The Holy Right of a Comic

The Divine Right of a Certain Comic Book Chapter 68

Lancelot hurriedly stood up, grabbed Guinevere without thinking, and ran out of the restaurant.

Within a few minutes, a handsome Italian man came here. He seemed to be in his twenties, handsome and always smiling enthusiastically.

The Italian man walked into the restaurant, looked around, rubbed the back of his head with a smirk, and said, "...Eh? There were Lancelot and 3.4 Guinevere just now, why did they suddenly disappear?"

"Enn, they must have run away... No, I have to continue chasing them and let them tell me where the King of the End is sleeping!"

The Italian man muttered, coming and going in a hurry.

At this time, a male high school student from Japan wailed in the restaurant: "...the store manager, those two women just ran away without paying for their meal!"

"Kusanagi, you served the table just now, right? I want to deduct it from your part-time salary!!"

From the kitchen came the angry shout of the manager of the restaurant.

"What does this have to do with me!"

The high school boy named Kusanagi said helplessly, and then he looked at the seats where Guinevere and Lancelot were sitting before.

He also heard a little bit about the conversation between the two before. These two foreign women must be patients with severe secondary illnesses, and they actually called each other by names like Lancelot and Guinevere.

Since a year ago, Kusanagi found himself always encountering some strange things. .

Chapter 158 Give birth to a Cupid

"Wow...why did I go to such an ancient past with you, master!"

Two months after Roy found Anne Charlton and conspired with her, a 'cave' belonging to Mrs. Aisha was opened in a mountainous field in the United States. Aphrodite of Ra stepped out of it.

Just after returning to modern times, Mrs. Aisha was whimpering. She was wearing a very old and dirty robe, and her brown skin even made her complexion darker.

"This is the first time I've actively used this power to force myself to travel. If it wasn't for the master's request, I wouldn't have done it!"

Although Mrs. Aisha is very nervous, she still has self-knowledge. Although she has a cheerful and optimistic heart about her power runaway and then travels back to the past, it is just a joy in bitterness. The actual situation is that Mrs. Aisha can In other words, she didn't want to always be involved in her violent power, but after fifty years of life, she still couldn't control her power.

"But this time I really managed to actively control this ability and go back to a specific time point in 2008 to travel. Go to ancient Babylon to see the Hanging Gardens! I also want to see how the pyramids were built!"

Mrs. Aisha, who was complaining just now, immediately yelled excitedly after she found out that her power was controllable this time.

"Mrs. Aisha, you are able to control the power this time. It is entirely because of the eight fairy kings who help you stabilize time and space. I think it is impossible for you to completely control it by yourself...Of course I don't want to hit you. , Mrs. Aisha, you can practice activating the power at any time, but I suggest that you must go to the wilderness to activate it, so as not to cause trouble to others!"

Seeing that Mrs. Aisha became enthusiastic about her power, Roy immediately reminded her.

At this last moment, Roy didn't want to be in a hurry because of Mrs. Aisha's messy authority.

"You don't trust me at all, Master!"

Mrs. Aisha said resolutely.

"Stop complaining, Godslayer! I'm the one who ran to such a dirty place with you!"

Aphrodite grabbed her beautiful blond hair and said upsetly.

"Oh, it seems that Roy is going well with you!"

When Mrs. Aisha was arguing with Aphrodite, it was Anne Charlton who was waiting for Roy and the others to return in front of the demon cave.

Because no one else was there, Anne Charlton didn't put on a disguise, and stood freely in the wilderness.

And in order to prevent that idiot Salvatore from coming to make trouble, Roy brought Mrs. Aisha to the United States this time and exercised his power, which was also done in secret.

"Well, it went very smoothly, thanks to Annie this time."

Roy greeted Anne cordially after seeing her.

Counting the two Godslayers killed by Roy, among the current Godslayers, only Anne Charlton is more reliable and suitable for cooperation. The other Godslayers are more or less Head problems are not like the way of thinking of normal people.

"Haha, I feel inexplicably honored to be praised by you...By the way, let me show you this."

Anne Charlton held a brown paper bag in her hand and handed it over.

Roy took the paper bag and opened it. Inside were some very simple documents. With Roy's ability, he could read ten lines at a glance, and he could read them in a few seconds.

