Star Emperor Tyrant

Chapter 212: Take down

As soon as the Central Army led by Ji Min moved away from Demon Tooth Pass, it began to accelerate and went straight to Avery's territory.

He believed that the first battle of the Tayun series of battleships would surely teach all enemies a profound lesson.

After half a day of speedy sailing, Ji Min’s Central Army has come to Avery’s sphere of influence. The situation is really good. As he expected, after the opponent calculated Ji Min’s possible arrival time, there was a blind spot, thinking that Ji Min had to be the fastest. It won't arrive until a week later, and the defense is very lax.

Moreover, the army seems to have not been assembled yet. According to the news from the inside line of Ai Li's men, Ji Min knew that there was only one army directly in front of him.

After defeating this legion, you can quickly pass through its defensive star field and attack Avery's Golden Sword Legion.

What made Ji Min feel even more speechless was that the boss of the defensive legion of the star field in front of him was having a meeting at Avery's mansion. After the meeting, he would play in the capital star, and now he has no plans to come back.

With such a lax defense, Ji Min was naturally overjoyed.

After dispatching the reconnaissance warships, they began to order the whole army to prepare, eat and eat, and go to the toilet. Then there will be a fierce battle.

Soon, after an hour, everyone was at their best.

Ji Min gave an order, and that's it. He rushed into the defensive area of ​​this newly-built army stunned, advancing all the way. After eliminating a few of the opponent's detection points, the army has arrived at the opposing army's stationed space base.

In fact, when the first investigation point was cleared from Ji Min, the garrisoned soldiers had already received the news, but before they could respond, Ji Min's army had been alone outside their base.

The battle was simpler than Ji Min had imagined. The Central Legion had penetrated into it almost without encountering any obstacles. Countless warships were still parked at the space base before they could leave the port, and a few warships that were already outside saw the horror of the Central Legion. Surrendered obediently.

Looking at the huge, chaotic space base in front of him, Ji Min sighed. He was indeed a newly recruited soldier, without the slightest preparation for war, and no experience in battle, so that his own army broke through to him, the battleship. They are still parked in the base.

You must know that in space warfare, the battleship is parked in the space base, but the combat power is zero. Now all forces, in this case, probably only Ji Min’s Tayun series battleships still have combat power. They can open the energy guard. Cover, rushing out of the space base against the enemy’s attack.

But obviously, the recruits under Avery did not possess such capabilities.

"Come on, release all mechas, let the enemy see and see our neat military appearance," Ji Min ordered.

He has a heart to subdue. He wants to subdue this fleet. Any warship is what he needs. Can he give up easily? Because these warships will be brought back to the furnace and transformed, and they will soon become a Tayun series battleship. How much money can this save?

"Nuo Ji contacted our people and asked them to surrender"

"Yes, Your Majesty"

Nuo Ji took the command and quickly drove aside. At this moment, following Ji Min's orders, more than 60,000 soul mechas flocked to the vicinity of the battleship, and then the Central Army slowly surged and surrounded the entire space base.

At this moment, the other party just figured out that the base had no chance, and could only wait for Ji Min's action. The only support they have left is a defensive weapon for the space base.

Within the space base, some of the middle- and lower-level officers who were bought by Nui Ji in advance also received a message from Nui Ji, "Persuade everyone to surrender, our army has arrived."

At this moment, Ji Min cooperated with Nuo Ji's actions and immediately connected to the base's network, and immediately Ji Min appeared on all the screens of the entire base.

I saw Ji Min said: "You surrender, you have ten minutes to consider. Once it is out of date, I will order the bombing of the base."

In the face of Ji Min's tough threat, some people were afraid, some were afraid, and some were secretly happy. These people were naturally the insiders bought by Miao Ji. They began to publicize and provoke people's hearts everywhere in the base.

The generals in the base kept yelling, but don't be afraid. Our base has defensive weapons and will definitely be able to hold the base. There will soon be a large army to help and so on.

It's a pity that people in the base are panicked at this moment, and no one is listening to what they say.

"Brother, what to do is still ten minutes away, there are hundreds of millions of people here," a few people gathered around an aerospace fighter in a corner, and one said nervously and fearfully.

"What else can I do? The base is blocked by people, and I can't get out. I can only wait for death in this base." Another person said.

"What should I do? Now there are famines everywhere. I joined the army just to eat a meal. I don't want to die before taking my wife." The man in front was terrified.

"Pharaoh, don't scare Xiao Zhang, don't you think you have the most idea on weekdays? You seem to have a good idea. Tell me if you have any ideas to help us escape."

The old Wang’s man turned his head and saw people running in chaos, and said in a low voice, “Let’s surrender, I have a brother who is in business. But now there is an emperor of Renming with a cheerful and powerful policy. Everyone is doing well. I heard that he hates killing humans the most. If we surrender, he will definitely accept it."

"Lao Wang, are you nonsense? The emperor is telling us to surrender, and he will definitely accept us. Some of us are naturally willing, but we can't do it. Others don't want to do what," one person said.

