Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 229 Meet Nicholas

After a moment of embarrassing silence, Nicholas didn't bother to pay attention to Kent's shamelessness. After all, they were familiar with each other, and then said to Kent:

"Well, I'm negotiating business with a gang in the morning on earth time, let's meet at XXX Cafe at three o'clock in the afternoon, how about it?"

"No problem." Kent also nodded, and after talking with Nicholas for a while, he put the phone down.

At this moment, Irene also held two handbags and said to Kent, "Kent, which one do you think looks better?"

Seeing this, Kent showed a smile like a spring breeze, and said, "Which one matches you is good-looking, after all, you are good-looking, if you like them both, we will buy them both~"

"En! Irene didn't expect Kent's mouth to be as sweet as honey, and said happily, "Then let's go to pay~! "

"Hehe, good." Kent smiled slightly, and then, under the envious eyes of all the men, he took Irene to the front desk to pay the bill.

After Kent left, one of the men said in a daze, "Damn it, that kid uses this get rid of a woman's fatal problem?"

"Well, it seems that this young man also has a deep reputation and fame! It is worth learning from, so as not to be sitting on the sofa in the future!"

"That's right!"


As for Kent at this time, he didn't care what these people thought. He brought Irene to the bar and said politely to the waiter, "Hello, pay these two."

After speaking, Kent put the two bags in Irene's hand on the front desk and pushed them towards the waiter.

The waiter looked Kent up and down and was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that a man dressed like Kent would buy two handbags worth more than Viagra V without hesitation.

However, the waiter is also professionally trained. After all, he can't show his contemptuous attitude for too long. Then he smiled and scanned the two bags with a code scanning gun, and said with a smile:

"Hi sir, the total of these two models is 24,300. Since we have an event today, we only count 24,000 for you."

"Okay." As for Kent, he didn't meet the waiter's eyes, so he didn't know what expression the other party used just now.

Immediately, Kent took out a few stacks of money from his messenger bag, handed it to the waiter and said, "Hey, there should be thirty thousand here, you can use the money detector to count it."

After Kent was cheated of all his cash by Tanya last time, Kent prepared a satchel, which could hold 100,000 in cash, so as to avoid all kinds of troubles.

After seeing Kent take out the money, the waiter's eyes lit up, and she finally determined that the guy (Kent) in front of her was a rich man.

When putting the money into the banknote detector and counting the money, the waiter even gave Kent a few winks. After all, a man who is rich, tall and handsome is really rare in a place like the Nomad Space Station.

"Ahem!" At this time, Irene coughed loudly, reminding the waiter that enough is enough.

After all, a woman's intuition is the most accurate. When the waiter looked down on Kent, Irene noticed the other's expression. Although she was upset, she didn't feel good about it.

But now that she dared to blatantly seduce her man, Irene could not be polite, and then deliberately exposed the holster she was about to step on, and wrapped her hands around Kent's right arm, coquettishly saying: "Kent~ I'm hungry , hurry up~”

"Okay." Kent gave Irene a gentle smile, then looked at the waiter and said, "Hello, is the money ready?"

"Oh, I've counted, I'll give you two thousand and three, this is a small ticket!"

The waiter was disappointed for a moment, but seeing that Irene's figure and beauty killed her instantly, and seeing Irene's holster, she immediately put down those small thoughts, and then put the receipt in the bag and handed it to Kent.

After Kent took the bag, he took Irene out of Ailu V's store. At this time, Kent asked Irene again:

"Okay, what do you want to buy next? And aren't you hungry? What shall we eat? Chinese food? Or Japanese food?"


I saw Irene shook her head and said, "I've bought everything, let's buy you some clothes first, and as for food, let's eat Japanese food." "

"Buy me clothes?" Kent was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled again: "What kind of clothes can you buy me? I'm a mercenary, and I only care about fighting, so I just need to wear some casual clothes."

"You still want to fight for the rest of your life? Let's go, let's buy you a decent dress, so that you don't have to wear all black every time.

After buying for you, I will buy some gifts for Nova and Tanya, and then we will have dinner. "

As Irene talked, regardless of whether Kent agreed or not, she pulled Kent and walked towards a trendy grocery store.

And Kent couldn't hold back Irene, so he had to let her take him to buy beautiful and valuable clothes in the eyes of girls.

Finally, after shopping for another hour, Irene bought a white shirt from Oh Fout for Kent's upper body, and 4@4 jeans for his lower body. As for the shoes, he bought a joint name of A cone and Oh Fout for two hundred 20th Anniversary Edition.

After putting on the clothes Irene picked, Kent looked like an active basketball superstar, and it only cost about 4,000, which was much cheaper than Irene's two bags.

(For money, please use US dollars~)

But the overall look is much better than Kent's black suit before, and instantly attracted the attention of all the girls in the mall.

And Irene didn't know whether it was good or bad to do so, she seemed to have found a bunch of opponents for herself inadvertently...

After that, Kent and Irene continued to go shopping, bought a smuggled Tang Hengdao for Nova, and bought a few luxury accessories and clothes for Tanya, and the two went to a Japanese restaurant.

Kent still ate nearly ten servings alone, but this time, no one told him to leave with Irene. After all, people rely on clothes and saddles, and everyone knows that Kent can eat, not because he is poor and starved to death ghost.

After eating, the time was almost three o'clock, and the coffee shop that Nicholas mentioned was in the shopping mall where Kent and Irene were, and then the two walked slowly towards the coffee shop, just in time for a walk. walk food.


After Kent and Irene found a place to sit down, after a while, his interstellar phone started ringing, and he immediately picked up the phone and said, "Hello? Nicola, are you here yet?"

"Ahaha, it's here, look at the door of the coffee shop! There are too many people here, I can't find you!" Nicholas' voice came from the other end of the phone.

Hearing this, Kent looked towards the door of the coffee shop, and saw that Nicholas was wearing a big mink, but his lower body was still wearing shorts and flip flops, with a cigar in his mouth and sunglasses, looking like he wanted to let others know that he was rich. like.

{Thanks to book friend 201812150..., The Lonely Gunner, the monthly ticket for wishing to enter the second dimension in the afterlife (I can’t see the remaining words of this friend, sorry)~}

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