[The Ronghua community fell again this afternoon, which is the eighth jumping incident in the Ronghua community this month...].

[An ancient house in Jiangbei District caught fire, and a family of fifteen died in flames...].

[There was a landslide in the southern part of the city, an ancient tomb was washed out, and after eighteen archaeological workers entered the tomb, they mysteriously disappeared, and there was no more news.....].


Wucheng, Jiangbei District.

Jiangbei University, male dormitory.

Su Yu sat in front of the computer, browsing the content on the web, and felt a flurry in his heart for no reason.

"During this time, there has been more and more of this kind of news. "

These days,

Su Yu deliberately paid attention to the information on the Internet and found that news similar to this kind was constantly refreshing almost every day.

The community, which killed eight people in a row, was urgently closed after the third person jumped off the building.


There are still people who don't know how to sneak into the community, and then jump off the roof of the building, bursting their brains.

This matter has already caused a stir in Fog City, and people are panicking.

It is said,

The eight people who fell from the building and died in that place died in exactly the same way, which was extremely strange.


Su Yu refreshed the webpage again

A photo of the scene without mosaic, appears on the page.

The deceased was a male.

The head was down, slamming into the ground, the neck was broken at a strange angle, and the brains were sprinkled everywhere like tofu brains.

His eyes widened, and there was a weird smile on the corner of his mouth, staring at Su Yu deadly.

Su Yu only glanced at it, and felt a chill rush from the soles of his feet down his spine to the top of his head.

It's weird.

Su Yu was startled, and hurriedly shifted his gaze, only to find that next to the corpse, there were still a few words written crookedly with sticky blood.

Look closely,

It reads, "Next is you."

Su Yu was about to take a closer look, but the webpage was automatically refreshed, and the photo disappeared from the page.

Needless to say,

It's the official shot.


Su Yu leaned back in the chair and let out a heavy breath, this kind of heavy taste photo, I really don't dare to look at it without any psychological endurance.

"Damn! Could it be a real haunting!?".

Su Yu scolded secretly in his heart.

Although this kind of thing seems distant and has little to do with me, it may fall on me one day.


As soon as Su Yu thought of this word, his heart felt furious.

"Jingle bells-".

The phone rang for a while, pulling Su Yu's thoughts back.

I picked up my phone and took a look, and it said 'Zhang Fan'.

Zhang Fan!

Su Yu's good friend and roommate, both of them are classmates in junior high school and high school, and this friendship is really rare.

And the best part is,

The two were admitted to the same university, applied for the same major, and were assigned to the same dormitory.

This fate,

If it's a man and a woman, it's okay to describe it as 'childhood sweethearts, two little guesses'.

It's just a pity

Zhang Fan's guy is a male creature, and Su Yu is even more interested in 'man on man', and the two have always maintained a pure friendship relationship.


Su Yu picked up the phone.

"Brother Yu, do you have it in the dormitory?"

Zhang Fan's cheap voice came from the other end of the phone, and without looking, Su Yu could also imagine Zhang Fan's current appearance of being beaten.

"If there's a fart, let it go!".

Su Yu opened his mouth angrily.

The relationship between the two is good, and Su Yu naturally knows that this guy must not be holding back his fart when he talks like this.

"Hey, hey!".

Zhang Fanbei laughed and said, "Your brother Fan is picking up girls outside now, you can send me a courier, and the things are in my bedside bag." "

Su Yu couldn't laugh out loud, "Pickle girl? It's just you, why don't you meet an immortal jump?"

That guy,

A typical straight man of steel, who is five big and three thick.

It's also obscene.

If a girl can take a fancy to him, it will really be the sun coming out of the west.

"How can you say that? Brother Fan and I are so sad, but let me tell you, this time it's true, you Brother Fan and I have lost my luck....."

"Brother Fan, come on...."

Zhang Fan was about to continue to say something, but a tired female voice came from the other end of the phone, which made Su Yu feel nauseous.

"Brother Yu, let's not talk about it yet! Brother is going to go to third base, don't forget to help me send the courier...."

Zhang Fan hung up the phone in a hurry.

"Doot toot...."

Listening to the busy sound on the other end of the phone, Su Yu was speechless for a while, you have to tell me what to send for you.

A callback, a mechanical voice came from the other end of the phone, "Sorry, the phone you dialed is off....."


Su Yu scolded, this guy is too anxious.

In less than ten seconds, it turned off.

"Forget it, I'd better find it myself!".

Get up,

Su Yu walked to Zhang Fan's bedside and saw a green canvas bag lying there quietly at the head of his bed.

I don't know why,

Su Yu looked at the canvas bag, his eyebrows jumped, and he always felt that something was going to happen.

"Watching the news these days has made me nervous. "

Su Yu shook his head, grabbed the canvas bag and opened it, and when he looked at the contents inside, his head suddenly twisted, and his muscles jumped.

An unspeakable thing, placed in a canvas bag, with the store's return address written on it.

Who bought this thing and brought it back?

This dog thing, no wonder you have to let yourself help send the courier.

Su Yu threw the canvas bag on Zhang Fan's bed, this thing should wait for him to come back and return it in person, but he can't ruin his good image.



An object rolled out of the canvas bag, hit the iron railing next to the bed in the dormitory, made a crisp thud, and landed on the ground.

"Huh, what is this?".

Su Yu looked carefully, it was a pottery shard the size of a baby's palm, black and swarthy, and there seemed to be some lines on it.

Bend over,

Su Yu picked up the pottery shard from the ground and was about to take a closer look.


A trace of black light flashed on the pottery shard, and a cold breath came out of the pottery shard.

"It's so cold!".

Su Yu only felt that he was holding a piece of thousand-year-old ice, and bursts of chill continued to wash over his body.

There was a wave of dizziness in the head, which was very uncomfortable.

"There's something weird about this thing!".

Su Yu was not stupid, he raised his hand and threw out the pottery piece in his hand, but he was horrified to find that...

The black fragments seemed to have taken root in their own hands, and no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't shake them off.

Su Yu tried several times, but it was unsuccessful, and the dizziness in his mind became more and more serious.

"It's over! I'm going back to my hometown..."

Su Yu scolded in his heart, and at the moment when he was about to faint, a beautiful voice was in the depths of his mind.

It's ringing!


"Evil aura detected, god-level lottery system, start starting....."


The new book sets sail, each seeking its own !!

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