The secret war is silent

Chapter 66 Going it alone

Luo Yao was very timid. He was very cautious when he was a junior civil servant in the Ministry of Finance. He was such a humble person that no one could even notice him.

but now.


Although the person has not changed, a soul has changed in his body. He also understands where his change came from. He enjoys his current change and does not want to force the change back.

For some things, just let nature take its course.

Gong Hui went out to do errands.

The opportunity was rare. If Gong Hui stayed by his side all the time, there would really be no personal freedom. How could he go to see Lao Wu.

Lao Wu no longer runs a grocery store. He is now the owner of a bamboo shop. He sells bamboo baskets, bamboo strips, bamboo dragonflies, bamboo baskets, as long as they are bamboo products, and his business is quite good.

These bamboo wares were all purchased from Linli, and the price was very cheap. But when they were shipped to Jiangcheng, it was different, and the price would at least double.

Who among ordinary people doesn’t have a bamboo product in their home? Tao Lou for washing rice, bamboo strips for drying things, and bamboo baskets for washing and buying vegetables. Although they are small and inconspicuous, they are indispensable for every household.

The best-selling ones are the mats. Bamboo mats are indispensable for sleeping at night in summer.

This kind of daily necessities must be available. As long as the workmanship is good and the price is fair, there is no need to worry about not selling.

"Boss, do you have a bamboo fruit basket here?" Luo Yao, wearing a coarse cloth gown and a straw hat, walked into the "Zhou Ji" Bamboo Shop.

"Sir, our Zhouji bamboo products are well-known in Hankou. They are all made of top-quality bamboo materials. We don't want defective products. We have just received a batch of new goods here. The fruit basket you want is still available." It's true." The boy greeted enthusiastically.

"This one is too small, this one is too big, this one won't work, one of the handles is crooked..." Luo Yao was picking and choosing, but didn't like any of them, and the waiter was a little impatient.

"Call your boss over. He must be hiding some good stuff, but he hasn't shown it yet."

"Sir, all the goods in our store are here. If you don't like it, go to another store and have a look..." The boy finally lost his patience and was about to drive people away.

This kind of fault-finding customer shows at first glance that they are not sincere in buying things.

"Xiao Cheng, go to the door and watch first. Sir, I'll greet you." Old Wu came out after being called upon. This guy really has a bit of a boss attitude now.

"Why did you come to Jiangcheng suddenly?" When Old Wu saw Luo Yao, he quickly made an excuse and invited him into his office.

"Dai Yunong asked me to come, how dare I come?" Luo Yao chuckled, "Actually, I've been here for a week, but I couldn't get away. I finally came to see you when I got the chance today."

"No one is following you, right?"

"Although I don't have eyes on the back of my head, my ears are very good. If someone really follows me, they won't be able to escape my ears." Luo Yao smiled slightly, "You don't have to worry about this."

"Do you have a mission to return to Jiangcheng?"

"Well, last time the matter is not over yet. We failed to catch the lurking spy leader. Dai Yunong sent me here again. I hope I can catch all these spies this time."

"Are you sure?"

"It's hard to say. Now that I'm here, I have to give it a try." Luo Yao said, "How are you?"

"I'm fine. I'm specifically in charge of your line now. I don't have to worry about anything else." Old Wu said, "I'm just a little free."

"The Japanese army is very determined to capture Jiangcheng. Their purpose is to force the Nationalist Government to surrender. I think there is a high possibility that Jiangcheng cannot be defended." Luo Yao did not say clearly that Jiangcheng would fall in two months, and He still gave up on his own initiative, but he also hoped to give the organization a reminder to prepare for evacuation as soon as possible. It was better to arrange the arrangements than to be in a hurry when the matter came to a close.

"According to the current trend, it shouldn't be a big problem to keep Jiangcheng for another half a year, right?" Old Wu didn't quite agree with this, and felt that he was still relatively optimistic.

"Although some units of the national army fought well and even achieved certain victories, overall, there is still a huge gap in strength. What is more important is the determination and will to resist. This determines whether Jiangcheng can be defended. The key is, I’m afraid I won’t be able to persist in half a year, so it’s almost like a half.” Luo Yao shook his head.

"You are too pessimistic, we..."

"Old Wu, let's not argue about this issue. We will know the result when the time comes." Luo Yao didn't want to argue with Old Wu. The purpose of his visit today was to report his current situation to the organization, and time was very tight.

When Luo Yao came out of the "Zhou Zhuji" bambooware store, he had an extra bamboo basket in his hand. When he came home at noon, there were two more ribs, two potatoes, tofu and vegetables in the basket.

Luo Yao cooked it himself, sweet and sour pork ribs, green vegetable and tofu soup, and hot and sour potato shreds.

A big bowl of white rice.

It tastes delicious.

Luo Yao didn't eat alone and left half of the food for Gong Hui.

It wasn't until after one o'clock in the afternoon that Gong Hui came back from outside, threw a thick envelope to Luo Yao, and couldn't wait to attack the food left on the table.

