Tales of the Reincarnated Lord

Chapter 484: �第�

The 484th chapter civil strife (1)

The news brought by Aridori was very messy. She said that the Norton family had an accident and it was not the news from the North, but the Massa Knight of the Dina family’s garrison told in a letter from the front line of the Fariciu Plain. She, it is said that the Norton family had a civil strife, and the three armed Norton family armies on the front line insisted on leaving for the north. His Majesty the King regretted it, so the Dina family garrison would also come back.

However, due to the long distance and the trophies they have received, more than 1,200 members of the Dina family garrison are expected to return to the Dremque family territory in May and June next year. The Massa Knights have arranged. The family garrison will spend the winter of this year and the rainy season in the next year before going on the road. In addition, a list of trophies is attached. Because of the Norton family’s armed forces, the Dina family garrison has minor casualties and made great profits. The total value of the trophies is nearly three thousand gold. Fortune goes so far...

Lorester had no problem with the Dina family garrison following the Norton family’s armed forces, nor was he interested in how much property they robbed in the plains of Mana Hill. What he cared about was the Norton family armed three that the Massa Knight said in the letter. The Great Legion was suspended due to civil strife in the North, and it was a pity that the Massa Knight had only heard of it. He mentioned it in the letter, and it is not clear what happened in the North...

"Ali, you said last time that you sent a servant to the Northland to deliver a letter to your sister, but you were stopped at the ferry. It is said that the Norton Family Guards First Corps took over Jiangfang and temporarily cut off the Northland's external traffic, right? "Lorister asked.

"Yes." Aridori nodded: "The pontoon bridge at the downstream ferry port of the Mitobro River has been demolished, and only two river boats can cross the river. However, a notice was posted at the ferry port saying that it was because the Grand Duke of the North and the Storm Swordsman were dueling Severely wounded, in order to prevent the enemy from plotting wrongdoing, the Grand Duke of the North temporarily cut off cross-strait traffic during the period of rehabilitation, and opened the ferry after the situation stabilized. So the servant I sent to deliver the letter returned."

It's strange, is there something really going on inside the family? Lorist felt his beard and thought. Now his beard is half an inch long. When he washes his face in the morning, he looks like Zhang Fei from the folklore in the past from the reflection in the basin.

In July, Aridoli had not received letters from his sister Fennagali and Aunt Diliana, and worried about the situation of her younger brother who was studying at Northland Morningside Academy, so she wrote a few letters to the two servants. Go to the Northland. Of course, she did not disclose in the letter that Lorester was at Baron Dina. Instead, she showed concern about Lorester’s whereabouts and recovery from his physical injuries. As Lorester’s lover She was so perfect with the mother of her illegitimate child, so that even if these letters fell into the hands of others, there would be no doubt.

But what Aridoli did not expect was that the two servants who delivered the letter came back after half a month. The news that brought her was that the Norton Family Armed Guards First Corps of the North had taken over the defense of the Mitobro River and not only demolished it. In addition to the pontoon bridge downstream, the chain bridge to Winston Province was also banned. It is said that because the Great Duke of the North and the Storm Sword Saint were seriously injured in the duel, they needed to rest, and at the same time, to prevent the secret calculations of the unruly intentions, the Northland's external traffic was cut off.

The letter didn't make sense, Aridoli ran to find Lorist, who still felt normal at the time. When I left the Northland, I entrusted the security of the family territory to the commander of the First Guards Corps, Berunek. Now I am not in the Northland. The Commercial Alliance sent a great swordsman to assassinate him, so the focus of attention is naturally on Northland. Although there is no need to worry about the safety of the family, the North will always be harassed by those great swordsmen. It should be a normal response for Berunek to take over Jiangfang and cut off traffic, which is not surprising.

But now Aridori has brought information from the Northland. This information is still passed from the Norton Three Armed Legions on the front line of Mana Hill Plain, and the Norton Family Armed Legions also set off directly to the north. It seems that it should Something happened.

But what does the Massa Knight’s letter mean that the Second Highness regrets it? Could it be that the turmoil in the Norton family, your Royal Highness II, intervened again? This is impossible. The Second Highness is not a brainless person. Lorester has now become a swordsman in the country. If he does not confess to coaxing him to block the Norton family at this time, the head must have been kicked by a donkey...

Lorester thought for a long time and didn't think of any changes in the family territory. Belunek could not betray him at all. Fatty Shi was his close friend, the Second Guards Corps responsible for the defense of the northern capital of Angry Bear City. Although the commander of the army of Ović is a bandit, he is loyal to him. Moreover, the family territory also has the Volibear Intelligence Investigation Bureau controlled by Schward and Tager. Lorist could not think of anything that would become the source of the chaos in the family territory.

