As Si Ye shouted the word "Ghost Brother", he soon felt the familiar dizziness.

This means that consciousness is becoming blurred and some cognition in the mind is changing.

"Ghost brother. Ghost brother"

These two concepts are constantly intertwined and blurred in Si Ye's mind, and his cognition is changing.

The change in cognition was a very trance-like state. Si Ye couldn't even notice the passage of time. How long had passed? His consciousness temporarily lost thinking, as if he was dreaming.

It seemed like just a moment, and it seemed like a long time passed.

"How's the situation over there at Si Ye?"

Yang Jian took out his mobile phone. It had been almost half an hour since Si Ye lost the signal.

During this period, Si Ye had no contact with the headquarters or Yang Jian, but the good news is that during this period, no one was killed by ghosts again.

Yang Jian gathered three more ghost masters. At this time, the number of ghosts around him had reached eleven.

"Yang Jian, I feel like waiting like this is not an option. Do you want to go over and have a look? Anyway, we have eleven places here, so we won't be attacked by ghosts." A ghost controller approached Yang Jian and asked.

"You can't leave your life to that guy named Si Ye, right?"

Yang Jian glanced at the man in front of him coldly; "In the past? If Si Ye and Gui Cha are maintaining a certain balance now, and we go over and Gui Cha's quota is offset by ours, it will restart immediately."

"At that time, did you think you could bring the situation back to its current state? Gui Cha did not kill anyone."

"No matter what happens on Si Ye's side, at least now, Gui Cha has not killed anyone, and we don't need to compete with Gui Cha for time." Zhang Lei agreed.

"Zhang Lei is right. Instead of disturbing Si Ye, we should think about how we should escape if he fails." Yang Jian said coldly.

"If you think you are getting close, you have a way to deal with the ghosts, just pretend I didn't tell you."

When the man heard this, he walked away angrily.

Nonsense, if he had the ability to deal with ghosts, would he still need to rely on these people in front of him?

"Zhang Lei, keep an eye on that guy, don't let these people do something stupid, break the balance, cause the ghosts to restart, and Si Ye's plan fails."

Yang Jian looked at these people. He was worried that if he didn't pay attention, these guys would get close to the area where Guizhao and Si Ye were.

When dealing with supernatural events, the most taboo thing is this kind of pig teammate.

It's obviously a safe state, but it has to break the balance.

Time passed slowly.

"Brother Ghost?"

Si Ye slowly opened his eyes, still a little confused.

Feeling a certain concept change in his mind, he slowly read out a title.

Si Ye looked to his side. He could feel that Brother Ghost was standing next to him, and his perception had been changed.

Like the bride and the others, from now on, in Si Ye's mind, there is only the title Brother Ghost, both in his heart and in his words.

"The evil spirit in me has regained its function."

Si Ye raised his hand, pale fire burned in his hand, and the flame rose up, illuminating the surrounding darkness.

The suppression on the bride was gone and she now stood beside Si Ye.

"Have you established a family network with me as the center? Brother Ghost will not attack me, nor will he attack other ghosts who have family identities."

Si Ye thought about it, but didn't act in a hurry.

He was thinking, based on what Ghost Dad did, what would be the rules for getting along with Brother Ghost?

Brother, is it harmony? Or what to say?

As a modern person, his understanding of the identity of his brothers is not so clear.

According to ancient sayings, it is harmony between brothers, the eldest brother is the father, and brothers and sisters are respectful to each other.

According to current talk, there don't seem to be that many rules between brothers. If there are any, it's the elder brother who has to give way to the younger brother.

"Forget it, let's get along as brothers and sisters."

Brothers, friends and brothers are respectful, which means that the elder brother is friendly to the younger brother and the younger brother is respectful to the elder brother.

This rule is not much different from Ghost Dad's, except that Ghost Dad's side must be respectful, but I don't know if the same is true for Ghost Brother's side.

Moreover, the ghost father treated Si Ye as a father and his son, while the ghost brother treated Si Ye as a brother and a friend.

"Perhaps my control over Brother Ghost should be better than that of Father Ghost. I can control Brother Ghost to a certain extent."

"But you also need to be careful, maintain a respectful attitude towards Brother Ghost, and don't do anything that goes beyond your limits."

Between brothers, one thing is still very important.

The younger brother needs to respect his elder brother, maintain his elder brother's face, and make sure that the other person is the boss among brothers.

In reality, there is a gap between brothers, and the reason often appears at this point.

The younger brother did something transcendent and challenged the older brother's authority to some extent.

Although there is no such saying now, as an elder brother, seeing his younger brother go beyond him to make a decision on behalf of the brothers, the older brother will definitely feel uncomfortable in his heart.

"Well, now that I'm sure Brother Ghost won't attack me, let's move on to the next target."

Si Ye closed his eyes and thought.

Just because the ghost brother doesn't attack him, it doesn't mean that the ghost brother won't attack other ghost masters.

If you let the ghost brother out, he will soon start attacking other ghost masters.

The current solution is to find a place to confine Brother Ghost so that he does not attack other people.

A place that can restrict the ghost brother, the ghost coffin, or the ghost painting of the ghost.

