Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 239 The ones who destroyed him were the revelers in Luoyang City!

Under the Victory Bridge.

The tea shop Guan Lin chose was at a high place. Because it was high, it had the widest view.

But because it is very close to the "Storytelling Platform" of Desheng Bridge, it is enough to hear any sound above clearly.


This storyteller's stand was surrounded by a "colorful curtain". After repeated calls, a storyteller finally stepped forward.

There were already small groups of people outside the field, and there were hundreds of people gathered, including elegant people, ordinary farmers, people who stopped for shopping, and a few patrol officers and soldiers who took a break from their busy schedule to come here to listen to a book.

The people coming and going, occupying the most favorable terrain as much as possible, are eagerly looking forward to the stories on the stage.

Those who are more elegant will also prepare a pot of good tea on the desk and wait for the story to begin.

Nearby, groups of people were sitting together and talking.

"I didn't expect that the storyteller today is Wang Canna, who is known as one of the Seven Sons of Jian'an! His "Heroes" is quite famous!"

"Speaking of which, ever since he surrendered in Jiangxia, he always came to Deshengqiao to tell stories when he returned to Jiangling. But what he said was often a little different from what we know..."

"Yeah, last time, he talked about warming wine and killing Hua Xiong. He also said that Hua Xiong was killed not by Guan Gong but by Sun Jian. I thought it was nonsense, but when I listened carefully, it turned out to be quite reasonable... The battle in Nayangren City is still a memorable one."

"They all say 'King Cao, King Cao'. This Cao is Cao Cao's fourth son, Cao Zhi, and the king is this Wang Can... I'm quite looking forward to it when I think about it. Listen, let's see what story Wang Can can tell this time. ?”

Words came out one by one...

Some of them talked about Wang Can, but more of them mentioned the truth about "warming wine and killing Hua Xiong" that he had told before.

And when I heard these discussions.

Guan Lin just smiled faintly, shaking his head continuously, whether it was mocking or for some other reason.

On the contrary, it was Lingju who had changed from the red attire of the past. Today she was wearing a green dress, and she was making tea. How could she still be half domineering as the "parrot" hostess?

She is more like a dignified, pleasant, kind and kind farm girl.

At this moment, she is holding tea...

Four cups of tea were given to Guan Lin, Diao Chan, Zhuge Ke, and Shi Wu on the table.

When the fragrant tea was brought to Guan Lin through Lingju's hand...

Guan Lin reached out to catch it without any hesitation.

On the other hand, Diao Chan noticed Lingju and couldn't help but sigh:

——"If my daughter were still alive, she should be this age and be this beautiful, right?" 』

Thinking of this, Diao Chan couldn't help but shook her head.

What are you thinking about?

Her daughter had been missing for fifteen years. She tried her best to find out, but where was the slightest bit of news?

Shaking her head slightly, Diao Chan withdrew her gaze towards Lingju, which made her even more sad...

Then he looked at Guan Lin.

She noticed Guan Lin's expression just now, and whether it was out of curiosity or wanting to change her mood, she asked quickly.

"Master, why are you shaking your head? But isn't the story Wang Can told wrong?"

Zhuge Ke also asked along the way: "Most of the young master means that this Wang Can is talking nonsense, and the one who warmed the wine and killed Hua Xiong was obviously Guan Gong, how could it be Sun Jian?"

There are actually many stories about the killing of Hua Xiong.

Guan Yu warms wine and kills Hua Xiong is one;

Another one was beheaded by Sun Jian.

These two dominate the mainstream.

Therefore, when someone discussed this topic, Diao Chan's curiosity and Zhuge Ke's answer seemed to be in line with common sense.

But Guan Lin's shaking head is somewhat meaningful...

"Do you want to hear the truth?" Guan Lin's tone became more solemn.

Shiwu was not interested at all and just watched his surroundings vigilantly.

"The truth?" Zhuge Ke and Diao Chan said in unison.

"Actually, this is a conspiracy, and it involves Lu Bu. Do you still want to listen?" This time, Guan Lin's eyes only looked at Diao Chan.