Lorist finally decided to let Reddy take a trip to the Northland to see what happened. Now the internal injuries of his body have been cured, and in two or three months, he can re-practice Jin Shui Jue to restore his strength. Moreover, Reddy is no longer needed to help him internally guide the Danhai Entrained Qi Jue. Anyway, Reddy is also very restless during this period, and Aridori’s maid Suniluru has cooked rice and cooked rice. But he refused to promise when to marry her, and Aridoli almost bleeds.

Reddy accepted Lorist’s task, patted his **** in the tears of his little lover Suniluru’s tears, and walked away. His route was to first go to Hilovas Island and then take the island’s boat to the north. It is estimated that such a round trip will take three to four months. But what Lorist did not expect was that in less than two months at the end of December, Reddy rushed back in a blizzard, and he also brought a person, that is Tagore who mastered the Norton family's intelligence system.

With Tagore, the changes that had occurred in the North soon appeared clearly in front of Lorist.

In August of the previous year, Lorist confronted the Storm Swordmaster on the front line, losing both. When the news spread to the Northland, the senior leaders of the Norton family were both excited and sad. The excitement was that Lorist became the sword master of the town, and the sad thing was that Lorist was seriously injured and was taken to the Imperial Capital to recuperate.

Immediately afterwards, the Cavalry Corps did not listen to Fatty Shi's instructions. Jost and the Tiger Ross of the Flying Tigers led their troops south privately to find the trouble of the business alliance and avenge Lorist. Fatty Shi had no choice but to send the Raging Bear Knights stationed in Vandenas City to the empty Muyeyuan Province to guard against the attacks and harassment of the wild riders.

Similarly, Tiger Ross and Jost led two legions to the front and left Fatty Shi with a mess. Nearly half a million immigrants who were forced to move were left in the southern province. The commander of the Fourth Guards Corps. Rhea and El, the commander of the Fifth Provisional Guards Corps, complained incessantly. On the one hand, they maintained the order of these immigrants. On the other hand, they had to ensure the logistics supply line of eleven provinces. The Fourth Guards Corps and the No. The total strength of the seven regiments of the Five Provisional Guards is simply not enough.

Fatty Shi had no choice, so he had to transfer another regiment from the Second Guards Corps to send reinforcements. Thus, only one regiment of the Second Guard Corps stationed in the southern part of the Northland was responsible for the defense of the capital, Angry Bear City. Fatty Shi had no choice but to let the commander of the Belunek Army of the First Guards mobilize a corps to take over the three external passages.

In January last year, Lorist was assassinated by the Great Swordsman sent by the Commercial Alliance in the Imperial Capital. After being protected by the Great Swordsman Seus and Reddy, he escaped from the city and fled to Dremke Province. Then Great Swordsman Seuss And Genorio led the guards to draw the attention of the Great Sword Master who came to assassinate, and drove back to the Northland all the way to the Angry Bear City. Reddy and Lorist disappeared and there was no more news.

Immediately afterwards, Angry Bear City was harassed by the Great Sword Master. Fortunately, Princess Silvia’s adoptive mother, Sandy Great Sword Master, was there. She and Husseus Great Swords, as well as Fatty Shi’s grandfather Ingerek Great Sword Master, were there. The three patron saints of the family stopped the attack on the central castle of Angry Bear City by the Great Sword Master of the Commercial Alliance. However, the news of the loss of Norton Patriarch Lorist's whereabouts still began to spread in the Northland.

No one thought that at the most dangerous moment in this family territory, the Chief Hansk of Fenglin Villa suddenly launched a trouble. He first banqueted the commander of the First Guards Corps Berunek, saying that he wanted to inquire about Lorist. The whereabouts, as an old courtier of the Norton family, naturally cares about the missing owner. The commander of Belunek was born in Fenglin Mountain Villa, unable to refuse the invitation of Chief Hansk, so he went to the banquet.

At the banquet, General Manager Hansk suggested that now that the whereabouts of the owner of the family is unknown, and the people in the North are in panic, can the eldest master Leskert of Fenglin Villa come out as the temporary owner of the family to stabilize the situation and the hearts of the people in the North?

The commander of the Belunek army rejected the request of the chief Hansk, but he did not expect that the chief Hansk came prepared. He hired two great swordsmen from nowhere, and restrained the commander of the Belunek army on the spot. Put him under house arrest in Fenglin Villa. At the same time, the old ministry was called to take control of the First Guards Corps, and at the same time, the defense teams of the towns in the original family territory were called up to anger the bear city in the name of Master Leskert as the temporary owner...

"Wait..." Lorist was puzzled: "I obviously purged people from Fenglin Mountain Villa in the three major army guards and family armed forces, so how did Hansk summon the old ministry to take control? The 1st Guards Corps, and how did the soldiers of the Corps be tempted by Hansk?"

