The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 38: Adventure Preparations And Magical Materials

Ye Ting was just curious about the Philosopher's Stone and wanted to use it for experiments to study the secrets of the Philosopher's Stone.

Unfortunately, with his current level of magic, he currently does not have the ability to crack the Mirror of Erised and obtain the Philosopher's Stone by cheating.

On the other hand, even if he could get the Philosopher's Stone, he didn't want Dumbledore to find out that he had taken the Philosopher's Stone. Before he was invincible, it was really not a good thing to be targeted by Dumbledore.

So he could only take away the Philosopher's Stone in troubled waters, and the best chance would be at the end of the semester, when Harry Potter and Voldemort were competing for the Philosopher's Stone.

Since the plot has been changed by him, Hermione is no longer a member of the protagonist trio, so he cannot guarantee whether Harry will be able to successfully reach the final level this time and successfully face Voldemort.

In order to prevent accidents from happening, Ye Ting decided to postpone the expedition until the end, so that he could meet Harry or follow him.

If the strategy team of Ye Ting, Hermione and Penello enters the level before Harry and Voldemort, Ye Ting's ability will definitely be able to pass all the levels and reach the Mirror of Erised.

But if they do this, the early failure of the level may prompt Dumbledore to reset the level. By then, the plot will change drastically, and the chance of fishing in troubled waters to obtain the Philosopher's Stone will become slim.

That's the plan, so there are two things Ye Ting needs to do now, one is to learn to play necromancer chess, and the other is to have a better flying broomstick - this will not only be used for this time, but also for future travel and Quidditch. It is also indispensable for odd games.

In this duel with Roger, Ye Ting discovered the shortcomings of Sweep Five Star: not only could it not meet Ye Ting's requirements in terms of speed and maneuverability, but the quality was also not very good. Whenever Ye Ting wanted to forcibly control and control When performing extreme movements, he would feel that the broom had reached its limit and might disintegrate at any time, which made him timid and unable to exert his full strength.

Definitely, if Roger knew this, he might be so devastated that he would give up Quidditch completely.

When it comes to broomsticks, Ye Ting has his own idea, which is to make a broomstick that suits him by hand instead of buying a ready-made broomstick.

The broomsticks in the Harry Potter world are all made of ordinary wood. Although these woods originally have certain magical properties, they are generally too ordinary - the same is true for wands.

But in terms of materials, Ye Ting also has his own advantages.

He can perform an interdimensional summoning once a month. Although most of the time he gets nothing, he can occasionally summon some good things, including many rare materials.

A long time ago, he summoned a branch of Garniel. Garniel is the mother tree where Avina, the crow demigod, lives in World of Warcraft.

It was not famous originally, but its three seeds grew into three famous World Trees, namely Noda Hill, Teda Hill, and Woda Hill.

These three trees, Noda Hill, were enchanted by the Guardian Dragon, sealing the new Well of Eternity created by Illidan, and became the mother tree of the Proxima Midnight elves.

Teda Hill is another major habitat of the Proxima Midnight elves. Darnassus, the capital of the Proxima Midnight elves, is located in Teda Hill.

Voda Hill is located in Northrend. It could have been the first world tree for the Proxima Midnight elves. However, due to its roots being too deep, it even reached the lair of the ancient god Yogg-Saron, triggering the power of Yogg-Saron. leaked, and the result was ruined.

As the mother tree of the World Tree, the power contained in Garnier can be imagined.

This branch is Aviana's favorite and most common branch. It contains powerful magic. The wand made from it can definitely surpass all the wands in the Harry Potter world - including the legendary Elder Wand.

However, Ye Ting did not want others to know the existence of this branch, so the branch was temporarily stored until he learned how to make a wand.

In addition, Ye Ting also obtained some other materials, such as Tiamat's long beard, golden fleece and other things that only appeared in legends, but Ye Ting could feel that these two materials came from the same world - —Shape month.

On the summoning day a few days ago, he was lucky enough to summon two mythical woods - fusang and ruomu branches.

In mythology, Fusang is the sacred tree when the sun rises, and Ruomu is the sacred tree when the sun sets.

Not to mention the originally powerful properties of the two materials, they also have the symbolic meaning of sunrise and sunset. These symbols are actually quite important in magic.

In terms of making broomsticks, broomsticks made from these two types of wood can even have the flight speed of the Golden Crow to patrol the earth.

But before making his own broomstick, Ye Ting had to find a laboratory first, and then buy a few broomsticks to take apart for research.

In fact, there is a place in Hogwarts that is very suitable as Ye Ting's laboratory, and that is the Room of Requirement.

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