The mysterious resurrected card maker

Chapter 53 The foreseen sedan chair

"Do you want me to predict it?"

Xiong Wenwen had a look of horror on his face when he heard Yang Jian's description.

The ghost controlled by Xiong Wenwen can predict the future and is well protected by the headquarters.

In addition, as a child, he will inevitably become rampant if he receives such attention.

But also because of his status as a child, no matter how rampant he is in front of other ghost masters and ordinary people, he will still feel fear when facing evil ghosts.

He said with a bit of horror. He was not an adult and his sense of shame was not that strong. He was just a child who didn't have so many thoughts and spoke out out of fear in his heart.

"It can still exist under the attack of the knocking ghost, and it can also quickly travel through the ghost mist. It's good to predict it."

Yang Jian is thoughtful, although he feels that it is too early to use precognition now.

But as the first ghost that the Knocker Ghost encountered after taking away the evil ghost, he could be more confident by predicting the horror level of the ghost inside.

Moreover, he was not sure whether the thing inside was dangerous or not. If it was dangerous, he needed to prevent the thing from escaping.

Being able to move freely in the ghost mist and ghosts, once it enters reality, it is likely to be another A-level supernatural event.

"Okay." Xiong Wenwen closed his eyes after hearing this.

Xiong Wenwen used his ability and he began to predict the future.

As his little face gradually turned pale, the aura on his body became colder and colder, and there seemed to be a mysterious and strange aura surrounding him, making people feel like something was peeping at him in the dark.

This kind of peeping is so pervasive that no matter who it is, it feels very uncomfortable. It seems that there are no secrets left under this kind of peeping.

Xiong Wenwen closed his eyes, but another picture appeared in his mind.

It was a red sedan chair. The red sedan chair was carried by eight paper figures and moved quickly in the strange mist.

Suddenly, the sedan chair seemed to be staring at him.

The eight paper figures showed strange smiles on their faces, and they came towards Xiong Wenwen carrying the sedan chair.

Then, the sedan chair bumped into Xiong Wenwen.


Xiong Wenwen let out a scream.

"How's it going? What's going to happen next?" Yang Jian immediately held his hand and asked.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Russell looked solemn and nervous.

Xiong Wenwen was trembling with fear, tears welling up in his eyes: "I, I'm going to die, Yang Jian, please save me, I'm going to die here, I don't want to die, wuwu."

After seeing his own death, he couldn't bear the pressure and burst into tears.

"Don't be afraid, calm down. You predicted your own death last time, weren't you okay? Please tell me carefully what you predicted just now." Yang Jian continued to ask.

Only by knowing Xiong Wenwen's death process could he detect danger in advance and avoid it.

"By the way, have you foreseen the death of other people? Please don't." Russell couldn't help but said again, but Yang Jian glared back as soon as he spoke.

Xiong Wenwen spoke out the predicted results with fear and tears.

"You said eight paper figures carrying a sedan chair bumped into you?" Yang Jian looked solemn.

"Are these paper figures ghosts? Or ghost slaves? What's inside the sedan?"

The red sedan chair and the paper figures carrying it reminded him of a person.

Si Ye was wearing a red groom's suit and was accompanied by a mummy bride.

It had been two days since Si Ye entered the Caesar Hotel, and the headquarters could not contact him at all, making it impossible to determine the other party's situation.

Now a red sedan suddenly appeared inside, which reminded him of a lot.

"Could it be that Si Ye is really dead?" Yang Jian wondered.

"I don't know if the paper man is a ghost, but there should be a person inside the sedan. Through the window of the sedan, I can see a figure inside."

Xiong Wenwen regained his mood and said nervously.

"Can you tell whether it's a boy or a girl?" Yang Jian asked.

Xiong Wenwen shook his head, "I don't know. There is a red cloth blocking the window. I can't see the specific situation inside."

Thinking of the scene where he was hit by a sedan chair, fear appeared on his face again.

Yang Jian frowned deeply after hearing this.

In his impression, Si Ye brought the mummy bride with him. If he got on the sedan chair, it would be Si Ye and the bride together.

No matter what happened, even if the evil ghost revived, Si Ye, as the groom, would probably follow the mummy bride.

"Could it be that the people in this sedan chair are not Si Ye and the mummy bride but something else?"

On the other side, Si Ye had been moving forward.

Suddenly, he felt a sense of prying eyes.

Something is always staring at me.

"Is it that newspaper ghost? I took away the ghost smiley face, so now you want to take it back?"

The newspaper ghost is a very special ghost. He can change his subconscious and control living people to do things for him.

This allows this ghost to do many things that other ghosts cannot.

Such as calculations, traps, temptations, and even grudges.

To say it's about holding a grudge, perhaps it's more appropriate to say it's about eliminating threats.

This ghost can hide its identity, so it will find ways to kill those ghost masters who know its identity.

Of course, exposing one's identity is most likely the newspaper ghost's killing pattern.

If you don't see through the newspaper ghost's identity, he will naturally not do anything to you.

But if you find out the identity of the newspaper ghost, he will take the initiative to attack you.

However, after the newspaper ghost's killing pattern is triggered, he will still find a way to attack you again if his attack fails.

Thinking of this, Si Ye immediately controlled the sedan chair and rushed in the direction from which the peek came.

"It's a little strange. The direction of this sense of peeping is almost the same as the direction I was heading before. Could it be that the sedan chair can't pass through the ghost mist?"

Si Ye suspected that he was walking among the ghosts. When he was about to leave the ghosts, he would probably return to the ghosts again because of the special characteristics of the ghosts.

He fell into a state similar to that of a ghost beating a wall.

After all, the newspaper ghost is still at the Caesars Hotel.

When Si Ye was doubtful, the next scene quickly dispelled his thoughts.

Because following the direction from which the peep came, he quickly broke through the ghost world and entered the real world.

The red sedan chair was carried out of the ghost mist by eight paper figures and crashed directly into the place in front where the sense of peeping came from.

Yang Jian looked solemn when he saw the sedan chair passing directly through the ghost mist.

"This feeling will kill me."

Yang Jian felt an unspeakable terror. If he was really hit by the sedan chair, he might be killed directly.

This was an instinctive feedback from the ghost eye, which felt the terrifying attack of the sedan chair.

Just when the sedan chair was about to crash into them, Yang Jian immediately deployed the ghost to cover everyone present, and then used the ghost to move himself and others out.

He originally planned to move the sedan chair, but the sedan chair was a bit scary, and his ghosts couldn't forcefully move the other party's position.

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