Time flew by, and two months passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past two months, the counties of the southern states have been fighting endlessly, but the overall pattern and division of influence have not changed much!

Liu Yan of Yizhou, Liu Biao of Jingzhou, Sun Jian of Yangzhou, Tao Qian of Xuzhou, and Cao Cao of Yanzhou.

As well as the three sides of Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Yuan Shu who fought in Yuzhou, if you count Liu Biao's shot, it is a battle of the four armies!

In addition, Liangzhou, Hezhou, Youzhou, Sizhi, Jizhou, and Qingzhou in the north were controlled by Liu Chen.

The entire pattern division of the world is the competition of these major forces!

Even if some rebels occasionally appear, if they want to establish themselves as kings, they will soon be directly annihilated and annexed by these forces!

The battle between Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Yuan Shu, and Liu Biao in Yuzhou was the most intense, attracting the attention of the whole world!

Cao Cao was completely at a disadvantage.

However, considering that Cao Cao challenged Liu Bei, Yuan Shu and Liu Biao to join forces with one enemy and three, although he was in the inferior position, he did not rout, which in itself is a proof of strength!

This has also caused many heroes and celebrities to cast their effects!

Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong and other top advisers that Liu Chen had been secretly paying attention to are still on the sidelines.

Strictly speaking, Zhuge Liang, who is only fourteen or fifteen years old now, is still childish, although he compares himself to Zhong Leyi all day, but he is a proper young man.

Pang Tong is one or two years older than Zhuge Liang, he is simple, he does not look smart on the surface, and he has not seen Sima Hui, so he is not famous!

The names of these two people's Wolong and Phoenix Hatchlings have not yet appeared in the mouth of Pound Degong!

Many famous people in Jingzhou who are incognito seem to be indifferent to the world, but they are actually watching the world!

Yangzhou on the side did not stop.

After Sun Jian reached a joint agreement with Liu Biao, he did not choose to rest and recuperate.

Instead, under the joint planning of Zhou Yu and Lu Su and other advisers, he chose to attack Jiaozhou!

Although Liu Biao also had an interest in Jiaozhou, he was dragged by Cao Cao on the frontline battlefield, and he really had more than enough strength and could only watch Sun Jian make a move against Jiaozhou!

Xuzhou Tao Qian next door to Yangzhou, while watching, also looked worried.

In this life, because of Liu Chen's intervention, Cao Cao's power shrank significantly.

Even in order to recruit more generals, there have been no unjust acts such as slaughtering the city to vent their anger.

His subordinate Chen Gong naturally did not depart from it.

Cao Cao did not fight against Xuzhou, and other princes were dragged to the battlefield of Yuzhou, allowing Tao Qian to rest and recuperate.

In the original history, because he was defeated by Cao Cao's conquest, and because of the endless war in Xuzhou, the people were displaced, and Tao Qian died of overwork.

This world did not appear!


Tao Qian is still worried, and even worried to the point of some autism, and gradually accumulates work!

The reason is that Qingzhou, next door to Xuzhou, has now fallen into the hands of Liu Chen, the king of Changshan!

When Liu Bei was still in Qingzhou, even though there were more than 200,000 yellow turban army guards, Tao Qian still did not scare the other party.

But Changshan King Liu Chen is not Liu Bei's ordinary man, and his majestic talent, military strength, and terrifying coercion made Tao Qian almost breathless!

How can others snore next to the couch!

There used to be Qingzhou Liu Bei and Yanzhou Cao Cao to resist for him, but now Liu Bei fled Yuzhou, and Cao Cao even half-abandoned Yanzhou and joined the Yuzhou battlefield!

Xuzhou Tao Qian, the first to bear the brunt, became the first defender to face the Changshan army!

It was a pity that if it was the day when King Changshan went south, Tao Qian did not think that he could prevent the attack of Changshan army at all!

Xuzhou's family clans and others also had the same idea, which also made them flee Xuzhou one after another, and move their families south to Jiangdong!

However, the people of Xuzhou even privately looked forward to Changshan King Liu Chen receiving Xuzhou.

For King Changshan's benevolence and love for the people like a son, they have always yearned for it!

Tao Qian is still quite loyal, and the departure of the family and the recognition of the people have given him a bold idea in his heart——

Take the initiative to welcome the king of Changshan into Xuzhou and abdicate to make way for Xian!

Once this idea appears, it is like taking root in the mind, lingering, and difficult to dissipate!

After pondering for a long time, Tao Qian called on his subordinates to discuss with the military generals!

There are those who agree, there are those who disagree!

Tao Qian couldn't make up his mind for a while, so he could only postpone the discussion!


The chaos in the outside world did not disturb Liu Chen's territory. The six states he is in charge of have been developing rapidly in more than two months.

