Time Traveler

Chapter 20: Suddenly a dream

For this hunting operation, Monsanto dispatched a total of three hundred people, and even Samuel Fox himself acted as a bait. Now that the prey is in front of us, how can we let it go.

The men in charge of the pursuit are the guys in the security department of Monsanto. Many of them come from Army Rangers, Marines and other units. They have fought in Iraq or Afghanistan, killed people and seen blood. They are not so much security hired by the company. , It is better to say that it is a mercenary.

Samuel Fox was holding a tablet in his hand and watching the video ten minutes ago. The prey, that is, Liu Yan's straight and precise movements, fired three shots in a row in less than two seconds. When hitting the head, in close combat, the shooter often secretes adrenaline sharply and is nervous. It is considered good to hit the target, let alone hit the head.

   "It's as wonderful as an action movie." The vice president of Fox exclaimed, while drawing a cross on his chest, praying for the three security guards who sacrificed. History will remember their names because they have contributed to the history of human development.

   After catching this prey, there is hope in the contract with the military, but this is not Samuel’s dream. His ultimate dream is a new world without disease and death...

Sitting in the helicopter cabin, you can clearly see the chase below. The security guards relied on the familiar terrain, divided into two sides, and in three minutes they could block the Mustang sports car on the cliff. Although the prey was strong, it was not a superman. In front of the security guards equipped with rope nets, anesthesia guns, and taser guns, he had no choice but to escape.

Liu Yan drove the Mustang sports car straight to the end. The sports car sometimes pulled a black brake mark on the road, scaring Guan Lu's face pale, and suddenly blocked in front of him. Three full-size SUVs were in the middle of the road with at least twelve people. Each holds weapons and stands ready.

The Mustang stopped suddenly and reversed quickly. The chase behind was about to kill. There was a helicopter hovering in the sky. There was no escape, no escape. Liu Yan gritted his teeth, slammed the steering wheel, banged the accelerator and aimed the front of the car. The cliff.

   Guan Lu exclaimed: "What are you going to do!"

   Samuel Fox on the helicopter also lost his voice: "God! Is he crazy?"

   Liu Yan stepped on the accelerator, and the Mustang sports car rushed down the cliff like a fire and fell into the vast ocean.

   The security guards got out of the car and walked to the edge of the cliff to look around. The sports car had disappeared in the waves.

   Mr. Fox’s order came from the earphones: "Gentlemen, what are you waiting for, go find the boat, hurry, he can’t die."


This is a convertible sports car, so there is no problem of breaking the window. When free fall in the air, Liu Yanzhi unfastened the seat belt. With his physical stamina, swimming for a few hours is not a problem. The key is that he has A drag.

Guan Lu fainted as soon as she entered the water, her hair floating in the water, and her whole body slowly sank unconsciously. Liu Yan took her hand straight, and quickly rose up, rushed out of the water, inhaled, and looked back at the cliff. The people on board have disappeared, but the helicopter is still hovering.

Liu Yan stomped on the water and slapped Guan Lu on the back. She choked on the water and woke up, her wet hair stuck to her face. She was terrified and screamed: "Help, help me, I'm afraid of water! "

  Drowning has the most human energy and will drag the rescuer into the water. The best way is to stun her.

   "Sorry." Liu Yan said straight.

"Huh?" Guan Lu didn't understand. He slashed a hand knife on her neck and passed out suddenly. Liu Yanzhi was trained as a lifeguard during the training. He dragged Guan Lu to the distance and rushed down the cliff. You can see clearly that there is a white sail in the sea.

   It was a small sailing boat with anglers sitting on the boat. Hearing the call for help from a distance, he hurriedly lowered the boom and drove the sailing boat to greet him. Two wet Asians were picked up from the sea.

   Liu Yanzhi pushed Guan Lu onto the deck first, and then climbed up by himself. When the angler saw him wearing a white shirt and suit pants with a pistol on his belt, he was shocked.

   "Please send us to the port." Liu Yanzhi said in English. He has no professional English training. He has learned conversations from movies, but he is also an authentic and educated American white voice.

The angler didn’t dare to say anything. He drove the boat to the nearest port. Liu Yan slapped Guan Lu on the face. He didn’t respond. He was probably drowning. He hesitated for a second and decided to take artificial respiration, holding Guan Lu’s. Blow in from nose to mouth.

   After a few breaths, Guan Lu woke up, spit out a large mouthful of sea water, coughing ceaselessly, looking around: "Where is this?"

"On the boat, we are safe." Liu Yan was relieved when she saw her wake up. He dismantled the pistol three times and divided the pistol, poured out the water inside, and withdrew the bullets from the magazine, wiping them one by one. .

   "Who can tell me what happened, didn't I come to the wedding?" Guan Lu screamed, "What the **** are you doing!"

