The Strongest Arms Dealer

Chapter 1016: : Nobel Prize?

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The outside world was disturbing, but Tang was still indifferent.

As long as you don't punish yourself to death now, then you are still the boss!

Moreover, the longer the time, the greater the chance for yourself to break the game.

Hearst has already contacted and rented the Peninsula Hotel for half a month to organize or personal gatherings for the Savior Company and its "brothers". The list has also been sent out.

The first to report was the "Yahoo" column, and the above sentence was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people: "Those who try to change the world are calling for their comrades in arms!"

I don’t know when it started, there are many powerful people who like to talk about “changing the world”, from Elizabeth Holmes’ “A Drop of Blood” at the beginning of the millennium to the later Ponzi scheme, the light of the number of participants, The weight of power is simply rare in history.

Why are so many angel investors "willing to be cheated", do they have no brains and IQ?

No, that's because they may be betting on a "possibility."

Invest in 100 of these terrible products, and if one product succeeds, they will not lose money, and even make a lot of money.

Why can the savior company make people so "excited"? It's all because people who invest in his products have made a lot of money.

There is not much technology in self-developed things. The lightsaber is even just a toy, but they are willing to spend money. Intellectual property and monetization are very good, which is the same as Disney.

The gaze of capital has never been to sympathize with the weak, but to the dollar bills covered in blood. What they want is always the string of numbers on the check.

A person who can bring them benefits, even if he is an enemy of the whole world, so what? This is called personality!

To change the world, let some corrupt, dirty and selfish groups die, so who is dirty? Nature is the weak.

This confrontation has long been a quarrel in the financial world, and Wall Street even called it: "The Battle of the Gods!"

Silicon Valley prefers to call it: "the battle for the throne".

Europeans and Americans always have some so-called passion in their bones. In fact, they are the second graders. Of course, they are far from the foot chicken. The "Asahi Shimbun" also linked it with One Piece, saying that this time is "the war on the top of the display board." , Whoever wins is the Navy, and whoever loses is Whitebeard.

At this time, Mr. Nicholas, who the outside world wants to know, is standing in the observation room of the Sulude Mountain Research Institute, quietly watching the reaction of the "white mouse" inside.

"The volunteer is a 65-year-old diabetic patient with serious cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications, and has remained in a state of high blood sugar for a long time."

Head of the School of Life Sciences at the Sulud Mountain Research Institute: Dr. Freeman Butt introduced with the information in his hand, with excitement on his face, but he tried hard to suppress it.

Originally resigned from James Watson's laboratory, all he got was an assistant job, and the one-year salary was beyond his expectations, but God always likes to favor certain people, and Dr. Freeman Bart may be one of them.

It has not been a month since he worked with the Nobel laureate Arthur Kornberg. During the internal assessment, he was recommended to lead the research team independently, which is now the dean of the School of Life Sciences of the Surud Mountain Research Institute.

Everything is good here except freedom is restricted!

The director of the Institute for Advanced Study in his 30s is not common even in Europe and the United States, and is even rare. Moreover, the annual salary is also down to 1.2 million US dollars. He has more than 20 scientific researchers under him. transformation".

Tesla is not an all-rounder. He doesn't know anything about life sciences. Professionals have to rely on professionals.

"How long will it take?" Tang Dao frowned, and he was also a little nervous.

Although all these steps have been tested many times, and the consumer rights in the "Basic UC" also read: False one penalty ten! Of course, instead of selling one bottle of Leibi to compensate ten bottles of Leibi, it is to compensate Tang Dao for the loss of tens of millions of dollars.

It has to be replayed in the mall, which is the loss of the store.

Therefore, it is not impossible to sell fake products, but for "umbrella pharmaceutical companies", it is naturally impossible to smash their own brands.

"About ten minutes." Dr. Freeman Bart licked his slightly dry lips, staring straight at the laboratory.

Tang Dao folded his hands, looked at his watch, and nodded.

He only came in the middle of the experiment. In fact, this experiment has been going on for several hours. Even appendicitis surgery would take hours, let alone this kind of operation.

Don has time to wait, take your time, don't rush.

If it wasn't for the lack of red wine here, he would still like to have a drink. However, Dr. Freeman Butt was not stingy, and asked someone to pour him a cup of coffee, Esmeralda coffee beans from Shangri-La Estate, a national treasure of Panama.

The taste is quite mellow.

Tang Dao tapped the inner circle of the cup lightly with a spoon, and the topic jumped up quickly, "You know what's going on outside, right?" His eyes were still on the inside of the laboratory.

Dr. Freeman Bart hesitated for a moment. He didn't know what the boss was talking about. Before he nodded, the other party continued, "The medical representatives wanted to kill us, hehe...we moved their cake .”

"Do you know how much profit this machine represents?" Tang Dao raised his chin, pointed to the genetic modification equipment inside, and asked himself, "It's more than 50 billion US dollars every year, and this number is constantly rising."

Diabetes is a long-term disease that requires insulin or medication for a lifetime, while targeted drugs for other genetic diseases are even more expensive, some even costing tens of thousands of dollars. You cannot deny the high R&D costs of medical institutions, but neither can you deny that the medical industry The huge profits!

Let's put it this way, the common cold is actually a self-healing disease without injections. can you accept? The cold granules, potions, etc. produced every year are enough to make people crazy.

When money reaches a certain level, it is actually a number. For Dr. Freeman Bart, he has never seen 50 billion US dollars anyway, and he doesn't know how much it is. Anyway, he thinks it is a lot.

Now he just understands the value of genetic equipment more intuitively.

"To a certain extent, you are changing history." Tang Dao turned to look at him and said, his limbs couldn't help instigating, what do scientists care most about? Fame and fortune!

If it can be recorded in history, this is definitely the greatest compliment to someone, so, why can't the name be passed down through the and it will be remembered for thousands of years!

The so-called good and bad are nothing more than what countless mouths say.

For those medical practitioners, Tangdao and the Savior Company are bad guys, a bunch of vampires, a bunch of **** who destroy the ecological environment of the industry, but for patients suffering from diseases, he is an angel sent by God!

The twelve disciples began to walk the world again.

Sure enough, Dr. Freeman Bart's eyes lit up when he heard it, and his breathing was obviously disordered. After waiting for a long time, he gradually stabilized.

"Doctor, the experiment is over." A researcher in the laboratory reported through the intercom device, "We need to continue to observe, but the patient's pancreatic peptide is obviously recovering."

The loss of pancreatic peptide function is one of the symptoms of diabetes. It cannot secrete sugar in the body, resulting in elevated blood sugar in the body.

"Continue to record for three hours, and observe the amount of glycated hemoglobin." Dr. Freeman Butt pressed the microphone in front of him and said.

The staff inside looked at the glass and nodded.

"Boss, the experiment process was successful, but we have to wait for the details."

Tang Dao nodded and smiled, "I'm very satisfied, and I also look forward to our trip to Stockholm!" Then he patted him on the shoulder, encouraged him, and left.

Dr. Freeman Bart was taken aback, but understood immediately.

Boss, this is targeting the Nobel Prize!

If, if... the experimental results are also good, then this is definitely a moment to change history. Diabetes can be reversed, and other genetic diseases may also be changed.

Dr. Freeman Bart began to worry about gains and losses again. It was only after being pushed by his colleagues that he realized that he quickly caught up with the boss and sent him out in person.

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