"Volcanic restlessness all over the world? It seems that the King of the End is finally about to wake up."

After seeing the detailed content inside, Roy frowned.

"Sure enough, the abnormal volcanic activity that occurred during the two months you left is related to the King of the End... This bastard is really scary, even the Yellowstone volcano has become active. If the Yellowstone volcano erupts completely, it will really be the end of the world gone."

Anne Charlton said worriedly that the Yellowstone super volcano is located in the United States, and it is simply a big bomb capable of exterminating all living things.

"Can you determine the specific awakening time of the King of the End?"

Anne asked again.

"According to the conclusions I have collected in the past, generally eight to nine months after the volcanoes around the world become abnormally active, the King of the End will fully wake up."

"Does that mean we still have half a year at most?"

Anne Charlton looked solemn.

"Yes, we only have half a year at most. When the King of the End wakes up, he will activate the covenant law after he gets the Holy Grail, so as to wipe out all the godslayers and then fall asleep again...Of course we can also kill Guineveh right now. Son, don’t let her hand over the Holy Grail to the King of the End, but this will make the King of the End go wandering and start collecting the essence of the earth, and in the end he will still complete the Covenant Dafa.”

"...The consequence of this is that during the period when the King of the End was wandering the land, natural disasters would occur frequently all over the world. With your personality, Annie, you don't want to see innocent people waiting for death in despair, right?"

Roy threw the brown paper bag back into Anne's hand and said with a smile.

"You still care about the casualties of the people?"

Annie was a little surprised when she caught the brown paper bag. You must know that Roy has directly or indirectly killed 200,000 people in Tokyo and Kyoto.

"Of course I don't care about other people's life or death, but Annie, you are my ally now, and you have given me great help just now. If I just cross the river and tear down the bridge and don't care about your opinion, wouldn't I be too villainous."

Roy and Anne Charlton walked side by side, and an American military helicopter landed not far ahead.

Annie put the helmet on, and exaggeratedly said: "...Wow, it is the most sincere confession in the world to let a cruel devil like you change his style for me. Either goddesses or the best girls in the world, they must be often deceived by your sweet words." 853

"Forget it, Annie! I'm a 'beautiful animal' like Aphrodite. I'm sorry, but it's useless even if you're tempted. You're not my type."

Roy didn't give Anne Charlton any face at all, and said viciously.

"Hey, you won't be spoiled by the goddess Aphrodite over there, this mouth is too poisonous! I am a woman anyway, and I care about my appearance. When you say that, I already regret helping you."

Anne Charlton's whole body collapsed.

Aphrodite, who followed Roy, showed a smug smile. She likes to hear that Roy has changed because of her, but she is also a little worried recently. Roy talks to her every day. , but without any safety measures, the ancestors of the gods can be impregnated by mortals, and all the witches today are descendants of the ancestors of the gods.

Aphrodite touched her flat and smooth belly, and began to worry about whether she would give birth to a Cupid.

"It's too late to regret, Annie! You've done everything you should have done!"

Roy didn't know the sweet troubles of the God of Love and Beauty, and laughed out loud at Anne.

The huge magic power of the first part of the trilogy has been obtained, and the twisted time of the second part has also been completed by himself. Roy now only needs enough 'wisdom' and 'knowledge' to reverse everything and unfold the earth-shattering , a "big technique" that is enough to make all gods fear! .

Chapter 159 This is the "Devil God"!

(Godslayer has started finishing preparations, and the mission of this world is almost completed.)

"Aiwass, only at this time can I feel the vastness of knowledge, and I can also feel the insignificance and ignorance of myself..."

The villa in Rome, Italy, has become the actual ruling center of Europe, only because a godslayer named Roy Crowley killed the Marquis of Vauban who once ruled Eastern Europe, and made a small trick to make the southern Europeans The leader of the alliance, Salvatore, left his territory. Under this situation, the entire European continent naturally surrendered at Roy's feet.

The villa was brightly lit. Roy leaned on the soft back of the chair and rubbed his temples a little tiredly. In front of his eyes were stacks of thick paper filled with indescribable symbols. It belongs to any kind of text, but the embodiment of Roy's knowledge. With Roy's knowledge and wisdom today, it is enough to complete his exclusive "Original Book of Magic Dao".

