The Fairy Just Wants To Lie Down

Chapter 98 Longevity in this life, it is good to marry Wei Xi alone

In summer, time has passed, and another half a year has passed.

Li Changsheng sat in the courtyard, looking at the unknown secret book that had been read thousands of times, carefully pondering every word, and at the same time confirming it with the Taoist scriptures he read in his previous life.

He found that the practice method recorded in the unknown secret book was different from the practice he imagined. What it cultivates is a kind of qi, a kind of thing that exists clearly, called spiritual qi. Absorb it into the dantian and run the big circle to increase your cultivation.

"What is Qi? Why can't I feel it? Don't I have that qualification?"

Wei Xi described his practice. At the beginning, he absorbed spiritual energy and had ants crawling on the skin, and then entered the dantian. After half a month, the feeling of Qi moving on the thicker meridians, this feeling is like an earthworm slowly wriggling.

After practicing for two months, the qi can raise the body temperature, and there is a surge of warmth in the dantian.

From this, he could deduce that Wei Xi's cultivation was improving every time her sense of aura changed, and her body was obviously healthier than before. The fighting power at night also increased accordingly, if this continues, I am afraid that I will fall behind.

Li Changsheng felt an inexplicable urgency, but soon he suppressed this anxiety. This kind of thing can't be rushed, and even if it is urgent, it can't change anything.

He had to be prepared for the worst, maybe he didn't have the qualifications to practice at all.

"Brother Li."

A man dressed as a scholar walked in. From the exquisite silk and satin clothes on his body and the jade pendant around his waist, it can be seen that this man's family background is very rich.

"Long time no see, today I specially came to visit."

"So it's Brother Liang, what do you want to bother you, you're in a humble house?" Li Changsheng got up and pretended to be enthusiastic.

He could see this group of friends clearly in the previous incidents, but in order to keep this connection, sometimes he had to pretend to be false.

The waves caused by the new emperor's ascension to the throne have completely subsided. Once the limelight passed, those friends that Li Changsheng had made in the past came to him one after another.

Naturally, they didn't come here to reminisce about the old days or make up for their relationship, but to let him get back to his old job. Go to those Qingguan brothels and other places to write poems, and help them win the hearts of those oirans. Naturally, it is rich to get it, and it is all earned from these young masters.

Li Changsheng refused this time. Although he and them often went to this kind of place before, for the sake of his own safety, he never went whoring once, so as not to contract the disease.

Besides, he is married now, let alone go to such a romantic place. It's not about action, it's about respect for your wife. It may be difficult for others to understand. It is an elegant thing for literati and poets to visit brothels, but how come it becomes filthy when it comes to you?

In the past few days, he has rejected the invitations of several people.

The scholar said: "I don't know if brother Li has the idea of ​​resuming his official career? With your talent, if you enter the temple, you will definitely be able to accomplish a lot. You were framed by villains before, and now you have an opportunity waiting for you."

How did he know I was framed?

Li Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and his heart suddenly became vigilant. The matter of the sheriff was discussed in private, except for the participants, basically no one knew about it, and he himself dared not speak out.

Now the sheriff has been uprooted, and his cronies have all been beheaded. It stands to reason that only I know that the sheriff cheated in the township examination.

Liang Xin, his father is a small county magistrate, so he should not have the energy to dig out his affairs.

"Thank you, brother Liang, for your kindness. I've exhausted my talents and don't want to go into an official career anymore." Li Changsheng shook his head, no matter what, he had no interest in an official career.

"Perhaps it would be nice to live like this for the rest of my life."

Liang Xin was stunned, he obviously didn't expect the other party to refuse like this. It stands to reason that in Li Changsheng's situation, he should be very eager to restore his qualifications for the imperial examination.

Soon he came back to his senses, and said again: "Brother Li, don't underestimate yourself, a man has ambitions everywhere. I have the ability to help you recover your qualifications for the imperial examination, and even win the first prize."

