Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 196 Guan Yu: This brat treats me like a pawn!

Fifty miles south of Xiangyang City.

Guan Jiajun's big tent.

It seems that because Guan Yu did not withdraw his decision to attack Fancheng, the morale of the entire Guan family army was low, and it seemed as if they were shrouded in a thick layer of haze.

It is rare that among this iron-clad Guan family army,

Some soldiers were sobbing;

Some soldiers, in danger of being punished, tried every means to ask someone to write letters home for them.

Some soldiers were discussing in disappointment.

"Why do we have to fight Fancheng? Jiangxia is obviously a better choice!"

"Because by capturing Fancheng, we can directly capture Wanluo, approach Xudu, and win back the emperor. Is it because of this...that's why General Guan is so persistent?"

"Is it precisely for this reason that Cao Jun will defend Fancheng with all his strength?"

At this moment, an inappropriate voice came.

"——Could it be because Mr. Yunqi objected to this, so General Guan persisted? General Guan wanted to prove him..."

Halfway through the sentence, the voice stopped abruptly.

I don't know if the soldier thought this sentence was a bit ridiculous, or... he didn't dare to say the next words.

at this time…

With a "creak" sound, the village door suddenly opened.

The man on horseback outside the gate got off his horse and followed several gatekeepers into the stronghold.

These soldiers immediately found Zhou Cang and whispered a few words into his ear.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Cang's expression changed and he immediately led the man to Guan Yu's tent.

At this moment, the door of Guan Yu's military tent was closed tightly.

There were layers of soldiers outside, but Guan Yu was wearing armor and standing upright with a sword in hand, as if... he was as stubborn as ever, standing proudly and unchanged.

In fact, he looked at the closed door solemnly, as if with the determination to succeed or succeed.

But finally...

This solemn and solemn aura finally loosened.

Guan Yu's eyes gradually softened, and he placed the Qinglong Yanyue Sword back on the knife stand. He put the sword that he had drawn out of anger on the desk back into its scabbard and held it in his hand.

Another moment passed...


With a heavy sigh, Guan Yu's tense nerves relaxed in an instant, and his clenched fists also loosened at the same time. He said softly: "Yun Qi, this time as a father, I have lost to a brat like you again!"

I just heard that all the Guan Jiajun soldiers were writing "suicide notes"...

How could Guan Yu fail to appreciate the current morale of Guan Jiajun?

Such a mighty and unyielding Guan family army with great reputation.

Such an invincible Guan family army.

Can such a Guan family army be able to fight on the water and fight on the water, and get off the ship with dozens of antlers, switch between water and land at will, and rarely lose?


It's like this Guan Jiajun, just because of the words sent by Guan Lin, now he has become dejected, each one seems to be half discouraged, there is no trace of his former appearance, and he looks like a mob.


Guan Yu sneered helplessly.

He couldn't help but ponder: "After all, I still underestimated this brat Yun Qi!"

"He chose Zhuge Ke, who is quite courageous, to carry out the task. This guy is really good at reading people!"

"He asked Zhuge Ke to say those words, obviously to persuade his father, but secretly to let his 'words' of Guan Lin spread among the army and disrupt their morale!"

"Haha, has he ever really thought about persuading his father to take back his life? Haha, he just forced his father to take back his life! But his father, on the other hand, was plotted by this kid again! Now this Xiangfan is attacking It’s not possible!”


Guan Jiajun is so morale? So timid? Each and every one of them is writing a "suicide note", how can this be a hammer?

It would be surprising if he could be beaten down!

Although Guan Yu didn't know why Guan Lin was so opposed to attacking Xiangfan this time.

Also, where did he come from the prediction that Guan Jiajun would die in ten years and his father Guan Yu would be dead in a different place?

But I have to admit that now his son, Guan Yu, already has energy in the Guan family army that is not inferior to that of Guan Yu.

His words can already influence the thoughts of the officers and soldiers of the three armies.

Even military operations!


Thinking of this...

Guan Yu couldn't help but sneer.

I don't know whether I should be happy for such a "capable" son, or feel sad that this son's wings are hardened and he can threaten Guan Yu's military orders in the Guan family army.

It’s heavy!

With such a son, how could Guan Yu not feel permanently and unusually heavy?

"That's all, Guan lost to him this time... Xiangfan has no choice but to give up!"

