The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 443 Real artificial intelligence?

Now that the employees below have made such fresh achievements, Alice certainly can't leave anymore, but before she studies Harry's ternary genetic algorithm at length, she still has to go upstairs and hang up a few phone calls.

First of all, it is for the family members. James is taking everyone to Scotland for a self-drive, saying that he wants to see the deeds of William Wallace back then. Although the size is not small, how can a big brother and a big mobile phone fit in a car, and the call is connected quickly.

As for the relevant content, it is natural that I have just discovered a breakthrough topic, and I may have to be busy for several days and nights like other programmers. Therefore, when we arrive at the hotel, we can naturally save a few days, a week or two, in terms of contacting our eldest daughter. Don't contribute phone bills to British Telecom, they have earned enough, although Alice also threw tens of millions of shares into it.

Then a call was made to Maiya. Let the big girl travel thousands of miles across the Atlantic Ocean, of course, you can't just stay in Exeter for a day or two and leave.

In the past few days, apart from messing around with the mercenary security guards in the research institute, Maiya was mainly experimenting with the power of Alice's new gunpowder. Various circumstances, various doses, various explosive powers mixed with other gunpowder, this is something that interests her. Not to mention when Alice handed over the "degraded version" of super gunpowder to Lockheed, no one stipulated that she could not conduct experiments by herself.

"Hey honey, you..."

As soon as the phone was connected, an explosion was heard, and then it was Maiya: "Alice, I just thought of a problem recently. Although crystal explosives are easy to carry, they are not suitable for quantitative control. When we mass-produce them in the future, can we still Do you want to cut and polish different specifications in advance?”

Whoops, I actually thought of such a layer.

Alice thought about it: "You mean the field of special operations, right? Considering the power of the explosion...we can cut them into lenses the size of a small fingernail, which is equivalent to a grenade, and then explode with thunderbolt Medicinal plastic one mix..."

"Eri, what I mean is, is the crystal size of the explosives specified during production?"

Even if she didn't want to join the army after graduation, Maiya also considered it from the perspective of a professional soldier. Alice couldn't help but feel relieved, and laughed: "Of course it's a specific arrangement according to the specific situation. The coagulation of jelly is called crystallization. As long as you prepare Isn’t a good mold enough? The size of a fingernail, the size of a little fingertip, the size of a brick, the size of a pizza, isn’t it all random?”

It's really interesting to think about it. The crystal-like new gunpowder with 20 times the power of TNT is simply born for special operations and terrorist attacks. Alice has realized that the main components of the new explosive are nitrogen, oxygen and trace amounts of deuterium and carbon, which cannot be detected by police dogs or existing scanners.

So it's no wonder that Maiya would think of related fields, but the terrorist attacks are not yet rampant at this time, otherwise there may be a lot of worries.

"So... well, so Ellie, did you hang up?"

Of course, it’s about claiming that I’m going to retreat and meditate for a week, let me know, hang up the phone, and then it’s time to go back to the fourth floor of the research institute.

"It's a shame that you can use the ternary code to make the research algorithm." Sitting on Harry's chair, Alice said to the people around: "Everyone sees it, when you are still trying to write calculations in the ternary code Harry had already created the genetic algorithm by the time the server software was released!"

Of course, Harry had a humble expression on his face: "It's just a fluke, I just had the idea of ​​giving it a try, and I didn't even think that I would succeed. And you, boss, are really awesome, you can tell what I'm writing at a glance."

"Harry has a girlfriend!" The tall and thin John said with a smile, "You two must be getting married, right? Otherwise, why would you think about genetics?"

"Yes! Darwinian evolution! Harry wants to be a father!"

Of course, the people around are cheering happily, although this algorithm is not their own achievement, but who would not be happy to witness the breakthrough in the field?

Practice has proved that the difference between writing programs in ternary and the binary era is really huge. Although it is "just" a genetic algorithm, it is as meaningful as the birth of the algorithm itself when it is compiled in this ternary pioneering period.

You must know that things like algorithms are really different from simply doing math problems. It tests not only the basic knowledge of the programmer, but also his way of thinking. After all, in the final analysis, any algorithm is to solve a certain demand.