How could he, a boy who hadn't even been admitted as a scholar, speak such wild words?

has a problem.

Li Changsheng asked: "Brother Liang is so capable?"

"No, it's not me." Liang Xin shook his head slightly, "Someone is willing to help you, as long as you leave your wife, or persuade her to leave."

Before he finished speaking, Li Changsheng frowned, stood up and put his hands on the other's shoulders, with a hint of danger on his face.

Although he is a scholar, he has also practiced some peasant moves, not to mention that he is quite strong.

"Brother Liang, in order to avoid misunderstanding, you'd better explain clearly."

"Brother Li, calm down, it's not what you think." Liang Xin was a little panicked when he was caught, and the slightly superior posture just now disappeared.

"Listen to my explanation, it's not that someone wants to separate you. No, it seems that they really want to separate you, but it's not what you think. They are not ordinary people, they are immortals."

Hearing the word "immortal", Li Changsheng felt his heart skip a beat, and there was a rush of excitement in his heart, followed by a bad premonition.

It is of course very good to meet people who cultivate immortals. Maybe you can ask for advice and lead yourself into Taoism. Even if you can't, it is an eye-opener.

But why do you want Xi'er?


Li Changsheng recalled the speed of Wei Xi's practice, even a layman like him could feel a bit fast. Xi'er is obviously a genius, but just happened to be discovered by a passing cultivator.

This is not a good thing, they have no strength to resist.

At night, the two of them were lying on the bed in silence, their eyes were open when they were supposed to be sleeping, and each of them noticed the strangeness of the other.

Wei Xi was the first to speak: "Husband, some strange female Taoist priests approached me and offered to take me to practice, but I refused."

"Well, I know." Li Changsheng said, "Someone came to tell me today that as long as you leave me, you can regain your qualifications in the imperial examination, and even the number one scholar in high school. Hehe... This person who cultivates is more powerful than I imagined. You can't get in touch with them."

"I also refused."

Wei Xi hugged him slightly, and Li Changsheng could feel her slightly trembling body.

"I'm so scared, it's easy for them to tear us apart."

"At least it's obviously not evil for them to ask your opinion." Li Changsheng comforted him, but his mood did not relax because of this, on the contrary, it became more and more heavy.

Human patience is limited.

Another spring, Li Changsheng got up as usual, and just walked out of the house when he saw a few people in Taoist robes and bamboo hats whose faces could not be seen clearly standing in the yard.

It can be judged by their bodies that they are all women.

They have no patience, as expected, practitioners are different and waited for a whole year.

During this year, Li Changsheng regained his qualifications for the imperial examination. The new county magistrate came to Qingshui Village to invite him to take the exam, and some dignitaries wanted to make friends with him... Such changes did not make Li Changsheng happy, but were overwhelmed.

Practitioners are more powerful than I imagined, and their status is even more detached. Ordinary officials will look at their faces.

"Li Guanren, it's time to make a break. You and Wei Xi are not suitable, and you don't have any qualifications for cultivation. This year, you haven't felt any sense of Qi, and your wife has already practiced Qi peak."

"Immortals are different, if you continue to procrastinate, it will only hurt the two of you."

Li Changsheng bowed his hands and said respectfully: "What the Taoist priest said is true."

After dragging on for a year, these people still haven't done anything, obviously they shouldn't be some treacherous and evil people. It won't do Wei Xi any good to continue dragging on.

If you are an eagle, you should spread your wings and fly high.

Another night, the husband and wife did not fall asleep until midnight.

This time Li Changsheng spoke first: "Xi'er, go, they shouldn't be evil."

"What should I do if I go?" Wei Xi said in a muffled voice, "We agreed to practice together..."

"When I succeed in cultivation, I will find you."

"You lied to me, they said you don't have the talent for cultivation." Wei Xi held onto his clothes tightly, and after being guided by those people, her strength made Li Changsheng irresistible.

