One night without a word.

When Liu Chen was refreshed the next day, the subordinate generals came over one by one with a smile to congratulate him.

"Congratulations to the Lord and Congratulations to the Lord and Congratulations!"

Guo Jia raised his eyebrows and blinked his eyes, as if to say that you know, and said jokingly:

"I wish the Lord a noble son early, and the Lord must have been in full swing on the wedding night last night!"

"Fengxiao, if you have a problem with your eyes, go to Hua Tuo to treat it, don't make a mess in front of King Ben!"

Liu Chen scolded with a smile and said: "Pull down and pull down!" "

Everyone laughed, and those guards did not really pull Guo Jia down. After a moment of chatter, laughter and joking between the ministers, they finally returned to the point.

"During this period of time, the logistics of Jizhou were already a little stretched, and King Ben was ready to truce for a year and a half and develop the six prefectures under his subordinates."

Liu Chen clearly planned the development goals for this year and a half:

"The first thing to complete is the construction of ports in the Yellow River Basin, and the transmission of the entire north will need to be used in these ports in the future."

"The naval forces originally in Bohai Bay can be moved to Qingzhou one after another, Huang Zhong, Guo Jia, you still need to guard the accident of Yanzhou and Xuzhou!"

"Subordinates/the last general understand!"

Huang Zhong and Guo Jia said.

"Xun Yu, Jizhou has achieved the passage of cement roads on the main roads of all counties and counties, and in this year and a half, this king needs you to radiate to the other six states!"

Liu Chen solemnly said that whether it is the port shipping in the Yellow River Basin or these cement road land transportation, it is to change the transportation problem.

In addition to improving military mobility capabilities, this can also greatly change information transmission, food transportation, economic development, business and people-to-people exchanges and so on!

As the saying goes, if you want to be rich, build roads first!

Xun Yu frowned and pondered for a moment, quickly calculating in his mind, and in the end, even if it was him, the talent of Wang Zuo, he could only sigh and say:

"Master, it's only a little over a year, too little!

"My subordinates have studied cement roads, whether it is the cooling of cement, or the planning of roads, the setting of drainage, etc., it takes time.

"Not to mention the wind, rain, road excavation and other problems, which will delay the construction period."

Xun Yu shook his head and said, "If it's just a prefecture, your subordinates can still work hard. But the land of the six states covers a wide area, and the subordinates dare not guarantee it! "

Liu Chen naturally can't tell Xun Yu: You can rest assured to do it boldly, this king has [Krypton Gold Acceleration Function], which can help you in secret!

Liu Chen had to think of an excuse to persuade Xun Yu, and soon he had a flash of inspiration and said lightly:

"Didn't Yuan Shao's coalition army have 300,000 defeated generals? They can be included in the road construction project and carried out at the same time.

"Then let the scout pigeons scout in the air to avoid sneaking and slipping, and detecting road accidents. This can significantly reduce engineering time.

"Tell them that this is also one of the ways to accumulate military merit!" You can make meritorious contributions! Increase the welfare of these soldiers! "

The more Liu Chen spoke, the more he felt smart.

Even if these soldiers return, they still need to invest manpower to train, it is better to let them obtain military merit through road construction, and make meritorious contributions to their crimes!

Xun Yu bowed his head repeatedly.

If 300,000 people join, plus the original Jizhou engineering team, carried out at the same time, and developed at the same time, it is indeed barely feasible for more than a year!

"Subordinates do their best!"

Xun Yu arched his hand and said: "As for the port setting in the Yellow River Valley, the subordinates will let the garrisons in various places assist, and they also need His Highness to give the highest authority and will!" "

Liu Chen smiled and looked around: "Did you hear that?" "

"I'll help Xun Taishou without hesitation!"

Everyone was a little helpless, Xun Yu was afraid that they would refuse, ugly words were ahead, and it was still through Liu Chen.

Xun Yu bowed.

With these generals, plus the investment of more than 300,000 soldiers, and the continuous income from the sale of goods in the Changshan Forging Academy.

Whether it is manpower, material resources, or money, it can be regarded as a temporary solution!

Liu Chen continued: "After the port and cement road are solved, it is necessary to renovate the houses of the people in Youzhou, Hezhou, Qingzhou, Liangzhou and Sizhi.

"Winter is coming, and without the torch and houses, many people will be unable to carry it.

"If the people of these states and counties are too scattered, they can be forced to move together and plan a unified city.

"Schools, clinics, shops come together and pool resources to avoid some waste."

Like Hezhou and Liangzhou, after experiencing war, the population is not even a million.

If the residence is too scattered, the transportation of materials, etc., whether it is time or efficiency, is wasted.

It is better to concentrate together, build houses, build cement roads, etc., which is more convenient and easy and reduces some losses.

The generals of the advisers of Union Prefecture and Liang Prefecture were the heads of Lianlian.

In order to celebrate Liu Chen's wedding, they all set off to Changshan, and now it can be said that all the forces under Liu Chen have gathered!

Like Ma Teng and Han Sui are also among them, Liu Chen also saw Ma Chao, Pang De, these famous historical fierce generals not long ago!