Qingzhou side.

The successive wars have caused extensive damage to Qingzhou's houses, land, roads and other infrastructure, giving it a picture of post-war reconstruction.


In just two months, Qingzhou's city has a new look.

The roads are all cement roads, and the drainage system under strict planning plays a great role in rainy days!

The places where you live are red brick cement houses, and there are fire pits for heating and other facilities inside!

The emergence of honeycomb coal, honeycomb coal stoves and other objects has greatly changed the way of life of the people of Qingzhou!

The chain department stores in Changshan, Jizhou, have appeared in various counties of Qingzhou, and the epoch-making goods in them——

Items such as toilet paper, soap, glass, iron pots, creams, lipsticks and other items have improved the living standards of Qingzhou people!

The large-scale development and large-scale construction of Qingzhou have also given many Qingzhou people a place to earn income and subsidize their families!

Even those farmers who are inseparable from the land have changed with the emergence of cultivation objects such as quyuan plows, the addition of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, and the transformation of drum trucks!

Making farming easier and faster!

There are also one after another medical halls, and the recent free treatment has restored the health of the people!

Let them not be afraid of the plague and disease after the war!

Let them not endure because they have no money to treat their diseases after being injured by accidents such as labor, and then accumulate work and become sick, and eventually die!

Just a few days ago, a series of brand-new and bright schools appeared in various counties of Qingzhou!

This also represents the beginning of the school career of Qingzhou children, and the mandatory 15-year compulsory education radiates to all counties and counties in Qingzhou!

This made the people, who had just joined the rule of King Changshan and had not yet gained much, reluctant to send their children to school.

Solidified thinking, let them still carry the circular thinking of farming - marrying wives and having children - farming and farming!

They have not thought about reading to change, they have not thought that knowledge makes people progress, they have not thought that no matter how poor they are, they cannot be poor children, and no matter how hard they are, they cannot be bitter in education.

It can only be said that for decades and hundreds of years, their ancestors have lived like this for generations.

This is the true portrayal of the poor people at the bottom!

If it weren't for Liu Chen's action, new schools, and compulsory compulsory education, the children and descendants of these people would always be in such a vicious circle!

You will always live at the bottom, with no opportunities for progress and change!

Forever exploited by those big families and powerful landlords, they can't get out of this bottom life circle for a lifetime!

Because the right to read and read is in the hands of the family!

Even among these poor people, there is such a visionary person, because there are no books to study, and they can only give up regretfully!

Because the words of books, even in the hands of the family family, are the existence of family heirlooms!


The emergence of Liu Chen made the right to read and write become an obligation. Let priceless books mass-produce and appear like rotten streets.

Thanks to the invention of movable type printing and papermaking, books can even be used to cushion table legs in today's department stores!

The people did not understand the benefits of reading and literacy, Liu Chen did not blame them, he sent special people to publicize and change the thinking of the people!

Fortunately, Liu Chen's prestige is very high, and his performance of benevolence and love for the people like a son has won the recognition and love of the people of the world.

Coupled with the emergence of the Quyuan plow, it made it easier and more convenient for the people to cultivate, and they did not need the assistance of children.


The children entered the Qingzhou school.

Graduates of Changshan School became teachers in these schools.

Under their teaching, the children and teenagers of Qingzhou are ingesting the knowledge from books little by little!

They are changing little by little, becoming more confident, more studious, more addicted to the world of books, and exploring the world at the same time!

It's hard to imagine that in just over two months, Qingzhou's city appearance, people's appearance, and children's appearance have been completely new!

If Liu Bei returned to Qingzhou, he would definitely not recognize this as the place he once governed.

Because it's completely different!

Because there are two worlds!

If Liu Bei allowed Qingzhou to resume production, then Liu Chen was equivalent to giving Qingzhou a new life!

The people of Qingzhou, the children of Qingzhou, the new life of everything in Qingzhou!


After more than two months of migration, the Qiao family finally stepped into Beihai County in Qingzhou from Xuzhou and entered Chang'an County in Beihai first.

Because of the war in Yuzhou, the Qiao family spent a lot of hard work, and finally took two months to reach the destination of their trip.

It is also where Qiaoru is now stationed - Qingzhou!

As a matter of fact.

If it weren't for Qiao Xuan coming all the way, in the name of the family of the general of the Changshan King's Department, they would never have been so smooth, and there would not even be thieves and county garrisons to harass them!

With the peerless appearance of Big Qiao and Little Qiao, it will definitely make many sperm worms desperate.


Just the seven big words 'family members of the Changshan royal generals' scared off all the little ones, even Tao Qian of Xuzhou, and sent people to personally escort them!