After running all morning, I was tired and hungry.

Luo Yao took the envelope and went upstairs directly. Inside was the signal band and frequency of some mysterious radio stations that Jiangcheng Station had detected in the past six months.

Private radio stations can also be legal. Even if they are confidential, the level of confidentiality is not too high. Some use plain codes directly, just to keep themselves in contact without having to go to the telegraph office every time.

But this type of private radio stations have all been registered with the government.

Only those who have ulterior motives or have shady business will set up secret radio stations in private for communication and command, so as to prevent their secrets from being exposed to the public.

In addition, there are radio stations of foreign embassies and consulates. Even if you know that they send intelligence to the outside world, there is nothing you can do about it. They have diplomatic immunity.

As for some unknown signals, the number of external contacts is very few, or even only once or twice. This kind of thing may be what Luo Yao is looking for.

Recording these signals is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task that requires patience and someone who can endure loneliness.

Without these people to filter out these chaotic signals and record them, how could we easily find the enemy's secret underground radio station that we need?

"The Investigation Office of the Commander-in-Chief Department of the Ninth War Region received a secret message from the bureau headquarters last night, stating that it must be signed by Director Liu of the Investigation Office." Gong Hui came upstairs after finishing her meal.

"What content?"

"I don't know, it was probably half an hour after we sent Dad the 'fishing' plan." Gong Hui shook her head.

"It seems that the problem lies with the Ninth Theater Commander's Department." Luo Yao sighed slightly. This matter is very close. He made the plan. He knew very well that if this plan did not have the Ninth Theater Commander's Department, If you don’t have the consent and cooperation, it will be too difficult to implement.

And there will be many flaws that can be easily discovered by opponents.

As for why the Ninth War Zone Commander-in-Chief Department disagreed, Luo Yao didn't want to ask. Even if he asked, he would be humiliating himself and no one deserved it.

"Okay, you didn't tell them about the mission to Jiangcheng, right?"

"Not yet. This involves confidentiality. I just told them that there is a shortage of people in Jiangcheng District and I was selected to graduate early."

"That's a good answer. Even if they ask about Jiangcheng District, Deputy District Chief Tang will cover it up for us." Luo Yao nodded.

"Should we continue the fishing plan?"

"Since the headquarters of the Ninth War Zone Commander does not cooperate, we will have to go it alone. In addition to the defense map of Tianjia Town Fortress, there is also important information. I think the Kappa wants to know the most right now." Luo Yaodao.

"You want to use yourself as bait?" Gong Hui was very smart. With a roll of her eyes, she understood what Luo Yao was thinking.

"This is a last resort." Luo Yao nodded. If there was information about "the defense of Tianjia Town Fortress", the Japanese intelligence department would definitely be determined to get it.

Even if "Kappa" himself doesn't want to take action, the superior behind him will order him to take action.

As for him, the culprit who destroyed his carefully designed underground "secret radio station", the Japanese military leaders may not be interested, but it purely depends on his personal decision.

But this person is so cautious, I'm afraid it would be difficult for him to be fooled. If it were him, he wouldn't show off his temper. It's not worth it.

At this moment, "his" danger level should not be high in the Japanese military intelligence department, and they may not even know the reason why the "radio station" was exposed.

Maintaining the advantage of information asymmetry is actually what Luo Yao wants. Once he takes the initiative to expose himself, this advantage will be gone.

"I will analyze these secret radio signals first. After Lao Liu and the others come over in the evening, we will summarize all the information we have found and then study what to do next." Luo Yao ordered.

"Well, I'll go down then." Gong Hui nodded.

In the evening, Liu Jinbao, Xiao Dongbei, and Yan Ming all came over.

Luo Yao stayed upstairs all afternoon and did not go downstairs. Naturally, he had no time to go out to buy food or cook. Gong Hui bought some from a nearby delicatessen.

Make do with it.

After finishing the meal, he took out his cigarettes and walked around. Gong Hui and Xiao Dongbei didn't smoke, while Liu Jinbao and Yan Ming were smokers. With the three pipes together, it was natural to smoke.

Gong Hui and Xiao Dongbei put away the dishes and chopsticks, and when they came back, they almost ran out of cigarettes.

"Old Liu, what did you gain today?" Luo Yao put out his cigarette butt and asked first.

"I used my past social connections to inquire about Katayama Xiaomi's work situation at Deming Hotel. According to an old kitchen employee who has worked at Deming Hotel for more than five years, Katayama Xiaomi's pseudonym is 'Sun Jia'. I came to interview as a pastry chef three years ago. I won unanimous praise for my superb craftsmanship and got this job..."

"The position of chef in the back kitchen of Deming Hotel is not accessible to ordinary people. You must be recommended before you can be interviewed. Who recommended Katayama Xiaomi?"

"An Englishman named Clifford." Liu Jinbao obviously knew what question Luo Yao would ask next, and then replied, "This Clifford is an insurance broker. He used to be a reporter in China and has a wide network of contacts. Jiang Cheng is the guest of many dignitaries."

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