This Star is a Bit All-around

Chapter 243 Made the same choice as you (for subscription)

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"Hey, what's wrong with melon babies, all of them have red eyes like rabbits"

In the small shop, Bai Zhijun was helping his sister Bai Lingyue to sell steamed buns, when he saw the three little ones walking in with red eyes and shrugging faces, he suddenly said in surprise.

The three little ones ignored him, took the little one by the hand and went straight up to the second floor.

Seeing this, Bai Lingyue was also puzzled and said distressedly: "Brother, you sell it first, I'll go and have a look."

After the sound fell, she quickly went upstairs with Tan Jiner who walked in.

Bai Zhijun bared his teeth and looked at Yang Qing and said, "What's the matter, didn't you go to see Yaoyao's mother, could something...something happen?"

"No." Yang Qing shook his head and smiled helplessly, "Mother Yaoyao is fine, it's the little guy who made trouble."

"It's awkward, what's the matter, tell me," Bai Zhijun asked curiously.


Yang Qing sighed, and then told Bai Zhijun what happened.

After hearing this, Bai Zhijun was silent for a moment, and then said sadly: "This Yaoyao has lived with them for more than a month and has such a deep relationship. Then these three little guys live together every day, what will happen in the future!"

" should I say it?" Yang Qing said in confusion.

"Think about it..." Bai Zhijun said in a deep voice, "From now on, you and Xiaoxue are going to get married, and you have to buy a house when you get married. At that time, Xiaobai and Xi'er can't live in your new house with Qiu'er, right?"

"Um, that's why I told you and sister-in-law not to rush to buy a house. We'll buy it together, door to door, or not," Yang Qing said.

"What about Xi'er! Jin'er is not married, if she is married, will Xi'er be with you or her!"

"This...that must be with Jin'er."

"Well, so, these three little dolls still have to be separated!"

"Not necessarily." Yang Qing pondered: "I am Jin'er's brother now, that is, her parent, so this article can be written."

"Oh! What kind of article, tell me."

Bai Zhijun is completely interested. After all, he also has a precious daughter. Although she is still young, she is going to grow up and get married anyway. It is always right to learn some experience in advance!

"Hmm..." Yang Qing pondered, "To marry Jin'er, two things must be met first!"

"The first rule is that you must treat Jin'er and Xi'er well, be able to accept Xi'er, and you must like and love her!"

"The second thing is about the house, you have to buy it with us! Upstairs or downstairs!"

After Yang Qing finished speaking, he looked at Bai Zhijun and said, "Brother Bai, what do you think of my two basic requirements?"

"Well! I want it!"

Bai Zhijun nodded and said, "However, your basic requirements are a little short, so you have to add them!"

"Huh? Brother Bai, what do you think?"

"Hey, let me tell you, the first thing to add is the man's work problem..."

Bai Zhijun and Yang Qing were having a good chat, and the more they chatted, the more they got involved, the condition was more and more, and they argued and discussed from time to time.

"I said, you two are free and have nothing to do!"

Just as the two of them were engaged in a heated discussion, Mama Bai's voice rang in my ears suddenly and erratically:

"Based on the conditions you two made, you don't want Jin'er to get married!"


Yang Qing and Bai Zhijun were taken aback for a moment, and looked at the contemptuous mother Bai in bewilderment.

"Sister-in-law, when did you come here?" Yang Qing sneered.

Bai's mother rolled her eyes and said, "I've been here since you guys designed hell-level difficulty for Jin'er's other half."

"Hey, I don't want to hear what you say." Bai Zhijun stared and said, "We are all doing this for Jin'er's good."


Mother Bai said contemptuously: "I don't know you yet, you don't know whether the ones you made were for Jin'er or for your daughter Xiaobai!"

"Also, don't say anything for Jin'er's own good. She has her own opinions and ideas. What you call "for her own good" may make her future worse!"

Mother Bai said in a deep voice: "Of course, there are necessary conditions, but not too many, understand, otherwise it will only create a burden and pressure on Jin'er!"


Bai Zhijun wanted to say something more after hearing the words, but was stopped by Yang Qing:

"Understood, sister-in-law, you are right. Jin'er is the one who makes the final decision on this matter. We can only make suggestions. Of course, it's too early to talk about it now, and there's no need to mention it in front of Jin'er."

"Well, you just need to understand." Bai's mother nodded and said, "Then I'll go up and have a look. Lingyue called and said that the melons don't cry or make trouble. It's worrying to be quiet."

Hearing this, Yang Qing and Bai Zhijun immediately got up and wanted to go together, but they were stopped by Mama Bai.

"I'll just go, you two look at the shop"

When Mother Bai came to the second floor, she saw San Xiaozhi sitting on the sofa, shaking her head in a daze.

Tan Jin'er, Bai Lingyue and Chun Xia were by their side, but there was nothing they could do at the moment.

Only when Xiao Dong'er crawled behind the three little ones, and occasionally stuck out her little head to look at the three little sisters, could they forcefully squeeze out a smile.

"Jin'er, come and tell me what's going on."

Mother Bai called Tan Jin'er to her side. After understanding what had happened, she shook her head and smiled, then walked up to Xiao Bai and stood still, saying:

"Guawazi, you're still sad, Yaoyao didn't do anything wrong, don't be angry and sad."


Hearing this, Xiaobai raised his head and looked at his mother with red eyes, looking a little stubborn.

In the little man's heart, Xiao Yaoyao just abandoned them, abandoned their friendship, and also abandoned their trust and love.

"Hey, I'm still not convinced"

Mother Bai smiled and touched her little head, and said softly: "Then mother will tell you..."

"Well, if you say, if I'm sick and hospitalized and need someone to take care of you, will you stay and take care of me?"

"Mom... I won't make you sick..." Xiaobai said with a worried face.

"Gua Wazi, what I said is if, you just answer me will you stay and take care of me?"

"Yes!" Xiaobai nodded vigorously and said, "I will stay and take care of my mother."

"Well, then you stay and take care of me, are you going to separate from Qiu'er Xi'er?"


Xiaobai Children's Shoes was stunned, he looked at his mother blankly, then at the two little girlfriends, and seemed to have figured out something for a moment.

Seeing this, Mother Bai smiled and touched Xiao Xi'er and Xiao Qiu'er's heads, and said softly: "You two are the same, Xi'er, do you think your sister will stay and take care of her when she is sick, Qiu'er miss your brother..."

"When you think about it, you will understand that Yaoyao didn't abandon you. She is a very sensible and well-behaved child. She just made the same choice as you."

"And if you leave like that, it will hurt not only the friendship between you two good friends, but also her heart."

Mother Bai said in a deep voice: "We must learn to understand, learn to tolerate, be kind but more filial, you know?"

Silence, the three little ones just heard the words and thought silently, they seemed to have figured it out after thinking about it, the little faces were no longer sad, but guilty.

"Have you figured it out?" Mother Bai asked seeing this.

"Yeah, I got it…"

"Now that you understand, do you know how to do it?"

"I know, go find Yaoyao and say sorry to her," Xiao Qiuer said out loud.

"Let Yaoyao continue to be good friends with us, Xi'er don't be good friends with her," Xiao Xier said in a crying voice.

"Mom, take us to find Yaoyao, I want to say sorry to her, she is very good at taking care of her mother, we wronged her, we will always be good friends with her"

Xiaobai looked at her mother and begged, thinking in another way, she realized how sad and sad Xiao Yaoyao must be at this moment...

"Well, okay, I'll take you there"

Mother Bai nodded and said softly, "You are all sensible and good children, so be obedient."


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