"You don't know, who is my old Wang? No one in our brigade does not know me. I have a few good buddies. As long as I say hello, they will listen to me." Old Wang is proud Said.

"Then the relationship is good, how do we contact the troops outside"

"It's not okay now, everyone listen to me, now is a time of crisis, do you believe me?" Lao Wang said with a serious face.

"It's all reached this point, Pharaoh, you say what to do, we will all listen to you."

"Yes, I listen to you"

"me too"

Soon, the few people reached a consensus, and now they all follow Lao Wang's command.

"Well, that's the case, I'll just say it. I listened to the broadcast from the base. The leading generals may not be willing to surrender. They don't treat us as human beings every day, and they deduct our military pay. It is really abhorrent. , Why don't we go and clean them up, then surrender, shut down all defensive weapons, and welcome the emperor's army to station," the old Wang said with a relentless expression on his face.

When Lao Wang said this, the enemy suddenly raised his voice. Packing up the generals, speaking simple, if it fails, it will be very miserable. Everyone is silent.

"Pharaoh, is this all right"

"Why not? I think there are definitely a lot of people who want to surrender at this moment. Since they want to do it, they have to do more. When I get in touch with the previous brothers, they went to the headquarters together, and then announced the surrender in the name of the headquarters. But you have made great achievements. There are several opportunities for meritorious service in a person's life. This is not something you can meet when you meet. When the emperor rewards you, you can eat and drink in your life."

Listening to Lao Wang’s speech, several people moved in response. Finally, they looked at each other and shouted together: "Fuck."

The joy flashed in Lao Wang’s eyes. Everyone took their guns and put on their armors. They came to the dormitory on the other side and began to persuade. As soon as there were more people, it was easy to talk. Soon, under the leadership of Lao Wang, they gathered in a few moments. Hundreds of people.

Lao Wang saw that there was not much time, so he immediately took these people to the command center. At this moment, there was chaos everywhere, and even the command room could not be suppressed. There was no one in charge of Lao Wang's team.

Soon, Lao Wang and others came to the command room unobstructed, but at this time they were finally blocked.

"Which army are you from here and what are you doing here," a guard said.

At the same time, a guard on the other side raised his gun and aimed it at the leader.

I saw Lao Wang look anxious and said, "Brother, are you okay? I heard that someone is going to rebel and is about to attack the command post. I am a relative of General Wang inside, so I brought my brothers here."

"No rebellion," the guard shouted. But seeing Lao Wang's worried expression on his face, his tone became much softer. After all, he was here to help.

"Brother, please tell me about it. There must be someone who wants to rebel. Let's listen to the news everywhere," Lao Wang continued.

He must trick the guard to open the door, otherwise this command room is an S-level defense system. If it is a storm, there are only a few hundred people, and there are hundreds of officers, large and small, in this command room.

"This" the guard hesitated for a while.

But in the end, they still compromised. They didn't see the chaos below. If the current situation changes, it's because you have blocked the intelligence from the door. Later, it must be a serious point, and it is possible to shoot him.

"Well, you guys wait, I'll go in and report." A guard pressed his fingerprint on the door, his pupils swept, the smart door passed automatically, and then opened.

However, the next moment, when he was about to go in, a gun was already on his head, he saw his body tremble, and slowly turned his head, only to find that another guard had fallen to the ground, life and death unknown.

"Keep quiet to protect you from death" Old Wang said fiercely.

"I know I know I will cooperate." The guard obediently squatted to the ground, holding his head in both hands, as a sign of surrender.

Pharaoh no longer stayed, and with a wave of his hand, the army swarmed in behind him.

"What did you do without an order, who let you in." An officer shouted loudly.

However, the answer to him was a bullet and a headshot.

This shot also irritated everyone in the command room, but just when they wanted to take out their guns, more guns were aimed at them.

"Hold your head with your hands, don't move, you will kill whoever moves."

Facing the heavily armed Lao Wang and others, the entire command room fell silent. Everyone raised their hands obediently, even the generals.

Lao Wang, when he came to the generals, his expression was grim, and he ordered: "Turn off all defensive weapons in the base, hurry up."

A general stood up abruptly, drew a weapon to his waist with one hand, and grabbed Lao Wang with the other. It seemed that he wanted to catch the thief first, but unfortunately, the old Wang had already prepared, so he took a step faster and shot the head.

A general died in this way, and all the officers in the command room that were immediately irritated obediently did not dare to make the slightest change.

Time is limited, and Lao Wang didn’t want to delay any longer. He grabbed another major general and shouted: "Turn off the weapon, I will count three times."

The general was frightened by Pharaoh’s fierceness. Before Pharaoh was second, he took the initiative to operate the system. His authority was obviously sufficient. Soon, various weapons around the base were spun. , Retract the hidden gun box, at this time, the base is completely undefended.

In the next moment, Lao Wang's spear was held against the general's head, asking him to order everyone to give up resistance and surrender on the broadcast.

This general had already forgotten all his identities at this moment. He only knew that he had to act according to the old Wang's statement, and at the order of surrender, everyone in the base was relieved.