Guan Yu knew that the current low morale and low fighting spirit of the Guan family army was due to Guan Lin's prophecy and because Guan Yu insisted on attacking Xiangfan.

But once the target of the attack was changed from Xiangfan to "Jiangxia".

That's... no exaggeration.

Another prophecy made by that brat Guan Lin - if we attack Jiangxia, we will be victorious!

In a matter of seconds, the morale of Guan Jiajun will be high again! The fighting spirit is stirring again!

This kid has this incredible magic power!

After all, even Guan Yu had to accept it.


How sad!

Guan Yu felt pathetic for himself!

As the leader of the Guan Family Army, he should have been the only "faith" for the entire Guan Family Army, but... Yun Qi only had to experience a battle at Fuhu Mountain to shatter this "faith"!


For a moment, Guan Yu felt that his son was so terrifying.


Guan Yu was about to shout "Come", but he had no choice but to change his attack plan.

But at this moment... there was a sudden sound from the window, and Guan Yu came back to his senses vigilantly. He pressed the sword in his hand and found that it was Zhou Cang who came, so he took away all his vigilance.

"I was planning to call (you)..."

The last word "you" has not yet escaped my lips.

Guan Yu noticed that there was another person beside Zhou Cang.

He was not Guan Jiajun, nor did he look like a sergeant. Judging from the cracks in the palms, they were hands from a poor family and had been weathered for many years.

Guan Yu asked doubtfully: "Who is he?"

When Zhou Cang was about to introduce, the man quickly handed over his hand.

Immediately, he handed over a letter and showed an emerald green bamboo stick: "Young man is a member of the Beggar Clan. Guan Gong should know that this 'jasper stick' is a token of the Beggar Clan. The young man is Fenghong Qigong." As instructed, bring this urgent message to Guan Gong!"


It was just as Guan Lin had guessed.

When I saw this beggar gang's token and heard that it was an urgent message from Hong Qigong.

Guan Yu's narrowed red phoenix eyes suddenly opened and closed, and his cheeks that were originally sluggish because of Yun Qi's "confusion of the military's mind" suddenly became full of energy.

"——Hong...Hong Qigong?"

Even when he just said this name, Guan Yu's voice was hoarse and choked.

You know, in Jingzhou...

"Hong Qigong" is ten times or a hundred times more mysterious than "Huang Laoxie".

His dragon seems to be everywhere and pervasive.

The last time he appeared, Soochow's Lu army was defeated in Changsha, causing Jiaozhou and Soochow to fight.

The last time he appeared, the matter of Emperor Liu's borrowing Jingzhou disappeared and Soochow no longer had any reason to beg for Jingzhou and covet Jingzhou!

The last time they appeared, the refugees and beggars in Jiangling suddenly transformed into a rising and growing gang of beggars, now standing proudly in Jingzhou!

After all, even Guan Yu had to look sideways and marvel!

This is - Zhuyu is in front!

Hearing this name, Guan Yu didn't dare to slack off. He quickly took the letter and opened it, and the ten words in it jumped out in front of his eyes.

——Zhang Liao is here, there is an ambush in Fancheng!

Guan Yu saw Hong Qigong's name written on the signature, and it was also stamped with the unique seal and ribbon of the Beggar Clan, which made it look decent!

Of course, this is not important... what is important is the content of this dispatch.

——"Wen Yuan is actually in Fancheng?" 』

——"So...Fancheng...has Fancheng really laid an ambush?" 』

Guan Yu's thoughts changed rapidly.

In an instant, the big beads of sweat on his forehead fell down drop by drop. It was as if Guan Yu thought of something terrible, if...if the contents of this urgent message were true.

——That would be terrible, terrible!

And subconsciously... Guan Yu would combine this urgent message with the prophecy sent by Zhuge Ke of Guan Lin's faction.

——If you attack Xiangfan, you will definitely die. The entire Guan family army will be wiped out, and your father will be dead!



With a "bang", Guan Yu slapped the table and asked quickly: "Is this true? Is Mr. Hong Qigong in Fancheng?"

"I don't know about that. I am only responsible for sending letters to Guan Gong. As for whether Guan Gong believes it or not, Hong Qigong has no explanation. Naturally, there is no need for me to explain it in detail."

The man bowed his hands and said goodbye, then left the room without hesitation.

Zhou Cang felt that it was very strange to see men come and go in such a hurry... "Guan Gong, this... could this be a scam?"