"Oh..." Tagle sighed: "His Royal Highness, you have overlooked a family garrison. It is the garrison."

Lorist suddenly realized that most of the garrison battalions are composed of retired soldiers from the three major legions. They are responsible for the care of the material warehouses, prisons, top-secret industrial and mining factories and production bases in the family territory, and it is also for these retired family soldiers to have a play. The place of waste heat. The Norton family armed forces have a total of five security battalions, all of which are in the original family territory of the Northland.

At least one or two thousand people joined the family armed forces in Fenglin Mountain Villa more than ten years ago. At that time, Lorist, who had just returned to the family territory, only hated fewer soldiers and swept almost all the young people in Fenglin Mountain Villa into the family armed forces. Over time, these family soldiers from Fenglin Mountain Villa were also replaced by new soldiers. After they retired, they joined the police camp and continued to work for the family.

In terms of loyalty, the soldiers of the garrison are of course the most loyal to the Norton family. But whether they are loyal to Lorister remains questionable. In a way, they are more like the brand of Fenglin Mountain Villa, and Lorist's vigorous promotion of foreign talents to reject people from Fenglin Mountain Villa makes them feel abandoned. Therefore, Master Leskert, who was born in Fenglin Villa, is more likely to gain their loyalty.

Because the soldiers in these garrison battalions were retired from the various corps armed by the family, and before retiring, most of them were small soldiers. So they responded to the call of General Hansk and replaced the middle and low-level officers of the First Guards Corps, and easily took control of the entire army. As for the garrison teams in those towns, it goes without saying that they are also due to retired veterans. Because of their experience in the various armies of the family armed forces, most of the town garrison teams serve as captains. They climbed up and shouted, and the guards below naturally followed blindly...

Lorist's face became ugly: "Did Baron Strand take any effective measures?"

Tagger smiled bitterly: "His Royal Highness, Lord Shred and Director Speer were self-inflicted at that time and were put under house arrest by Director Hansk..."

Tagger went on to say that after General Hansk took control of the 1st Guards Corps, he gathered nearly 50,000 people from various towns and cities to march towards Angry Bear City. The commander of the 2nd Guards Army Corps who was in charge of guarding the Angry Bear City did not show any weakness. Although there was only one corps under him, he still refused to surrender. This strengthened the city defense of the Angry Bear City. The town's garrison battled.

When the family civil war was about to break out, Fatty Shi and Director Speer decided to go out of the city to persuade the Hansk chief to rein in the precipice and not to become the ancient sinners of the Norton family. Unexpectedly, the two of them were also placed under house arrest by the frenzied Hansk as soon as they left. If it hadn't pretended to agree with Director Hansk's proposal and proposed to make Master Leskert the temporary patron to persuade Director Kedan, then Director Hansk might hang Fatty Shi on the spot.

It is said that Chief Hansk angrily denounces Fatty Shi as a wicked villain, and Lorester is too convinced that Fatty Shi has entrusted all the administrative power of the family to let the family embark on a wrong path. Fatty Shi was very depressed and asked what he had done wrong and what caused the family to take a crooked road? Manager Hansk thought for a long time but didn't figure it out, and when he became so angry, he ordered Fatty Shi to be hanged.

At this time, Director Kedan came out and persuaded that Fatty Shi was Lorist’s most important cronies. If he was hanged, I’m afraid that he would be furious after Lorist’s return. Not only would Hansk’s conspiracy be destroyed, I’m afraid that he would be destroyed. The mother and son of Mrs. Ilinna, who were involved in Master Leskert and Mrs. Fenglin Villa~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Director Hansk had no choice but to resist his anger and put Fatty Shi and Director Speer under house arrest.

Lorester was also very depressed. He asked Tagle: "What is Hansk's plot? No matter how he jumps now, once I return to the family territory, he can only dream for nothing, and he is not afraid of making more trouble. Will the punishment be heavier after I come back?"

"That's the case, Your Highness, Director Kedan revealed that General Hansk sent envoys to the front of the Faliqiu Plain, and in the name of the Norton family, proposed to His Majesty the King to make Master Leskert the surrogate Patriarch. He was injured in Lorist. Dealing with Norton family affairs before restoring, and expressing that the three major armies of Norton family armed forces will do their best to cooperate with His Majesty the King to attack the commercial alliance and win the battle of Mana Hill Plains."

Tagger replied: "The master Hansk's plan is to get Master Leskert's approval to suppress Lorester. In any case, Lorester is also the Great Duke of the North of the Kingdom of Antinac, even if he becomes a swordsman. His Majesty’s opinion must be respected. In this way, even if Lorist returns, he will not be able to punish Master Leskert. Chief Hansk hopes to divide the Northland into two parts. The original family territory is handed over to Master Leskert, and the rest of the Northland The territories of Lorist are still in the control of the Northland Grand Duke!"


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