The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 480: A Diet Pill That Can Make You Money Than an Apple

Of course, no matter how excited these volunteers are, they cannot keep the crown prince and the company chairman at the door for long. After making a show of being close to the people, everyone filed into the company.

At this time, the newly appointed CEO of the company, Oswell Spencer, had already arrived at the door. The former president of Pfizer Europe, also headquartered in London, certainly would not be timid to face Prince Charles. Everyone immediately visited the company.

"That area is the area where test volunteers are received." Spencer led the crowd into an office area. There was a security guard in black at the entrance of the corridor, and Alice explained to him that this was the person stationed by her subsidiary Blackwater International. Mercenary security.

In a large room separated by glass walls, more than a dozen volunteers were receiving weight-loss drug injections and follow-up observation. According to the experimental procedures set by professionals, after injecting the drug, they still need to stay here for an hour for initial observation. Then follow up on one day, three days, and one week until the big cycle of one month or even three months to observe whether there is rebound phenomenon or allergies.

"During this process, we will ask the volunteers to live according to the prescribed recipes." The person in charge introduced himself as a Ph.D. student from the University of Hong Kong. When the Crown Prince curiously observed the situation inside the house, he also explained to everyone in the corridor.

"So what are the specific effects?" Talking about technology with lay shareholders is like playing the piano with a cow. Charles is only interested in one thing: "How much weight can be lost by how much dosage? What is the cost?"

"The efficacy of our current drug is mild. On the premise of a healthy diet, an average dosage of 50ml can allow an ordinary obese person to lose two pounds of fat in a week."

The person in charge's explanation statement is concise and the information is clear. Charles looked into the room from a distance, and the volunteers were just like injection patients, idly reading magazines, or chatting and laughing with each other.

"Two pounds a week is really amazing, but it must be a healthy diet? If I continue to eat junk food all day long, is it enough for me to gain the weight back in a week?"

This time it was Alice's turn to smile and said: "Yeah, that's why we have a business, otherwise it would be a one-shot deal? Lose two pounds of meat a week, and if you don't control your diet, it's even more extreme. It can also go back to two pounds of meat, and then they need to buy our products again."

Waiting aside, Spencer did not forget to joke: "By the way, it also promotes the development of the food industry."

Everyone laughed, and after visiting the place, they walked through the crowd to the general manager's office. This was originally the site where Alice was in town, but since she has moved her nest to the Alice Building in Los Angeles, it was naturally vacated by Spencer who took office.

"Our company already has the ability to directly produce medicines, because Pfizer has sold one of its pharmaceutical factories to us, along with some inherent product production qualifications." Alice said so, and smiled at Spencer gesture. The acquisition of the pharmaceutical factory and the poaching of the wall are two tasks going on at the same time. Since this person has resigned, of course it also means that the acquisition of the pharmaceutical factory has been successful.

"However, we have not started production immediately, Your Royal Highness." Spencer said calmly: "The acquired company is a pharmaceutical factory, and the personnel changes of specific employees need to be adjusted. After all, not everyone is willing to leave the Pfizer Group. In the same way, the original sales channels of the group will not be unconditionally opened to the umbrella, and we still need to negotiate with each seller before the products of the pharmaceutical factory can be put on the shelves."

As a pure investor, the crown prince only cares about one thing: "So what kind of medicine does this pharmaceutical factory originally produce? How much is the monthly sales?"

"Aspirin, penicillin, and a series of drug names that you must have never heard of. If you need it, I have a list here. Do you want to see it?"

Of course Charles had no choice but to shake his head. Just kidding, national level drugs are nothing more than aspirin, as for those other messy prescription drugs for treating coronary heart disease, treating cerebral hemorrhage, and treating gastrointestinal discomfort, so what if he reads them? What can I understand?

But since he talked about the list of drugs, another matter naturally came to his mind: "Alice, Mr. Spencer, have you named this new diet drug?"

This matter must be handed over to Alice to answer: "That's right, Charles, you have always understood the effectiveness of our new drug. It is an exaggeration to say that if you don't care about sustainable operations and customer experience, a high concentration of one With the needle, even a standard super fat man can turn into an ordinary boy in a day or two. Therefore, even if we are now deliberately controlling its efficacy, this product will definitely win aspirin and penicillin. Domain status, right?"