But Diao Chan couldn't help but purse her lips, and nodded slightly but firmly.

"Then let me tell you..." Guan Lin pondered for a moment and directly told the truth about "Hua Xiong's death".

Lingju, on the other hand, couldn't help but be startled when she suddenly heard the name "Lu Bu".

She was originally offered tea and should have stepped away, but she stood here blankly.

All ears.

Guan Lin spoke...

In fact, Hua Xiong's death had nothing to do with Guan Yu. It is better to say that Hua Xiong was killed by Guan Yu than by "Wenjiu"!

Hua Xiong was killed by Sun Jian's ancient sword, but... the conspiracy was laid by Lu Bu.

This also starts from the battle of "Yangren City" when the eighteen princes attacked Dong.

When Dong Zhuo heard that Sun Jian had entered the city of Zhanyang, he immediately sent Hu Zhen as the Protector-General and Lu Bu as the Riding Superintendent, with 5,000 men and horses, to attack him. However, Hua Xiong was just Hu Zhen's vanguard captain.

What needs to be noted here is that Hu Zhen is the coach and Lu Bu is the deputy general!

This battle was originally very simple. Hu Zhen's troops arrived at Guangcheng, still dozens of miles away from Yangren City, and it was already very late.

When soldiers and horses are tired, they should garrison and rest.

According to the original battle plan, we should set up camp, strengthen our troops, recharge our batteries, and then attack the city at dawn.

However, Lu Bu seduced the other lieutenants and suggested to Hu Zhen that the scouts had discovered that Sun Jianjun had escaped and if they didn't catch up quickly, they would have no chance.

Hu Zhen was not a smart master either. He believed Lu Bu's words and went after him.

Who would have thought that when they arrived at the "Yangren City", the city was very heavily guarded and a sneak attack would not be successful.

The army was hungry, thirsty, and demoralized. In addition, it was at night and there were no trenches and fortifications for defense.

The soldiers had just disarmed and rested when Lu Bu spread rumors that Sun Jian led the soldiers in the city to attack at night.

In the dark night, these sergeants did not know the truth and they fled in confusion. They abandoned their armor, lost their saddles and horses, and were in great embarrassment.

And such a turnaround.

For the equivalent of a whole night, Hu Zhenjun was exhausted...

On the second day, before Hu Zhen could attack the city, Sun Jian found that the enemy army was exhausted and immediately led his troops to kill him. Hu Zhen's entire army was defeated, and his subordinate Hua Xiong was also killed by Sun Jian's ancient ingot sword. kill.

The consequence of such a big defeat was that Hu Zhen stepped down and Lu Bu succeeded in taking over!

"You might as well think about it. If we calculate it this way, was it Sun Jian who killed Hua Xiong? Or was it Lu Bu?"

Guan Linwei tells the whole story...

Zhuge Ke was surprised again and again.

He felt that the "information" he knew before was all nonsense!

Diao Chan and Ling Ju were even more shocked...

Who would have thought that the truth behind Hua Xiong's death was actually Lu Bu's conspiracy.


Diao Chan couldn't help but murmur in her heart.

——"This is in line with the husband's mind..."

Lingju secretly said:

——"Is father so scheming?" 』

Guan Lin's words continued.

"Actually, Guan Gong warmed wine and killed Hua Xiong. This is just a heroic deed of my father compiled by Zhuge Military Advisor to inspire people. I can prove this. Although my father often has no shame, he still I really never admitted that Hua Xiong was killed by him!"

Guan Lin's words were precise.

The entire battle in "Yangren City" is narrated eloquently, as if you were actually there.

Zhuge Ke was surprised and asked: "According to what the young master said, Lu Bu is brave and resourceful...definitely not the image of the man in the book!"

Guan Lin looked at Diao Chan, as if asking her again with his eyes.

——"Is Lu Bu brave and resourceful?" Is he just a common man? You should know better than me! 』

He thought so in his heart, but said, "Of course Lu Bu is brave and resourceful. The world only knows about his unparalleled martial arts skills, but who knows about his strategy?"