This is exactly why, when companies such as Google and Microsoft have risen completely, the interview questions are always so weird-the test is not the programming ability, but the way of thinking.

It can't be explained to outsiders, Alice can immediately think of a film and television example about the application of algorithms.

In the American TV series "I am a Zombie", the hair and skin color of the zombies will become very pale, and while they like to eat human brains, they have an irresistible love for chili sauce-other than that, everything they eat tastes the same wax.

So, the "sports drink" company that accidentally created these zombies wrote an algorithm to identify how many zombies there are in Seattle-by tracking credit card consumption records, that is, hair dye, tanning, hot sauce products, Count their purchases and frequency.

Therefore, programming itself is a very easy task. What people really care about is the function of the software made by programming. It is the greatest test for all programmers to meet the various needs of users with the smallest size, the strongest stability, and the highest execution efficiency.

So next, it was up to Alice to personally test whether Harry's genetic algorithm written in ternary was any different from the old binary one.

And in this process, whether it is Alice or other bystanders, they have to face a very interesting problem-the transformation of the thinking process.

Just like all people who are not yet proficient in a foreign language, when reading a foreign language, they have to make up their minds in their own language.

Looking at Harry's ternary code, anyone, not even Harry himself, would have to convert it to binary to gain a higher level of comprehension.

The genetic algorithm must first convert the operation object, that is, variables into a series of strings, and perform evolutionary operations on the population. Here, it is necessary to prepare some initial population data representing the initial search point. Then, it will use the fitness calculation to evaluate the pros and cons of each individual by the size of the individual fitness, so as to determine the size of its genetic opportunity. Finally, through selection calculation, individuals with higher fitness in the current population are inherited to the next generation population according to a certain rule or model.

In this process, as stated in the fundamental principles of Darwin's theory of evolution, the algorithm also needs to take into account the problems of "new birth" and "mutation". That is, crossover operation, which exchanges some "chromosomes" between two individuals with a certain probability to realize the birth of new data. At the same time, mutation operation is also used to change one or some "elements" of the individual according to a small probability, which is also an operation method for generating new individuals.

It is such a series of calculation principles that enable genetic algorithms to be widely used in the field of artificial intelligence. The essence of "humanized" functions such as "your commonly used software" is derived from this kind of logical thinking based on statistics, and the limit can naturally reach the level of "true" artificial intelligence.

In the era of binary, people are constantly discussing whether "artificial intelligence" will really be "intelligent"...

Now, Harry is relying on the ternary system to make up the same kind of algorithm...

Alice used this algorithm again and again to do various calculations. All kinds of high-level mathematical equations are dazzling, flashing across the screen intermittently, and the people around are watching silently. Although they can hardly keep up with Alice's speed, it does not prevent them from reaching a common conclusion.

Harry looks great.

The boss is even more awesome.

"It's not easy, man."

Finally, after half an hour, Alice let go of the keyboard and said in surprise: "The logical structure is perfect, exactly the same as the genetic algorithm in the binary state. You have successfully broken the language limit!"

This sentence is very subtle. Breaking the language limitation is what all programmers have been working on. Alice didn't say how good Harry's algorithm is, but simply stated that he successfully reproduced the same level of binary products in ternary. .

Harry also figured it out right away, but of course he didn't have any discouraged thoughts, but thought of another way.

"Inheritance means the ability to learn, and the biggest difference between ternary and binary is that its way of thinking is closer to that of humans. Boss, if we continue to study this algorithm, can we really make intelligent Made by a computer?"

This question...

It is indeed a problem.

The ideas and worries about intelligent computers and intelligent robots did not appear until "Terminator II" and "The Matrix", and the bionic "bishop" in "Alien" is not old enough.

"I, Robot", a collection of science fiction short stories published by American writer Isaac Asimov in 1950, contains 9 short stories, most of which were originally published in the American "Super Science Fiction" magazine and Astounding Science Fiction Magazine. The short stories in the book are independent, but they have a common theme, which is to explore the moral issues between humans and robots. Combined, these stories created the fictional history of Asimov's vast android.

In fact, Alice had met Asimov himself at a party a few years ago...

"Give me a copy of your algorithm.

She said to Harry, "Then I'll go to the third floor."

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