Super Chief

Chapter 203: Go home

"Mr. Guardian, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would really think that I came to heaven. The scenery here is so beautiful. Even in England, it is rare to see such a beautiful and vibrant scenery." Jack Williams Standing beside Shi Xiong, he praised softly, he looked greedily at everything in front of him, and the look of desire on his face was obvious.

"Jack, in fact, I also agree with what you said. Yes, this is a land full of vitality. Although it is located in the deep mountains and not as prosperous as the cities in your colony, it has what your colony does not have. Freedom and vitality.” Shi Xiong turned his head slowly, looking at the four alchemists standing behind him, “So, I sincerely hope that you can stay and make this beautiful land even better. Wonderful."

David Adion returned to the tribe with a tired body at noon yesterday, and the warriors who came back with him completely turned into savages. It can be seen that David Adion, who went out to find a lead-zinc mine, has really suffered a lot in the past month.

But the news that David brought back was exciting. He found a lead-zinc mine, and the location of this lead-zinc mine was not too far away from the Gaoshu tribe.

The lead-zinc mine was found thanks to an veteran soldier who followed David Adion. This veteran warrior has a relative in the Daqingshan tribe, the tribe that was previously separated from the Gaoshu tribe and was rich in sulfur.

This warrior led David Adion to the Daqingshan tribe more than ten days ago, where he got news about lead-zinc ore, and then found it in a valley about two kilometers away from the Daqingshan tribe. A lead-zinc mine.

It is no wonder that the symbiosis of the two metals lead and zinc is extremely common in nature, and lead-zinc mines usually have strong sulphur affinity, and there is a sulphur mine near the Daqingshan tribe, although the scale is not very large. Large, but it’s no surprise that lead-zinc mines can be found near Daqingshan.

After David Adion came back, Stone Xiong asked Hongyun and asked where the Daqingshan tribe was. After Hong Yun's statement, Shi Xiong realized that the location of the Daqingshan tribe was not far from the location where the hematite ore was found.

Shi Xiong realized that there was a hematite ore, sulphur ore and lead-zinc ore in that area. It is estimated that there should be pyrite and other mineral deposits nearby.

The Appalachian Mountains are a treasure mountain, which is a well-known thing. The orogeny in ancient times not only created this mountain range stretching more than 3,000 kilometers, but also endowed it with numerous mineral resources.

Coal and iron are the richest mineral resources in the Appalachian Mountains, but there are also many metal deposits such as lead, zinc, and copper. It is not surprising that lead-zinc mines can be found near the Daqingshan tribe.

In any case, David Adion found a lead-zinc mine, so there will be no shortage of musket pellets in the future. If there is enough copper in this lead-zinc mine, Shixiong's options will be even greater.

David's return and bringing back the good news made Shi Xiong feel good. Last night, Shi Xiong made a table of good dishes by himself, and invited four alchemists, their families and Lieutenant Ferguson to have a meal.

Early this morning, Stone Xiong brought these four alchemists to the half-mountain of the Great Smoky Mountain to the south of the tribe, and looked at the beautiful land below condescendingly.

At this time, it is about to enter the month of germination (April), so the ground at the foot of the Great Smoky Mountain is already a lot greener. Especially after a winter of winter wheat, at this time it has grown very well.

The Little Ice Age, which took place from 1650 to 1715, which was close to seventy years, has just ended for only half a century. Now the global climate is very stable. Last winter, there were a few heavy snowfalls near the Gaoshu tribe. The winter wheat was covered by several "snow covers". After the snow melted in the spring, the growth of the winter wheat was naturally very gratifying.

Looking down from this position, the large tracts of green wheat seedlings on both sides of the Little River at the foot of the mountain are like a green carpet, which looks extremely seductive, and also makes people feel a kind of vigorous vitality.

Looking far away, you can see the Cumberland Plateau in the extreme distance. Between the Cumberland Plateau and the Great Smoky Mountains, you can vaguely see a silver-white jade belt winding through the mountains, that is, Big Bend.

A jade belt stretched out from the south side of Big Bend, and it stretched southward into the big mountain, which was the Little River on the west side of the tribe.

Nearby, the houses in the Gaoshu tribe at the foot of the mountain looked like small matchboxes one by one, although they were not big, they were scattered in different places. The black spots in the tribe are moving, they are busy tribesmen. There are also some slightly larger black spots gathered together, which are tamed bison in the tribe.

To the west of the tribe, dozens of smoke pillars can be seen rising. That location is where the Xiaoyan Mountain is located, where many tribesmen are busy making salt.

No matter how you look at it, although this Indian tribe located at the foot of the Great Smoky Mountains does not have a colony or the prosperous cities of the Old World, there is indeed a reassuring atmosphere here.

Jean Agusta, who stood beside David Adion, smiled and said, "Master Guardian, this is the first time we have stood in such a position to watch our tribe since we came to the To tell you the truth, it feels great here. If Babel can see this kind of scenery, she will definitely like it very much."

After a pause, Agustalow continued to say very sincerely: "We all fell asleep when you talked to Jack yesterday, but early the next morning, Jack told me and Bill what you said. So Bill and I agreed that we should stay here. In any case, it is safer to be here than to return to the colony. The most important thing is that we all hope to get your guidance."

David Adion also nodded and said, "Master Guardian, although I have been wandering outside looking for mineral deposits these days, I have no desire to leave the tribe. If I have that kind of thinking, I will not I'll be back so quickly. If I don't want to stay, I can sneak away in the mountains and sneak away from the rig while the soldiers are not paying attention. But I didn't do that, did I?"

This made Shi Xiong laugh happily.

"Well, you are willing to stay, I am really so happy. Don't worry, I can promise you here that you can work here with peace of mind for a few years, um, five years. If you want to leave then If you do, I will never stop you. Well, as for the guidance you want, I will definitely not be stingy."

Brother Li said with a smile: "Guardian, I don't think your promise is of any use. Because we really don't want to go back to the hell-like place again. We just want to do research quietly here. We all hope to get your advice!"

"Okay! I can promise you this! As long as you live up to me, I bear hard, the guardian of the Kabul Sacrifice will certainly not take you down!"

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