Seeing Mo Qingli swinging back and forth constantly, the water splash in the bath bucket splashed into Mu Tianlang's eyes, and there was a touch of discomfort in the blue eyes, holding Mo Qingli's hands and feet with both hands, "Don't move."

"I, I, I ... I now ... I have no energy!" Half a ring, Mo Qingli blushed, her eyes dodging out a few words.

Mu Tianlang, who heard the words, whispered a smile and drew near Mo Qingli's ears. The warm breath was sprayed on Mo Qingli's earlobe, causing Mo Qingli to shrink and shrink his neck. "I can do it with strength. . "

"You ... I ... no ... no ..." Yes.

Before Mo Qingli's words had fallen, he felt that Mu Tianlang put his legs, legs, and tangles on his huge waistline, and then he stood up ...

It came in without warning.

Mo Qingli gritted her teeth and couldn't help but snorted. Now she has no strength at all. She pushed Mu Tianlang a few times and gave up her struggle if she could not push it. It's not the first time anyway.

Thinking of this, Mo Qingli simply closed his eyes and looked like Ren Mu Tianlang's fish.

Seeing Mo Qingli's face without a dead face, Mu Tianlang restrained Mo Qingli's chin and forced Mo Qingli to look at him. "Look at me, don't think of anything else."

Speaking, he poured the ink up and down. Mo Qingli could not help but let out a low, groan, and heard the sound of Mo Qingli, Mu Tianlang smiled with satisfaction-this is so good!


Mo Qingli felt like she was about to fall apart. She felt powerless and rushed towards Mo Qingli. She let Mu Tianlang fiddle with herself.

"Shu and Fu?" Mu Tianlang braced his arm and looked at Mo Qingli, with a faint smile on his face.

Mo Qingli was powerless to speak, and had to throw a big white eye to Mu Tianlang, the **** wolf demon, and when she recovered, he would fight him back to her original form and report her revenge tonight.

"Okay, shall I give you blood?" Mu Tianlang knew he was in a bad position, and quickly put his neck around Mo Qingli's mouth.

Mu Tianlang's neck exudes the scent of food, which seduces and confuses Mo Qingli. She swallows her mouth, and then swipes her mouth away. She turns her head with a bone, and spit out a few words, "Don't ... I thought that I would forgive you, no way. "

"You bite, you bite. I'll bite you."

"Huh ..." Mo Qingli hummed coldly.

"Don't you bite?" Mu Tianlang moved his neck in front of Mo Qingli's mouth again, but Mo Qingli did not respond at all. Seeing this, Mu Tianlang restrained Mo Qingli's jaw and opened her teeth. .

Then he scratched a wound on his wrist with his fingertips, fresh and light blue halo flowing down from Mu Tianlang's wrist.

Mo Qingli was struggling to get rid of it, but she had no energy, but she was already defeated. Maybe this is the price of her being a human being. Each time she uses a little mana, her body collapses. If you use a slightly stronger and a little bit of magic, you will fall straight! !! !!

The blood dripping from the wrist was dripped into Mo Qingli's mouth, and Mo Qingli's dry body was like a dead tree sapling, suddenly filled with water, exuding vitality.

Restoring every cell in her body, Mo Qingli closed her eyes, enjoying the kind of excitement that mana gradually returned. When Mo Qingli's body mana was gradually full, there was a faint upward trend. This discovery made Mo Qingli surprised and delighted.

To her surprise, she did n’t understand why every time she took Mu Tianlang ’s blood, her body ’s energy would increase slightly, just like the previous sucking dust and Xiaoyao Yunyan, their blood had a lot to offer. Mo Qingli's irresistible magic. But when Mo Qingli sucked on the blood of others, it did not happen at all. She didn't know if it was good or bad! ?

The joy is indeed that since her possession, her energy seems to have been sealed. She is now like a newborn baby and cannot bear too much weight. But their blood is like a stimulant. The longer and bigger her "baby" is, the more mana she can use.

Maybe there won't be a situation where using only a small spell will make her physically unbearable.

Seeing Mo Qingli's complexion gradually turned rosy, Mu Tianlang retracted his wrist. Due to excessive blood loss, Mu Tianlang's mana was also rapidly lost, and his hands gradually became dark blue hair claws.

Mo Qingli opened her eyes, and ink dyed her eyes with gratitude.

"Aren't you not drinking my blood?" Mu Tianlang shrank his hand, which turned into a hair claw, and he didn't want Mo Qingli to see it.

The smile on Mo Qingli's face had not yet begun, so he froze on his face, Mu Tianlang laughed loudly, and quickly turned over and got out of chuang. Picking up a piece of clothing, he put it on his body, looking at Mo Qingli who rushed towards his poor face, Mu Tianlang dropped a word, and quickly ran away.

