The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 133 Super Dragon Ball

The vast Tianhe, the stars move.

In the boundless universe, the bright and splendid Milky Way is like a ribbon, the stars are brilliant and sparkling, and the stars of all sizes are dotted in the night, shining with diamond-like brilliance.

There was a vast darkness all around, and the stars radiated a charming whitish glow.

Suddenly, a ray of light flickered. In the deep and quiet space, this flicker was extremely eye-catching, and then a small disc faintly appeared in the darkness!

It was a small silver-gray spaceship. The spaceship was not large, only a few dozen meters in length.

Xi Ya stood alone in the cab. Since the spacecraft was fully intelligently driven, he only needed to input commands immediately.

"According to the location shown in the Dragon Ball Radar, the first Super Dragon Ball should be nearby!" In the spaceship, Char held the new Dragon Ball Radar in his hands, staring at the deep universe outside the porthole.

At this moment, several months have passed since I accompanied Nishiling and the others from the Bakufu Star, and Char finally started looking for Super Dragon Balls.

He first recruited Fedayian scientists to comprehensively upgrade the Dragon Ball radar, allowing the radar's exploration range to expand to the entire universe at once, and then drove a small spacecraft to leave Hongshan Star alone.

In the vast universe, it is not difficult to find a Super Dragon Ball with the help of the Dragon Ball Radar, especially when he can also use teleportation. The only thing that bothers Char is, after finding Super Dragon Ball, how to relocate it?

Because the size of Super Dragon Ball is too big, the diameter of a Super Dragon Ball is more than 37,000 kilometers. Compared with Super Dragon Ball, Hongshan Star is just a small marble. is a headache.

It's still easy for Char to destroy such a big planet, but when it comes to relocation, to be honest, Char doesn't have much confidence.

"Hey, I found it!"

In the Dragon Ball radar, the flickering bright spots were getting closer and closer, and Char immediately ordered the spaceship Zhinao to approach at full speed. After a while, an orange-red giant object appeared in front of Char.

It was a super crystal ball that was even bigger than the average planet, scattered in a chaotic galaxy, it looked magnificent!

"This is Super Dragon Ball? It's really... huge!"

Seeing the Super Dragon Ball that was bigger than the average planet in front of him, Xiaya's face suddenly showed a shock, and his pupils shrank immediately, really frightened by the size of the Super Dragon Ball.

Compared with Super Dragon Ball, Earth Dragon Ball and Namek Dragon Ball are really too small and too small.

No wonder it's rumored that the Namek Dragon Balls were made from scraps that fell off the Super Dragon Balls!

"This head is really big, how can it be transported!" Xia was distressed. Even with the most advanced alien technology, it would be impossible to transport such a large size!

Moreover, it is also a Dragon Ball, so the power of the Earth Dragon can hardly be applied to the Super Dragon Ball.

It seemed that he could only use teleportation to see if he could move with the planet. Char Ya looked at the huge Super Dragon Ball, swallowed, and was determined to give it a try.

"Ho!" A mass of arrogance suddenly wrapped his body, Xiaya floated into the space, and then pressed a special button on the spaceship. With a puff of smoke, the spaceship turned into a small omnipotent capsule.

This universal capsule technology has become very popular on Red Mountain Star.

Putting away the universal capsule, Char galloped to the vicinity of the Super Dragon Ball like lightning. Because the state of being wrapped in arrogance is very short, it is impossible for Char to stay in the universe for a long time. He must complete everything in the shortest time.

As you get closer to Super Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball's massive size becomes more and more apparent.

When Xia Ya's hands touched the surface of the Dragon Ball, it was as if he was on the surface of a super huge planet. At a glance, it was full of orange-yellow transparent glaze. Looking down, you could even see the few gilded stars in the center. Bright red stars.

They are transparent and crystal clear, like tiny diamonds embellished on the orange dial, showing a touch of flawless serenity.

"Super Dragon Ball is really strange, there is not much gravity in such a large volume!" Xia thought with some emotion, and immediately began to use his time and space power wholeheartedly, covering the vast and majestic energy in his body on the surface of Super Dragon Ball.

As the energy continued to be instilled, fine strands of sweat began to appear on Char's forehead.

Gradually, the surface of the huge Super Dragon Ball began to be covered by a layer of mesh-like crystal lines. As the crystal lines became denser and denser, the Super Dragon Ball star began to vibrate slightly and moved slightly.

"Get up!" Xia Ya shouted, increasing the output of space-time energy, and then suddenly launched teleportation.

So the largest teleportation in history was activated!

Carrying the entire planet together for teleportation is the creator of teleportation, which neither Star Arad nor the Kaiwang God could imagine, and only Xi Ya can do it with that magical superpower.

At the same time as the teleportation, the fragment of the cosmic star map that Polenga acted on the brain appeared. Xia Adam decidedly chose an empty and empty cosmic space and took the Super Dragon Ball to the past together...

In a vast darkness.

There is not a single star around, and the Milky Way and even other galaxies are extremely far away from here. This is the most empty place in the seventh universe.

Suddenly, the cosmic space was distorted, and the silver-white light flickered abruptly a few times, and a huge orange-red glazed planet suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"Phew!" Xiaya's face was pale, and then he quickly took out his breathing equipment and took a deep breath of pure oxygen. Saiyans, like ordinary humans, couldn't leave the atmosphere for a long time.

Fresh oxygen enters the body, and the gloomy and suffocating feeling is completely dissipated, as if bathing in the warm sunlight, it is very warm and comfortable.

He took a few deep breaths, and hurriedly took out a fairy bean from the space to eat it. The rich vitality played its role silently, which made him fully recover.

Looking at the huge dragon ball, Xi Ya smiled, and the flaming arrogance enveloped him again.

"Finally, a Dragon Ball has been moved, and there are still three left in the seventh universe, and then we have to go to the sixth universe!"

Char pondered to himself, he knew that the seven Super Dragon Balls were scattered in Universe 6 and Universe 7, of which there were four in Universe 7 and three in Universe 6. After each wish was fulfilled, the seven Super Dragon Balls would meet again. Randomly scattered into two universes.

After resting for a while, Xi Ya took out the Dragon Ball Radar and set off on the journey again. A few hours later, he successfully relocated two more Super Dragon Balls.

The three giant dragon balls were neatly arranged in the cosmic space, and the orange-red stars leaned together and began to make a low "humming" sound.

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