"Say, what?" Shui Linger's heart trembled, as if guessing what Mo Kai said, but she was still pretending to ask stupidly.

"Must I make it clear?" Mo Kai's tone was even colder, "Shui Linger, I'm giving you a chance."

Shui Linger was a bit shocked by his aura, and she evaded unconsciously, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Mo Kai just looked at her all the time and said nothing. After waiting for a long time, she found that she was still talking, so she left over.

Shui Linger's mood looking at the figure he left was very complicated, but she promised to help her keep it secret. The two voices kept arguing in her mind, and she couldn't help covering her head to calm it down.

Mo Kai returned to his former dormitory. Everything after entering was messy. If those people saw it, they would be surprised that their jaws would fall. A person who used to be so clean and tidy before would mess up his house so much.

These days, he has been searching these books almost always, hoping to find what he wants from them. He is now more eager to find it than he was the other day.

She is in worse shape today than ever before. If she continues like this, she will ...

Thoughts chased back a few days ago.

Mo Kai finished it so much earlier than he imagined that day, so he hurried back to prepare to visit Bai Yan. As soon as he reached the door of her room, he heard Shui Linger's voice, and the two seemed to be arguing.

"Why don't you tell him ?! What the **** are you doing? What if you can't reach the end of the wedding? Let him fall from the joy of getting married to the grief of bereavement in one day?"

"He has been very happy these days," Bai said softly. "I have never seen him so happy. His ambition is peace in the world. What reason can I do for him?"

"But you? Why don't you think for yourself?"

"I thought about it," Bai said with a smile, "I was thinking for me from the beginning. Only when the world is peaceful, he can put his mind on me wholeheartedly and not be disturbed by these things again. You see, I was so selfish considering it from the beginning. "

"But now you look like this, even if he has fulfilled his ideals? You will make him blame it for a lifetime."

"So, don't tell him. Don't let him know how I am now, at least ... wait for the big wedding to end and let him live happily, okay?"

"What if I don't?" Shui Linger asked, "if I'll tell him later?"

"You won't." Bai Yan said firmly to her.

"Why do you say that?" Shui Linger said coldly, "Do you really think you know me well? I tell you, I won't promise you for Ziqin."

"Just for Ziqin, you can't tell him more." Bai Yan told him firmly.

"Why?" Shui Linger asked puzzledly.

"Do you want to see him live a life of blame? Do you want him to be told forever that he himself killed his beloved one? Do you want him to frown on the day of marriage?"

"Linger, don't make me hate you." Bai Yan's voice was very light, but extremely firm, people could not help listening to three points.

"Then what are you going to do?" Shui Linger could not help her after all, so he had to compromise, "I always want to know your future plans."

"I'll stick to it after getting married." Bai Yan said seriously, "That's the big wedding he is looking forward to, and I must not make him sad."

"But your body ..."

"Relax, I can still hold on," Bai Yan comforted.

"After that marriage? How long can you persist?" Shui Linger asked, "One day? Two days? Or less than a day?" "You used the forbidden technique, and it is a miracle that you can persist until now. If you do this again, Even if you want to keep going, you ca n’t hide it. ”Shui Linger said,“ With Ziqin ’s IQ, it ’s hard for him to wonder! ”

"After I get married, I will say go to Keruk and play with them. Then I will let them bring something to him every day, and say that I gave it to him to make him feel that I am alive." Bai Yan explained "" After waiting a year, he will no longer be so sad to me and then tell him, this will make him less sad. "

"What if he wants to go with you? What if he won't let you go?" Shui Linger asked, "depending on your current physical condition, might he let you go outside to play by yourself?"

"I'll convince him," Bai Yan said, "please help me take care of him when I'm away."

"Why?" Shui Linger suddenly became emotional. "What do you think of me? I just finished you, and you asked me to take care of him. Are you showing off to me?"

"I didn't mean that," Bai Yan explained quickly. "If he can't help coming to me halfway, you must find a way to stop me."

"You know his temper, can I stop it?" Shui Linger said coldly.

"At least help me for half a year. Half a year is enough to wipe out the expectations in his heart." Bai Yan smiled bitterly, "In short, it can be a day."

"You're stupid."

"Not stupid, I think I'm very happy. My life was originally sent by heaven, and it should be paid back."


At the time, Mo Kai listened to all the conversations outside the door. He clenched his fist fiercely and wanted to break into the door to ask her why she had to hide herself? Why did she lie to herself? Does she think she will be moved by doing this?

But thinking of everything Bai Bai did for him, and thinking of Bai Bai's pale and weak face at this time, Mo Kai couldn't break through the door, and he didn't have the courage to see her.

When he was tangled at the door, the girl-in-law should remind him that it was almost time. After seeing Mo Kai, she was stunned, and Mo Kai quickly interrupted her when she was about to greet him.

He walked over to the girl and said in a commanding tone, "Just as if I hadn't been here, understand?"

"I see, I see." The girl-in-law nodded in horror. She could see that Wang's mood was extremely bad at the moment, and it seemed that it was because of the lady who came today.

"Go, remember what you shouldn't say, don't say it." Mo Kai strode away after reminding her for the last time.

After he left, the maid was relieved and went to remind Shui Linger. However, Mo Kai kept looking at this corner, and waited for Shui Linger to leave before going to Bai's room.

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