Start with the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 45 Guardian 【Request a recommendation ticket】

King Elon is gone.

Gandalf followed immediately.

Thorin Oakenshield and Whitebeard Balin quickly followed.

Morgan, who was almost watching the reenactment of the scene in the memory plot, naturally followed without hesitation.

Morgan didn't want to miss any of the plots that would definitely increase the progress of the exploration of the system world.

Seeing Morgan get up and leave, the dwarf Ge Luoyin beside him hurriedly shouted, "Morgan, your grilled sausage is cooked."

"You eat for me."

Morgan waved without looking back.

Hearing this, Ge Luoyin immediately laughed: "Then I'll be welcome."

The dwarf Kili looked at "Teacher" Morgan's back, looked at the surrounding dwarves, and said, "Aren't you going to go over and take a look?"

"What's so beautiful about that, I don't understand anything."

"Don't go, maybe Gandalf and Thorin are arguing again."

"Gandalf is here, and Thorin and Balin are there. It doesn't matter whether we go or not, it's better to eat more sausages. After all, the sausages of elves are really good."

"Well, Beaufort, give me five more sausages"

"No, I want to eat and do it myself"

"Haha, Bofo is getting smarter"

As soon as the group left, the dwarves soon started laughing again.

Bilbo looked at Morgan, hesitated for a moment, but decided to take a look, so he got up and trotted after Morgan.

King Elon was very familiar with walking through a garden, two pavilions.

Soon came to an open and empty open-air viewing platform.

The entire viewing platform is halfway up the mountainside of a tall mountain in Rivendell.

It was as if a large section of the mountain had been dug out.

On the viewing platform, there is nothing but a platform made of transparent crystal that resembles a table.

The front is empty, the surroundings are empty, and there is no cover or block.

On both sides of the viewing platform, two majestic waterfalls rumbled and descended from the sky, rushing day and night, splashing mist and rising.

In the night sky, the bright and gentle moonlight poured down, covering everything.

Morgan followed to the observation deck.

King Elon just stood in front of the crystal platform and spread out the ancient map on the pale yellow parchment in his hand.

"These words of the moon were written under the new moonlight on the eve of a midsummer festival two hundred years ago."

"It seems that you are destined to come to Rivendell."

"Fate is with you, Thorin Oakenshield."

"The same moonlight shines on you and me tonight"

King Elon looked at the Thorin Oak Shield beside him and slowly opened his mouth.

Not long after King Elon's voice fell.

From the clean horizon in the distance, a dark cloud suddenly floated, causing the originally bright full moon to be swallowed up by most of it, turning into a sharp crescent moon.

Then, when the moonlight of the meniscus shines down.

Strange things happened.

On the ancient map spread out on the crystal platform, a series of obscure characters emitting a pale white light suddenly appeared.

Looking at the changes on the map, King Elon began to speak slowly and solemnly:

"When the thrush, standing beside the grey rock, began to beat"

"The setting sun, with the last rays of the Turin day, will fall on the keyhole."

King Elon said the information recorded in the text of the moon hidden on the map, but it made Thorin Oakenshield and Gandalf Balin look down.

"What is Turin Day?"

King Elon asked suddenly.

Gandalf explained: "It is the new year of the dwarves, the day when the last moon of autumn and the first sun of winter will meet in the air at the same time."

"This is bad news!"

"Summer is over, it's autumn now, and the day of Turin is coming soon."

Thorin Oakshield spoke in a deep voice.

"We still have time!"

The fully understood white-bearded Balin who was standing aside suddenly said, "But we have to be in the right place at the right time."

"Then, and only then, can we open the door!"

Hearing these words and combining the information obtained from the map, King Elon finally understood what the dwarves wanted to do.

King Elon handed the map back to Thorin Oakenshield and said, "So, this is your purpose, are you going to enter that mountain?"

Thorin Oak Shield took the map and said calmly, "So what?"

King Elon said in a deep voice: "There will definitely be people who think this move is unwise."

Gandalf frowned, and asked at once: "Who do you mean?"

King Elrond turned his head to look at Gandalf and said solemnly: "You are not the only guardian of Middle-earth."

King Elon left.

On the viewing platform, Thorin Oak Shield, who finally got the information hidden on the map, was both happy and a little worried at this time.

Happiness was naturally the biggest problem for the expedition: he knew about the hidden entrance to the Lonely Mountain.

The worry is that it is already early autumn, and it is not long before the day of Turin arrives.

And they still have a long way to go before their journey to Lonely Mountain.

Thorin Oakenshield and Balin the Whitebeard kept talking.

Bilbo seemed to understand, and played soy sauce on the side.

Morgan stared at the fantastic night view outside the observation deck and said nothing.

Gandalf was frowning over the last words of King Elon.

Soon, Gandalf left the viewing platform first.

Thorin Oakenshield and Bahrain Bilbo immediately left.

Only Morgan enjoyed the night view of Rivendell from the observation deck for a while before leaving.

After leaving the viewing platform, Morgan no longer wanted to meet the beautiful elf girl at first.

He went straight to the place where the elf had arranged for him.

When they returned to the small garden, the dwarves' barbecue party around the bonfire was still going on.

Morgan glanced at everyone and found that except for Bilbo and Thorin Oakenshield, everyone else was there.

He tried his best to recall the scene from his memory.

Only then did I discover that in the plot, the two went to visit Rivendell at night, and happened to hear the conversation between Gandalf and Lord Elon about the expedition.

This is also the reason why Thorin Oakenshield led the team to leave Rivendell early in the memory plot.

Although the plot has changed to some extent.

Morgan won't fully believe in the plot right now, but it's okay to have a rough reference.

Thinking of this, Morgan was a little restless, because he had a world exploration degree to rub.

"I'm looking for Sorin, do you know where he went?"

Morgan looked at a group of dwarves and asked.

"Over there, let's go for a walk."

Bahrain pointed in one direction.

Morgan nodded and strode in the direction Bahrain pointed.

Just as he took a step, he suddenly stopped.

"and many more."

"The plot doesn't seem to be like this."

Morgan banged his head trying to remember the plot of the movie.

Then he remembered that there seemed to be two versions of The Hobbit movie.

A normal version and an extended version.

In the normal version, the plot is what he just thought of.

But in the extended version, the expedition team stayed in Rivendell for a long time.

He has seen the extended version and also the full version of the plot.

It's just that he re-watched the normal version more often, so he didn't remember it for a while.

Thinking of this, Morgan immediately turned around and walked back.

I haven't really slept well in over a month.

Gotta get enough sleep this time.

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