Star Chef, She Can Be Salty Or Sweet

Chapter 40 Can't figure it out

Lu Jinxiu smiled and said, "We should go."

"That's great, I haven't visited a human military base yet."

Father Rabbit didn't know what politeness was at all, so he pulled Jianyan to urge Lu Jinxiu to lead the way quickly, and then added with a look of disapproval in Jianyan's disapproving eyes and a little hand that grabbed his fur, "We can visit, right?"

"We won't visit if it's troublesome."

Lu Jinxiu saw Jian Yan's little gesture, and felt amused by Adonis' change, but said nothing on his face, "You can visit, but you need someone to accompany you."

Father Rabbit understood, he said, "I understand."

Jian Yan really wanted to ask Father Rabbit what you know, but she didn't want to make Lu Jinxiu and the others suspicious of her, so she shut up.

"Thank you for understanding."

Lu Jinxiu replied with a smile, and signaled to Qin Che that they could leave.

So, a group of people boarded the fighter plane.

Within two minutes, the fighter plane took off.

The speed of the fighter plane was very fast, and a group of people and a rabbit soon arrived at the military base of the expeditionary force on the G57 star.

The fighter plane landed steadily, the hatch opened, Jian Yan and Tu Dae followed Lu Jinxiu and the others off the plane.

Then, Jian Yan was blinded by the military base of the Expeditionary Army.

It's really blinding.

A huge military fortress is not much more than that huge battleship.

The main body of the battleship is black, but the military base is a shining golden color that can blind people's eyes, just like a huge and incomparably golden mountain.


The designer who designed this military base has a wonderful aesthetic.

There were a lot of people stationed there, and along the way, you could see soldiers raising their hands in salute and greeting Lu Jinxiu and the others everywhere.

It was at this time that Jian Yan learned that Lu Jinxiu was the marshal of the expeditionary army, Qin Che was the commander of the vanguard army, Ou Yu was Lu Jinxiu's secretary-general, and Louis was Lu Jinxiu's junior adjutant.

The chief adjutant was not here when he heard that, but went to Bingliexing instead of Lu Jinxiu to condolences to the local garrison.

As for Chen Xiong and the others, their positions and military ranks are not low.

The lowest is also a major.

Among all the people, except for Qin Che, who was unable to follow Lu Jinxiu because he had to lead an army to garrison star G57, the rest were all members of Lu Jinxiu's personal guards.

Knowing Lu Jinxiu's position, Jian Yan felt overwhelmed with uneasiness.

Is the marshal of the empire so idle?

Marshal, a man of absolute power, a real boss.

She was a little brat, how could He De be able to work so big? A big boss came to find her in person.

Jian Yan glanced at Lu Jinxiu, who was gentle and approachable, and introduced her and Rabbit Father, with tangled eyes, endured and endured, and finally couldn't hold back, "Marshal Lu, a big man like you should take care of everything every day. , how can you have time to go to Egret Star in person?"

Hearing the sound, Lu Jinxiu turned his head to look at her fixedly, and chuckled, "Miss Jian is frightened by my identity?"

"Not at all." Jian Yan shook his head, "I just can't figure it out."

Lu Jinxiu raised his hand to his nose, as if he couldn't restrain his smile, his eyes fixed on her, and he said slowly, "Miss Jian, don't worry too much, I just met by chance."

This is too coincidental.

Jian Yan actually didn't believe it, but she felt her scalp tingle under Lu Jinxiu's gaze, and she didn't dare to get to the bottom of it, so she pretended to be natural and said "oh".

This topic has come to an end, and the unfinished journey continues.

The First Regiment had women soldiers, all types of women soldiers.

But the appearance of Jianyan still aroused the curiosity of the local garrison.

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