"In the past, after he retreated to Chang'an, he briefly sought refuge with Yuan Shao and helped Yuan Shao defeat the Black Mountain Army. Yuan Shao was afraid of him and secretly sent people to assassinate him, but he had people play zithers in the tent to disguise himself. I am escaping secretly? How can such a plan to escape from the shell of a golden cicada be accomplished by a reckless man without a strategy?"

"And later, Lu Bu defected to Zhang Yang. Li Jue and Guo Si asked Zhang Yang to hand over Lu Bu, but Lu Bu was able to persuade Zhang Yang, 'We are all from Bingzhou. If you kill me, it will actually weaken your strength. It is better to keep me. , but will make Li Jue and Guo Si jealous, thus gaining their favor and favor.'"

"Sure enough, Zhang Yang was convinced, so he acted against his will. After Li Jue and Guo Si found out, they had to change their strategy and appease Lu Bu and let him be the prefect of Yingchuan! Listen to me, such a person? Such a Marquis Wen? But In the eyes of storytellers, he is just a reckless man...if word spreads about it, wouldn't it make him laugh out loud?"

Guan Lin’s words…

Guan Lin mentioned these words about "Lu Bu".

Lingju's heart, which seemed to be watered by ice, seemed to warm up in an instant.

The whole soul is warm.

You know, this is...except for Uncle Zang Ba, this is the first "outsider" to say this about his father. Not only did he not angrily criticize his father, but he also told his deeds in an extremely realistic manner.

Still proving that he is not a reckless man with no brains, but is brave and resourceful...

This...this made Lingju feel...subconsciously warm all over!

This feeling is warmer than ever before.

For a time, she actually gained a lot of affection for the "Fourth Young Master Guan" in front of her.


Lingju is not the only one who feels this way?

Diao Chan's body also felt warm. Too few people in this world spoke for her husband...

There are too few people who can understand her husband.

——"If Yun Qi had been born fifteen years earlier, wouldn't he have become her husband's confidant? 』

Diao Chan couldn't help but murmur in her heart...

Zhuge Ke, on the other hand, still had some doubts: "You can kill Hua Xiong? Why should Lu Bu do this? After he killed Ding Yuan and surrendered with the Bingzhou soldiers, wasn't he adopted as an adopted son by Dong Zhuo? Since he was an adopted son, he shouldn't be famous. Infinite? Why use this conspiracy to seize military power?"

When the word "adopted son" was mentioned, Diao Chan and Ling Ju couldn't help but feel their hearts tighten, as if they had caught a sore spot in their hearts.

This is Lu Bu's biggest black spot.

Precisely because Lu Bu is Ding Yuan’s adopted son;

He is Dong Zhuo's adopted son...

Therefore, Lu Bu killed Ding Yuan, and Dong Zhuo was infamous as a "house slave with three surnames".

Guan Lin said, "Does an adopted son definitely receive important treatment? What if I told you that Lu Bu was not even ranked among the top five in Dong Zhuo's mind? Would you be surprised?"

Ah... Zhuge Ke was more than surprised, he was dumbfounded.

Diao Chan and Ling Ju couldn't help but look at Guan Lin...

It was as if she was looking forward to his words.

At this time, on the Victory Bridge...

Wang Can's storytelling has begun.

——"At this time, the dust was flying, the flying dragon flag, the flying tiger flag, the flying leopard flag, and a large governor's flag in the middle, fluttering in the wind."

——"There is a row of big red characters embroidered on the governor's flag. It is particularly conspicuous when you look at it from a distance. It says 'Hu Ben Zhonglang General' embroidered on it, with a big word 'LV' in the middle!"

——"Looking at the corner of the flag, there are four small gate flags. Each small gate flag has a sentence. The first one says 'Heroes are born with the power of tigers', and the second one says 'Unparalleled in the world. The first round', the third pole says 'Fang Tian Hua Ji Invincible Hand', and the fourth pole says 'Red Rabbit BMW First Round'!"

