Tower of Babel

Chapter 141

Although Mudd VI deeply hated things like attacking local tyrants to divide their land, he also knew that as soon as this order came out, the people at the lower level would immediately change their minds and their military morale would fluctuate. The rich people immediately sat on the crater. Moreover, the basis for this matter is found directly from the Pentateuch, which is a common classic among the three religions.

As a religious country, many people may be illiterate, but no one does not know the contents of the scriptures. It used to be okay if I didn't have the strength to support it, but now that I have support, I am following the will of God and the will of the people. Who doesn't want to make a fortune? Mudd VI vowed that if he had the chance in the future, he would delete the references to the millennium from the Bible! Our ancestors dug a big hole!

Fortunately, Mudd VI has a lot of savings in Swiss banks, so he will not be left with nothing. Now, the Thirty-six Strategy is the best way to go! Survival was at stake, so Mudd VI urgently summoned his confidants to discuss running away, so he put the matter aside for the time being.

It was indeed as expected from the outside as Mudd VI expected. After the broadcast, the Ottoman soldiers lost the last of their morale, and their resistance dropped rapidly. Although the supervisory team came from the upper class and had a firm determination to resist and wanted to destroy the enemy, the supervisory team could not target every soldier. No matter how you shout, the soldiers will not be able to hit the water accurately, and the gods will not be able to do anything.

The perspective of a mecha soldier is not exactly the same as that of a human being. The shooting elements are directly marked visually. The ballistic impact point of the firearm changes at any time with the direction and angle of the muzzle, and is marked on the screen in the form of a red dot. Soldiers know where their shots will hit at any time, which is easier to use than a red dot sight. More accurate than a sniper rifle.

The robot carries recoilless rifles and mortars on its shoulders, with a caliber up to 120 mm and is powerful. The robot itself can act as a precise gun mount without the need for a gun mount. Both artillery shells and bullets were basically shot into the soul, and many supervisory teams and officers were directly killed by snipers and group annihilations. The three-meter-tall giant was invulnerable in heavy armor. Occasionally, he was hit by a rebellious bullet, which caused sparks but was easily bounced away. The counterattack from the 12.7mm heavy machine gun was devastating, and the shooter was often beaten to the ground. minced meat. This situation is extremely terrifying. Once the supervising troops and officers supervise the soldiers, they will be quickly killed. This made everyone feel extremely desperate. Even more desperate is the arrival of the Scorpion helicopter gunship. The propellers roared and roared, looking down at the people from high above. From time to time, they rained bullets and rockets on the ground like a storm, completely exposing all ground operations to the killings of the air force. Unless you take the tunnel, it is too late to build the tunnel now.

Strong air pressure finally forced the defenders to surrender, and Mao Xiong took Constantinople, trying to take advantage of the night. He led his elite confidants to escape across the border to Greece, detoured around the Mediterranean, and fled back to the Ottomans to organize resistance. However, Kaimu'er seriously underestimated Zhang Cheng's battlefield situation awareness. Whether it was dark or not had no impact on Zhang Cheng at all. Breaking out at night under the surveillance of a plane was no different from committing suicide. He was quickly killed in Greece after crossing the border, and the three hundred elite troops were wiped out. A generation of heroes hated Greece and withdrew from the stage of history.

After Zhang Cheng stood firm, he immediately opened the star gate and released the robot army. A large number of light prism tanks and phantom tanks swarmed out. The troops are very fast. Zhang Cheng wants to maximize the results of the war and capture the entire Middle East and even Egypt before the Allies can react. Why can't we collect tolls on the canal?

The British Empire has been deceived! The original plan was to hire a bunch of cannon fodder to charge into the battle. Who would have thought that he would suffer such losses all of a sudden? The Navy lost almost a third of its capital ships. This was an intolerable failure. Even in the Battle of Jutland, the British Empire had never suffered such a loss. Parliament was in turmoil. Lord Admiralty Churchill was reprimanded in court for the reasons for the losses in this battle.

It would be easy to take the blame and resign for such a huge loss. Churchill stood up, wiped his forehead with a handkerchief, put the manuscript on the table and said:"Gentlemen and ladies, the enemy has mastered advanced technology. This is what we had expected." Unfortunately, our communication with the front line has not been restored until now. Our wireless communication has been seriously interfered with. I can't say that I know nothing about the front line, but I know very little. I have urgently ordered the Third Fleet to blockade it with mines. In the Baltic Sea, only waterways blocked by heavy artillery are left for navigation. Warships can be sunk if necessary. The direction of the Baltic Sea does not threaten us for the time being. At the same time, I suggest that Germany be loosened. Ladies and gentlemen, we need Germany and the Russians now. They have always liked expansion and have unparalleled greed and desire for territory. They will definitely organize large-scale attacks on land to further expand. Marshal Hindenburg defeated them before, and I believe he will be able to create miracles again."

Johnson scolded:"Churchill Sir, the Germans are our defeated generals. I don't think they are anything special. I advise you not to have too many illusions about them. The Russians cut off our communications. This is something that has never happened during the entire war. I think something must have happened."

Churchill said:"Accident? What could have happened? Do you believe in God or aliens? That is a trick played by the Russians, a deceptive trick, but I did not All hope is pinned on the Germans. It is enough to be cannon fodder. It is better to have someone blocking the front than no one."

Johnson said righteously:"Of course I don't believe in God and aliens. 006 just got it. Intelligence. The Russians have a secret military base in Yekaterinburg and have been secretly researching various advanced weapons. However, Rasputin confused Nicholas II and embezzled a large amount of gasoline, leaving many advanced weapons without fuel and unable to fight in World War I. Playing a role in the war, the Bolsheviks liberated Yekaterinburg and released this devil."

Churchill said,"Really? Why does it still sound like a myth to me? When did the ignorant and backward Russia have such advanced weapons? It is almost an era ahead of us."

At this time, someone hurriedly entered the venue, whispered to Prime Minister George for a while, put down a stack of documents and left. The Prime Minister looked through it briefly, then turned on the microphone and cleared his throat and said:"Members and ministers, now I am publishing the latest document. News, our wireless communication has been restored, but the situation on the front line is not optimistic. The gold is a trap. The Russians used nearly a thousand tons of explosives to set up a trap of about five square kilometers. After detonating it, it directly caused the thirty-three of our coalition forces. Thousands of outstanding soldiers died"···

Everyone couldn't help but sigh when they heard this, and started talking about it.

"Ouch! Oh my god! Poor children!"···

"this is too scary! The Russians are simply devils"···

"May there be no bombs in heaven. Soldiers, rest in peace!"···

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