After arranging road transportation, drainage facilities, people's housing, school study, medical center treatment and other people's livelihood.

Liu Chen finally talked about the logistics supply that everyone was most concerned about!

Mainly in terms of food, to be precise!

To be honest, even Liu Chen did not expect that under the harvest of such artifacts as sweet potatoes and potatoes, under the 6 times bonus of [farmland], one day Jizhou would be short of grain!

It was because of the food problem that Liu Chen terminated the military arrangement to continue south. Even Yanzhou, which is now empty, he can only give up temporarily.

At the beginning, Yuan Shao joined forces with Liu Bei, Yuan Shu, and Cao Cao to attack, which was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Even if Cao Cao betrayed Yuan Shao later, the intelligence agencies under Liu Chen already had conclusive evidence of the exchange between the two.

This evidence can undoubtedly allow Liu Chen to attack Yanzhou justifiably and use Yanzhou as a springboard to the south!


All this is in the midst of logistical turmoil, and can only be given up for the time being!

The main reason is military and educational!

Today, the total strength of the Changshan Army is as high as one million, and the burden of food and grass is extremely heavy.

Every march and war is a huge military expenditure, whether it is food and grass or money, it is a huge amount!

To put it bluntly, this is simply a money-burning war!

In addition to the military aspect, Jizhou also has a large consumer - free teaching in schools and fifteen years of compulsory education!

At the beginning, Liu Chen envisioned that hundreds of thousands of children in Changshan could teach for free, and select talents to feed back to Changshan.

Even if the entire Jizhou is beaten later, it will only be more than 100,000, more than 200,000 students, and they can fully afford the consumption of compulsory education!

It's just that.

Who would have thought that Jizhou's peaceful and contented life would trigger a wave of immigration throughout the world, and countless people would drag their families to join Changshan.

These people have become the people of Jizhou, and it is impossible for Liu Chen not to let their children read and read, right?

They are all children of the Han family, so it is impossible to treat one differently and favor one over the other, right?

And then.

The number of people with free teaching and 15 years of compulsory education has suddenly soared from tens of thousands to millions, or even more than two million!!

The huge consumption of these two aspects made Liu Chen have to repair and slow down the speed of the attack.

Otherwise, if you continue to fight like this, the logistics of Jizhou will be dragged down, and when the time comes, it will collapse like an avalanche!

Governing a big country, such as cooking small food, military, educational, people's livelihood, economic and other developments, all need to be carried out steadily.

Let's be honest.

This time, Liu Chen really had the feeling of lifting a stone to hit his own feet!

Compulsory education!

In today's Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty, the moment before the world is unified is underway, and there is a risk of being dragged down or even collapsed at all times!

As a matter of fact.

Liu Chen's subordinates Guo Jia, Xun Yu, Xun Yu, Fang Xuan, Tian Feng, and other top advisers had already noticed this!

It's just that.

Liu Chen showed calmness and calmness, and it didn't matter, so that they were completely relieved in their hearts!

In their opinion, there is no problem that Liu Chen cannot solve, and there is no arrangement for Liu Chen to make strategic mistakes!

But actually?

Pretend to beep yourself, and continue with tears in your eyes!

Liu Chen has been holding on!

Fortunately, with the current heritage of Jizhou, Liu Chen can indeed survive!

Not to mention.

Now Youzhou, Hezhou, Liangzhou, Qingzhou, and Sizhi are all under Liu Chen's control!

What does this mean?

This means that these six states in charge can also get the bonus of system buildings, such as [farmland] production increased by 6 times!

The land of one state is not enough to support millions of troops and more than two million students with compulsory education, what about the land of six states?!

Definitely more than enough!

Not to mention.

Compulsory education is not useless, nor is it just an increase in consumption!

In recent years, the school has cultivated more than 100,000 talents for Liu Chen, and more than 100,000 talents will graduate this year, these are all harvests that cannot be exchanged for massive money and food! ! !

Now that Liu Chen is hostile to the great families and the world's scholars, these more than 100,000 students who have graduated will become the cornerstone of his control over the six states! ! !

Without these students, even if Liu Chen stabilized the rear and conquered the land of the six states, he would fall into the dilemma of no one to use!

Even if there are top advisers such as Guo Jia, Xun Yu, and Xun Yu, but the various departments running below, the required officials and civilian personnel, that is a huge amount! ! !

At that time, did he bend down and whisper to those gentlemen?! Go and ask those family clans for help?!

When pigs fly!!!


In Liu Chen's view, compulsory education is more beneficial than disadvantageous to him, and he will continue to do so!

And most importantly -

Liu Chen has a system and krypton gold acceleration function.

It is estimated that it will take more than five or ten years to rest and recuperate for others, but Liu Chen can accelerate madly with krypton gold, and he can stabilize the rear in almost a year or two!

At that time, Liu Chen will be able to wave his army south again.

The iron horse of the Changshan Army will step on all obstacles!

Thinking of this, Liu Chen looked at the many generals below, and then turned to Xun Yu and said, "Promote sweet potatoes and potatoes to the six states." "

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