Si Ye actually didn't want the ghost brother to return to the ghost coffin. Once the ghost brother returned to the ghost coffin, it would most likely lead to some kind of change in the ghost brother.

This cognitive change of Ghost Father is likely to be ineffective on Ghost Brother.

After all, the current ghost dad is just a mirror ghost dad, and his supernatural strength is not that powerful.

Moreover, Brother Gui’s misconception is that it was just before the restart.

Once Ghost Brother restarts, this perception may disappear.

In the original work, Yang Jian was able to change Gui Cha's cognition to 0. That was an error in Gui Cha's own cognition, not something changed to 0 by the newspaper ghost.

Although Guizashi has no resistance to the supernatural changes in consciousness, there is an upper limit to the change of consciousness. Guizashi himself is too terrifying, plus the ability to infinitely restart.

Once the ghost appears and restarts, the impact on consciousness will be erased.

The reason why Yang Jian was able to make Guizhao's cognition become zero after the restart was actually because he used the ghost newspaper to make Guizhao temporarily think that he only had three ghosts to suppress.

Then the coffin nails representing the three suppressed quotas were taken away from Gui Cha, which really made Gui Cha lose the quota of three ghosts.

Under such circumstances, Gui Chai would have a misunderstanding, thinking that his suppression quota had changed from three to zero.

Although Si Ye has changed the understanding of Brother Ghost, this understanding is only before Brother Ghost restarts.

Once Ghost Brother restarts, this misconception will be erased.

Just like formatting a mobile phone, everything returns to the state before Ghost Dad invaded Ghost Cha.

"In this case, the ghost coffin cannot be used to imprison Brother Ghost. No one knows what is in the ghost coffin."

"If Brother Ghost restarts inside, it will be very troublesome."

"When the time comes, my perception of Brother Ghost will still be Brother Ghost, but Brother Ghost will recognize me as a prey. This will most likely lead to me being killed by Brother Ghost."

"I need to create a coincidence of self-perception error for Brother Ghost between his next reboot."

Si Ye looked at the ghost brother beside him, who was also staring at him.

Now Si Ye has not thought of any good way to make Brother Ghost himself have a wrong perception.

If you don't want Brother Ghost to restart, then you need to restrict Brother Ghost to prevent him from contacting the Ghost Controller and causing a restart.

The ghost painting in the ghost painting is too big, and there are too many powerful ghosts in it. After the ghost brother enters, it is still possible to restart.

"Restrict the ghost monster so that the ghost brother cannot move freely."

Si Ye suddenly looked at the bride and thought of a way.

In order to be able to take the bride with him, he deliberately went to Tai O City to get the house number 404.

The 404 house number can create a separate supernatural room. After a person or a ghost enters, as long as the house number is removed, the people in the room cannot enter reality.

He originally planned to lock the bride in Room 404 after the ghost painting incident.

This will prevent the bride from coming into contact with ghost paintings.

But now, Si Ye thought of a better way.

Use 404 house numbers to restrict ghost brothers. Without ghost brothers, the headquarters does not need to attract ghost paintings. Wouldn't this better prevent the bride from coming into contact with ghost paintings?

As for the butterfly effect caused by not letting the ghost draw, Si Ye didn't care.

Ghost paintings are actually very easy to find. You only need to find a derivative painting of the ghost painting, and you can easily let the ghost draw it in the future.

As for the impact on Yang Jian, Si Ye didn't care.

The ghost brothers have already been affected by him, and Yang Jian can only find another opportunity to control the third ghost.

"Okay, start getting ready."

Si Ye took out the golden walkie-talkie.

Because the ghost brother no longer attacks Si Ye, the signal around him has now returned to normal.

"He Xiaoling, contact me Zhao Jianguo, Wang Xiaoming and the others." Si Ye said anxiously.

It is of course not easy to imprison Brother Gui in 404. He needs a very large room that can fully accommodate Brother Gui.

Therefore, he needs an open space where he can do whatever he wants.

"Si Ye, are you still alive? Is this a success?" He Xiaoling's voice was a little excited.

Si Ye's face turned dark when he heard this: "Can you please stop being so startled? Yang Jian is the same, and so are you. Why do you all think that I am dead?"

"Sorry, sorry, you've been out of contact for too long, I'm really worried." He Xiaoling said.

"I have successfully contacted Captain Zhao and Professor Wang."

"Si Ye, did you succeed?" Wang Xiaoming's calm voice was slightly excited. At this time, his heart may not be as calm as it sounded.

"Half the success is achieved. Now I can only achieve a state where I won't be attacked when I get close, and I won't let it attack others."

"I need an area that I can destroy at will. I need to create a very large room to hold this coffin-like ghost."

Because Si Ye's understanding of Brother Gui had changed, he did not say the title Brother Gui, but only said that Gui Xie would be imprisoned.

"I have thought about your idea, but ghosts can affect the surrounding materials. You should be very clear about this, right?" Wang Xiaoming said calmly.

"Unless it is a very large golden room, it is physically unrealistic to imprison ghosts in the same room as ghosts."

"It requires too much gold, and if you want to build it, it will take a long time. There are too many changes that may happen during this period."