Today, it seems that Wang Can is talking about "Three Heroes Fighting Lu Bu"...

But anyone who is familiar with this story can already memorize it by heart.

Therefore, at this moment... under the Shengsheng Bridge, many people gathered around the storytelling platform, and many people gathered in front of Guan Lin.

It seems that the story told by Guan Lin is even more curious and incredible.

"You only know that after Lu Bu recognized Dong Zhuo as his adoptive father, he was named 'Hu Ben Zhonglang General', but you don't know... Dong Zhuo had six Zhonglang Generals under his command, but the Xiliang Army only had five commander-in-chiefs. So, there is an unlucky general who did not become the commander-in-chief?"

Guan Lin said with emotion: "Then who is this unlucky guy? It's Lu Bu. I guess Lu Bu was surprised back then. He was obviously his adopted son and he took Bingzhou troops to defect to Dong Zhuo. Why didn't he get the chance to be the commander-in-chief? In fact, It’s not that he didn’t get his turn, but in terms of qualifications, ability, and relationship with Dong Zhuo, he is far from the five people in front of him.”

"Who are those five?" Zhuge Ke asked quickly, because this involved the eighteenth princes' struggle against Dong that Sun Jian of Jiangdong participated in in the past.

Zhuge Ke was extremely curious.

Diaochan and Lingju are mentioned almost entirely...

They are ten times, a hundred times more curious than Zhuge Ke.

Guan Lin continued to tell: "The first one is Dong Zhuo's son-in-law Niu Fu. Dong Zhuo equipped this son-in-law with the most elite soldiers and horses in Xiliang, Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhang Ji, and Jia Xu! Yes, these famous soldiers later The characters were all Niu Fu's generals, so it can be seen that Dong Zhuo was much closer to his son-in-law than his adopted son;"

"The second one is Xu Rong. This general who almost killed Cao Cao in Xingyang merged with Li Jue and Guo Si to defeat Sun Jian, which can be said to be a great achievement. After he captured Yingchuan, he directly defeated Yingchuan. Governor Sichuan was stewed, what do you think the reason was?"

"Just because Dong Zhuo's younger brother is called Dong Min, and the Yingchuan Prefect at that time was called Li Min. Just because of the word 'min', who dares to have the same name as Dong Taishi's younger brother? Just kill him... Xu Rong is so capable Licking? Can Lu Bu do it? Can he lick like this? Just the word 'licking' is destined to make the relationship between Xu Rong and Dong Zhuo countless times better than Lu Bu's."

"The third Xiliang commander is Duan Xuan. His grandfather is Duan Huizong, the Protector of the Western Regions. His clan brother is the former Taiwei Duan Jiong, who ranks among the three princes, and there are also Duan Xuan's descendants..."

At this point, Guan Lin's words suddenly stopped, because Duan Xuan's descendants are Duan Zhengchun, Duan Heyu, and Duan Zhixing (Southern Emperor).

The ancestors of the Duan family in Dali, Yunnan have their roots here!

Of course, these cannot be mentioned.

Guan Lin quickly changed his mind, "Duan Xuan was responsible for reclaiming farmland and building water conservancy projects in Xiliang. This is Dong Zhuo's granary. What does Lu Bu compare it to? The fourth commander-in-chief Dong Yue, this... let's just say one thing, his surname is Dong ! For just one thing, he has a higher status than Lu Bu, so the last commander-in-chief Hu Zhen is left, the one who was pulled down by Lu Bu's trick?"

"That's why... People always say that Dong Zhuo regards Lü Bu as his adopted son, and he has the same affection as his biological father and son. When I heard this, I just smiled and said nothing... 'his biological father and son' is a caterpillar! If it weren't for Lu Bu, For the sake of Bingzhou soldiers, Lu Bu doesn’t even know where he ranks in Dong Zhuo’s mind? Even if Lu Bu kills Dong Zhuo in the end, this is far from repaying a favor with an enemy! This ‘favour’ is not that great!”

Following Guan Lin's words.

More and more people gathered here to listen to his story.

