The mysterious resurrected card maker

Chapter 54 Exclusive achievement ‘Great filial piety’

"Huh? Yang Jian?"

Si Ye walked out of the ghost mist. There was no ghost mist outside. He immediately realized that the coffin was nearby.

But at this time, he had no choice but to control the sedan chair to stop.

Fortunately, Yang Jian reacted quickly and used Guixi to move several people around him out.

The sedan chair stopped, Russell, Lin Luomei and the other ghost controllers from the supernatural forum showed nervousness on their faces one after another.

"Yang Jian, why are you here?"

Si Ye took the initiative to pull the curtain of the sedan chair, looked at Yang Jian and waved.

"Si Ye? You're not dead?" Yang Jian asked in confusion when he saw Si Ye.

"What do you mean? Do you think I'm dead?" Si Ye's face turned dark.

"No, you must have released this old man's curse on your own initiative. Do you think I will be killed by the knocker? What do you mean?"

Hearing this, Yang Jian showed a little embarrassment on his face, but fortunately, the headless ghost in his body was dead and his body could not express many emotions.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not sure you can survive before releasing the knocker." Yang Jian said calmly.

"After all, you are staying in the hotel, so you should know very well that Feng Quan's ghost mist has revived."

"Guo Fan, who teamed up with Feng Quan, has lost contact now. You should know what this means."

"The two early ghost masters are like this, and they are both ghost masters who have controlled two ghosts. Naturally, I can't have too many expectations for you."

"Releasing the knocker is the best option."

"Okay." Si Ye nodded when he heard this. He actually didn't care much about Yang Jian releasing the knocker.

After all, he had already determined that Yang Jian would release this thing before he arrived at the Caesar Hotel, and he even took the initiative to get inside, waiting for Yang Jian to attract the knocker.

It's just that he almost hit Yang Jian just now, so he just found a random topic to talk about.

"You almost hit me just now. The power of your sedan chair is extraordinary."

Yang Jianruo said something pointedly, which was considered to have exposed the matter.

He summoned the Knocker and caused trouble to Si Ye.

Similarly, Si Ye almost hit him this time with the sedan chair, that is, he dodged quickly and had Xiong Wenwen's reminder.

If he was hit, Yang Jian might die here.

"Okay, then it's even." Si Ye didn't pay too much attention and didn't explain the idea of ​​​​the sedan chair.

Carrying the golden coffin where the bride was placed on her back, Si Ye stepped off the sedan chair.

Si Ye was not there, and the paper people carried the sedan chair and floated into the distance, slowly disappearing.

It's like paper people carrying a sedan into an unknown world.

"You just came out, how is the situation inside?" Yang Jian was a little confused about what Si Ye said before.

But thinking about Si Ye's character, he calls the ghost baby a little ghost doll and the mummy bride a bride. Maybe the old man is just his name for the knocker.

After all, Yang Jian didn't quite understand the world in Si Ye's mind.

"There is no danger anymore. The old man has taken away a group of ghosts, and there are only a few powerful ghosts left."

"By the way, I took off Tong Qian's ghostly smile. If you want to go in and face that thing, it should be much easier to deal with it."

Si Ye took out the gold box and tossed it in his hand.

He had no intention of handing Guixiaomian to Yang Jian, let alone whether Tong Qian could be resurrected.

After all, Si Ye had no desire to form a force, nor did he have any thoughts of cultivating subordinates.

If he could, he wouldn't even want to go to the city to be the person in charge. He just wanted to get involved in supernatural events and get to know more relatives.

The evil ghosts invaded from outside this world.

Si Ye traveled from outside this world.

In other words, both Si Ye and Li Gui are outsiders, Si Ye = outsider, Li Gui = outsider, and Si Ye = Li Gui.

It is also very reasonable to find some evil ghosts to identify relatives.

After all, everyone is from outside the world.

On the contrary, it is not in line with Si Ye's identity to be related to someone who mysteriously resurrected this world.

"You took off the ghost smiley face?" Yang Jian's eyes lit up.

He suspected that the reason why the newspaper ghost came to ZS City was probably because of Tong Qian's ghostly smiling face.

Now that Si Ye has taken the smiling face out of the newspaper ghost's hands, the threat from the newspaper ghost has undoubtedly been reduced a lot.

"Absolutely. I remember you have a ghost with a crying face. Why don't you give it to me? Let's do a little test. Next time I catch other ghosts, I will give one back to you." Si Ye said casually.

Yang Jian's face turned dark when he heard this. Si Ye's calculation could be guessed by several other people around him.

A ghost's smiling face and a ghost's crying face, crying and laughing, two completely opposite things.

If these two ghosts collide, it is very likely that the ghost will crash.

"Why don't you give me the ghostly smile?" Yang Jian asked.

"You want this thing? What's the use of holding it?" Si Ye asked.

"But it's not impossible if you really want it, but I need to take a ghost from you in the future."

"Let me choose any of the ghosts you hold."

"Of course, if you give me the ghost crying face, I can also let you choose a ghost from me."

"If you don't want Li Gui, I can also find an opportunity to give you an invulnerable one."

Yang Jian was not as casual about this seemingly joke deal as Si Ye was.

After all, for him, the Ghost Smiling Face, combined with the Ghost Crying Face, still has some effect, and it may be able to improve his understanding of the Ghost Rules to a higher level.

But Yang Jian is also very coveted for its impeccable effect.

It is invulnerable that can interrupt any movement of Li Gui, even for just a moment. If used well, it can play a great role in saving lives or imprisoning Li Gui.

"Let me think about it." Yang Jian said after thinking for a moment.

"Yes, you can contact me at any time if necessary, but I don't have many ghosts imprisoned in me right now, only this ghost's smiling face."

"I just came out of the Caesar Hotel. I won't be involved in what happens next. I believe you can easily deal with a newspaper ghost without a grimace."

Yang Jian refused the deal, and Si Ye didn't care much.

To him, crying faces and smiling faces are just for fun, and he does not cultivate his subordinates.

If Yang Jian needs Ghost Smiling Face, he doesn't want those fierce ghosts that Yang Jian has now.

What he cares about is that in the future, Yang Jian will imprison the old man.

Si Ye didn't want the old man to be imprisoned. If the old man was imprisoned, wouldn't the cards he held about the old man be scrapped?

"Have a nice trip and wish you peace and harmony in your family."

Si Ye waved his hand, put the golden coffin on his back and walked away.

Next, Yang Jian went to find Yang Jian’s own ghost father.

Si Ye didn't want to go to their own house.

It's better to wait peacefully for Yang Jian to complete the achievement of 'bringing great filial piety', and after imprisoning his ghost father, Si Ye can put the bride at the Caesar Hotel.

Yang Jian looked at Si Ye's back and his face darkened.

He didn't doubt Si Ye, after all, Yang Jian did have such an experience of recognizing a ghost as his father.

I just lamented in my heart that Si Ye had a bad personality.

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