Time Traveler

Chapter 19: Sniper wedding

Liu Yanzhi didn't expect to meet Guan Lu here, and he was a little at a loss.

Li Haiping said with a dry cough: "Dr. Guan, this Mr. Liu is the son of the party professor’s business partner. Their family is engaged in the distribution of genetically modified grains and oils in China. Mr. Liu is about to take over the family business in the next step, so I want to contact you through this Friends."

   Guan Lu suddenly realized: "Understood, I am really willing to help, but..."

   The phone rang, and Guan Lu said sorry, and walked to the side to answer the phone. It was the wedding organizer and one of her old classmates.

   "Melissa, you can bring your boyfriend."

   "But I don't have a boyfriend." Guan Lu said.

   "Then I don't care. In short, you have to bring a male partner. This is the rule of the game. Remember, with a male partner, the more handsome the better." The other party hung up.

Guan Lu looked at Liu Yan and came straight. The height of 1.75 meters can only be regarded as a middle-to-lower figure in the United States. It is hard to hide a rusticity in her eyebrows, and her outfit is also scumbag. If you really bring such a male partner, you must not be taken by classmates. The joke is dead.

   But I have inherited the love of the Antai consortium, this little help is not helpful, it is too unreasonable, anyway, it is just a male partner, not a boyfriend, it will only be an hour or two ashamed, I will give it up!

   Guan Lu made up his mind and walked over and smiled: "Well, we will attend tomorrow together, Mr. Li, are you sure you are not attending?"

  Li Haiping said: "I have other things, so I won't join in the fun, but Mr. Liu is not fluent in English, so please ask Dr. Guan to take care of it."

   Things are finalized, Li Haiping takes Liu Yan straight back to the confinement center. In the basement, he turns on the projector and shows slides on the screen. This is a bird's-eye view of a luxurious manor.

"Our goal is to have a wedding here tomorrow." Li Haiping pressed the remote control, and a picture of Samuel Fox appeared on the screen. "You are probably familiar with this person. The initiator of the Resident Evil is him, and we are the end. All this man."

Li Haiping obtained the floor plan of the villa, and used Google Maps to search for the best sniper location. He arranged for the 8th and 14th to ambush on a hillside directly opposite the villa, about 700 meters from the wedding site, which is exactly the M700. Within the effective range.

"Let's go back and take a look at the scene, step on a spot, familiarize yourself with the terrain, and start tomorrow. Time is tight. I know you are tired and the jet lag has not reversed, but you must overcome it." Li Haiping encouraged everyone, "Come on, we It must work."

He said directly to Liu Yan: "Your task is to accompany Dr. Guan into the villa. Mobile phones are forbidden at the wedding, let alone weapons. The service staff are all from Europe. We can't get in through other channels. I can rely on you. After you go in, you can report the situation at any time to guide the sniper. Do you understand?"

   Liu Yan nodded straight.

Li Haiping supported his shoulder and said: "If the sniper is successful, you will get out normally. If you miss a hit, it's up to you. No matter what method you use, try to solve the target as much as possible. Of course, your chance of escape is very small. There will be at least twenty security personnel with guns at the scene, so I won’t force you."

   Liu Yan said straightly: "I will try my best."

   Li Haiping looked his eyes straight and nodded: "OK, let's go to the scene to see."

   The four people drove to the place where the wedding was held. This is a manor near the sea. It is picturesque and has fresh air. Many places have signs indicating that they are private domains. Please do not enter.

  In the sniper position, No. 8 used binoculars to observe the manor 600 meters away, the white castle, the blue swimming pool, the green tennis court, and the mansion at the end.

   "The wind speed is a bit high." No.8 looked at the sky, "It will affect shooting. I want to try the gun."

   Li Haiping said: "No problem, I will take you to a hidden place."

   So busy until late at night, researching and formulating plans over and over again, the eighth disassembled and installed the sniper rifle, as if he was caring for his beloved toy, and the fourteenth kept playing with the pistol, which seemed a little nervous.

   Someone shouted upstairs. Li Haiping went up and took down a set of dresses. This was a outfit prepared for Liu Yanzhi. The style of not wearing at the wedding was disrespect for the host.

   Liu Yanzhi tried on the dress, which fits well.

   "Okay, let's take a break, and get up early tomorrow." Li Haiping said, "The three of you are sleeping in the basement. There are sleeping bags here. The conditions are simple, sorry."

   His phone vibrated, took it out and said, "Excuse me, I'll answer the phone." After finishing speaking, he hurried upstairs.

   Liu Yan wanted to go to the bathroom, and he followed up. He heard Li Haiping talking with people in English, and Barabara said it all.


   Early in the morning, the three killers who were still suffering from jet lag got up to wash, ate breakfast, and checked their guns and communication tools again. After everything was ready, No. 8 and No. 14 rushed to the sniper position. Li Haiping sent Liu Yan straight to the hotel to meet Guan Lu.

   Guan Lu saw Liu Yanzhi wearing a dress, and her eyes lit up: "People rely on clothes and horses and saddles, courier brother, you are so handsome."

   Liu Yanzhi smiled embarrassedly: "where, where."

   Guan Lu covered her mouth with joy: "You are quite humorous."

   Li Haiping saw that they were very harmonious and felt more relieved, so he left with an excuse.