On the contrary, there is a feeling of being "inaccessible" under the Shengsheng Bridge...

Diao Chan couldn't help but pursed her lips.

——‘Is Young Master Yunqi trying to rehabilitate his husband? 』

Lingju also looked at Guan Lin in disbelief.

——"The Fourth Young Master Guan is the first one to speak for his father like this!" 』

Immediately, Lingju bit her lip with her teeth, and she subconsciously had the urge to remove the glass of poisonous wine in front of Guan Lin.

But...but in the end, the powerful "revenge" thought defeated her emotion.

She stared deeply at Guan Lin.

——"You...if you weren't Guan Yu's great would it be?" 』

Just when Lingju and Diaochan were thinking deeply.

A crisp voice came from far and near, "Who is this ignorant person who is trying to rehabilitate Lu Bu, the 'house slave with three surnames'? It's ridiculous, ridiculous!"

The crowd made a way, and it turned out that the excitement on Guan Lin's side attracted Wang Can, the storyteller on the Victory Bridge, over.

Wang Can met Guan Lin for the first time and did not know his identity.

As one of the Seven Sons of Jian'an, he is known as a leading figure in the literary world together with "Cao Zhi".

Even as a surrendered general, the arrogance in his words seemed to be innate.

"Rehabilitate?" Guan Lin met Wang Can's gaze and said with a smile: "I'm not rehabilitating anyone, I'm just telling a fact?"

Wang Can's words were fierce, "For personal gain, the seller seeks glory. Lu Bu and Lu Feng are first domestic slaves of the third surname. This is a fact recognized by the world... How can you allow you to defend it with your eloquent words?"

"Slave with three surnames?" Guan Lin chanted these four words.

"Hahaha..." Wang Can laughed, "His surname is Lu. He was born in Jiuyuan, Bingzhou. Lu is the first surname. He joined Ding Yuan and recognized Ding Yuan as his adoptive father. This is his second surname. He killed him for his own benefit. Ding Yuan, defected to Dong Zhuo, this is the third surname! Finally, he killed Dong Zhuo, repaying kindness with revenge, double-dealing, acting like this? Who else would the slaves of the three surnames give him? Such villains who went to Qin, Mu and Chu are naturally despised by the world, and they will die. Ten thousand times is not an exaggeration!”

Wang Can is worthy of being the seventh son of Jian'an. He is the person who compiled "Heroes" and is very familiar with Lu Bu's life.

Of course, if this matter was left to Xunyan, there would be no need for Guan Lin to argue with him because of this.


Guan Lin couldn't help but turn his head and look at Diao Chan.

Sure enough, just as Guan Lin thought...

At this moment, Diao Chan's face was pale, and her whole body was trembling with inadequacy, as if... Wang Can's "three surnames of domestic slaves" made her furious, but she was powerless.

It was like scraping her heart with a knife.

In fact, it was on the other side that Guan Lin didn't notice.

After hearing Wang Can's words, the blade in Lingju's sleeve was already clamped between her two fingers. If she had not had any concerns, she would have taken Wang Can's life immediately and sealed his throat with one blade!


Guan Lin became the calmest one. When he saw Diao Chan's condition, he felt uncomfortable...

After all, no one would feel better if their former lover was scolded like this.

Guan Lin's heart palpitated slightly. Now that Diao Chan has become his personal female doctor, she is absolutely one of his own.

Then... Guan Lin felt that it was still necessary for him to prevent Diao Chan from suffering such psychological trauma.


This is not the purpose of coming to this tea shop today.

——"That's less than a moment and a half!" 』

——‘Let’s just think it’s for Diao Chan! 』

Immediately, Guan Lin suddenly stood up.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

With a hearty laugh, Guan Lin pointed at Wang Can and said: "I thought the Seven Sons of Jian'an were so powerful? I can't see them today at first glance. I guess the poems can't describe the mountains and rivers, and can't describe the customs. They follow what others say and flatter the world. If the world today There is a Yuedan review, but for fear of Mr. Wang, I can only rate it as 'not good enough'!"