Li Changsheng understood this very early on, and Wei Xi's extraordinary strength has far surpassed his own since he practiced. But she still looked weak when facing herself, and never really resisted.

Rather than caring about her own feelings, she was more deceiving herself, denying that Xianfan was different.

"Go." Li Changsheng held her in his arms, "I will wait for you here."

"They also said that there is a treasure in the world that can allow people who have no qualifications to practice to practice. Wait for me to come back."

That winter, Wei Xi left, and Li Changsheng lived in that small courtyard as before.

In winter, snowflakes fell, Li Changsheng sat in the yard, the snowflakes hit his hair.

He flipped through the cheat book without fear of the cold, page after page. Those who practice say that what is recorded here is the most basic qi refining formula.

In spring, jujube trees bloom, and a faint fragrance penetrates into the nostrils.

Li Changsheng climbed over the qi training formula, his clothes had some holes, his chin had a little stubble, and his hair was a little messy.

In summer, the ivy outside the small courtyard has already climbed to his feet, and the leaves of the jujube tree are blocked by him from the scorching sun.

It was another winter, a member of the Wei family broke into this slightly desolate courtyard, and walked towards the man with disheveled hair and patched clothes, who looked like a beggar.

"Mr. Li, Master Wei is seriously ill and wants to see you."

Li Changsheng was stunned for a long time, his empty eyes became brighter, and he got up from the stone bench.

"take me."

Due to some unknown reasons, the Wei family's mansion produced several successors in a row. It can be said that it has skyrocketed and become a well-known big family. Li Changsheng has also relied on the Wei family for support all these years.

The whole mansion naturally became very magnificent.

Li Changsheng walked into it under the leadership of his servant, and met Wei Xiucai who was ill in bed.

"father in law."

When Wei Xiucai saw Li Changsheng, a slight smile appeared on his old face, and he said, "Changsheng, come closer and let me take a good look at you."

"En." Li Changsheng stepped forward and knelt by the bed. Wei Xiucai was kind to him in nurturing him, and he was also his father-in-law, so he could be regarded as half a father.

The skinny hand stroked his face, and at this moment he realized that Wei Xiucai was old and was no longer that elegant gentleman.

"Your father died early, and he handed you over to me. I have not fulfilled my responsibilities as a father, nor have I fulfilled my responsibilities as a teacher. You should have been able to spread your wings and make great achievements. Xi'er delayed you , you shouldn't be like this."

Li Changsheng shook his head and said: "I want to thank you for betrotting Xi'er to me. You don't think I'm poor, so how can Changsheng hate you?"

"Changsheng, I'm sorry, my Wei family is sorry for you. You can rest, I will give you half of the Wei family." Wei Xiucai grabbed Li Changsheng's hand, his voice became hoarse, "There are three unfilial acts, and there are no descendants. For the sake of greatness, you can even take a concubine."

"For the rest of my life, it's good to marry Wei Xi alone."

In the beginning of spring, Wei Xiucai died of old age, and the last elder who cared about him since the death of his parents left.

Li Changsheng kept mourning for him for three years, and then returned to the small courtyard.

Li Changsheng was sitting under the jujube tree. He no longer looked at the Qijue because he had torn through the book by himself, and he gradually forgot about the Qijue in it.

He just sat quietly, and the wind, rain, spring, summer, autumn and winter went on and on like this, only the thunder from the sky could make him look up.


With a crisp sound, the jujube tree fell, crushing their already dilapidated house and awakening Li Changsheng.

"Has it been so many years?"

He waited so long that the jujube tree died.

Li Changsheng picked up his loose hair and found that his hair had turned black at some point, his face seemed to have become younger, and he couldn't feel any wrinkles.

"I have entered the Tao."

He was so sure, but the joy did not emerge as expected.

He walked out of Qingshui Village, walking faster and faster, as if madly rushing towards the world he longed for.

Since then, there has been a mountain wanderer named Li Changsheng in the world.

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