The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1810: Confrontation with the Tang Dynasty

"You have to know that even if you defeat the coalition forces of Yeon Gaesumun and the Japanese country, and your troops are directed at the Japanese country, you will not be able to get rid of your crime."

"You are still a rebellious minister and son who forged imperial edicts and imprisoned the emperor's envoys arbitrarily."

"Who can save you then?" Xu Shiji said in a low voice, staring closely at Zhao Chen.

A gentle breeze blew through the yard, and a few old and dead bamboo leaves fell into the water, causing a ripple.

"Go back. Not everything has to be done by you, and not all responsibilities have to be borne by you alone."

"You've done a good enough job!" Xu Shiji persuaded Zhao Chen in a low voice.

Zhao Chen should go back now and explain the situation to the emperor, and nothing will happen.

It won't take long, after this matter passes, the emperor will naturally find a way to restore Zhao Chen's identity.

But if Zhao Chen continues like this, let alone whether the emperor's trust in Zhao Chen will be shaken.

Even if the emperor does not waver, the emperor will have no way to excuse Zhao Chen's actions.

Zhao Chen slowly shook his head. If he wanted to do something else, of course he could choose to return to Chang'an now.

Go and explain everything to the emperor.

But now, he absolutely cannot go back.

The Japanese country occupied Baekje. As the suzerain state, Tang Dynasty had the obligation to restore Baekje and replace Baekje to clean up the Japanese country.

This means that the Tang Dynasty border troops had enough reasons to enter the Japanese mainland.

Zhao Chen couldn't miss this opportunity.

He could take a step back on other matters, but not this matter.

"Zhao Chen!" Xu Shiji shouted Zhao Chen's name directly, obviously annoyed that he was so disobedient.

"Uncle Xu, there is no need to say any more. I will write a letter and have someone take it back to Chang'an and hand it over to Your Majesty, but I will never leave here at this time!"

"You..." Xu Shiji pointed at Zhao Chen, speechless for a long time, and finally turned into a deep sigh: "Alas!"\u003c


"I'll send the letter back for you. It's just right. I'm too lazy to see you again, annoying." After Xu Shiji got up, he said this to Zhao Chen again.

Then he turned around and walked out.

"Thank you, Uncle Xu." Zhao Chen saluted Xu Shiji. Of course he knew that Xu Shiji was rushing back to explain to himself and the emperor.

The first day of March.

The grass in Chang'an City is long and the orioles are flying, and it is lush green.

People are working hard outside the city, and children are chasing and playing on the ridges of the fields.

A horse riding Juechen came from a distance, kicked up clouds of smoke, and entered the Great Wall in a blink of an eye, disappearing in front of everyone.

In the Tai Chi Hall, Old Li Tou was discussing political affairs with the officials.

"Your Majesty, it has been so long since Prime Minister Wei went to announce the decree to the King of Han, but no news has come back?" Someone suddenly asked about the news about Wei Zheng.

Lao Li looked up at the official and frowned slightly: "I haven't received the news yet. I guess Xuancheng hasn't arrived yet."

"Your Majesty, after two and a half months, it's time to crawl even if you are afraid." The official's words made Old Li look unhappy.

But he didn't say anything.

He asked Wei Zheng to bring a message to Zhao Chen, but he didn't ask Wei Zheng to come back immediately when he arrived.

There is no news, so naturally there is something delayed. Just wait for a while.

"Your Majesty, I heard rumors in the city recently that the former King of Han was building a lot of construction projects in the capital of Silla, building city walls, fortifying the city, and training new soldiers. It doesn't sound like he knew he had made a mistake and was willing to go back to Chang'an to plead guilty."

"Instead, we are preparing to form a force in the capital of Silla to confront our Tang Dynasty court."


"Bold, do you know what you are talking about?"

The official's words instantly caused everyone to change their expressions.

Many officials immediately scolded him.

Fang Xuanling glared even more.

"Who told you these words, or did you mean it yourself?" Lao Litou looked livid. He absolutely did not believe that Zhao Chen would confront the Tang Dynasty in the capital of Silla.

"Your Majesty, please calm down. I just heard rumors in the city..."

"You are so presumptuous that you dare to tell nonsense rumors." Li Daozong, the king of Jiangxia, walked out and kicked the official who was speaking. .??.

Then he walked to the center of the hall, raised his hands and said, "Your Majesty, this person is spreading rumors in the court and deserves the death penalty. Please punish this person severely."

"Your Majesty, minister..."

"Your Majesty, a secret report came from the border army!" Just as everyone was surprised, a eunuch suddenly ran in in a hurry.

Lao Litou's face darkened, and he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

But he still asked the eunuch to hand over the secret letter.

The secret letter was held in Lao Litou's hand. He hesitated for a moment before opening the secret letter.

After a moment, Lao Litou's expression instantly darkened.

The secret message in his hand was tightly squeezed with both hands, and it instantly became a ball.

"Your Majesty, calm down!" The officials saw that the emperor's face suddenly turned so ugly, even if they didn't know what the secret letter said.

Then you can understand that the content of this secret letter is definitely not good news.

Lao Li dug his left hand firmly into the lower edge of the table in front of him, controlling his inner anger.

"Say what you just said again!" Old Li stared at the official who was kicked over by Li Daozong.

"I heard rumors in the city that His Royal Highness the former King of Han was building large-scale construction projects in the capital of Silla, with the intention of resisting our Tang Dynasty court..."

"Cheng Yaojin!"

"I'm here!" Cheng Yaojin was startled when the emperor suddenly called him by name.

"Take this nonsense

The bastard who deceives the public will be killed with a stick. "

"Send people to the streets and alleys of Chang'an. Anyone who discusses this matter will be thrown into jail!" Lao Li stared at Cheng Yaojin's eyes and gave this order almost through gritted teeth.

"Yes!" Although Cheng Yaojin didn't know what happened, he immediately followed the emperor's order.

The official who spoke first was dragged down, and soon screams could be heard outside.

Soon there was no news again.

Other officials turned pale. They quickly guessed that the secret letter just now proved the authenticity of the minister's words.

That's why the emperor was so angry.


Han Wang Zhao Chen really wants to fight against the Tang Dynasty court in the capital of Silla?

"Retreat!" Old Li Tou's voice sounded in the hall, and his barely suppressed anger made those who heard it feel terrified.

Chang'an City soon fell into panic.

A large number of Jingzhao government officials and soldiers appeared in the streets and alleys of Chang'an City.

Anyone who discussed the capital of Silla was imprisoned.

But there is no way I can catch them all.

The more people were sent to block it, the faster the rumors spread.

Soon, the people of Chang'an all knew that the former Han Dynasty king Zhao Chen was building large-scale civil engineering and training soldiers in the capital of Silla, preparing to confront the Tang Dynasty court.

Some people accused Zhao Chen of not knowing the heights of the world and trying to confront the Tang Dynasty.

Some people don't believe this is true and think it was framed.

Some people felt that it was the emperor's unkindness that allowed Zhao Chen, a hero of the Tang Dynasty, to flee to other countries and even fight against each other.

Some people worry that once the Tang Dynasty and the Silla capital go to war, the Tang army may not necessarily win, or even be defeated miserably.

For three days, the entire city of Chang'an was in panic and rumors spread everywhere.

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