"It's true!" Guan Yu's red phoenix eyes closed, and his words were meticulous. "Many people from the Beggar Clan have checked and found that this jade stick is indeed a token. Only disciples with more than three bags can use it! This disciple is a member of the Beggar Clan. He is true, and what he said, that Wenyuan was in Fancheng and there was an ambush in Fancheng... is probably true..."

At this point, Guan Yu rarely used his hand to kick his chin instead of stroking his beard.

In fact, he was thinking about his whereabouts.

——"Why does Hong Qigong help Guan again and again?" 』

——"What does he want to do with someone?" 』


Suddenly, Guan Yu seemed to understand something.

His voice chanted again, "Guan knows, no wonder Yun Qi persuaded me so firmly... I understand, I understand... Yun Qi, that brat, has known the old man Hong Qigong from the beginning, and The two of them have a great relationship!”

If it weren't for the people in the Beggar Clan always adding the word "old man" after Hong Qigong.

At this time, Guan Yu could already guess Hong Qigong's true identity.

"No wonder this kid..."

For a sudden moment, Guan Yu was in a trance.

After an instant, he suddenly understood, as if he had understood it all.

And because of this, the palm of his hand turned from warm to hot, to scorching hot in an instant.

It's like Hong Qigong and his son Yun Qi teamed up to set up a trap.

As for Guan Yu, his words and deeds are the most important chess piece in this game and the one that confuses the enemy the most!

--"I see! 』

——"It turns out that the chess piece is myself!" 』

Guan Yu sighed heavily in his heart.

At this moment, the night wind blew in from outside the tent door, and Guan Yu's long beard was blown up and billowing in the night wind.

However, Guan Yu's eyes were as bright as morning stars at this moment... He was smiling, as if he could see through something!

"Zhou Cang!"

"The general is here, prepare pen and paper, Guan is going to issue a military order!"


As Guan Yu's words came out, Zhou Cang suddenly realized, "Why does Guan Gong need to prepare pen and ink? If there is a military order, the general can go and pass it on now!"

"Haha..." Guan Yu stroked his beard, "It's still a little early!"

As he spoke, Guan Yu had already found pen and ink. He quickly wrote a series of words on the bamboo slips. After writing these, he stuffed the bamboo slips into Zhou Cang's arms.

He then asked: "If we order the troops immediately, how many cavalry will there be?"

"More than one thousand four hundred..." Zhou Cang said without thinking.

"What if we add the horses captured before?" Guan Yu asked next.

"At most 2,500 riders, this is the limit."

Following Zhou Cang's answer, Guan Yu nodded heavily, and at this moment, his eyes were like lightning, "Immediately point out this cavalry, quietly, Guan is going to fight now!"



This time Zhou Cang was no longer surprised, but hugely surprised.

He quickly reminded, "Didn't Guan Gong say to make food at the third watch, march to Fancheng at the fifth watch, and launch a general attack as soon as we arrive? But has just fallen into the night, and it is still far away from the third watch!"

Faced with Zhou Cang's doubts.

Guan Yu just replied lightly, "Guan told me? Did you go to attack Fancheng?"


As soon as these words came out, Zhou Cang's pupils instantly became round and huge.

Guan Jiajun, a camp.

It's already midnight, and the cooks in each camp are starting to light fires, and the smoke is slowly rising...

It seems that Guan Gong's marching plan does not seem to have changed.

And this... made Zhuge Ke even more incredible.

"——That's not right!"

Zhuge Ke stood in front of the door, facing the strong wind, shaking his head in confusion.

Next to him, Liao Hua was lying on the bed, closing his eyes and concentrating, but he asked: "What's wrong?"

"Make food at the third watch and march at the fifth watch. It seems... Guan Gong has not withdrawn the military order to attack Xiangfan!" Zhuge Ke's words added infinite doubts. "But this is wrong. It is clear that Master Yunqi's words have affected the fighting spirit of Guan's army. The morale of the entire army is low? Why are we still attacking?"

"Maybe..." Liao Hua muttered: "Maybe you underestimated the Guan family army, and also underestimated Guan Gong... Among the Guan family army, Guan Gong is the belief! When he says east, no one will point to the west even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire!"

"That's not right!" Zhuge Ke still shook his head, "Guan Gong is angry with Master Yun Qi, otherwise, he has no reason to do this."