Before Wang Can could speak, Guan Lin continued: "You just talked about a lot of Lu Bu and Lu Fengxian, but have you met Lu Bu and Lu Fengxian? Have you met Lu Fengxian from Jiuyuan County? Have you met Lu Fengxian from Bingzhou? Have you met him? Lu Fengxian before entering Luoyang! No! You are just a copycat crow!!"

"A domestic slave with three surnames? How about Jiuyuan? How about Bingzhou? What about Luoyang?" Wang Can asked back: "Your Excellency has not yet weakened. When Lu Bu died in Baimenlou, I am afraid you were not born yet? What? You will see me Over...that Lu Fengxian from Jiuyuan County? Lu Fengxian from Bingzhou? Lu Fengxian from Luoyang?"

"Although I haven't seen it, I know a little bit about it." Guan Lin straightened his chest.


There are already hundreds or thousands of people gathered in front of this tea shop.

Some people recognized Guan Lin's identity and were sighing...

——The head of the seven Jian'an sons faced off against the fourth son of the Guan family. This war of words was interesting...

——Isn’t this more exciting than the three heroes fighting Lu Bu?

Countless people pricked up their ears and raised their heads in anticipation, looking at Wang Can and Guan Lin, looking forward to this peak showdown on the battlefield of tongues.

At this moment, it seems to be Guan Lin's turn.

He talked: "Perhaps, in your eyes, in the eyes of the world, and even in the eyes of the princes, Lu Bu is a slave of the third surname, and Lu Bu deserves to die... But have you ever thought about it? In the eyes of the people on the border, at Yanmen Pass In the eyes of the generals, in the eyes of the barbarians? What does Lu Bu look like?"

"Lü Bu is the god of death who makes the barbarians fearful. He is the protector of the Yanmen Gate. He is also the hope in the hearts of countless wolf riders from Bingzhou when they resist the barbarians! I'm afraid there are no border people here, right? So you won't understand it. , that kind of tragic scene where the barbarians invaded the border for years, and the people on the border were separated from their wives and families, and their families were destroyed!"

"These border people, many of them have lost their parents since they were young, and live in desolation, despair, and misery, just to survive... People always say that ten rooms and nine empty rooms are empty, but who has really seen ten rooms and nine empty rooms? What a scene? But when you arrive at Yanmen, go and take a look at the cities and counties on the frontier. In every village, you will be able to understand what it means to have ten rooms and ten empty rooms!"

"It is precisely because of these ten rooms and ten empty spaces that the world-famous Bingzhou Wolf Riders were created, which made the barbarians fearful! Many of these Wolf Riders were very young children. They had to learn to ride horses and use spears. Learn to survive the brutal barbarian robberies! Live an extremely miserable life!"

Speaking of this, Guan Lin paused for a moment and said with emotion: "The frontier is suffering, the people have a hard time, the military pay is not enough, and the foreign races have invaded the border for years and destroyed their homes. But, where is the court? Where is Luoyang City? Compared with the Shura Field in the border fortress, it is simply a desert. Anle Township! Is it full of all kinds of corruption? Clan and relatives are occupying the richest land and enjoying all the resources they can enjoy... But they have cared about those who defended them against the barbarians and prevented the barbarians from invading the Central Plains. A border warrior?"

"Imagine if we grew up in the same environment as Lu Bu, in the bloody plains, fighting with the barbarians, in the days when we don't know when we will die, crawling out of the pools of blood everywhere, growing up …and so on, and one day, we were lucky enough to suddenly arrive in Luoyang from the border of Bingzhou…”

"Then, we discovered that the rear area that we fought desperately on the frontier, shed blood and tears, and worked hard to protect was actually so rich and corrupt! A meal for any rich man here, a concubine for any rich man, It is enough for the frontier soldiers to live a life of food for several months! It is enough for the border guards to replace their worn-out equipment! It is enough for them to hold their heads high and fight bloody battles again! If we see such a scene, what will we who grew up in the frontier fortress do? Do?"

Speaking of this, Guan Lin paused again...