This is really the case, and it is precisely because of this that the British royal family, as an investor, is so concerned. It is also helping to build a research institute, and it is the visit of the crown prince at the moment. These days, the weight-loss drug market is too huge, and the potential profit of this new drug is enough to make anyone astonished. It is really not just casual talk if it is really going to be sold on the shelves with the current effect and to obtain the industry status of penicillin.


"Yeah, yeah. So, we have to come up with a nice, catchy name for this product, don't we?"

"Alice, you are still a part-time writer, so just tell me what you have in mind."

Spencer couldn't help pricking up his ears, after all, this was a very important matter.

"Soma, what do you think of the name?"

Everyone present looked at each other in blank dismay. For a while, no one thought that this word had any special meaning. But looking at Alice's confident look, it's obvious that the name should have some source, and it's not something she made up on the spur of the moment.

"Soma, wait, I seem to have an impression." A moment of wonder, and then what Prince Charles thought of first: "I remember "Brave New World" in the dystopian trilogy, like the drug that people generally use , it’s called soma!?”

"Bingo, you got the answer right!" Alice smiled happily, "Think about it, do the people in "Brave New World" take a soma just as casually as we drink saliva when we have nothing to do?"

"Ah... "Brave New World"! Yes, yes, I also have an impression!" Li Zekai was the second to reflect immediately. Poor Spencer, as a European, is the most confused one.

"Wait, how come with a novel..."

"This is a political satire novel written by the British writer Aldous Huxley in 1931 and published in 1932." Li Zekai explained to the poor European enthusiastically: "In this future world, although Everyone lives and works in peace and contentment, and has no worries about food and clothing, but family, personality, and even emotions have disappeared. Human beings have lost their humanity and become a group of slaves who are destined for their status and destiny under strict scientific control."

"In that world, babies are completely cultivated in test tubes and poured out of laboratories, without any need for books, language, or reproduction, and irresponsible sex has become a legitimate entertainment for people to paralyze themselves... ..."

"But what about that..."

"Soma, Mr. Spencer, I was just going to stop here. In that world, anyone who has the slightest emotional problem, whether it's anger, or sadness, or any, any emotion, as long as it's not happy, they'll immediately Actively taking a drug called 'Soma' to paralyze oneself. The popularity and frequency are high, and the voluntary level is terrifying, just like a person who is thirsty and needs to drink water!"

"It's also one of their main means of entertainment." Alice interjected with a smile: "Of course, we're not in the drug business, but Charles, don't you think our weight-loss pills are just another drug?" Soma?"

Being led to associate with the past seems to be the case.

At least for now, this weight loss drug has not been tested for any toxic side effects, not to mention the extremely high weight loss effect, and no rebound effect has been found. One injection of 50ml can easily lose two pounds of meat in a week. In this way, if a person's appetite is above the average line, isn't it the same as frequent injections of drugs? "

"It's really like this..."

Charles couldn't help but began to meditate. This scene was completely expected by Alice. Well, despite the fact that Charles can be regarded as the unluckiest crown prince in the world, but he is also a gray-haired family, of course he is different from that brainless Bush. Use your brain when it's time to use your brain, how can you be an idiot, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the British Empire~

"So, if our 'Soma' is really launched, it will definitely have a huge impact on many related industries around the world. The high rise of the catering industry is certain, but other weight-loss drug products will definitely be impacted unprecedentedly. At the same time, the gym will lose a large number of customers, but the sales of fitness products such as mountain bikes and barbells will also increase..."

The crown prince has started to work as a marketing manager, how can the company's CEO be calm, so Spencer immediately showed his presence: "So we need to formulate two strategies. One is to prepare for the joint efforts of the pharmaceutical industry." Confrontation, unless you agree to share patents and co-produce; one is to try to increase the price of the product, not to make it really as cheap as aspirin and other products, as long as the popularity is reduced, the pressure of competition will naturally be reduced a lot.”

The former sentence is very reasonable, but the latter sentence is really enough to make people want to laugh, especially Alice.

Pharmaceutical industry, when is it not profitable? To even further increase the price, does this seem to be a competition for money with Apple?

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