"Haha..." Hearing this, Liao Hua smiled, "It's not the first time that the Guan family father and son have gotten angry. What's all the fuss about?"

"But this is risking the lives of 30,000 soldiers!"

Zhuge Ke's tone was cold, and he shouted angrily.

Immediately afterwards, he became confused again, but there was still a bit of loss in this confusion, "Could it be... that I misjudged Mr. Yun Qi, and also misjudged Guan Gong?"

this time…

Liao Hua didn't reply, just let Zhuge Ke stand in the wind.

The morning breeze was blowing, and it was chilly, but... Zhuge Ke's mood was even cooler.

If...if Guan Gong only has this level.

If Young Master Yun Qi is only at this level, then...then maybe he really made the wrong choice.

at this time…

"Report..." A guard of Guan Yu entered the tent and immediately walked to Liao Hua, "Master Liao Bo, Guan Gong has an order... Master Liao Bo will command five thousand troops and set off to march towards Jiangxia immediately!"

" Leading the troops? Oh...the last general takes orders, the last general takes orders——"

Liao Hua accepted the order without thinking.

He still wondered, why him?

He is the boss, a civil servant... If he leads troops to follow Guan Gong, at most... he can just take over the captured city.

But when it comes to attacking the city and taking it to the ground, it's not that Liao Hua can't do it, it's that Guan Gong has never given such an order.


Liao Hua suddenly realized something.

This made his eyes narrow.

——"It's Jiang Xia..."

——"Yes, it's Jiangxia. How could it be Jiangxia?" 』

This astonishing discovery made Liao Hua's eyes widen suddenly, and he looked at the guards in great astonishment.

Zhuge Ke reacted faster, "Isn't it Fancheng? Why is it Jiangxia?"

The guards' words came one after another, "I don't know about this general."

"Where is Guan Gong?" Zhuge Ke asked in rapid succession.

"Guan Gong secretly mobilized all the cavalry two hours ago and marched towards Jiangxia..."

Following this voice, Zhuge Ke suddenly realized.

He exclaimed: "In other words, Guan Gong took Fancheng in name, but his real purpose... was to mobilize Cao Wei's defenders to gather in Fancheng. Jiangxia would be empty and helpless, and then attack from the east to the west. Guan Gong personally attacked Jiangxia by surprise... That is to say …He…he listened to all of Young Master Yun Qi’s suggestions.”

Hearing this, Liao Hua was also surprised.

"If so..."

Zhuge Ke interrupted him and urged: "Master Liao, can you leave quickly? Otherwise, Guan Gong has captured the new cities north of Jiangxia, and no one will be able to take over the city defenses."

Liao Hua finally realized...

He quickly put on his armor.

Not sure if it was because he was nervous when he became a general for the first time, or because of something else, he asked quickly.

"Bing...Where are the soldiers?"

The sun was rising slightly in the Guan family's military camp and Guan Ping's camp. Guan Ping and his troops stood waiting outside the camp.

Many soldiers' eyes were red, and they were looking at the Chinese camp with longing eyes, even now.

They still hope that Guan Gong can take back his orders and give up attacking Xiangfan...

But everyone knows that this is in vain.

At this time, the clear and urgent sound of horse hooves suddenly sounded between the sky and the earth. Guan Ping raised his head and looked up, and the figure on the horse gradually became clear, it was Zhou Cang.

At this moment, Zhou Cang was flying his command flag.

"Guan Gong's order——"

Guan Ping and a group of lieutenants saluted in unison and shouted - "Receive the order flag!"

Zhou Cang looked around at them and immediately ordered, "Ask General Yamen to Guanping and set off for Xiangyang immediately!"


Guan Ping was startled and quickly asked: "Why is it Xiangyang? My father gave the order last night, isn't it still Fancheng?"

Xiangyang and Fancheng are said to be separated by water and face each other across the river.

But if this Jingjiang Road had not been crossed, then the south side of the river would have been closer to Nanjun's supply line;

But once they cross, they will be closer to Wan and Luo, and closer to Cao Wei's supply line.

Therefore, whether it is Fancheng or Xiangyang is actually very sensitive.

"Military orders are like mountains, and the last general is only responsible for passing on Guan Gong's military orders!"

Guan Ping quickly handed over his hand and took the command flag.