"This is a trap." Liu Yan said slowly under the bullet, "My analysis, the wedding is fake, everything is set up, Li Haiping is a traitor, Samuel's goal is me, they are all fooled, take the initiative Bring me to the door, this time it’s miserable, what they say will come true, mankind is going to be extinct, fuck."

   Guan Lu was stunned: "Are you sure you are in good spirits and do not need medicine?"

Liu Yanzhi said: "I am a carrier of special genes. Monsanto collects such people from all over the world and uses them to research genetic weapons, which eventually leads to the emergence of super viruses and destroys the world. I came to the United States to save the world. Do you understand that?"

   Guan Lu said: "I am confused, wait a minute, you said that the world will be destroyed in the future, how did you know?"

   Liu Yan paused and said, "Maybe it is a message from someone in the future."

   Guan Lu couldn't laugh or cry: "You mean there is such a thing as a time machine?"

   Liu Yan said straightly and earnestly: "Yes, I have crossed it."

Guan Lu looked up at the sky, the blue sky and white clouds, and the sun was shining. On such a beautiful day, she should have been wearing a little dress, screaming and singing, witnessing the warm and romantic love. By the way, there are endless food and handsome guys. This is normal today, but what has become of the fact? Bullets flying horizontally, guns headshots, highway chases, falling off cliffs, this is the rhythm of Hollywood blockbusters, and the thrilling and thrilling watching in the movie theater is not like that if you really spread it on yourself. I really can't accept it.

   "There must be something wrong." Guan Lu muttered, "Or I am still sleeping in the hotel room, this is just a nightmare."

   The angler pointed to the distance and said something. Liu Yan looked straight ahead, and three motorboats appeared in the distance. They were diverting their heads. There was also a white yacht in command behind. The person with the telescope could be seen on the deck.

There is nowhere to escape in the vast ocean. The only thing Liu Yanzhi can do is not to let himself fall into the hands of Monsanto. He said to Guan Lu: "They won't kill you, goodbye." He jumped into the sea and then There is no trace.

   The motorboat plowed out white trails on the sea. The big men on the boat wore sunglasses and life jackets, and held automatic weapons. They searched the nearby water surface, but found nothing.

   Guan Lu didn't dare to move. She knew this was not a dream, and she was involved in a storm.

Suddenly Liu Yan burst out of the water, like a dolphin jumping out of the water and landing on a two-seater motorboat. He overturned the back seat and stunned the driver. He grabbed the automatic rifle and immediately started shooting. The two motorboats were too late. The reaction was like falling leaves in a storm. The bullet hit the fuel tank and caused an explosion. Two terrifying orange fireballs rose on the sea, followed by flaming fragments and limbs floating on the water.

   Guan Lu was so scared that she was lying on the deck, and she saw Liu Yan chic with his gun on his back and galloped away in the motorboat, leaving only a white wave.

Liu Yan drove the motorboat straight to the depths of the sea. The sea breeze blew past his ears and hummed. He didn't look back, he didn't hesitate. He heard the roar of the helicopter above his head, and a string of bullets splashed into the water. , A long shot passed, black smoke from the tail rotor of the helicopter, and he had to turn around and return.

I don’t know how long the motorboat ran out of fuel. Duckweed usually floated on the sea. Liu Yan took off his clothes, threw the gun, and jumped into the sea, swimming forward and swimming until the sun went down, until he was exhausted. Exhausted, until a black shark fin appeared nearby.


Early in the morning, Liu Yan woke up from a nightmare, sweating profusely, and his whole body was as if fished out of water. He turned over and drank his saliva, still in shock. In his dream, he wandered in despair in the endless sea and appeared in the distance. The shark's fin...

   The buzzer rang and the red light flashed. This is a signal for emergency assembly.

   Liu Yanzhi put on clothes and came to the training ground in the shortest time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There were also No. 8 and No. 14 who were present at the same time. The three of them were the best in the team.

   Lei Meng, in a suit and leather shoes, walked upside down and walked over: "You three will listen to me clearly! The organization and training of you for so long is finally going to come in handy. Now that you regret it is too late, if you want to quit, stand up."

   Liu Yan looked straight at the two companions, both of whom looked firm and motionless.

   Lei Meng is very satisfied: "Very well, this mission is more dangerous. If you can't come back, your family will get generous pensions. If you can come back safely, I guarantee you will live a rich life in the second half of your life."

   "Papa Papa" Someone was clapping their hands, everyone slowly turned around and saw Dang Paiguo coming over.

   "Stand at attention!" Lei Meng shouted.

   "Stop, your morale is very admirable, but I have to announce that this operation is cancelled." said Dang Aiguo, "it can be disbanded."

   I went back on the 8th and 14th, but Liu Yan stood still. He shouted at the patriotic back of the party: "Did you cross here in three days?"

   The patriotic party stopped, slowly turned around, his face full of incredible: "Do you have a memory? This is impossible, nothing has happened yet."


  Contributor to this chapter Spring Night Without Sleep Thousand Dollars Chapter

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!


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