But soon, Ji Min also got the news, and immediately sent people down to receive all the warships.

An hour later, the entire base was under Ji Min’s control. These soldiers had not passed through the federal robot training camp on the right track. They could barely be regarded as a militia. In addition, the officers at all levels were doing the bullying and bullying the soldiers. The deduction of military pay can be said to have no loyalty to Avery. Now he surrendered to Ji Min, and was taken down without even a little resistance.

Ji Min naturally did not have time to train recruits here, ordering everyone to leave the base and fight with Shang Ji Min.

All officers of this fleet were arrested, and all other soldiers in the formation were disrupted. They were accompanied by the men who were originally bought by Nuo Ji and members of the Imperial Corps as officers, so there would never be another rebellion.

For another hour, Ji Min looked at the legion that was slowly lined up in front of him with a headache.

He knew why the fleet didn’t even have time to leave the space base under his own attack. It turned out that the quality of this soldier was too poor. Now, with the help of so many officers sent by Ji Min, it took more than one to set up a base. When I was young, the line was not neatly lined up after I came out, and Ji Min who was watching was really speechless.

However, the quality of the soldiers cannot be resolved in a short while. Ji Min can only continue to hold back the complaint.

It’s not that Ji Min doesn’t understand the meaning of Binggui’s speed, but he knows that now the smart system has been popularized in the Federation, and Avery has been prepared in advance. It’s not a big problem to delay a little time. He wants to bring this fleet to the battlefield. Purposeful.

One is to use combat power to deter them, and the other is to show Avery’s legion. I believe there is a precedent for surrender. There is no pressure for other troops to surrender. After all, everything is difficult at the beginning. Once someone takes the lead, then others follow. There will be no pressure to do it.

After another period of time, everything was ready, and under Ji Min's order, the two fleets began to rush towards Star, the capital where Avery was located.

At this moment, Avery had already received news of Ji Min’s invasion, but he had no other way other than ordering them to resist desperately. Especially when he learned that the legion commander was still staying in the capital star, he was even more angry. Threw the valuables at home upside down.

He never expected Ji Min to come so fast. They were still discussing who Ji Min’s target might be in the morning. At this moment, Ji Min had already arrived in front of him.

When he thought of Lance being there this morning, vowing to say that Ji Min would be here at the earliest one week, so he didn't get angry, but obviously not only could not curse Lence at this moment, but also had to persuade him. Ask Lens to come to rescue.

There are a total of four legions under his hand, one is stationed at the far north, which has been taken down by Ji Min, two including the Golden Sword Legion are stationed at the capital star, and one Lence’s legion is at the far south, close to the border of Cristo. .

Lance's legion is the one with the weakest control over him. It's really about the strength of Lance's family is too strong, or how young Lance can become a legion commander.

Now he didn't know what Ji Min's combat power was, but it was always good to come and gather all his forces, so he had to ask Lunce to bring his troops to the Capital Star to gather.

Lance naturally agreed very well, after all, if we get together, we will win, and if we score, we will lose.

However, it was destined that Lance would not be able to keep up with this war. Avery originally thought that the army ahead would be able to stop Ji Min for a while, but he didn't know that Ji Min only took ten minutes to subdue the fleet.

In another half day, Ji Min had led the newly recruited army to outside of the capital star under Ai Li's rule.

Calculated in terms of time, it was night, but the universe was day and night, and Avery was also on the battleship. He knew that there was no safety of his own flagship at this moment.

Seeing Ji Min’s two legions, and one legion’s battleship, even the signs of his own forces were wiped off in a hurry, Ai Li's expression was pale, and the entire legion surrendered. Such a thing is really difficult for people to make people. bear.

Not only Avery, all the soldiers of the Golden Sword Legion are panicked at this moment. The two armies are facing each other. Is there anything more speechless than fighting with their own troops at the moment?

"Contact me the Emperor Ji Min of Erzhongtian, I want to talk to him," Ai Li ordered.

Just finished talking and cursed at a general on the side: "You bastard, let you go back to control the army after the meeting, you are still here to visit the kiln, you are really mad at me. In vain, I cultivated you to become the commander of the army. If it weren't for your sister's sake, I shot you a **** today."

At this moment, Avery is already angry and his whole person is irritable. He is no longer sure that he will win. Both sides are two legions, and no one is dominant, but he thinks of the one he saw last time at Moyaguan. The giant mecha, even vaguely felt that he would lose.

When he thought that the culprit for his situation was the loyal subordinates next to him, he became furious. If it hadn’t been for the collective surrender of the legion he had brought, where would Ji Min’s two legions come from, the money he spent was not only Give it all to others, and others still use the money to buy weapons to deal with themselves, is there anything more uncomfortable than this?

"Yes" and the general could only nod continuously, which made Avery an unnamed fire.

And at this moment, facing Avery’s request for communication, Ji Min snorted and said disdainfully: "Today I was looking for you to train in the army. How can you refuse to communicate with you nonsense, and hit all parts of the legion, directly impacting, I want In one fell swoop, he won the two opposing legions, and Nuo Ji led the newly descended legions in battle


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