Because of the existence of Diao Chan.

He was "washing" for Lu Bu, but he was not purely washing for Lu Bu.

In fact, Lu Bu has nothing to wash!

He is an extreme egoist.

But the key question is, does he have the right to choose?

The environment he grew up in...the suffering he experienced made him become such an extreme egoist!

Otherwise, he would not be able to get out of the bloody plain on the border.


It was obvious that everyone present, including Wang Can, Zhuge Ke, Ling Ju, Diao Chan... and even Shi Wu, felt a little frightened.

This was the first time they could empathize with Lu Bu and think about it from Lu Bu's perspective, what if they too were living in such a tragic environment.

They will definitely not do better than Lu Bu!

——After fighting bloody battles for so many years, one day suddenly came to Luoyang!

——I saw the corrupt and luxurious city of Luoyang!

——Who can hold back, not get lost, and not pursue profit by any means necessary!

From this perspective…

They are not qualified to accuse Lu Bu. Any accusation against Lu Bu is just standing up and talking without hurting your back!

Guan Lin continued talking and raised his voice.

——"He was once the god of war in Jiuyuan County, Bingzhou, and Luoyang City. He was the god of war in Yanmen Pass, the god of death in the eyes of the barbarians, the belief of Bingzhou Wolf Riders, and the patron saint of the people in northern Xinjiang."

——"But later on, after entering Luoyang, he was just a pitiful man who lost his mind due to drunkenness and wealth! Even if he killed Ding Yuan, he killed Dong Zhuo, and his reputation was ruined? He was nicknamed by you as a 'house slave with three surnames' , so what? Because what defeated him and crushed him was not Ding Yuan, not Dong Zhuo, not Cao Cao, but the Central Plains, but the Sili region, but the prosperity and extravagance of Luoyang City, and these... were enough to destroy him The faith that guards the frontier!”

Speaking of this, Guan Lin paused again.

He deliberately gave everyone around him a chance to breathe.

Ten breaths…

Twenty breaths, exactly twenty breaths later, Guan Lin continued.

However, when he said these words, Guan Lin's eyes were not looking at Wang Can, but at Diao Chan.

It seemed that he had no intention of competing with Wang Can early on.

He said all this... to make Diao Chan feel better!

——"I've been thinking that if Lu Bu had not been able to follow Ding Yuan to Luoyang City, then maybe... with his pure mind, he would have guarded Yanmen, Bingzhou, resisted the Hulu, and been a good man to the people on the border as always. The patron saint in my heart!”

——"Perhaps, in this case, he can become a being like Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, an eternal nightmare and a hurdle that cannot be overcome in the hearts of the Hu people! He can also become a figure that we praise, right?"

Speaking of this, Guan Lin shook his head.

"But... there are no ifs in history, but I also feel that history should not only have the side of successful kings and defeated bandits, and Lu Buli's control. We should remember his side of killing his foster father, but similarly, he resisted the barbarians and defended The border people, as the God of War of Yanmen Pass, the nightmare side in the eyes of the Hu people, should also be remembered by us! It was him who blocked the Hu Lu's war for us and allowed us to live in peace!"

Guan Lin blurted out the last words.

——The whole house was silent...

Especially Lingju, she...she can no longer help herself.

She subconsciously reached out and touched the tea cup on Guan Lin's desk, knocking the "special" tea cup over to the ground.

And everyone around you, You Zi, was shocked and shocked by Guan Lin's words...

Lingju suppressed the throbbing in her heart, and she quickly knelt down to pick up the broken tea cup.

But she never thought that Guan Lin would also bend down and help her pick them up.

"Mr. Gongzi..."

Lingju seemed to be chanting from the bottom of his heart. This sound was filled with infinite "gratitude" and seemed to be filled with special "touch".

But at this moment, Guan Lin's words came out softly.

In a voice that only he and Lingju could hear.

——"Why are you so careless?"

——"This tea was knocked over, how could it be poisoned?"

While rehabilitating Lu Bu!

But on the other side, Guan Lin has not forgotten the purpose of this trip!

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