The Sweetness of the Seventies

Chapter 48 You girl, look like me!

Qian Shikun was a bastard, and he was even more rude. The world was huge and he had the biggest meal.

Sun Sihao is not very old, in his forties, but he has been tortured so much that he looks like he is in his fifties or sixties. His body is very weak and he won't survive long in this remote place if he doesn't eat. He doesn't want to die, he wants to live and see his wife and children.

A large pot of chicken soup, together with chicken nuggets, was eaten cleanly by He Tiantian, Old Man Qi and others. Fortunately, there were still cakes and vegetables, so I was basically full.

He Tiantian collected the bones, threw them to Old Man Qi's dog, washed the pots and dishes, cleaned them up, then packed up and left.

After several people had eaten, they felt grateful to He Tiantian and wanted to say thank you, but found that He Tiantian had already left. They were very tired and had no time to chat. They went back to the house and slept soundly, not caring about the mosquito bites. After they had eaten, they just wanted to sleep peacefully and make up for the sleep they had missed these days.

He Tiantian put the earthen pot in the basket and covered it with wild vegetables.

Grandma Qi San was cooking. When she saw He Tiantian coming back, she smiled and said, "I came back a little late today. I saw that your Aunt Liu was back a long time ago."

"I asked for leave yesterday, so I will work more today." He Tiantian smiled and took out the earthen pot from the basket, "Grandma Qi, I caught pheasants again today and made chicken soup from the animal husbandry team. I brought some return."

"Oh, this is good stuff. You can drink it yourself." Although Grandma Qi San said this, she was very happy in her heart. The old woman was all alone, but she didn't expect that she would still have someone to show her respect to her in her old age.

He Tiantian heated up the chicken soup, brought it to Grandma Qi San, and said, "Grandma Qi, drink it. I've already had it at Grandpa Qi's place!"

He Tiantian asked Grandma Qi San to make chicken soup while she cooked. With the chicken soup in my stomach, I made less dinner. Half a bowl of polenta soup and a plate of cold wild vegetables were enough for each person.

After dinner, He Tiantian and Grandma Qi San were enjoying the cool weather in the yard.

The wind at night is already very cool, and autumn will begin in two days.

"Tiantian, how are those elderly people doing?" Grandma Qi San asked. Some of those people were about the same age as her, and it was really pitiful that they still had to suffer this.

The outside world may not be as good as Qijia Village!

He Tiantian sighed: "She seems to be in good spirits, I should be able to get through it."

"People, there is no such thing as the Flame Mountain that we can't get through." Grandma Qi San said, "When I was young, my family was well off. When the local tycoons came to divide the land, all the land in my family was divided, and the situation of the family plummeted. My sisters, cry. I didn't cry, but I married a former long-term worker in the family, while they went to the city and became concubines for rich officials. Although I lived a hard life, I had a husband. , I have a family and children, and I am living a good life. My husband is dead and my son has not been heard from in these years. I still hold my breath. I want to live well, maybe my son will come back."

He Tiantian's mood improved greatly as she listened to Grandma Qi San's simple words full of strength and courage.

As long as you live, you must hope.

Grandma Qi San has been like this all her life, so in the end she waited until her son came back from abroad, spent his old age in peace, and had a family full of children and grandchildren.

"Yes, my parents told me the same thing when I left home. As long as we survive this period, we will have the opportunity to live happily together in the future." He Tiantian said, "So no matter how hard it is, we will be tired. , I can bear it.”

"Haha!" Grandma Qi San smiled heartily, "You girl, look like me!"

"Haha!" He Tiantian said, "I would be happy to be as capable and strong as you."

When He Tiantian rested at night, she was still muttering in her heart.

This life is different from the previous life.

Although Village Chief Qi also brought back seven people in his previous life, two old men died when they arrived in the village.

The seven people now and the seven people in the previous life, except for Professor Gu and Professor Wang, have not changed, the others are all different from the previous life.

Although He Tiantian couldn't guess who these people were, it was obvious that there were three groups of people. Professor Gu and Professor Wang are husband and wife, the old man Bai is in a group with the two people next to him, and the other two thin guys, one tall and one short, are in a group. It seems that everyone in the group knows each other personally.

He Tiantian vaguely felt that after she changed some things in her previous life, things around her also changed.

Although it doesn't have much impact on her yet, He Tiantian is alert.

She can change her situation, and there are many smart people, and they will change accordingly.

He Tiantian carefully sorted out every person who had anything to do with her in her mind, not missing a single detail. It wasn't until late at night that I fell asleep.

Early the next morning, He Tiantian and Grandma Qi San had dinner and then went to the animal husbandry team.

After He Tiantian was busy helping everyone last night, and everyone learned that He Tiantian brought those pheasants from the mountain, they had a better impression of He Tiantian.

"Professor Wang! Good morning." He Tiantian greeted, with a smile on her face, as vibrant as the sun at eight or nine o'clock.

Professor Wang is cooking, and Professor Gu is helping over there. Others are also busy, helping to pick vegetables.

Seeing He Tiantian coming over, Professor Wang smiled and said: "Sweet girl, I don't teach anymore, I'm not a professor anymore. From now on, you can just call us Grandma Wang and Grandpa Gu."

"Grandma Wang, good morning, Grandpa Gu." He Tiantian said, "How are you having a good night's rest?"

"We have eaten well and slept soundly, so everyone looks good today." Grandma Wang said, "I will go up to the mountain with you to cut grass today. We will work more and make some contributions to the village."

At this time, Aunt Liu came and said with a smile: "Aunt Wang, you are not in good health, so you should stay here. Later, you can clean the cowshed, pig pen, and sheep pen, and feed some fodder. Sweet girl and I Go up the hill and mow the grass.”

From Aunt Liu's tone, it can be heard that she has a good relationship with Professor Wang.

"Okay." Professor Wang said, "I'll work hard on you first, and when we take a break, we'll just work and we won't let you suffer."

"What's the point of taking a loss or not? This is the job of the livestock team." Aunt Liu said as she carried a bamboo basket on her back and went up the mountain with He Tiantian.

On the way, Aunt Liu whispered to He Tiantian: "Sweet girl, the autumn harvest is coming soon. The two of us have a very important task. We must prepare the fodder before harvesting the corn."

There is a fixed amount of corn stalks, which can be kept by the livestock team and given to the villagers to cook in pots. Most of the forage still has to be obtained from the mountains.

"Okay! Let's move quickly and try to make four trips in the morning and four in the afternoon." He Tiantian said. If you prepare forage before harvesting corn, you can get an advanced position and maybe get a reward at the end of the year. It might be an enamel tub, a towel, or a piece of soap. Although it is not much, it does not cost money after all, and it is very honorable to be rated as advanced.

(*^__^*) Hee hee... updated. It will be released on November 1, and there will be 8,000 updates to ask for support.

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