many of its own hairs and made a nest.

The other rabbits are also very energetic while eating green grass. It will be no problem to raise them for three to five days.

Su Sanlang planned to go to the town to sell these rabbits after digging up all the land, and then buy some vegetable seeds to scatter the land.

The meal is ready, and the three children can't wait.

Su Sanlang divided the meals one by one, and after each got three pieces of chicken, the three of them ate slowly with their bowls in their hands. As for what was left in the pot, the three children didn't even look at it.

With such a good temper, Su Sanlang was relieved and distressed. He scooped up a bowl of chicken soup and chicken for Mrs. Zhao, and said, "Try it, mother, the children are delicious."

The chunks of chicken in Zhao's bowl can be seen as chicken thighs at a glance.

Mrs. Zhao asked with concern: "Daddy, have you tried it?"

Su Sanlang was reluctant to eat, and was about to talk to lie to Mrs. Zhao, but Mrs. Zhao didn't say anything to him. He fed him a piece of chicken, and Mrs. Zhao said softly: "I guess you must not eat it, open your mouth, I will eat it after you eat it. "

Mrs. Zhao knew who Su Sanlang was, so she had to feed this piece of chicken to Su Sanlang.

Su Sanlang couldn't refuse, so he opened his mouth to bite.

It was so delicious, Su Sanlang couldn't bear to vomit even the bones, seeing that Mrs. Zhao ate too, he smiled and went out to eat.

The chicken is fragrant and the chicken soup is nourishing. Mrs. Zhao will recover after eating it, so he can rest assured.

On August 20th, Su Sanlang went to see the rabbit when he got up early in the morning. Before anything happened, he closed the cage and went out to see the trap.

Soon he came back, and this time he carried two live pheasants and a hare.

He couldn't hold back the smile on his face, tied up the pheasant's feet, and went into the house to announce the good news to Mrs. Zhao: "My child, we are very lucky. Today we caught two more pheasants. Yesterday's The trap has not moved, and several traps have been destroyed."

As he said that, Su Sanlang couldn't help being shocked, he didn't go empty every time.

Zhao was also shocked: "That's great."

Although he was very happy, he was also puzzled, why did it happen every time, thinking about it, Mrs. Zhao was also a little scared.

Mrs. Zhao asked a question: "Father, how come it happens every time? Why?"

Su Sanlang patted his head in confusion: "I don't know about it, maybe it's luck."

Good luck, this is too good, it's unbelievable.

In the past, in that family, one or two times a year could be caught, and that was considered lucky.

But now, he has made a few traps, and if he catches them every time, it means that he will not miss every time. This luck can't be called good, it has to be said to be against the sky.

Thinking about it, Su Sanlang was also a little depressed. He thought that Su Sanmei caught the bugs that made traps every time, and he caught them himself the first time, so there was no harvest that time.

Su Sanlang patted his head: "Baby girl, I remembered that the insects used as bait these few times were caught by our third sister. She catches insects every day and feeds them, and our hens will lay eggs. Do you think it will happen?" Is it because those bugs are so good, so the hen eats them well, and even the wild animals are especially fond of them?"

This time, everything seemed to be clear.

"Speaking of where Sanmei catches bugs every day, it seems like she can't finish catching bugs."

Su Sanlang was also a little depressed. He made traps, and put grass and insects. Pheasants like insects, but rabbits may like grass that smells of insects.

"I'll go out and have a look first."

Su Sanlang had doubts in his heart, so he turned and went out after speaking.

Mrs. Zhao also had doubts in her heart, so she didn't say anything.

Both Su Chong and Su Hua were woken up, and they looked dazed and didn't know what happened.

After Su Sanlang went out, Su Sanmei said weakly, "Mother, where can I catch bugs and feed them to chickens?"

Mrs. Zhao thought that it would be fine to eat the chicken, not to mention that it brought such a good harvest to the family. She reached out and stroked Su Sanmei's hair and said, "Yes, this is a good thing."

When Su Sanmei heard that it was a good thing, she felt relieved and said with a happy smile, "Mother, then I will catch and feed the chickens every day, and when the chicks hatch, I will feed them too."

"That piece of grass grows the best, and there are a lot of bugs. I finished catching yesterday, and after I woke up, there are a lot of them today."

Su Sanmei couldn't help being happy when she thought of catching worms every day. She would catch them clean every time, and there would be a lot of worms the next day. Her roosters and hens loved it.

Su Sanlang came back quickly, looked at Mrs. Zhao and said, "Mother, there are quite a lot of insects in that area, and the earthworms are very fat, nothing else, just earthworms and crickets, nothing special, don't worry. "

Mrs. Zhao felt at ease, as long as she didn't find anything bad.

As for the others, it is God's love.

When he is at ease in his heart, Su Sanlang will be at ease in his work.

In the next few days, Su Sanlang will take

Watching Su Chong and Su Hua concentrate on digging the ground.

On August 22nd, at noon, Su Sanmei noticed something strange when she was feeding the rabbit. The gray rabbit didn't eat grass, and lay motionless in the nest.

Out of curiosity, Su Sanmei poked the gray rabbit with a stick, and after the gray rabbit jumped away, Su Sanmei screamed: "Ah—"

When Mrs. Zhao heard that something happened, she hurriedly called Su Sanmei from inside the house: "What's wrong with Sanmei, what happened?"

Su Sanmei answered loudly in surprise: "Mother, that gray rabbit gave birth to a baby rabbit."

After hearing this, Mrs. Zhao also smiled and said: "It's just noon, you go and tell your father, let him come back and have a drink and rest."

Su Sanmei nodded happily, and ran out with a smile.

Soon Su Sanlang and Su Chongsuhua came back, and he was also very happy to know that the gray rabbit gave birth to a baby rabbit. This gray rabbit didn't need to be sold, it could be raised.

Check to see if there are any male rabbits in the other rabbits, and keep one male and one female.

The days are getting more and more hopeful, even digging the ground, Su Sanlang feels more and more energetic.

On August 29th, after ten days of digging, I finally dug out the four acres of land. Weeds were piled up in a pile, and they were all dried up after being exposed to the sun for the past few days. .

On the surrounding stalks, the grass and thorns growing out were also dug clean.

Today, the weeds were burned away with a fire, and Su Sanlang's mood became clear. He tidied up today and went to the city tomorrow.

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