The Qiao family and their party successfully arrived in Chang'an County in Beihai, Qingzhou!

"I really didn't expect that the name of King Changshan would be so loud and used!" Da Qiao said with some sighs.

Little Qiao and the chicken pecked at the rice and bowed his head repeatedly, his eyes were starry with adoration: "In the Yuzhou battlefield, those thieves were simply going to devour us alive.

"But I heard that we are the family members of the general of the Changshan King, and it is so scary that I think it's funny now!"

Da Qiao shook his head helplessly and said, "I still have palpitations when I think about it now!" I thought that the King of Changshan was beyond his reach, but the name alone was already Megatron! "

In the sigh of the sisters, at the gate of Chang'an County, Qiao Rui led the army to march out.

When he saw Qiao Xuan and Xiao Qiao and other Qiao families marching, Qiao Rui's worried look finally relaxed and came to this side eagerly.


"Rui'er doesn't need to be polite!"

Qiao Xuan looked at Qiao Rui, his eyes mist, "When I was in Lujiang, my father thought that you had suffered misfortune!" "

"The child is not filial, which worries the father!"

Qiao Rui knelt and kowtowed, his face full of apologies.

"Hurry up."

The father and son exchanged for a moment, and Little Qiao stepped forward, and the sisters also had palpitations, and their eyes were full of tears.

When the family is reunited, everyone is naturally happy!

Qiao Rui immediately ordered people and brought them into Chang'an County.

This entry, like a hole in the sky, completely shocked the Bridge family!

Qingzhou's rejuvenation is hard to believe, this is a place that has experienced many wars!

"I didn't expect Liu Bei to have such ability!" Qiao Xuan sighed softly.

Qiao Rui was stunned and asked suspiciously: "Father, what does this have to do with Liu Bei?" Why did you suddenly mention this person? "

"Qingzhou can govern so peacefully and contentedly, and the original Qingzhou Mu Liu Bei can be regarded as a great achievement, right?" Qiao Xuan said suspiciously.

Qiao Rui smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Father, you are wrong!" When we took over Qingzhou, it was ruined and houses were dilapidated, looking like it was in ruins after the war.

"This is why we spent hundreds of thousands of troops, countless manpower, material and financial resources, and jointly rebuilt, so that Qingzhou became completely new!"

Qiao Rui's words completely shocked Qiao Xuan and the others!

Da Qiao asked in shock, "Father, Chang Shanjun took over Qingzhou, but it was only two months, right?" This, these are all built by you?! "

"That's nature!"

Qiao Rui said confidently: "Look at this cement road, you look at this red brick cement house, these materials are all inventions and creations of His Highness."

"Can't you see that these houses, these roads, all these things, are very new?

"He Liu Bei Xiaoer, what will he take to change all this in Qingzhou?"

The Qiao family covered their mouths one by one, shocked, and looked terrified!

They ran from Yangzhou Lujiang to Qingzhou Beihai, which took two months.

But in these two months, Qingzhou has undergone earth-shaking changes under the reconstruction of the Changshan Army!

How not to shock them!

How not to freak them out!

Xiao Qiao was shocked, and then asked suspiciously: "Father, could it be that you took the lead in rebuilding Beihai County, so that we can see such a prosperous scene?" "

"You're wrong again!"

Qiao Rui smiled and said: "Our hundreds of thousands of troops are launched at the same time to carry out transformation in all counties and counties in Qingzhou!"

"Because Qingzhou is an important place that His Highness has ordered thousands of times, it has an extremely important strategic position.

"Guo Junshi and General Huang did not hesitate to use the Changshan Army to join our engineering team construction.

"In this way, the entire Qingzhou has undergone earth-shaking changes in a short period of time!

"But to be honest, in fact, I was also shocked, even Guo Junshi predicted that it would take a year, but we actually completed it in more than two months!"

"It's a miracle! What a miracle that no one has ever come before! "

Qiao Rui's words made the Qiao family shake again!

In more than two months, the entire Qingzhou, six counties, and sixty-five counties were all rebuilt?!

Looking at the scene in Chang'an County that was more gorgeous than Luoyang, even the well-informed Qiao Xuan, Xiao Xiaoqiao and others were speechless for a while!

Qiao Rui looked at the shocked look of his family, and he was very proud in his heart!

This is all a feat of their engineering team!

Beihai County is the place under his responsibility, and it has developed so rapidly.

But I heard that in Donglai County, Guo Junshi and General Huang personally supervised, not only the urban reconstruction and improvement of Donglai County, but even the Qingzhou port, Qingzhou navy and other troops have been completed one after another!

Qiao Rui has always wanted to go to the seaside of Donglai County and see the lineup of the Changshan Navy with his own eyes, it must be a magnificent scene like the sea!


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