   Guan Lu is also very formal today. She rented a red Mustang sports car with a convertible top.

   "Can you drive?" Guan Lu asked.

   "I don't have a driver's license." Liu Yan told the truth that he didn't even have an ID card, let alone a driver's license.

   Guan Lu had to drive by herself. She walked on the seaside road, with the blue Pacific on one side and the green grassy American continent on the other. The blue sky and white clouds were refreshing, but Liu Yanzhi had a heart to die.

   He didn't know how to get to this day. Because he had personally experienced the journey, he believed in the party's patriotism and was very firm. If the number eight misses a hit, he will take over to kill Fox and save the earth.

   "You don't seem to be very happy." Guan Lu said, "To be honest, I don't really believe that you are a rich second generation, because your temperament is not the same."

"Then what do I look like?" Liu Yan asked, turning his head, Guan Lu's hair was blown by the sea breeze, and his profile was soft. At this moment, he thought of the scene in the 007 movie. If he doesn't die, he must enjoy life, like 007 like that.

   "You are like a child of ordinary people, kind, innocent, and a little stubborn." Guan Lu shrugged, "Maybe I guess wrong, but you really don't look like a rich person."

   At the same time, the pickup truck driven by No. 8 was also galloping on the highway. Suddenly, a police car stopped by the side of the road sounded its siren and followed, and the police gestured to make them pull over and stop.

   Tensed on the 14th, he drew his pistol and loaded it on his lap.

   "Don't act rashly." The eighth was calm, "We didn't break the law, maybe it's just a routine inspection."

No. 14 put the gun away, pulled over slowly, lowered the window, and prepared the driver’s license and insurance card for inspection. No. 8 was calm as long as the police did not open the trunk and saw the sniper rifle. It's okay, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

   The police car stopped side by side with them, and the front and rear windows were lowered at the same time, revealing two shady white faces, both in black uniforms and police badges.

On the 14th, he cleared his throat and thought about how to say it in English. Suddenly, two policemen raised their guns at the same time. The shooting speed of the Ingram M10 submachine gun was extremely high. The 30 rounds of the magazine were finished in a flash, and the pickup was riddled with holes. , No. 8 and No. 14 were beaten to death in the car without reacting at all.

   The police car whizzed away, leaving bullet shells all over the floor.


   The Mustang sports car driven by Guan Lu arrived at the gate of the villa and showed an invitation card. The guards here are tightly guarded. The security guards are all wearing black suits, air headsets and sunglasses, and pistols must be hidden under the armpits.

   The big iron gate slowly opened, the car drove into the parking lot, and another security check was required to enter the wedding scene.

   "Please take out your phone and camera, we will keep it for you," the security guard said politely.

   Guan Lu handed over her mobile phone and went through the security check. The security guard scanned her body with a detector and thanked her after confirming that there were no dangerous goods: "Thank you, miss, you can go in."

Next is Liu Yanzhi. He first walked through the security gate and then was scanned by the security guard. A large black man with a height of 1.9 meters swept a few times with a detector, walked around behind him, and silently took out a syringe. , Pierced Liu Yan's straight neck.

   Liu Yan straightened his head without looking back, grabbed the black man's hand like lightning, split his hand to grab the syringe, jumped up and stuck it on the opponent's neck, the self-propelled syringe injected the liquid medicine, and the black man collapsed while clutching his neck.

   Several other security guards quickly drew their guns. Liu Yanzhi grabbed the **** man as a meat shield and took out the guns under his armpit. The two sides fired at close range, and the gunshots were deafening.

All this happened between the lightning and flint. Guan Lu had no time to react, and saw the heads of the three security guards beaten into blood gourds, and the **** man who Liu Yanzhi used as a meat shield was beaten in a mess. , Revealing the Kevlar bulletproof vest inside. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

The security guards are all wearing body armor, so Liu Yanzhi only aimed at his head. His marksmanship was dazzling. The security guards at the security checkpoint were all knocked down, but this was just the beginning. A man dressed as a mercenary appeared in the distance, and a string of automatic rifle bullets fell on Liu Yan straightened his feet.

   "It's in the plan, there is an ambush!" Liu Yanzhi shouted, while dragging the silly Guan Lu to the car.

   There was no response in the headset, no answer on the eighth and fourteenth, nor did Li Haiping answer.

Guan Lu was almost about to be pulled from the ground by Liu Yan, and was thrown into the car without knowing what was going on. Then there was a violent push back. It was Liu Yan who was driving. Isn’t this kid not good at driving? ?

   The strong power of the Mustang sports car 6.0 led them to quickly escape from the scene, with smoke billowing behind them, and four or five large-displacement full-size SUVs chased them out of the villa.

   "Call Li Haiping!" Liu Yan shouted straight.

   "Where is my phone?" Guan Lu looked around, and suddenly remembered that the phone was placed at the security checkpoint.

   "Forget it!" Liu Yan slammed the steering wheel and crossed the curve. When the tires rubbed against the ground, blue smoke and noise rose. He suddenly realized that Li Haiping was a traitor!

   Mustang sports car is galloping along the seaside road, there is a roar above the head, a helicopter appears.

   Samuel Fox was sitting in the helicopter cabin, and he ordered through the intercom: "I want to live."

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!


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