Si Ye said: "Of course I know this. What I need is not a golden room, I just need a room made of ordinary materials that can accommodate this ghost."

"I have a special room number in my hand, which can isolate the evil ghost in a certain room."

"We only need to build a very large room and put the house number on it. After locking this ghost in, we can remove the house number and successfully imprison him."

"Oh? A special supernatural item? If this supernatural item is what you said, then I agree with your idea."

"It's just about how to lure the ghost into that room. Have you ever thought about this problem?" Wang Xiaoming said.

"Don't worry, I haven't thought about this yet." Si Ye said.

"I have two methods. The first one is a bit risky, but it requires losing a ghost."

"The second one is more normal, but one person needs to die."

"As for which one to choose, it's up to you."

Wang Xiaoming: "The second one is to let an ordinary person enter the center of the room with a white ghost candle to ensure that the ghosts bring the ghosts in. This is the best way."

"Your first thought is that it is too unstable to lure away the ghost through a ghost."

"After all, we are not sure whether the ghost will attack the ghost first, and after the ghost is released, it will move, and there is no guarantee that he will always stand in the center of the room."

"Wang Xiaoming, I originally thought you were a bit unrealistic, but now it seems that you are indeed very smart. From today on, you are qualified to be my friend." Si Ye chuckled.

He didn't care what Wang Xiaoming was thinking. Maybe his statement was a bit arrogant, but this was the reality.

For Si Ye, this world is a slightly illusory world.

He entered this world as a time traveler, and he has always had an attitude of not caring about the ordinary people in this world.

Even if those ghost controllers who have mastered powerful ghosts are not strong enough, Si Ye will not have a good attitude toward them.

For now, in this world, Si Ye only thinks of Yang Jian as a friend.

But now we can add Wang Xiaoming. After all, wisdom is sometimes a kind of strength.

"According to what you said, should I feel lucky?" Wang Xiaoming said calmly. He didn't pay much attention to Si Ye's words.

"No, since you agree with my idea, I'll leave the outside matters to you." Si Ye said calmly.

"Let the idle guys outside use Guixiao to build a basement or a very large room, and then send me the location."

"Well, I've started arranging people here and will contact you later."

Wang Xiaoming handed the walkie-talkie to Li Jun and looked at everyone.

"You have all heard what Si Ye said. We only need one container to imprison the ghosts. Who will build this huge room?"

Jiang Shangbai's face turned cold and he didn't respond. If Si Ye succeeded, it meant that his plan had failed and the nails in the coffin no longer needed to be taken out.

Wang Xiaoming looked at everyone. When he saw all the people who had ghosts, they turned their heads aside and were unwilling to do so.

This matter is destined to have no merit. It is just using their own supernatural powers to make wedding clothes for others. Of course they are not willing to do so.

"Let me do it."

At this time, Li Jun stood up.

"The escape of Gui Zai was originally due to me. If I hadn't forced the lab to open and escaped, Gui Zai wouldn't have come out."

"I came to use Guixiao to build a super room, which just made up for it."

Li Jun's speech made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, as long as someone takes responsibility.

"If it is solved so hastily, is this ghost incident a bit exaggerated? An S-level supernatural incident is just being imprisoned?" Jiang Shangbai said coldly.

"If that's the case, I would definitely rate this ghost incident as an A-level supernatural incident."

Si Ye frowned when he heard this voice. "Who is speaking?"

"My name is Jiang Shangbai. Do you have any objections? You didn't actually do anything when you imprisoned the ghosts, right? You just provided a house number."

"As for the problem of not being attacked by ghosts and being able to prevent ghosts from attacking others, it is easy to solve. After gathering a certain number of people, you only need to use the white ghost candle."

"Just like this, you want S-level credit. Naturally, I won't agree with it."

"It's not just me, I think many people would disagree." Jiang Shangbai said coldly.

"Jiang Shangbai? You are in the circle of friends, right? I will remember you. After I finish solving this matter, I will have a good fight with you."

Si Ye said calmly: "Of course, if you plan to call someone to join you, I will accompany you. Then we will see whose teammate is stronger."

"If you can defeat me, I won't have any objection even if this supernatural incident is rated as C-level."

"Of course, if you can't defeat me, then this supernatural incident will be S-level, and I will take your life."

"Si Ye, this is the headquarters." Zhao Jianguo said seriously to the machine again when he heard these words.

"Headquarters? What does it have to do with me? All I want is a more exciting life."

"If someone wants to target me and I can't kill him, then there's no point in me joining this headquarters." Si Ye didn't give Zhao Jianguo face this time.

He could give Zhao Jianguo face for things he didn't care about, or even give face to someone he didn't know.

But at this time, no matter who comes, unless he overwhelms him with absolute strength, he will not give him face.

"Jiang Shangbai, if you don't want to die, run away quickly. Then I might be able to spend more time playing the hide-and-seek game before killing you." Si Ye said playfully.

Jiang Shangbai's face was indifferent. Hearing Si Ye's voice, he replied coldly: "If you feel like attacking me, then if I kill you, the headquarters won't punish me, right?"

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