Mo Qingli, who had restored mana, had been taught, and staying here at this time was simply looking for abuse. He's not that stupid.

Before he left, he said, "Your old lady's birthday, I want you to prepare, and go to the palace in two days!"

Into the palace again?

Mo Qingli frowned unwillingly. She hated entering the palace full of rules, which made people oppressive. Besides, she offended someone in that deep palace. Well, he might have to be framed by him again.

As soon as she left the room, she saw that Yue Yao flew towards her, and Mo Qingli leaned slightly to make Yue Yao flutter.

"What are you doing?" Mo Qingli was startled by the appearance of Yue Yao. How could she not see her for a day and she looked like her dead father and mother.

"Princess!" Yue Yao didn't know what Mo Qingli thought about. "Yi Tong" knelt down and hugged Mo Qingli's legs tightly. "Princess, slavery thought ... thought she would never see it again Princess you. Whoo ... "

Upon hearing that, Mo Qingli drew his lips, "I just slept!"

She moved her leg hugged by Yue Yao. Helplessly, Yue Yao hugged tightly. She was holding tears of Mo Qingli's legs, and she burst into tears. "Princess, the theologian said you are not saved. Hum ... … It really scared the slave, but fortunately the princess is okay. The divine doctor is really healing. The princess was so wounded that he was rescued. The slave is really grateful to the divine doctor. Hey ... how about the divine doctor?

Yue Yao looked around, but did not see Mu Tianlang's shadow, she couldn't help but ask out.

"Mu Tianlang." Mo Qingli cried out. Didn't she just faint and faint? This **** wolf demon rumored that she was going to die. Seeing that I found you, I didn't pull your skin.

"A sneeze!" Mu Tianlang, who was eating wild fruits on the tree, rubbed his nose-it was estimated that last night, the movement was too intense, he forgot to cover the quilt and caught a cold.

"I'm okay," Mo Qingli looked down at crying Yueyao with a sad face, and helplessly, "Don't cry, my daughter doesn't cry easily!"

Yue Yao wiped the tears on her face. "The princess is right, Yue Yao will never cry again."

"Then you can let my legs go!" Mo Qingli looked helpless. Why didn't she see that Yue Yao was more crying than men?

Yue Yao wiped away the tears on her face and followed behind Mo Qingli, "Princess, I have found out someone who has given the princess and medicine to the princess!"

"Who?" Mo Qingli thought of that night, the night that made him lose, go, the first time, and his face sank.

"A maid of the queen's palace."

After speaking, Yue Yao looked up and secretly glanced at Mo Qingli, and saw Mo Qingli's face was very heavy. Seeing this, Yue Yao hurriedly lowered her head again. Also, her mother-in-law treated herself so badly.

Is she? !! Mo Qingli's mouth had a faint smile, it was her! I thought it was Mo Qingqin or Mo Qingqin, it was her!

"Bring me out of that palace girl!" Mo Qingli wanted to confirm for herself. It was her own interest in the previous Mo Qingli. Let her see her mother.

Yue Yao's face was embarrassed. "Princess, I'm afraid this won't work!"

Mo Qingli thought that Yue Yao had no way to take the maid out of the house, and she groaned, saying, "When the queen is living, say it again."

"Princess, not slaves, there is no way to take her out of the palace, is ..." Yue Yao stopped talking.

"What is it?" Mo Qingli frowned frantically. She didn't like being obedient and only half listened. "Say whatever you want!"

"After a few days after the princess was prescribed medicine, someone found the body of the palace lady in a well in the cold palace. If it wasn't for a slave who was responsible for feeding Lenggong's concubine, then they would get water. The body will remain undiscovered. "Yue Yao said, looking at Mo Qingli's face, after all, the clue was broken after this, whether she was the queen or not, and she did not dare to speculate.

To Yueyao's surprise, after listening to Mo Qingli, she just waved her hand and looked at the floral fragrance coming from the side of the corridor. She closed her eyes and sniffed gently, and said to Yueyao lightly: "Dead Let's die! "

In addition to the Empress, who has such a great ability to kill at random in the palace, and throw people into the cold palace!

"Yes," Yue Yao continued reverently behind Mo Qingli: "Two days later is the birthday of the empress, and the slave is ready to give her the birthday of the empress, see if you need to add anything to the princess."

Talking, Yue Yao took a stack of paper out of her arms and thought.

"Don't worry, everything is fine for you to decide." Mo Qingli waved his hand impatiently. "In the future, such a small matter, you can decide, you don't need to pass me."

Yue Yao didn't expect Mo Qingli to trust her so much. She moved to Mo Qingli to salute him, "Princess Xie loves her, slaves will never let the princess disappoint."

"Um." Mo Qingli smiled, picked a flower, and played with it in his hand. "Yes, where did you find me yesterday?"

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