However, Zhou Cang took out another document and added meaningfully: "The general here also has a military order. Guan Gong has said that when the eldest son comes to Xiangyang City, it will not be too late to start fighting again!"

"The general will obey—"

As he spoke, Guan Ping had already loudly ordered his troops.

"Emergency march, Xiangyang——"

There were inevitably some murmurs among the sergeants.

"How could it be Xiangyang?"

"Yes, attacking Fancheng... is to cut off Xiangyang's reinforcements. If Fancheng is captured, Xiangyang will be destroyed without attacking. Why attack Xiangyang alone first?"

"You just heard addition to issuing military orders, did Guan Gong also give the eldest son a military order?"

For a time, waves of doubts shrouded the hearts of every Guan Jiajun soldier.

Five thousand soldiers and horses have begun to move quickly!

Over there...

Guan Xing, Guan Yinping, Guan Suo...respectively brought their own troops and horses. They gathered in one place and were eagerly waiting for their father to issue the final marching order.

The morale of all the sergeants is low, and they are all sluggish, as if...

Under the terrifying "prophecy" of the Fourth Young Master, they had already seen themselves dying under the walls of Fancheng.

Many more, because they couldn't sleep at night, they tossed and turned... Now their eyes are red and their faces are full of grievances.

But because he is a proud member of the Guan family army.

Military orders are like mountains...

Knowing clearly that it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, as long as Guan Gong orders it, there is no hesitation.

Finally, Zhou Cang finally arrived.

He raised his flag high and got straight to the point: "Guan Gong has an order. The troops here are divided into four groups, led by Zhou Cang, Guan Xing, Guan Yinping, and Guan Suo. They immediately set off to the north of Jiangxia! At the same time, they attacked Anlu and Shiyang. ', 'Pingchun', and 'Zhu County' launch a general offensive!"

Zhou Cang did not forget to add: "Last night, Guan Gong led his elite cavalry to kill in advance to the "Xiling" where Jiangxia is governed... Guan Gong has ordered that if Cao Wei cannot capture all the counties north of Jiangxia within three days, military law will be dealt with!"

——Jiang Xia!

When the resounding word "Jiangxia" came out of Zhou Cang's mouth again and again, all the soldiers of the Guan Family Army were first surprised, and then fell into a silence that could be heard as a needle dropped.

But it's less than ten breaths of time.


There was an uproar here.

——The attack was on Jiangxia, not Xiangfan.

The prophecy of Mr. Yunqi, if we attack Xiangfan, there will be no life or death, then... it will not count.

They, they don't have to die.

Wait, Mr. Yunqi seems to have another prophecy, if he attacks Jiangxia, he will be captured easily.

What does this mean? It shows that Jiang Xia is a soft persimmon.

It is a weapon without bloodshed;

It's a piece of cake!

Doesn't this mean...

Jiangxia is just a piece of fat, a great achievement. Whoever grabs it belongs to whom?

In just a moment, this idea quickly came to the mind of every soldier.

Suddenly, the indifference of the Guan Family Army officers disappeared.

A green light suddenly oozed from these eyes that had been tortured all night.

Desperate people suddenly no longer despair, and suddenly see hope. From the bottom of their hearts, they have developed some kind of quality that is beyond ordinary people!

Each of them was trembling, and everyone was suddenly excited and excited!

——"Destroy Jiangxia and make great achievements!"

I don’t know who started it.

For a moment, the entire three armies shouted in unison - "Destroy Jiangxia and achieve great success!"

——"Destroy Jiangxia and make great achievements!"

The momentum is like a rainbow.

Who would have thought that just half a cup of tea ago, every soldier of the Guan Family Army here looked depressed.

But after just half a cup of tea, they cleared away the gloom, they were lively and vigorous, and their momentum was like a rainbow!

Guan Xing, Guan Yinping, and Guan Suo also looked at each other in disbelief.

Under huge emotional fluctuations.

Guan Suo shouted excitedly.

"——Father has admitted defeat! Fourth brother has won, fourth brother has won!"

Guan Yinping showed a smile as if he was relieved, while Guan Xing frowned and reminded him sternly: "Don't say so much. Father's army has already marched towards Jiangxia. I should leave as soon as possible! Don't let father Shuai is left alone and helpless."

At this moment, Zhou Cang's loud voice had already risen.

"——The whole army listens to my order and marches urgently, Jiangxia!"

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