But even so, he wanted to complete this 'big surgery', which still made him miserable.

It was not physical pain, but a kind of spiritual pain. Being immersed in the ocean of knowledge and magic for a long time made his soul and brain a little unbearable, as if he had been soaked in poison.

Roy took a breath and took a sip of the already cold coffee. This refreshing drink didn't have any effect on Roy, but it could also have a psychological effect on him.

"I thought it belonged to Solomon's 'wisdom of man', not his 'wisdom of God' inspired by the apocalypse, and I could easily analyze and restore it, but now it seems that I am overconfident, even Solomon It is difficult to analyze the wisdom of human beings."

"...But as long as I can complete this spell, then I can completely turn 'Solomon's Wisdom' into something that belongs to me."

Roy seemed to be talking to himself, but in fact he was venting his boredom, and the only one he was talking about was Aiwass, who traveled with him and knew almost all his secrets.

"If you are tired, go to rest. The transmission of knowledge does not happen overnight. Even if I teach the knowledge, it cannot be completed according to the scriptures. Besides, this time it is not I who will teach you the knowledge, but you. Complete the knowledge yourself The change of ¨.."

Aiwass appeared behind Roy wearing a white linen robe. Her bare feet were tensed, as if floating on the ripples of the floating sea. After seeing the exhaustion on Roy's face, she stretched out her hand Going to imitate human beings and wanting to gently rub the sides of his forehead, but when her hand touched Roy, it was like a phantom passing by.

The holy guardian angel sighed imperceptibly, then withdrew her hand and let it hang by her side, as if she hadn't done anything just now.

"Time is running out, Aiwass! I can't waste it casually. I managed to complete the first two steps of this 'ceremony', only missing the last critical point. If I fail because of this, I won't forgive myself... ...Besides, this 'ritual' is very important to me, as long as I can complete it, I have absolute certainty to complete the base of my own technique."

Roy closed his eyes, clenched his right hand and swung it down vigorously. If Roy in the past was just a mortal who gained strength, just like he didn't get into a good university in high school, his perseverance was limited, so in the shadows After receiving the tragic teaching from Skahana, Roy's willpower has become as firm as steel, and he will never give up lightly.

It can be said that the three things that influenced Roy the most, one is the mysterious space that allows him to travel through, the other is the holy guardian angel Aiwass attached to him, and the last one is Scatha who endowed Roy with the heart of a strong man .

"Well... But Aiwass, what you said is right, proper rest is necessary... Aiwass, how did you say those "demon gods" managed to master the rules of the universe? I just mastered such a technique. I feel powerless."

Roy, who closed his eyes and rested, asked with interest. He didn't intend to really get the answer from Aiwass, because the distance between him and the "demon god" was too far. Even if Aiwass wanted to explain, he might Roy also couldn't understand the words from another dimension.

But Roy did not expect that after pondering for a while, Aiwass actually explained to Roy how the "devil god" managed to control everything in a way that humans could understand.

"There is a law among human beings called the Law of Accelerated Returns. This law roughly means that a more developed society has a stronger ability to continue to develop and a faster development speed, thus forming a positive cycle. "

"If you let a person in 1750 come to modern society, he will be shocked by modern technology, but if you let a person in 5000 BC go to 1750, that person will not be too shocked, just because BC There is no qualitative difference in the way of life of people in China and people in 1750, that is to say, the scientific progress of human beings in the past two hundred years has surpassed the development of human beings in the tens of thousands of years in the past.”

"... There is a very interesting theory among human beings called 'Super Artificial Intelligence'. The general content of the theory is that when 'Super Artificial Intelligence' appears, this intelligence will undergo explosive and infinite evolution, so that the Law of Accelerated Returns to the extreme."

"He will combine all the theories known to mankind to deduce a theory that is closer to the truth of the universe. This is an evolution, and then he will continue to combine the theories obtained again and continue to evolve until one day he completely masters everything in the universe. At that time, human beings will gain eternal life, or be wiped out by this super artificial intelligence, and it may only take a few years from the birth of super artificial intelligence to its grasp of the truth of the universe."

