The Beautiful Swordsman Came with a Barbecue

Chapter 8 What is bullying? (Tactical back)

Seeing the calm but determined expression on Kuzan's face, Skyler sniffed, turned around, looked at Garp who was laughing, and said, "Vice Admiral Garp! Who should I complain about sexism in the Navy?" The problem?"

Karp's laughter stopped abruptly, but in the next second, he realized that the sexist person in Skyler's mouth should be Lieutenant General Kuzan in front of him, not himself, and he laughed even more happily. Skyler said:

"When you arrive at Marin Fando, you can go to Lieutenant General He. She is very sensitive to this recently, and I don't know if she has arrived."

Garp's words were interrupted, and he didn't continue. After all, the girl in front of him, but looking at him, Garp is not an idiot, how could he be caught.

Kuzan scratched his head and said, "You mean you really defeated those pirates? What an amazing little girl."

"I didn't defeat those pirates, but I'm sure, I will tell Vice Admiral Crane about you." The girl tried hard to identify Kuzan's identity at this time, and then said: "Vice Admiral Kuzan, about sex discrimination. "

Looking at this unyielding girl, Kuzan lazily said: "Ah la la~ I was threatened by someone, little girl, you are just a child, gender discrimination between men and women can't be used for you on the head."

Skyler pushed his sunglasses and said, "Sexist, ageist, I believe that Lieutenant General He will be very interested and pay attention to this matter, right? Lieutenant General Garp?"

Kuzan frowned, looking at this little girl who didn't know what to do, he didn't like the little girl in front of him, but Garp laughed and said, "Ahaha~ Kuzan, if Skyler doesn't report , I will report it too!"

At this moment, Garp didn't even dare to use the adjective "small", but directly called Skyler's name, then looked at Kuzan with a sullen expression, and said:

"How about this, you invite me and Skyler to have a week's barbecue, and we will spare you."

As he said that, Karp also looked at Skyler with his eyes, signaling that she should stop, Skyler nodded, and asked, "Is it three meals a day?"

"That's for sure!" Garp patted his chest, looked at Kuzan, and asked, "How is it?"

Kuzan looked at Karp and found that he was serious. He smoothed his curly hair with his fingers, estimated Karp's appetite and his salary, and then nodded.

As for that girl? Doesn't a little girl at this age not even eat?

Kuzan was not worried about what this young girl would do. After all, this young girl was obviously not from the navy, so she would have no idea whether she could see Lieutenant General He, but Lieutenant General Garp could really do such a stupid thing.

In the midst of fluttering emotions, Kuzan saw Bogart, the successor's eyes, what kind of eyes was that? pity? mercy? Tribute?

But before Kuzan could figure it out, Karp, who was sitting on the recliner, had already high-fived the girl.

Garp's warship was not far from Marin Fand. After all, the speed of the warship far surpassed Skyler's original ship. At dusk, the warship returned to Marin Fondo smoothly.

Schuyler was at the port, visiting the naval base. It was not brand new, and it was not even considered complete. Many craftsmen were repairing the naval base. It seemed that the aftermath of the Golden Lion Shiji World War I had not been erased. .

After Garp asked the navy in charge of managing the warship, he learned that his son hadn't returned from vacation, and his happy expression calmed down a lot, and he didn't even have the idea of ​​returning to the navy headquarters to report.

Rolling his eyes, he saw Skyler, who kept looking at Marin Vanduo, and Kuzan, who was holding his bicycle with one hand in his pocket. He walked over and said, "Let's go, just eating dinner, I didn't eat lunch. I'm full, haha~"

Marin Vanduo is not only the headquarters of the navy, but because of the many generals serving in it, a small town has also developed here. It is not right to say that it is a small town, but it is only scattered in non-military barracks or on the site outside the naval building.

But the basic living facilities, food, clothing, housing and transportation can be enjoyed. After all, the navy is also paid. Some generals with high military ranks even devote their entire lives to the navy.

Some even set up a family in Marlin Vandor, so they also need a place for them to consume and carry out family supplies.

And Garp is probably more familiar with Marin Vanduo than his hometown. He took Kuzan and Skyler and found a barbecue restaurant. Flowers.

But as one after another of barbecue was served, empty plates slowly piled up on the table, Kuzan's face changed, from lazy at first, to expressionless, to serious, and then to frowning.

In just one hour, he showed all the expressions that a rich man should have. When he paid the bill, his forehead even leaked cold sweat. It was not because the meal was too expensive, but because of this kind of treat. Twenty times!

Kuzan shouldn't be sweating coldly. As a natural-type frozen fruit capable person, he will control all low temperatures, but...why can't this damn cold sweat stop?

Back at the dinner table, Kuzan saw two people with happy faces. Both of them had a cigar in one hand and a toothpick in the other. However, the cigar in Skyler's hand was not lit, and it seemed that they were simply imitating Garp.

"Have you paid the bill? Let's go and find the crane with me."

Garp stood up, shook the cloak of justice, and put it back on his body. Kuzan frowned and said, "Lieutenant General Garp, didn't I say that I invite you to eat barbecue."

"Ahaha~ Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who breaks my promise, it's just that Skyler needs to find a place to live."

Karp smiled and swaggered out of the barbecue restaurant. After thinking about it, Kuzan pushed his bicycle and followed quickly. Looking at the two figures, one tall and one short, Kuzan always felt that the two had similar temperaments. It's troublemakers.

With the two lieutenant generals Karp and Kuzan leading the way, Skyler was not blocked when entering the barracks. The navy on duty just glanced at her and let her go.

Turning and turning, the three of them came to a small courtyard. Karp clenched his fists and began to smash the courtyard door.

Not long after, a dark blue middle-aged woman with long silver-gray hair appeared. Seeing this elegant woman, Garp waved his hand and said:

"Little Crane! Why did your movements become so slow? It's because."

Garp shut up, because the elegant Lieutenant General He had a murderous look in his eyes that didn't match his temperament. Lieutenant General He looked at Garp and Kuzan, and said:

"What do you master and apprentice want me for?"

Crane didn't see Skyler. After all, there would be no one in his territory, and he would spread his knowledge at any time, but Skyler stood behind Garp, completely blocked by his thick and tall body.

Garp stepped aside, revealing Skyler's figure, and said straight to the point: "Little Crane, I brought you a future female soldier. She ran to the Great Channel alone and has no place to live."

Hearing this, Lieutenant General He took a few steps forward, opened the gate of the yard, and let a few people in. On the way to the house, Lieutenant He was also curious as he observed the girl who was two heads shorter than himself.

After chatting in the room, Crane also understood the cause and effect, looked at Skyler, looked up and down again, and said, "Swordsman? I have a younger sister who is also a swordsman. Stay here. I will take you tomorrow." Get acquainted.

As for whether to become a navy, let’s talk about it after tomorrow, after all, this is not a new season of recruiting. "

After finishing speaking, Crane looked at Garp and said, "You should go."

"Little Crane, I've only sat down for five minutes!"

"Well, remind me, the sofa will be replaced tomorrow." Lieutenant General He said to Skyler.

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