Tower of Babel

Chapter 129

With the same fuel consumption, the range of this aircraft exceeds the 3,500 kilometers of the P38. It has reached more than 5,500 kilometers. The weapons are no longer aviation machine guns and unguided bombs, but replaced by modern weapon systems, in addition to airborne radar infrared detectors, air-to-air missiles, glide bombs and other guided weapons, in addition to these weapons.

The aircraft is also equipped with three laser blinding weapon systems. A set of noses, controlled by the pilot for aiming. There is a set of passive laser defense weapons on each side of the aircraft belly, which are automatically targeted and attacked by the airborne radar. Mainly used to deal with weapons such as anti-aircraft artillery and anti-aircraft machine guns, this defense system can also attack enemy aircraft biting its own tail. The principle is to measure ballistic trajectories through radar and lock the location of the local shooter. If you can't deal with the anti-aircraft artillery shells, then deal with the people who fired the artillery shells. Anyway, there is no international convention banning lethal laser weapons. If you don't use it, you won't use it.

Since laser weapons have no recoil and can attack freely, it completely breaks the rules of the air combat game. It can attack head-on during the anti-aircraft phase, directly turning local pilots blind. Compared with the current mainstream weapons, aviation machine guns, it is simply a reduced-dimensional strike. Before the advent of autopilot return-to-home technology, there was no difference between a blind pilot and a dead pilot. This aircraft was named Twin-tailed Lion by Zhang Cheng.

On the army side, Zhang Cheng provided more than 3,000 Apocalypse tanks. More than 5,000 snowmobiles. Ten thousand individual mechas formed a total of three tank divisions and five snow assault divisions. And two mecha masters.

The Apocalypse tank is the latest tank developed by Tongtianxing. As for Zhang Cheng's first pot of gold, more than 2,000 Pershing tanks in the original US military strategic reserve base have all been scrapped after five or six years of long-term use. Zhang Cheng is an amateur military enthusiast. How does he know what motorcycle time is? I think the tank has a rough skin, thick flesh and is durable. It turned out that the opposite was true, so the tank had to be redesigned and manufactured. This Apocalypse tank is not a heavy tank. The defensive nature of future tanks is no longer important, because it cannot be defended at all. Informatization is the main development direction of future tanks.

But even so, compared to World War I and World War II, Zhang Cheng's tank defense is still not low, and it is not inferior to the heavy armor tanks at that time. Like the Red Alert game, the Apocalypse Tank is a double-barreled tank with the same weight. Under the circumstances, the power of double-barreled artillery cannot exceed that of single-barreled artillery. The advantage of a double-barreled artillery tank does not lie in the power of the artillery, but in the choice of ammunition and the rate of fire.

Tanks often encounter a situation where there is an anti-infantry shell in the barrel, but a tank appears in front, or there is an armor-piercing projectile in the gun, but infantry is encountered in front. Many times on the battlefield, the first strike is the best, and the second strike suffers. Whoever fires first will save his life first. Removing ammunition from reloading is undoubtedly a waste of life.

In order to cope with this situation, tanks are now usually equipped with a coaxial machine gun or coaxial grenade launcher to deal with infantry. It can be said that there are priorities and priorities, but this design still cannot replace grenades. Tanks will still have half of their main gun shells being grenades. It can be seen that large-caliber grenades are irreplaceable, so Zhang Cheng felt that it was necessary to conduct further research on double-barreled tanks.

However, the double-barreled artillery will increase the burden on the turret. In order to reduce the burden, the Apocalypse tank uses an unmanned turret and an automatic shell loading system, giving the reduced weight and space to the second artillery. The tank crew consists of two people, a driver and a fire controller. The fire controller sits side by side with the driver and controls the artillery system through a large computer screen.

After all, this was an anti-traditional design, and Zhang Cheng did not dare to use a double-barreled artillery of too large a caliber. Even if the best value calculated by the computer is 122 mm caliber, after all, he represents the Northern Galaxy Federation. It would be very embarrassing if the car rolled over. Therefore, Zhang Cheng took a step back for this Apocalypse tank and adopted a double-barreled 75mm caliber cannon. However, this kind of double-barreled tank is very much in line with the Russian temperament, and it was greatly welcomed as soon as it appeared. Dozens of real 122-caliber Apocalypse tanks have been produced and are being repeatedly verified in Babel Star.

Since the birth of tanks, the field of view has been very narrow. Zhang Cheng, as an enthusiast, does not understand this. Skynet uses a 360-degree circular view for the unmanned modification of tanks in the US military combat readiness base. Influenced by Skynet, the tank designed by Zhang Cheng also uses a camera to construct a 360-degree perspective, and then displays it on the screen, giving the tank controller the feeling of driving a convertible sports car with an extremely wide field of view. After being connected to the aircraft in the air, you can have a God's perspective. Driving a tank is like driving a mecha. It's also very sci-fi. All the combat vehicles that Zhang Cheng assisted were air-conditioned and very comfortable to drive. If the tanks were not so bulky, Mao Xiong would have wanted to use them as leadership vehicles.

In terms of individual mechas, the mechas provided by Zhang Cheng have relatively low technical content. They are just a set of individual soldier-assist exoskeleton systems. The soldiers wear heavy body armor, hold light machine guns, and carry a 500-round cannon on their backs. Ammo boxes. Not the mechas in science fiction movies. Even if it is a weighted model, it is at most like a Star Soldier mecha rather than a Gundam. Because after countless computer simulation experiments, the Gundam Mecha is pure waste. There are still doubts about how useful the mecha in front of me can be. It still needs to be tested in war to get an accurate answer. So this is also a test subject.

However, this mecha can not only fight, but also work. It has been well received by artillerymen. In addition to resisting artillery shells, it can be carried on the back, carry heavy objects, etc., and it is more considerate and flexible. Although it is not as good as humanoid robots, But the price is cheap, and Mao Xiong is also afraid that a large number of people will be idle and cause trouble, so he has to deliberately retain some manpower positions. After seeing the military version, they purchased 100,000 sets of civilian version of the mecha. Unexpectedly, it caused a huge social reaction. People couldn't help but feel that communism was coming.

In order to further strengthen people's ideals and build confidence in automation, with the help of Zhang Cheng. Mao Xiong has established several automated commune unmanned farms around Moscow. Agricultural mechanization began in the mid-19th century, but early mechanization and automation were not the same thing at all. The automation technology provided by Zhang Cheng goes beyond spring plowing to autumn harvest. Then all pesticide spraying by drones has been automated, and even the driver has been completely replaced by driverless technology, even if he returns to the agricultural machinery workshop. Repair and replace agricultural machinery and other tedious and complex tasks. Also done by robots. People basically do menial and tiring work and don't do any work. They just sit in front of the big computer screen and watch the pictures transmitted back by the drone in real time. If there are any unexpected situations, deal with them immediately. What needs people to deal with is basically what to plant there? Or how to deal with thieves or invading wild animals? What to do if a flood disaster occurs, or how to handle unexpected situations such as fires. These are things that rarely happen.

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