Having said that, Aiwass just kept silent.

But Roy learned the secret of reaching the realm of "Demon God" from these few short sentences.

"`‖I have a general understanding, just like all the laws of the universe studied by science are for the birth of 'super artificial intelligence', and the same is true for magic. They are working hard to collect all the knowledge, in order to transform these magical knowledge into magical "super artificial intelligence". Comprehend the laws of the universe like the Big Bang, and be able to perfectly manipulate them, thus becoming a "demon god"!"

This is "listening to God's will with a mortal body", and this is why there is such a big gap between the "devil god" and the peak of human beings, because the demon god has crossed that hurdle and created his own "supernatural power". After artificial intelligence', He will be equivalent to the power from a small solar system, and instantly expand to the entire universe.

This is the "Law of Accelerating Returns" belonging to magic (Lee's)!

As for what that hurdle is, Roy can roughly guess it, it is the end of 'crossing the abyss'!

Those who cross the abyss will get the sublimation of life, from mortals to "super artificial intelligence", and obtain infinite possibilities of evolution.

Aiwass smiled and said nothing. She didn't hit Roy, telling him that this is not what you need to think about now. On the contrary, she felt that letting Roy see the infinite future in advance would make him more motivated.

She believed that this young man who sought all kinds of knowledge and mastered the "uniqueness" would one day become a "demon god", or even a higher existence than that.

"Huh? Someone is here."

Aiwass suddenly showed an ambiguous smile, she blinked at Roy, her voice was inexplicably charming, "...It seems that someone has come to give you her wisdom and knowledge."

After finishing speaking, the holy guardian angel disappeared behind Roy.

And at this time, Roy also noticed who it was - Athena, the goddess of wisdom! .

Chapter 160: Athena's Determination

The night shrouded the city, and both the moon and the stars were blocked by the thick clouds, and such a scene was Athena's favorite scene.

She is the queen of the night, and only in the dark can she show her noble appearance.

Athena stood by the window, she was wearing a white lace dress, and white stockings stepped on the luxurious carpet, just watching the deep night outside the window.

Standing by this window, even when the weather is clear, you can only see the moon and stars, but not any ~ artificial light.

The lights of human cities at night are the things Athena hates the most. For the Queen of the Night, those artificial brilliance are usurping her authority. Therefore, the location of this villa in Rome is well-known. It has only Lush natural jungle without any artificial-things.

Athena knew that the reason why Roy chose this villa as his residence was entirely to meet her expectations, and she didn't want her to see the most disgusting artificial light.

This small detail warmed Athena's heart. Although that man, the king of the Rakshasa, acted recklessly, he was able to make women fascinated by some small details.

While Athena was a goddess, she was also a woman.

Even if she appreciates those heroes who are indomitable, women still like the tenderness of being cared for.

It's just that the vast majority of heroes don't have any feelings for children. Even if Athena appreciates it in her heart, she absolutely doesn't have any other thoughts.

But the man named Roy Crowley is different. He not only has earth-shattering strength, but also has a bold and domineering heart. He is a true hero. At the same time, he also has tenderness and affection.

'What an incredible man, besides, he is a godslayer, a cursed person who kills the gods, but such a person wants to live in peace with the goddess and form a covenant, it should be said that he is bold God, I still have to say that he has extraordinary bearing. '

Thinking of this, Goddess Athena laughed dumbly, but soon she was horrified. When she was alone here, she suddenly thought about that man again.

Athena is not a god of disobedience born in modern times, but a god who came to the earth at least two thousand years ago. At that time, Athena was full of vigor, ravaged the earth, and brought endless disasters to the world.

Wherever she went, there were weapons and weapons, and the "wisdom" as a commendatory word was also distorted by the spirit of disobedience, and turned into suspicion and suspicion. The countries Athena passed through in her wanderings were all militaristic, and the regime was suspicious. , Many countries perished mercilessly just after Athena passed by.

Until she met the godslayer at that time, that godslayer had killed many gods and was powerful. A godslayer like him should have been invincible in the world, and only the last king could destroy him, but in Under Athena's "Sword of Wisdom", even the strongest godslayer in the world at that time was defeated and lost his life.

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