Tower of Babel

Chapter 126

Zhang Cheng said with a serious face:"Comrade Vladimir, do you think that for an interstellar civilization, there will be a shortage of things like incense and beautiful women? You think too low of me!"

After saying this, Zhang Cheng said to those around him The guard, Mrs. Jin Snake said:"Jin Ling, I would like you to do a dance for everyone to cheer up.""

"yes!"Mrs. Golden Snake bowed flutteringly, bowed out, and came to the middle of the dance floor. She not only changed her clothes, but also released her dance partners. The four partners danced with Mrs. Golden Snake. This scene is more impressive than magic. Shocking, magic requires all kinds of preparations and even some coverings, but this scene in front of them without any preparations, just like a spell, is displayed in front of everyone.

As the music plays, Mrs. Golden Snake is graceful and graceful, showing the gentleness of a woman. The beauty of dance is completely different from Western dance. It does not rely on flexible body skills or physical rippling, but a kind of artistic conception beauty, with fairies flying into the sky, long sleeves fluttering, charming and moving. The Golden Snake Lady appears out of thin air. She really looked like the fairy Lin Fan. But in the private place, there was no equipment such as hanging wires installed at all. How on earth did she fly?

Everyone was stunned. Not only the leaders were dumbfounded, but also the national dance teacher who specialized in high-level dance performances. Oh! This is a completely different form of art performance from the West. That smile, one look, is simply captivating! The

Snake Tribe can originally levitate close to the ground, and after possessing the godhead, Feitian can easily capture it. This dance, A lot of flower gardener elements have been added, and it is full of the mythical color of fairies flying into the sky. For today's Westerners, it is simply unseen and unheard of. This is the second time Joseph has seen the special kung fu of Zhang Cheng's men, and the corners of his eyes can't help but twitch. The dance ended, immediately arousing thunderous applause. After the curtain call, Mrs. Golden Snake did not shake hands with everyone. After uniting with her dance partner, she returned to Zhang Cheng's side and stood silently, just like a warrior who had done an insignificant thing for her master. Things, continue to wait for orders.

Vladimir applauded and smiled:"Please allow me to apologize for the gaffe just now. I mean we are willing to dedicate everything, as long as you take us to the stars and the sea, even if it is We regard you as our god and it doesn’t matter if we fight for you in the stars.

Zhang Cheng said:"Conquest?" No need, even though I have aided you with weapons, your war is still not on the same level as interstellar war. As for worship or incense, there is no need. In the West, worship can only be given to gods instead of people. In China, we also have it. There are similar rules, telling living people not to accept incense. Don't think that worship is a good thing. On the contrary, for living people, it is a curse and a means of flattery and killing. No one can cover everything. Even I, who control life and death, cannot be omniscient and omnipotent."

Zhang Cheng's words were intended to hit Joseph. Vladimir was a little confused and said stiffly:"Then what do you need? Joseph

's face was shocked. Zhang Cheng ignored him and continued:"Population, high-quality population. After watching Interstellar Return, you should understand that I am a nouveau riche." Although I have mastered very advanced science and technology, I don't have much development potential. I lack high-quality talents. When I ask you to establish an academy of science, I also want you to go along and train a group of scientists for me. You don't need to be nervous, ten years is not a long time. You will definitely get automated technology, don't worry about that. Don’t think that automation is just a job title. Immortal technology is the real investment certificate. However, this immortality technology has been illusory since ancient times, and it is better for us to hear it with our ears and see it with our eyes. I decided to launch Project Chimera. Rescue the wounded soldiers and let you see life technology with your own eyes.

Vladimir asked curiously:"Chimera?" A monster? Is it a monster plan?"

Zhang Cheng caught it. Joseph's mood seemed to fluctuate violently, and his breathing was even a little rapid, but it was not anger, but fear and excitement. Zhang Cheng observed carefully and said:"There is another Chimera. Meaning, that is biological chimera. I plan to mix together the dead and broken limbs on the battlefield, as well as disabled soldiers and prisoners of war, to assemble new complete soldiers. You organize the medical staff and prepare to study. During the introduction, you will not only see advanced technologies such as organ transplantation and limb transplantation, but also what soul transplantation technology is. If a soldier's body is too damaged, it is better to replace it with another one. A new body isn't it?"

Zhang Cheng once again threw a thunderbolt. Although this plan sounded cruel, there were no Virgins and White Lotus in the human world at the beginning of the twentieth century. Vladimir nodded and agreed to the plan. He immediately Instructing Trotsky to communicate with the hospital.

Joseph interjected:"General Luo Qiyan, I have been observing your men for a long time, and found that they seem to have the ability to transcend the laws of physics and return to the stars. You mentioned a civilization that practiced superpowers. Are those contents also true? Or is it that immortality technology is not the pinnacle of technology, and you have more life technologies?"

Zhang Cheng said to Uncle Steel:"Marshal Joseph, I think you should understand that food must be eaten one bite at a time and things must be done step by step. Of course, I have many advanced technologies that surpass today's physical laws, but we have reached a conclusion. Many things have not yet been implemented, and those areas cannot be touched yet. For example, interstellar space technology, space-time wormhole technology, etc. Don’t think that interstellar return is just a science fiction novel. All the technologies in it are real. I'm not lying to you.

Vladimir said:"If all this is true." My greatest wish is to lead the furry bears to follow you.

Zhang Chengdao:"I don't want to shut you out, but the issue of national belonging is a big issue. It is not only a matter of attitude, but also involves the delivery of many things. Let's take everything slowly.""

Joseph thought for a while and changed the topic:"Then do you have any instructions for this anti-interference war? Or what is our bottom line for ceasefire? Should we push to the coastline? I mean the French coastline."Joseph was still eager for success.

Zhang Cheng said:"Do it according to your own wishes, but with all due respect, swallowing too much at once may cause indigestion. This is a very simple truth in the Tsarist Russia era, and it is also It is because of the cannibalization policy that Mao Xiong became the largest country in the world."

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