The signing ceremony of Curry and other rookies went very smoothly. As the head coach of the team, Wang Xiao also personally participated in the players' joining press conference.

At this press conference, in addition to Curry, Harden, Beverly and Danny Green, Jordan Jr., who was previously traded from the Clippers, and Mike Miller and Gomez who were acquired from the Timberwolves were also present .

The reporters participating in this press conference did not focus on these players at all. During the entire interview process, they basically asked Wang Xiao about the reasons and opinions of trading Arenas.

"There is no reason. I have no conflict with Arenas. It's just that there will be no place for Arenas in the Wizards' tactical system next season." Wang Xiao answered in this way. "Arenas is an excellent player with strong strength. No matter which team he is in, he will show a good competitive state. I think this is a win-win transaction."

"However, Coach Wang Xiao, at present, the young players of the Wizards account for more than half of the roster. In addition to the four rookies selected in the draft, there are second-year McGee and Jordan in the team lineup, and they joined the league in 2007. Nick Young, who has only played for two seasons.” A reporter asked, “Isn’t this lineup too young? The only veterans the Wizards can rely on next season are Jamison and Butler. What should the team’s record be? what to do?"

"Ability has nothing to do with age." Wang Xiao replied with a smile: "I mentioned this sentence more than once when I was applying for a job. If this sentence is wrong, I will not sit here and accept your interview."

The reporters were speechless for a while, this guy is really not humble at all.

"Because I am relatively young myself, I like to use young people. They are the future stars of the league. They are enthusiastic, energetic, and willing to work hard. They will all play an important role in the team's next season. I trust them."

In the eyes of the reporters, what Wang Xiao said was a very official answer, and there was not much difference between saying it and not saying it.

But this is different when hearing Curry and other rookies.

Whether it is Curry or Harden, after being selected by the Wizards, they were a little nervous.

Because they didn't know it beforehand, and they didn't know what their position was in the eyes of head coach Wang Xiao.

Although it is still uncertain now, after hearing Wang Xiao's words, at least they felt more at ease.


"Wang Xiao: Ability has nothing to do with age, I will reuse rookie players."

"Signing a large number of rookies, the Wizards entered the reconstruction stage ahead of schedule?"

After a new year's press conference, major media newspapers published similar views and opinions one after another.

As a veteran team that has reached the Eastern Conference playoffs for four consecutive years, the Wizards' reconstruction is not as sensational as the formation of the Celtics' Big Three in 2007, but it is also quite topical.

The reason is very simple. After gathering evidence with the general manager of the Wizards, it can be confirmed that all of the operations of the Wizards were performed by head coach Wang Xiao.

Does the head coach have the right to trade the team?

In the NBA, even famous coaches who have been around for many years rarely have such privileges.

The Spurs' Popovich may be counted as one, and the former Heat coach Pat Riley, who has announced his retirement as the general manager of the Heat, can also be counted as one. In addition, even Sloan, who has coached the Jazz for 20 years, and Phil Jackson, who has a detached position in the Lakers, do not have such privileges.

And Wang Xiao, as a Chinese coach who is only in his early thirties, has actually obtained the privileges that many NBA coaches have never had, which is indeed strange enough.

"A. Pollin spent his whole life trying to make the Wizards stronger, and less than half a year after his death, his son made a stupid decision, chose a stupid head coach, and finally ruined the Wizards. fulfilled his father's dream."

A local newspaper in Washington used such strong words to attack the owner of the Wizards.

"Wang Xiao is just a guy who can play tricks, he doesn't understand NBA at all! Curry is just a weak shooter, even if you add Miller and a first rounder, it is definitely not as good as Arenas' little finger! Trying to replace Arenas with Curry? Stupid!"

"Why trade the No. 1 pick for the No. 2 pick? Griffin is a rare high-quality insider. Wang Xiao actually gave up on him and chose to exchange the No. 2 pick and pick James Harden?"

"Who is Jordan? I've never heard of the name. We already have McGee. What do you want a player with a similar style?"

A press conference made the fans who were already very angry even more angry, especially Wang Xiao's nonchalant way of talking, making them feel as if they were being played.

The reason why the fans resisted Wang Xiao in this way was because Wang Xiao traded their favorite star Arenas on the one hand, and on the other hand, it was because of their distrust of Wang Xiao.

After all, no matter how miraculous Wang Xiao's performance in the NCAA is, it cannot conceal his early thirties and his identity as a Chinese.

A Chinese person as the head coach of their team? Could it be crazy? Still so young, isn't this ruining the Wizards?

In the face of such public opinion and remarks, Wang Xiao's approach is to remain silent.

This is the same as when he chose Durant to give up Oden, time will tell.

But unlike two years ago, this time, someone was on Wang Xiao's side.

The first one to speak out was Wang Xiao's disciple, Jeremy Lin, currently recognized as the strongest college student in the United States!

"Wang Xiao is an excellent coach. He has a unique vision and acts with a very clear purpose. When he first came to Harvard, many people also disagreed with his approach, but he used unswerving actions. To prove him right."

This is what Jeremy Lin said in an interview while participating in a basketball summer camp training. "I believe in my coach, the Wizards next season will definitely shock the entire league, just like Harvard."

Immediately afterwards, Harvard player Plaine, who was selected by the Charlotte Bobcats with the 12th overall pick this year, also publicly voiced his support for Wang Xiao.

Then, Houston Rockets center Dayao also talked about it in an interview.

"Wang Xiao is an excellent coach. Many people say that I am a representative figure of Chinese basketball, but I think Wang Xiao is more worthy of this title than me, because the reason why I can play in the NBA is because I My height, or in other words, my talent, it’s hard to replicate my success. But Wang Xiao is different. As a coach, he relies entirely on his own knowledge and experience in the NBA. He is the best embodiment of China’s basketball going to the world. , I hope people can give him more time and tolerance, after all, no one needs time to grow."

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